Thursday 15 February 2018

Well it’s definitely on the record now, Barnaby

A wander through mainstream media reports - on a subject Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Nationals MP for New England Barnaby Joyce had been determined to hide from the national electorate.


The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 February 2018:

A senior adviser to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was warned that Barnaby Joyce had allegedly misbehaved at an awards night, according to a series of text messages seen by Fairfax Media.
The text message warnings came from John Clements, a former chief adviser to Tony Windsor, the former independent MP and Mr Joyce's political enemy.
They were sent on December 30, 2015, to Sally Cray, who serves as Mr Turnbull's principal private secretary.
Fairfax Media has been told the "Qld senator" referred to in the text exchange was Mr Joyce. Fairfax Media also understands the texts related to alleged misconduct at a 2011 Rural Women's Award dinner.
"I might add he was reminded of his behaviour the following year in a speech," Mr Clements said in one message. He also described Mr Joyce as having been in "full flight".
At the time of the messages to Ms Cray, Mr Joyce was the Agriculture and Water Minister in the Turnbull government. He became Deputy Prime Minister and Nationals leader nearly two months later.
Mr Clements told Ms Cray in one text he was writing to her off the record.
"Agree it's all off record," Ms Cray replied immediately.


The Daily Telegraph, 13 February 2018, p.1:

As a “furious” Prime Minister was yesterday again sidetracked by the fallout from the Joyce Affair, The Daily Telegraph can reveal Mr Turnbull’s principal private secretary and closest adviser, Sally Cray, looked into allegations in 2015 but didn’t take it any further as there was no official complaint.
In text messages seen by The Daily Telegraph, Ms Cray said “while I see that the behaviour too is unacceptable”, she added: “It’s hard if there was not an official complaint at the time to act.” It’s claimed Mr Joyce — who strongly denies the allegation — pinched the woman after she confronted him over his interaction with another woman at a Canberra pub in 2011.
“He was very, very drunk and nearly falling over,” she said. “I said ‘Barnaby, I think you should go home. You’re very drunk.’ He leant over and he pinched my bottom. 


The Courier Mail, 13 February 2018, p.6:

The man who was set to marry Barnaby Joyce’s lover just months before she fell pregnant with the Deputy Prime Minister’s child, has spoken of their split for the first time.
Journalist-turned-digital consultant John Bergin said he and Vikki Campion were to have been married in Bowral, in the NSW Southern Highlands, on November 5, 2016 but broke up three months before the big day.
“We split in August 2016 and we haven’t spoken to each other since,” he said. Ms Campion, 33, was hired by the Nationals in 2016 to assist the party at a federal level. She worked on the federal election campaign and quickly became Mr Joyce’s right-hand woman. In February 2017, Ms Campion was photographed in a Glebe bar with Mr Joyce.

The Daily Telegraph, 13 February 2018, p.5:

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told his colleagues in August last year that Barnaby Joyce had assured him his affair with a staff member was over.
Government sources said Mr Turnbull is furious with Mr Joyce for allowing his personal crisis regarding his relationship with former staffer Vikki Campion, 33, to develop into a full-blown political scandal, but he remains limited in the action he can take against the Deputy Prime Minister, who currently enjoys the support of the National Party.
Amid concern that Ms Campion had rejoined Mr Joyce’s office in early August 2017, Liberal MPs said Mr Turnbull had told them in the week staring Monday August 14, 2017 that he had been reassured by Mr Joyce the affair was over.
At the time Mr Joyce gave Mr Turnbull the commitment that their liaison was over, Ms Campion would have been in the early stages of her pregnancy. Her baby is due in April.

 Herald Sun, 13 February 2018, p.6:

Barnaby Joyce and his pregnant lover are not only living rent free at a home owned by a millionaire from his electorate, they have also holidayed for free at the businessman’s $4000-a-week beachfront pad.
The Deputy Prime Minister and his former media adviser, Vikki Campion, stayed at the Pacific Dawn Luxury Apartments at Wooli, on the NSW north coast, last month for about five days.
Promotional material for the two apartments say they have been “designed to maximise mesmerising ocean and river views. The chic two-­storey, two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartments sit on a pristine stretch of coastline with showstopping, uninterrupted Pacific Ocean vistas”.
The apartment where Mr Joyce and Ms Campion stayed is owned by Vodata Pty Ltd, a company part-owned by wealthy Tamworth businessman Greg Maguire.
Mr Joyce and Ms Campion stayed there after returning from a trip to north Queensland, where they were seen swimming at a popular Townsville rock pool and dining at Palm Cove, north of Cairns.
In Wooli, the couple visited the local pub where they befriended locals and visiting tourists.
Mr Maguire came to prominence in 2004 when he was investigated by police after Mr Joyce’s predecessor as member for New England, independent Tony Windsor, alleged Mr Maguire tried to bribe him to quit politics.
Mr Maguire consistently denied any wrongdoing. The AFP and Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions decided against charges because “none of the versions of the conversations related by any of the witnesses can amount to an ‘offer to give or confer’ a benefit”.
Since separating from his wife last year, Mr Joyce has stayed at a three-bedroom Armidale property owned by Mr Maguire, who waived the rent for six months, saving Mr Joyce about $14,000.


