The Vatican finally gets its revenge on Henry VIII
A Brisbane Times article on the Catholic Church further relaxing its criteria for admission of Anglican clergy and parishioners into Teh Church of Rome.
Australians all let us react, says right
WA Today piece by Richard Ackland on asylum seeks.
Driver loses licence after 45mins tells the world about an 18 year-old caught out less than a hour after passing his driving test.
Giant seagull appears behind Nine newsreader Peter Hitchener again, this time proving that a picture is worth yada, yada, yada....

Poll: Fewer believe in global warming
MSNBC and Ali Weinberg giving the big polluting multinationals some cheerful news at breakfast.
'Day after tomorrow' map shows consequences of climate change
The U.K. Telegraph also tackles the climate change subject by announcing a Science Museum map showing Great Britain can expect sea level rise, drought, heat wave and food shortages if global temperatures continue to trend upwards.
Obama makes a hero of Fox News
Kansas City Star lets us know that the U.S. President is a miracle worker.
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