Thursday 17 November 2011

Three days out from polling day and Gulaptis gets well and truly told

No-one's sitting on the fence in this DEX poll on 16th November 2011

About this time in the 2007 federal election campaign Nats candidate Chris Gulaptis was receiving similar negative feedback. Pause for thought?

One comments section under The Daily Examiner article Disgraced MP in candidate's adverts:

By MHSMOTHER from Maclean on 16/11/2011 at 5:21AM
What were you thinking Mr Gulaptis!
I nearly choked in my cornflakes when I saw Steve Cansdell spruiking Chris Gulaptis on television. This has left a bad taste in my mouth and I personally feel that Mr Gulaptis has done himself a great disservice going down this track in his campaign.
I, for one, will certainly be re-considering my vote, particularly taking into account the latest info coming out regarding Mr Gulaptis' past support for coal seam gas. This latest advertising campaign from Mr Cansdell, on top of the CSG evidence coming to light is definitely not good for Mr Gulaptis.

By Machiavelli from Armidale on 16/11/2011 at 6:38AM
The Notional Party backroom unelected political hacks are treating the Clarence electorate with their usual contempt by having a confessed crook on their political advertising.
But then, in other times at other places the Notional Party have often believed that they are above the law by using the local Notional Party MP to get out of parking & driving fines.
The Notional Party lapdog for the Barrier OFallacy LIberal government will represent the party's financial sponsors in Clarence to protect his pre-selection for the 2015 NSW election.
Independent MPs get things done for their electorates.

By willbewatching from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 6:46AM
To get the person who caused tax dollars to be spent on the by-election to do an advert saying we cannot afford to have a rep in opposition is strange. To use him in an advert to get the people who think " steve is a good bloke" vote shows contempt for the intelligence of voters in Clarence. Certainly did not encourage me to vote Nats. In fact it had the opposite effect.

By Dreyfuss from Maclean on 16/11/2011 at 7:05AM
Cansdell broke the law, he lied and deceived for his own personal gain and now we have to waste our time and tax payer money to vote for another candidate. Asking for an endorsement from an ex member of parliament who is facing possible criminal charges and a jail sentence shows that Gulaptis defines himself as a self serving man with no principals and no moral compass, just like his predecessor and thinks that the voters in Clarence are idiots. If he is prepared to overlook his colleagues behaviour he obviously is prepared to make an exception for a mate and that is not what makes a good political representative.

By msmith24 from Ramornie on 16/11/2011 at 7:38AM
Mr Cansdell ,should have no place on Television, taking part in, advertising campaign's for the Nationals.He resigned in disgrace after making a false Stat Declaration. Which in all fairness makes his character rather shady ,untenable ,and just plain wrong to be doing these add's on tv.Mr Cansdell has lost all credibility in the eyes of most decent voters. Shame on him.

By EmmaB from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 7:40AM
Anyone living in the Lower Clarence at the turn of the century would recall that the Nats and Gulaptis can't even spell ethics - much less act ethically when it goes against their political self-interest.

By Tellmeanything from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 7:41AM
Has anyone asked Mr Gulaptis any hard questions yet? Is it true he stormed out of the area vowing never to return when he lost in his election bid in 2007? Is it true he left while still a Clarence Valley Councillor with 10 months still to serve, then being an absentee councillor? Is it true he has sought ALP pre-selection in the past? Would have thought these important questions to ask him to establish whether he is an political opportunist or someone who will work and lobby hard for the Clarence Electorate.

By Fedup from Junction Hill on 16/11/2011 at 7:54AM
I am at a loss as to who to vote for on Saturday. I voted National in the last election but can no longer offer that same support this time and the other parties have done little to eran my vote either. So a conumdrum I have.

By Dessyp from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 8:03AM
willbewatching from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 6:46AM said
To get the person who caused tax dollars to be spent on the by-election to do an advert saying we cannot afford to have a rep in opposition is strange. To use him in an advert to get the people who think " steve is a good bloke" vote shows contempt for the intelligence of voters in Clarence. Certainly did not encourage me to vote Nats. In fact it had the opposite effect.
same here, when i first heard labor was running a candidate against the "nats" i thought they'd be no chance!, I'm not so sure now.

By UrsulaTunks from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 8:16AM
Does the National Party really hold the electorate in this much contempt? Do they really believe that we are that stupid and lacking in integrity that we would fall for this disgusting campaign strategy? It's been a long time since I've felt so insulted and so outraged. This is simply horrendous and unforgivable. The people in the Clarence Electorate deserve so much better. My integrity is NOT negotiable. The National Party is telling the people of the electorate that they believe that they will forgo their ethics in order to have a sitting member who is not in opposition. My vote is NOT for sale.

By swingingvoter from Palmers Channel on 16/11/2011 at 8:19AM
It is hard to imagine greater arrogance or greater contempt for our political system....just disgraceful. Shame on you Steve Cansdell for what you did. Shame on you Chris Gulaptis for what you are doing. I'm ashamed that I voted for Chris Gulaptis when he ran for the federal seat of Page.