The Australian, 13 February 2018, p.4:

Mr Maguire said he had not been asked to pay for security upgrades for Mr Joyce’s townhouse, which was fitted out by the Department of Home Affairs. Last year Mr Joyce told homeowners complaining of being locked out of the housing market to move out of capital cities and into the regions. “What people have got to realise is that houses are much cheaper in Tamworth, houses are much cheaper in Armidale, houses are much cheaper in Toowoomba,” he told ABC radio.


The Australian, 12 February 2018, p.6:

The upgrade, examples of which cost up to $3 million, is attached to Mr Joyce’s role as Deputy Prime Minister but includes additions to the property that are permanent.


Sunshine Coast Daily, 13 February 2018, p.10:

Malcolm Turnbull has come up with a strange reason for why he didn’t have to approve the series of well-paid jobs given to the new partner of Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.
His office says it is because Vikki Campion, now carrying the Nationals leader’s baby, “wasn’t Mr Joyce’s partner”.
This is an attempt by Mr Turnbull to dodge a section of a five-year-old ministerial standards statement that insists the Prime Minister must approve the employment of family and partners.
The issue is drawing the PM deeper into the drama surrounding Mr Joyce’s love life by a code of ministerial conduct he has to enforce.
After leaving Mr Joyce’s office, Ms Campion was given a job in the office of Resources Minister Matt Canavan and then in the office of Nationals whip Damian Drum.
Mr Turnbull told Parliament the Nationals had a staffing allocation as a share of the Government’s overall pool. He said the distribution was a matter for the Nationals, who had not taken up their full allocation.
Mr Turnbull had said on February 10 “he had not discussed Ms Campion’s employment with me or my office”.
He confirmed that the Nationals were responsible for decisions relating to staffing.


The Australian, 13 February 2018, p.4:

Barnaby Joyce’s pregnant partner and former staffer Vikki Campion has been drawing a government pay packet over the past two months, with her employment formally expected to cease later this week.
Ms Campion’s redundancy payout was approved last December following Malcolm Turnbull’s ministerial reshuffle and after she was moved between four Nationals offices in the space of six months.
The Australian understands the 32-year-old took stress leave last October, about two months after taking a senior adviser’s role in the office of then Nationals chief whip Damian Drum, which paid over $100,000. She remained on stress leave until her employment was terminated.
The former Daily Telegraph journalist’s moves between the offices of Mr Joyce, Resources Minister Matt Canavan and Mr Drum, followed the departure of Mr Joyce’s former chief-of-staff Diana Hallam last year.
Ms Hallam, understood to be close to Mr Joyce’s wife, Natalie, and viewed internally as a competent chief of staff, quit her job last year around the time Ms Campion moved to Senator Canavan’s office in April.
The government was forced to manage rumours of a relationship between Mr Joyce and Ms Campion throughout last year, and Ms Hallam was understood to have left due to growing dysfunction in Mr Joyce’s office.
A spokeswoman for Mr Joyce, who became the Infrastructure and Transport Minister in December after removing Darren Chester from the job, said yesterday that Ms Hallam had moved to work with the Inland Rail project.
Applications for the department job closed on April 3 last year, with a panel, including three deputy secretary-level members, making recommendations to secretary Mike Mrdak.
“As a result of that process, a number of positions were filled over ensuing months (the merit list established remains open for up to 12 months from date of advertising),” Mr Joyce’s spokeswoman said. “To date, six positions have been filled, one of which was filled by Diana Hallam (who was an applicant in the round), who was appointed to an SES 1 position on 21 August 2017”.
Mr Joyce, as leader of the Nationals, had responsibility for authorising Ms Campion to claim jobs in the offices of Senator Canavan and Mr Drum, co-ordinating social media for Nationals MPs, including himself, and working with Nationals head office.
Ministerial staffing pay scales published by the Finance Department show that senior advisers can earn up to $191,000. Ms Campion, who fell pregnant to Mr Joyce last year, was understood to have received a pay increase to shift jobs.
Mr Drum told The Australian that, after his promotion to the frontbench in December, Ms Campion chose not to continue with him.
“She decided to not seek continued employment as a way of doing the right thing for the taxpayer,” he said.
Once a staff member’s employment is terminated with an MP, it is standard practice for them to continue to draw a taxpayer-­funded salary for a further eight weeks.


