Friday 7 October 2011

'Opera With The Cows' at Cowper, Saturday 22 October 2011 at 7.30pm

Opera With The Cows

Cowper Public School
Old Pacific Highway
Cowper NSW

7.30pm Saturday 22 October

Bring your own chairs. Food and drink available to purchase.

Adults $20

Premium Tickets
Chairs supplied in premium position
Champagne supper with the artists after the event

Free Tickets
Children under 15 years

Melissa Philp
0418 458 293
melphilp at

The Clarence Valley Welcomes You

Promotional photograph from Flickr

Political Quote of the Week

Federal Labor MP for Page Janelle Saffin on the subject of former Oz rocker Angry Anderson’s
political ambitions:

"Come election time in 2013 I am ready to run, even against Elvis if the National Party pre-select him,"

Thursday 6 October 2011

Coming soon - 'Getting the drift: a community guide to pesticides sprayed in the NSW Northern Rivers' (REVISED SECOND EDITION)

NSW Environmental Defender’s Office:
Want to know which pesticides could be sprayed near where you live, and what you can do about it? If you live in the NSW Northern Rivers, this booklet will help you find out. New, expanded edition published in September 2011 includes updated data, more crops, more case studies and a new section called ‘What are my rights?'
Free copies will soon be available for download from

Rumour Mills: an interesting exchange

Well, this has to be a first. Rather wishy-washy allegations of Abbott The Pants Man…….
On an open thread over at Café Whispers on the 24th September 2011:

There’s a rumour going around that Abbott’s been kicked out of home after being caught having an affair with the daughter of a financial backer. Still only a rumour.
Rumours are always nasty, there are plenty around. The trouble for Abbott is his continual comparison of himself as a “family man” and the jump therefore superior to the PM. Earlier this year there was the “bar maid ” in WA, quickly closed down.

El gordo, so far the Abbott thing is just a bit of hot juicy gossip and I haven’t seen anything factual come to light as yet. I’ve had a look on some of the anti-Abbott sites and can’t find any mention.
Catching up
“That’s surprising, I didn’t think that Tony Abbott was in love with anything but his own image.”
Min, does the man have to be in love?
What Tony wants, Tony takes.
PS How would anyone know if he has been ejected from home, he is never there to make a comparison with.
Maybe that is why he is always on the road, promoting his “no” case. He has not a home to go to.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Water Wars: Not good enough, Richie!

“DANGEROUSLY high levels of arsenic and antimony in Mine Creek, which feeds into Wild Cattle Creek, has ignited debate about antimony mining in an area which leads into the water supply of the Clarence and Coffs Harbour regions.
Wild Cattle Creek is one of the major tributaries of the Nymboida River which leads into the Clarence and also supplies water to Shannon Creek Dam.
A map commissioned by Anchor Resources, the company which is licenced to explore, but not mine the site at Beilsdown, shows Mine Creek at one point had 377 ug/litre (parts per billion) of antimony which is 126 times the Australian and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council's (ANZECC) guidelines for drinking water.
Arsenic levels at the same spot were 85 ug/litre - more than 12 times the ANZECC drinking water guidelines.
The map is dated September 19, 2011.” {The Daily Examiner on 5th October 2011 in Significant threat to waterways}

This is a section of the map published alongside the quoted article (hat tip to Clarencegirl's friends):

Even I can work out that if past antimony and gold mining in parts of the Clarence River catchment have resulted in persistent pollution which is likely to remain for centuries, then it’s not a brilliant idea to sit back and let the O’Farrell Government in faraway Sydney agree to new mining in the area which can possibly stuff up Clarence waterways and increase health risks faced by local communities and the businesses which keep them afloat.
But lord luvva duck! Sometimes you have to wonder what happens to some men’s spines after they catch a glimpse of a golden chance – the right to strut down Macquarie Street and plant their behinds on the government pews in Parliament House alongside Bazza and his mates.
Faced with evidence from a report commissioned by the Chinese-owned mining exploration company, Anchor Resources, Clarence Valley Mayor and Nationals pre-selection candidate, Richie Williamson, had this to say in The Daily Examiner on 5th October 2011; Should the mine progress, council will not be taking a back seat on the issue".  
Gone is any hint of outright opposition – or heaven forfend, a proactive approach - to this latest threat to the quality and safety of fresh water flowing down the Nymboida River and on into the kitchen taps of Clarence Valley and Coffs Harbour homes. Instead there is p*ss weak acceptance that what China wants China gets.
Seems the boys from Anchor really did a number on Richie at that last meeting with council.