Sunday 15 May 2011

Budget Reply 2011: exposing the hollow men

The Coalition Budget Reply - old, tired and inaccurate..........

ABC TV Lateline program on 12th May 2011:


In the lead-up to tonight's speech, the Opposition was letting it be known Tony Abbott would be detailing new policies for small business and welfare.
He must have lost them on the walk to the chamber; there were no new initiatives, even a copy of the speech distributed to the media was a year out of date.


Well we didn't get a lot of response to the actual budget tonight in Tony Abbott's speech. So, he did talk about "forgotten families", and the Coalition's been very critical about changes to family benefits in the Swan budget. There are 1.9 million families who receive Family Tax Benefit A. Do you know how many of them Treasury estimates will lose their benefit after the changes?

ANDREW ROBB: Well as I understand it with Tamily Tax A, that almost all of those families will be affected by the decision of the Government to freeze the indexation.

TONY JONES: Well, according to Treasury, only 31,000 families will be affected by the changes.......

TONY JONES: Well in that case, do you know how many are affected by the changes, according to Treasury, in Family Tax Benefit B?

ANDREW ROBB: Well as I understand, some 44,000 families will be affected.

TONY JONES: No, it's 9,000. Apparently out of 1.6 million, 9,000 are going to be affected by the changes to family tax benefit B. Yes, 31,000 are going to be affected by changes to the other tax benefit A, and if you add them together, you get the figure you just mentioned.

Hansard transcript of Budget Reply - see Page 81.

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