The Australian, 13 February 2018, p.4:

Faced with the prospect of being dragged into a messy political farce, the Prime Minister ensured he was prepared in question time yesterday and essentially cut Joyce adrift while defending his own office.
Turnbull, and then Treasurer Scott Morrison, declared the Nationals and “the leader of the Nationals” were the masters of their own destiny when it came to staff appointments and transfers — the key public-interest area of whether there was a misuse of public funds.
Long gone was the shirt-matching matey behaviour at the New England by-election victory in December. It had been replaced with a cool detachment and outright blame shifting.
Turnbull didn’t want to be caught in a “travel rorts” style trap that cost John Howard three ministers and his chief of staff in 1997, a year after he won office, because of cover-ups and shifting responsibility.
Turnbull limited admissions to the role of his office in signing off administrative arrangements regarding Campion but determined by the Nationals. Unfortunately for Turnbull, his parliamentary cauterisation was hampered by his office’s briefing that Campion was not Joyce’s “partner” because he was still married.
The faux justification of being unable to employ your wife but being able to hire your mistress and observe the ministerial code will play out to Turnbull’s detriment.


The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 February 2018:

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce charged taxpayers to spend 50 nights in Canberra when Parliament was not sitting in the first nine months of 2017 - more than any other Turnbull government cabinet minister.
Official expense records show Mr Joyce claimed $16,690 in travel allowance for out-of-session nights in the nation's capital between January 1 and September 30, 2017. That is significantly more than top government figures such as Treasurer Scott Morrison, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.....his former adviser, Vikki Campion, who lived in Canberra.......


The West Australian, 13 February 2018:

Barnaby Joyce spent more than $10,000 on family reunion travel while having an affair with his former staffer, raising more questions about taxpayer funds being used to support the double life led by the Deputy Prime Minister.
Claims made under parliamentary entitlements from January to September last year show that more than $10,000 was spent on family travel, which is allowed so that MPs can “balance their work and family responsibilities”.
The rules are also designed to help MPs “reconcile the need for them to be away from home for long periods with their family obligations”.
More than half of the family travel expenditure was reported from July to September, while Mr Joyce’s mistress Vikki Campion was already pregnant with his fifth child.
Most of the travel reported is for airfares between Mr Joyce’s home base of Tamworth and Canberra or Sydney.
From July to September, three family travellers were nominated, taking a total of nine separate trips at a total cost of $5820.
One of the trips was for Mrs Joyce to attend the Mid Winter Ball in Canberra on June 14, which was reportedly orchestrated to end the damaging rumours about the affair. The return flights from Canberra to Tamworth for the event were reported at $1274.
Figures for the period September to December, when Mr Joyce told Parliament that his marriage was over, have not yet been made public by the Parliamentary Expenses Authority.
Mr Joyce’s office yesterday refused to answer questions about the travel allowance, which was used on several occasions for his now-estranged wife Natalie Joyce.


The Daily Examiner, 14 February 2018:

Mr Joyce and his lover stayed rent-free at the $4000 a week Pacific Dawn Luxury Apartments owned by a Joyce friend, Tamworth businessman Greg Maguire…..
Mr Joyce and Ms Campion stayed at the Wooli bolthole after a north Queensland trip where they were seen swimming at a popular Townsville rock pool and dining on the seafront at Palm Cove, north of Cairns…..

When News Corp asked Mr Maguire about the Wooli accommodation he declined to comment.


The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 February 2018:

Grassroots Nationals members had to foot the bill to pay Barnaby Joyce a salary for six weeks after the Deputy Prime Minister was thrown out of Parliament and lost his $416,000-a-year job.
Fairfax Media can reveal the previously undisclosed arrangement involved the use of party funds to give the Nationals leader a wage while he was campaigning to win the December 2 byelection triggered by the dual citizenship crisis.
The arrangement came to light after another difficult day in Parliament in which the Deputy Prime Minister's use of an Armidale apartment for six months rent-free formed the basis of a Labor attack on Mr Joyce's authority and credibility.
Mr Joyce's office confirmed late on Wednesday the Nationals leader was paid a salary during the campaign, but said it had been advised by the party that it is "not unprecedented for candidates to receive a form of income in exceptional circumstances".
Fairfax Media has confirmed Liberal MP John Alexander, who was also forced out of Parliament and had to fight a byelection in the Sydney seat of Bennelong, was not paid a salary by his party.
As Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Joyce has received an annual salary of $416,000 since his election to the role in February 2016. Six weeks of that salary represents about $48,000……
One Nationals MP, when told of the arrangement on Wednesday, said it was "extremely unusual" and questioned why Mr Joyce "couldn't cover his own expenses for six weeks" given he had only just departed a $416,000-a-year job.
Another MP who declined to be named said it was likely party members would be disappointed they had to pay Mr Joyce's salary.

The Nationals received $152,992 in public payments for contesting the New England byelection, while Labor received $26,199. Those payments are made in proportion to the number of votes received by the candidate.


2GB Radio, 13 February 2018:

The scandal engulfing Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s political career is not going away.
A confidential source has told Ben Fordham the Deputy PM’s office drafted a Christmas card in December last year to be sent out to friends and colleagues.
On the front of the card was a photo of Barnaby, his wife Natalie and their four children.
Before the card was sent out, it was sent to Ms Joyce for approval.
In response, she allegedly told them they had to be kidding themselves.
At the time, Vikki Campion would have been five-months pregnant with the Deputy PM’s baby.
Ben says, “it shows the lengths Barnaby Joyce went to hide the truth from everyone.”
It follows allegations he created high-paying jobs for his now-partner Ms Campion.
His office has been contacted for comment but is yet to reply.


