Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Remember when we were told that Aussie workers needed to prepare for a life of increased leisure?

Sometime in the 1980s when industrial relations reform and multi-skilling the workforce were on Australia's national agenda we were all warned that even semi-skilled workers needed to prepare themselves for a future with a four-day week and lots more leisure.
Aussie workers were not just going forward to a universal 38 hour week - it was going to be one of only 32 hours in some golden future which was just around the affluent corner.
This month we're told; According to the ACTU, a quarter of employees work 40 hours a week, 11 per cent work up to 48 and 13 per cent work 50 or more.
That's 49% of the workforce who were well and truly sold a pup.
Pollies and big business will tell you anything when they're trying it on, won't they?

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