Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Some online responses to NSW Nats Steve Cansdell's announcement that he had given false evidence in a stat dec

A brief selection taken from the comments sections of online newspaper articles, blog posts/comments and Twitter:

He said 'he might have been able to ride out the political storm, but did not it would have been honourable to do so.' Honourable??? After lies and deceit?
And still gets to keep a parliamentary pension. Should hang his head in shame.

this also must cast questions and that the mayor was telling the truth about being offered the nationals pre-selection.

Bloody depressing this - I can't see any question but he had to go - not "tough it out", God almighty!

I'm sure he would have never owned up to it, unless someone had him by the nuts.

So much for Mr law and order. Do as I say not as I do!

What a waste. I hope he makes a comeback in public life, as he has a lot to contribute.

What a waste of a great opportunity for our valley.
Yes he has let us down. So sad for us. I feel betrayed

I have no sympathy and I don't think we need a "comeback" thanks. That aside, I wish him well.

It beggars belief that this guy was an MP. He had not "recognised the gravity of the offence." I am not sure what is worse, deliberately lying on a stat dec or not understanding that this isn't merely an error of judgement- it is a criminal offence. My sympathies to Clarence voters for having either an idiot or a criminal for a member of parliament.

After banging on about law and order for years this man should be ashamed. And to keep his very lucrative parliamentary pension is truly disgusting.

Deputy Premier, Mr Stoner said Cansdell had informed him today of TWO allegations levelled against him.
So why aren't the allegations over misuse of staff allowances being explained?
Never liked him - never voted for him - glad to see the back of him.
There's sure to be more to come on this. Stay tuned.

which staff member took the blame ? more importantly why? What persuasion or influence was used? what are the consequences for h now?

Anyone remember that letter to the editor questioning the legitimacy of Cansdell's last taxpayer-funded study tour overseas? Hhmmmmm....

'I don't think it would have been honourable to ride it out.'
What a crock of poo! By resigning before any charges are laid he manages to retain a parliamentary pension of more than $80,000 a year.

They reckon he might have resigned before being publicly discovered to save his $80,000 or so per annum pension; reported himself to police to get a 25% discount on any sentence he might possibly receive if the matter of falsifying a stat dec ever went to court; announced both actions on a Friday to limit the amount of immediate media coverage in the hope of taking some of the heat out of the disclosure

Didn't Cansdell (who was made parliamentary secretary to the NSW Police Minister) get well over 62% of first preference votes in the Clarence electorate at the recent 2011 NSW election? The man just threw away a seat for life. :-0

A lying NSW Liberal Party Member of Parliament facing gaol. Will George Brandis help the NSW Police this time?

Steve Cansdell should have the same fate as did Marcus Einfeld, maybe reopen Kirkconnell to house him??

re: Cansdell. I usually vote Lib, but wait w/ baited breath 2 c if BOF demands own resignation after 3 MPs SNAFU in 1 year

Rumour Cansdell resigned as 3rd party who stated 'she' was driving car was about to tell all and then more.

The media seem to be treating this offence as a mere peccadillo, but had Cansdell been a labor MP I'm sure it would be a cause of great concern or, more likely, even hysteria and panic.

Steve Cansdell is out. Who is next?

nobody adds 1+1 and suggests that the former staffer whom the newspapers say was going to report the matter is the same staffer who lied for him in 2005 and the very same who is alleging that he abused his parliamentary allowance/s.

1 comment:

FairPlay said...

Cansdell should have 'taken his lumps' at the time. He & his license could have been saved. That aside I don't believe he is a bad person due to making this poor judgement or that his contribution & commitment to Clarence and it's people is diminished. He isn't a bad man nor evil but remember no matter the side of politics he is human & part of the political machine.

Cansdell was always available 24/7, always approachable no matter where he was. His devotion, commitment and hard work were obvious. He truly got involved and not at a function for photo ops.

Cansdell was a genuinely committed MP to improving this
area and making a positive difference tI the lives of those here no matter the party he belonged to.

Our Mayor proved one thing: he is not too proud to stoop so very low to win an election by mudsling. He managed to make the last election the lowest abd most disgraceful. He couldn't win on merit so chose that path. As a result, even if he stood in place for the Nationals there are many who wouldn't vote for them.

No matter what Cansdell done, Williamson is no genuine replacement and no answer.

So who do we vote for to make sure Nationals and or Williams don't get in?