ABC News, 13 February 2018:

Authority is a very delicate commodity. Abuse it and it becomes unrespected authoritarianism. Fail to nurture it and it withers.
Authority is now Barnaby Joyce's gravest problem…..
Barnaby Joyce is very different from his recent predecessors. Nothing like the affable but reliable blandness of Warren Truss or the suave rural intellectualism of John Anderson.
And he's the antithesis of the somewhat forgettable Mark Vaile.
This difference and Barnaby's uniqueness has been routinely celebrated by his Liberal mates.
Tony Abbott praised him as the nation's best retail politician. His knockabout larrikinism made his commentary raw and genuine.
And seemingly trustworthy.
The scandal that erupted about his personal life shattered the Barnaby mystique. Now seen by his Nationals colleagues as a philanderer who cheated on his wife of 24 years, he has lost moral authority.
That moral authority was further eroded, according to several of his parliamentary colleagues, in his interview with Leigh Sales.
It totally lacked contrition. He made no mention of his wife Natalie or daughters. There was no apology. It was selfish and self-serving.
Even Vikki Campion, the former staffer now expecting his child, was reduced to a "pregnant lady walking across the road".
It was an appalling outing for the Deputy Prime Minister.
Judging by Mr Joyce's statement today, he now recognises how awful that interview was.
In a monologue to an ABC camera he strenuously rejected new allegations of inappropriate behaviour involving a pinched bottom at a rural awards event.
He said it never happened.
"On another issue, I would like to say to Natalie how deeply sorry I am for all the hurt this has caused," he said.
"To my girls, how deeply sorry I am for all the hurt that it has caused them. To Vikki Campion, how deeply sorry I am that she has been dragged into this."
They were words that sought to belatedly plug the haemorrhaging respect.
Barnaby Joyce is a diminished political figure. His future as Nationals leader is doubtful.
And the Nationals' dogs are barking. Who will step up?


SBS News, 13 February 2018:

Overnight the Daily Telegraph and Courier Mail reported on an incident in 2011, separate to the affair with Ms Campion, alleging inappropriate behaviour. 
Mr Joyce strongly denied the report and said he would consider legal action, claiming the story was "peddled" by one of his "deepest political enemies". 
"It's not a case that I didn't recollect it. It did not happen," Mr Joyce told reporters. 
The deputy prime minister said he had already engaged lawyers and was considering action. 
"I have consulted senior legal advisers and reserve the right to take action for what is serious defamation," Mr Joyce said in a written statement. 


The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 February 2018, p.7:

On the evening of May 24, 2011, Barnaby Joyce took his seat as a guest on a table at the Rural Women's Awards inside the Great Hall of Parliament House in Canberra.
The black tie awards, sponsored by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, honour the role women play in rural industries, business and communities.. ..
The Herald has spoken to several award attendees. The majority saw nothing more untoward than apparent drunkenness from Joyce.
One source, who has chosen not to go on the record, has stronger allegations, but the Herald has chosen not to publish them because they are untested and have been denied in the strongest terms by Joyce….


ABC News, 14 February 2018:

The office of Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has corrected his years of military service, after the ABC pointed out discrepancies between his official biography and his Australian Defence Force record.
It comes at an uncomfortable time for Mr Joyce, who is facing a revolt from within his party over his leadership.
Mr Joyce's office initially advised the parliament he was in the Royal Queensland Regiment of the Army Reserve from 1995 to 2003.
These dates appeared on his official biography on the Parliament House website for 12 years.
But Mr Joyce only served from 1996 to 2001, according to his official military service recordobtained by the ABC.
It states his service in the Army Reserves was four years and 10 months.
Mr Joyce's office has confirmed he only served from 1996 to 2001, and requested a change be made to his official biography after being contacted by the ABC last night.
It is understood Mr Joyce provided the initial information to the parliament when he was elected in 2004.


The Daily Telegraph, 14 February 2018:

But last night support for the New England MP was waning. On Monday evening, a dinner was held at Canberra’s Thai Chiang Rai restaurant where Nationals Darren Chester, Michelle Landry, David Gillespie, Andrew Gee, Damian Drum (whose office Ms Campion was also transferred to at one stage) and Kevin Hogan discussed the situation in their federal party. 


The Daily Telegraph, 15 February 2018:

BARNABY Joyce and his secret lover continued to work closely together months after she was transferred to the payrolls of other National MPs to ensure the Deputy Prime Minister avoided breaching the ministerial code of conduct.
New questions also emerged about a weekend Mr Joyce spent in Canberra when he had no official meetings, as the scandal over his affair with staffer Vikki Campion put pressure on National MPs to declare where they stood on his leadership.
As Mr Joyce yesterday pleaded with nervous colleagues for more time for the scandal to blow over, The Daily Telegraph discovered that Ms Campion continued to assist him with media events last June, August and September while in the employ of other ministers.
And in September 8-10, Ms Campion assisted Mr Joyce with media at the Nationals’ Federal Conference.
Government sources said Natalie Joyce stopped receiving spousal entitlements in August. At that time, Ms Campion was in the very early stages of her pregnancy, with her baby due in April……

There are also fresh questions about a weekend Mr Joyce spent in Canberra, where Ms Campion owns a unit, during a non-sitting period. Mr Joyce stayed in Canberra on Saturday July 15 and Sunday July 16 during a non-sitting period of Parliament, claiming $276 in travel allowance for the Saturday night.



9News, 14 February 2018:

May 2016 – Vikki Campion assists Barnaby Joyce’s election campaign as media advisor. She previously worked with NSW government ministers and, before that, was a journalist with News Corp.
August 2016 – Campion joins Joyce’s staff and a friendship between the two begins to bloom.
December 2016 – Joyce’s chief of staff, Di Hallam, reportedly seeks her boss’s approval to have Campion transferred out of the office. Hallam later quits to take up a departmental role.
February 2017 – Campion is photographed in a Sydney bar with Joyce
April 2017 – Joyce’s wife Natalie reportedly confronts Campion in Tamworth. Campion joins Nationals’ MP Matt Canavan’s office as an advisor.
May 2017 – At a NSW Nationals conference in Broken Hill, colleagues describe Joyce as ‘a mess’.
June 2017 – Joyce attends the Canberra press gallery Midwinter Ball with his wife Natalie as rumours of an affair with a former staffer circulate amongst politicians and the media.
July 2017 – Campion leaves the Canavan office after he quits the frontbench after finding out he is a dual-citizen. She temporarily goes back to Joyce’s office.
August 2017 – Campion moves to Damian Drum’s office in a social media adviser position, which is reportedly a position specifically created for her. Joyce reportedly assures PM Malcolm Turnbull the relationship is over. 
On the 14th of August, the deputy PM announced he was a New Zealand citizen through his father, who was born in the country. Joyce did not stand down from his portfolio and continued to cast his vote in the House of Representatives. 
September 2017 – Natalie reportedly seeks help from a family friend – Catholic priest Father Frank Brennan – to counsel her husband. Campion is seen managing Joyce media events at a federal Nationals conference in Canberra.
October 2017 – Campion reportedly takes stress-leave. 
On October 27, Joyce, along with four other Senators, were ruled ineligible to be in parliament in a ruling by the High Court.
A writ was issued for New England by-election.
The Daily Telegraph hinted at Joyce’s affair in an article discussing how he had been dealing with a crisis in his personal life at the same time as he was preparing to fight for his New England seat.
November 2017 – Natalie holidays in Bali with one of her and Joyce’s four daughters. 
Joyce campaigns in his New England electorate. He is angered by a man in a pub in Inverell who reportedly said to him: “Say hello to your mistress”. 
December 2017 – On December 2, the by-election in New England is held. Joyce was re-elected with almost two-thirds of the vote and an increased majority. His wife Natalie was nowhere to be seen when Joyce cast his vote alongside his mother nor when he claimed victory. She was also absent when he was sworn back into Parliament.
On December 6, he returned to parliament and reassumed his cabinet posts that same day.
On December 8, the same-sex marriage bill went before the House of Representatives.
Joyce made a speech during the debate, using it to acknowledge he had separated from his wife – a matter most news outlets had been seeking confirmation on through Joyce’s media team, with the team falling back on the public interest argument to deflect inquiries.
“I acknowledge that I’m currently separated, so that’s on the record,” Joyce told Parliament. 
“I didn’t come to this debate pretending to be a saint,” he said.
Campion has a redundancy package approved and they move into an Armidale property provided rent-free by businessman Greg Maguire.
January 2018 – Joyce and Campion kick off the new year with a holiday in north Queensland and NSW north coast. 
February 2018 – On the 6th, the Daily Telegraph reveals its front-page splash for the 7th. It’s a huge photo of Campion dressed in gym gear and heavily pregnant alongside a story revealing her relationship with Joyce. His office declined to comment on the story, only to state that she was no longer working for the Turnbull government.
On the 7th, Natalie released a statement saying she felt “deceived and hurt” by her husband.
She said she was “deeply saddened by the news that my husband has been having an affair and is now having a child with a former staff member”.
North Coast Voices, 11 February 2018 Why so many voters are annoyed by Barnaby Joyce's statement* that his private life is a private matter

Gas industry finally admits that its lobbying spin contains untruths?

Tucked into the wall-to-wall spin of this media release is a tacit admission that safe aquifer recharge with treated water is little more than a convenient deception offered up to governments and citizens in the gas industry's drive to create more gasfields and extract more water from the natural environment in the mining process.
Research into the effects of the Coal Seam Gas industry on groundwater is continuously improving our understanding about underground water movements and implications for coal seam development.
Scientists from Queensland's independent Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (OGIA) and the University of Queensland Centre for Coal Seam Gas have been wading through an enormous amount of data being contributed by landholders, government, industry and other research projects to build up a better understanding of groundwater movements.
Early studies suggest that the recharge of underground aquifers may not be as effective as once thought and recharge flow paths may not be what we first thought.
Research indicates that much of the rain recharging the Hutton and Precipice Sandstone aquifers in the North-East Surat Basin is discharging into the local low topography of the Dawson River.
That means the water is flowing in a north easterly direction, rather than to the south west into the regional Great Artesian Basin as was thought prior to 2009.
These findings were applied by OGIA in the development of regional groundwater flow models in 2012 and 2016 but many landholders remain unaware of the new findings.
It's also thought there could be small faults that create a localised connection between the Precipice and Hutton Aquifers in the vicinity of what is known as the Moonie-Goondiwindi fault system.
Researchers stress that this is still a work in progress and it is currently being reviewed by UQ and CSIRO researchers working independently on multiple data sets to either confirm or refute the hypothesis.
Lead researcher at the UQ Centre for Coal Seam Gas, Prof Jim Underschultz says, "Our understanding of the Great Artesian Basin is increasing as researchers analyse the growing amount of data collected from the basin.
"The use of groundwater monitoring data, water production figures, detailed geographic distributions of water levels and hydrocarbon migration 'fingerprints' are giving us a level of detail never seen before".
The UQ researchers are collaborating closely with CSIRO, OGIA and the CSG Compliance Unit to ensure that research findings are made publicly available as quickly as possible.
Jim's research publications can be found at:
[my yellow highlighting]

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Is Turnbull laying the groundwork to throw Joyce under a bus if it becomes neccessary?

A very careful choice of words on the part of the Prime Minister leaves the door open to walk back support of his Deputy Prime Minister if Joyce is found to be telling the Australian Parliament untruths.

House of Representatives Hansard, excerpts, 13 February 2018:

Mr TURNBULL (Wentworth—Prime Minister) (14:25): The honourable member refers to some statements attributed to a spokesman of mine yesterday. Those statements, I'm advised, followed a background discussion. They were not authorised by me, but I will answer the question. As the Deputy Prime Minister confirmed in his statement of Saturday, 10 February, and again in his statement this morning, The Nationals are responsible for decisions relating to staffing the office of Nationals members. He confirmed that the Prime Minister's office has an administrative role in informing the Department of Finance of changes. All ministers are bound by the ministerial standards.

All ministers are bound by the ministerial standards. The Deputy Prime Minister has today explained his circumstances as it relates to the standards, and I refer you to that statement. I would add that whether somebody is a partner of another for the purposes of clause 2.23 is, of course, a question of fact. The facts of the relationship which you're referring to are, of course, known to the Deputy Prime Minister. It is his responsibility to address it and comply with the standards, and he addressed that in his statement today.  [my yellow highlighting]

Shock, Horror! A Liberal minister finally makes a stab at lessening gouging by payday lending and rent-as-you-buy companies and Liberal MPs have a conniption

According to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) this bill has merit.

2. We support the financial inclusion objectives of the Exposure Draft of the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Small Amount Credit Contract and Consumer Lease Reforms) Bill 2017 (the Bill). The consumer harms that can be associated with payday loans and consumer leases are a longstanding and systemic feature of these sectors and often fall on financially vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers. We consider that the Bill will provide an effective suite of protections commensurable to the risk of harm to consumers from these products, balanced against the need to ensure that the industry can remain viable.

3 In particular, we support the level of the cap on costs for consumer leases proposed in the Bill. We expect a cap set at this level will address the excessive costs some lessors charge consumers, while still allowing a viable and sustainable consumer lease sector.

4 We also support the introduction of the Bill’s comprehensive anti-avoidance regime, which will benefit both consumers and compliant businesses. These measures will be essential to address the increased risk of avoidance activity following the introduction of the reforms.

Yet this is the response from Liberal Party backbenchers.........

The Courier Mail, 12 February 2018:

IRATE backbenchers have revolted over Financial Services Minister Kelly O’Dwyer’s tough payday lending draft laws and have successfully enlisted Treasurer Scott Morrison to reverse Cabinet’s support of the Bill.

As the Turnbull Government desperately searches for a circuit breaker from Barnaby Joyce’s sex scandal, frustrations have spilt over against Ms O’Dwyer’s original handling of new laws targeting payday lenders and rent-to-buy businesses, with backbenchers complaining to the Prime Minister.

A bloc of about 20 backbenchers, including several in Queensland, are warning Ms O’Dwyer’s reforms will send some businesses broke and are an affront to Liberal values.

In a move that will be pilloried by consumer groups angry over rent-to-buy lenders charging up to 800 per cent interest, a group of MPs, labelled by some in the Government as the “Parliamentary Friends of Payday Lenders” – a title that is angering the bloc – has convinced Mr Morrison to retreat on parts of the draft laws.

It would be an embarrassing move for Cabinet, which ticked off on the reforms last year.

Climate change sceptics started the ball rolling again in 2018

It would appear that climate change denial remains alive and well, but with the same hearing and comprehension problems it acquired at birth.........

The Daily Examiner and Townsville Bulletin, 10 January 2018:

In today’s crazy world, western politicians are wasting billions of taxpayer dollars force-feeding costly unreliable green energy in the bizarre belief this will somehow change Earth’s climate.

Even more incredible, they fear global warmth and seem hellbent on creating global cooling. They should study climate history. It is snow and ice, cold dry air and carbon dioxide starvation we need to fear, not a warm, moist, fertile, bountiful atmosphere.
Climate change is natural and unstoppable. Just 20,000 years ago, Earth was in one of its recurring glacial phases.

A thick massive ice sheet smothered Canada, Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, North Asia and Europe as far south as present-day London.

Much of the animal and plant life of the previous warm era was extinguished. Even in warmer lands not covered by the ice sheet, plants suffered as the cold oceans removed moisture and carbon dioxide plant food from the atmosphere.

Then, because of changing cycles in Earth’s orbit and tilt, reinforced by changing solar cycles, the sun warmed the frozen lands.

The great ice sheets melted, sea levels rose and the warming oceans expelled moisture and CO2 plant food into the atmosphere. Plant life recovered.

Tundra, forests, grasslands and herbivores advanced towards the pole and fish became abundant in the shallow seas that flooded coastal plains. Hunters, herders, farmers and fishermen followed the food.

Human population increased greatly. They gave thanks for the warmth, and worshipped the sun. But the peak of the modern warm era is past, and the natural cycles controlling global temperatures are pointing downwards.

Only an idiot with a death wish for life on Earth would attempt to accelerate our inevitable descent into the next ice age.

Luckily, their costly war on warmth is totally futile, but their war on carbon energy will prove tragically misguided in the cold times ahead.

VIV FORBES, Washpool, Qld

NOTE: According to DeSmog, “Viv Forbes is the Chairman of the Carbon Sense Coalition, which was created to “defend the role of carbon on earth and in the atmosphere,” and which describes Forbes as a “pasture manager, soil scientist and geologist from Rosevale in Queensland.” [2]
Forbes has also had a long association with the coal industry. According to his biography at Stanmore Coal where he acts as director, Forbes has over 40 years of coal industry experience and has worked with Burton Coal, Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal, South Blackwater Coal Mine, Tahmoor Coal Mine, Newlands/Collinsville Coal Mines, MIM, Utah Goonyella/Saraji and Gold Fields.
He is also associated with other skeptical organizations including the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) and the Australian Climate Science Coalition (ACSC)
According to Forbes, the “Green Elite” has a “long-term agenda … to destroy human industry and reduce human population. Thus they are opposed to farming, mining, fishing, forestry, exploration and cheap power.” [3]

The Daily Examiner, 17 January 2018, p10:

Sceptic miscue

Savvy DEX readers certainly realise that sceptic science/climate denial mumbo jumbo has its origins in the ultra conservative religious right of the US political landscape.
Coincidentally but sadly for the rest of the world, many in the Trump administration are of this ilk.

Dedicated sceptic and Rosevale, Qld resident Viv Forbes has once again (DEX Jan 10) produced a pitch- perfect melody from the sceptic songbook.

As Viv points out, naturally occurring climate change takes place over thousands of years.

On the other hand, global warming is measurable over decades, is a direct result of human activity over the last century in particular and so is everything but natural.
Moreover, Viv is warning us of an impending frozen armageddan (in sceptic speak that should read OhMyGodden!)

I hope Viv appreciates that in the very same week as he made this dire forecast, the BOM has confirmed that 2017 was the warmest year on record for NSW and SE Queensland – timing is everything Viv.

The world may well cool in 25000 years or so, but world leaders rightly are more concerned with the immediate effects of global warming over the next few decades.
Nevertheless, we should probably remain grateful that Viv actually gets his name correct because everything else in his letter is nothing more than irrelevant nonsense.

Ted Strong, Seelands

The Daily Examiner, 27 January 2018, p15:

Tampered temperatures

TED Strong (17/1) commented: “As Viv Forbes points out, naturally occurring climate change takes place over thousands of years. On the other hand, global warming is measurable over decades, is a direct result of human activity over the last century in particular and so is everything but natural.”

Actually Viv said: “Climate change is natural and unstoppable.” He did not mention time, although the changes often occur rapidly.

During the Pleistocene Epoch, there have been many ice ages. The latest, which covered large portions of the northern hemisphere with mile-high ice, peaked 21,000 years ago and was gone by 11,700 years ago.

Since then there was the little Ice Age between 1400AD and 1850AD and a number of warm periods, which included two Holocene Optimums, the Roman Optimum from 250BC to 400AD, and the Medieval Warm Period from 800 to 1400. These four were as warm as, or warmer than, the Modern Warm Period, commencing around 1850.
So Ted could you explain what caused the previous warming periods, because they definitely weren’t “unnatural”?

But we keep being told that our current temperatures are the “hottest ever recorded”. So how do NOAA, NASA and the BOMs define “ever recorded”?

Our BOM stated: “…2017 was the third-warmest year on record, at 0.95 degrees above the 1961 to 1990 average” and that “Seven of the 10 hottest years, have occurred after 2005”.

Years ago the BOM decided temperatures taken before 1911 were “incorrect” and would no longer be taken into account. Obviously the 1890s temperatures were too high to explain.

But that left the 1939 era, which is still regarded as being the hottest since 1900. To overcome that pesky problem they established a baseline temperature using a 30-year average between 1961 and 1990.

This was a great choice because it included the chilly 1970s, when the world panicked that an ice-age was coming.

So our BOM, with a straight face, tells us that the “warmest on record” years have actually been selected from the last 28 years, and the 0.95 degree increase is based on the chilly 1961-1990 average.

So although the BOM openly says what period its figures are based on, it knows that the gullibles, and (unfortunately) the media, will submissively accept their fallacious statements as being from time immemorial.


The Daily Examiner, 31 January 2018, p11:

Climate warriors rattle cages

The war of words between the two climate change adversaries, one upriver and his opponent from down river, has reached a point where one party has delved into his “unseemly” bag to crudely criticise and try to belittle his opponent.

John Ibbotson can make his case with facts and figures garnered from research by Scientists that are not locked into the one eyed ideology that has evolved from the suspect science of climate change computer modelling.

Of course the Bureau of Meteorology can make mistakes, and has freely admitted to errors in the past, while Tim Flannery is an example of just how far off the planet these fear mongering so called gurus can get.

The scandal involving climate change scientists in the British Met in East Anglia will not go away nor will the fact that in the early 1990s temperature readings used to falsify average ground temperature data came from thousands of sites situated close by or near to, major heat sources such as American airports and bustling highways.
John Ibbotson makes his case in a calm and methodical way, Ted Strong just doesn’t like his precious cage being rattled.

FRED PERRING, Halfway Creek.

The Daily Examiner, 3 February 2018, p13:

Climate desperation

Blimey, things must be getting desperate in the John Ibbotson climate sceptic camp. He now has to rely on Fred Perring (DEX 31/1) for his great science knowledge.


The Daily Examiner, 7 February 2018, p11:

Wrong horse, wrong track

When compulsive scribe Fred Perring submits his favourites – ie maligning left-wing pollies or bashing the ABC – he does OK because the only requirements are bias, bluster and righteous indignation which Fred does in spades, while fact and logic seem to be of little consequence.

But when Fred comes out swinging, (DEX 31/1) in support of downriver sceptic, John Ibbotson, fact and logic become vital and so Fred flounders. Not only is he backing the wrong horse he is not even at, or on the right track.

The tiresome “facts” he trots out are Fred repeats, straight from the sceptic science hymn book and still unsupportable.

Even Fred’s well-known visually impaired namesake would by now have recognised that, particularly in the past decade, global warming is no less than the bleeding obvious.

Advice for Fred is the same as for John – stay away from sceptic websites and stick to the things you do best. Also thanks for the “heads-up” re my cage – I’ve checked it out and it appears quite solid if not completely foolproof.

TED STRONG, Seelands.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Another how low can they go moment courtesy of the Catholic Church in Australia

The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 February 2018:

The Catholic Church in Australia is worth tens of billions of dollars, making it one of the country’s biggest non-government property owners, and massively wealthier than it has claimed in evidence to major inquiries into child sexual abuse.

A six-month investigation by The Sydney Morning Herald has found that the church misled the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by grossly undervaluing its property treasures in both NSW and Victoria while claiming that increased payments to abuse victims would require cuts to its social programs.
The investigation was based on intricate data from local councils that allowed more than 1860 valuations of church-owned property in Victoria. That showed that across 36 municipalities - including nearly all of metropolitan Melbourne - the church had land and buildings worth almost $7 billion in 2016.

Extrapolated nationally, using conservative assumptions, the church owns property worth more than $30 billion Australia-wide.

This put the Catholic church among the largest non-government property owners, by value, in NSW and Australia, rivalling Westfield’s network of shopping centres and other assets. It dwarfs all other large property owners.

"These figures confirm what we have known; there is huge inequity between the Catholic Church’s wealth and their responses to survivors," said Helen Last, chief executive of the In Good Faith Foundation.

"The 600 survivors registered for our Foundation’s services continue to experience minimal compensation and lack of comprehensive care in relation to their Church abuses. They say their needs are the lowest of church priorities.’’…..

Monetary payments to abuse survivors have averaged just $49,000 under Towards Healing, the national compensation system established by the church in 1996……

The church also has extensive non-property assets including Catholic Church Insurance and its own internal banks - often known as Catholic Development Funds - with nearly $1 billion in assets in Sydney alone.

And it has other investments, including in superannuation, telecommunications and in the stock-market. A Church-owned fund manager has more than $1.4 billion under management.