By Tellmeanything from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 9:25AM
Fedup from Junction Hill on 16/11/2011 at 7:54AM said
I am at a loss as to who to vote for on Saturday. I voted National in the last election but can no longer offer that same support this time and the other parties have done little to eran my vote either. So a conumdrum I have.
Know how you feel Fedup but at the end of the day we are voting for someone who will work hard, be accessable to the Electorate and have the best interests of the Clarence people at heart..not a Party.

By yambaman from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 9:29AM
Now Mr Gulaptis, I love the ad with your son but Steve Cansdell is yesterdays man and should have been consigned to political history! Keep him on and you risk losing the unloseable, what he personally did was disgraceful. I'd suggest you change your advertising company and your advisers, both are completely out of touch with public opinion re Cansdell!

By Smally from Palmers Island on 16/11/2011 at 11:11AM
Chris Gulaptis has first experience not being in control of his electorate from Head office . The Legacy of Cansdell is bad enough without using him as a tombstone around the neck of Gulaptis . Ben Franklin should be on sidelene with Cansdell. Dumb & Dumber

By bertson from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 11:45AM
Why would Gulaptis seek the endorsement of somebody who deliberately and wilfully broke the law? What integrity does Cansdell have left? He signed a statement which said
"A person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offence, the punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of four years."
Cansdell's illegal and immoral action caused this by-election in the first place. He is not to be trusted, and neither is his endorsement.

By zinger from Brooms Head on 16/11/2011 at 12:11PM
MHSMOTHER from Maclean on 16/11/2011 at 5:21AM said
What were you thinking Mr Gulaptis! I nearly choked in my cornflakes when I saw Steve Cansdell spruiking Chris Gulaptis on television. This has left a bad taste in my mouth and I personally feel that Mr Gulaptis has done himself a great disservice going down this track in his campaign. I, for one, will certainly be re-considering my vote, particularly taking into account the latest info coming out regarding Mr Gulaptis' past support for coal seam gas. This latest advertising campaign from Mr Cansdell, on top of the CSG evidence coming to light is definitely not good for Mr Gulaptis.
I think the whole of the Lower Clarence who once strongly supported Gulaptis would and should be thinking along the same lines as you. If he loses this unlosable(?) by election, he has only himself to blame.

By zinger from Brooms Head on 16/11/2011 at 12:22PM
Tellmeanything from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 9:25AM said
Know how you feel Fedup but at the end of the day we are voting for someone who will work hard, be accessable to the Electorate and have the best interests of the Clarence people at heart..not a Party.
I agree. I can't vote Labour back in, and now I cannot vote Nats after this Cansdell/Gulattis/coal seam gas fiasco. It's not in me to vote Greens. What can I do Fedup? So, I'm going to vote for the man Peter Ellem. When he was the editor of DEX he was totally behind the Clarence Valley - and I'm sure he will continue to do so now.

By Tellmeanything from Yamba on 16/11/2011 at 3:19PM
Noticed Mr Gulaptis has his NATS website already under thats CONFIDENCE for yuh!!!

By thunda from Australia on 16/11/2011 at 3:20PM
Most pollies suffer from 'foot in mouth disease' and their egos won't allow them to see the bleeding obvious. On every paper there should be a box for a vote headed 'none of the above' so that those who cannot support those standing have a choice that makes their vote count as opposed to an informal vote that is merely put down to an error is casting the vote. This method would truly reflect voter preference.

By JohnHancocks from Maclean on 16/11/2011 at 3:36PM
No, I can’t vote National, of course not – in all conscience who can? Not in this electorate anyway. From the moment scandal broke the Nationals have done everything possible to downplay Cansdell’s actions: “mistake” “error of judgment” and no one in that party has been game to come out and say “Yes, our local member had to admit to a criminal act”. It’s as if not one of them can see that what Cansdell did was not just illegal but that he let us his constituents down, badly – people who position themselves as leaders in the community and who seek elected office have to present as squeaky clean and conduct themselves accordingly. So, seemingly Gulaptis as our prospective representative sees nothing wrong with Cansdell’s actions either? God help us, are we in for more of the same? Judging by the culture manifest among the local Nationals we have every reason to fear the worst, so what now? Dodgy land deals, cronyism, back handers...all the things we’ve witnessed elsewhere suddenly flourishing in the Clarence? Here we are afflicted with a party seemingly bereft of values pushing a candidate that frankly represents the scrapings of the electoral field. Thank you National Party....who the hell CAN I vote for out of this sorry lot? It won’t be your offering that’s for sure.

By UrsulaTunks from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 4:23PM
It also concerns me that they're happy to 'ignore' the situation in relation to the false swearing of a Statutory Declaration. I think people are forgetting that if you are aware of a 'corrupt act' and fail to report that 'act' then you are also guilty of an offence under the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988. If the police, or ICAC, are in fact conducting an investigation and they uncover 'other' corrupt acts then anyone else involved who's failed to report these acts will also be subjected to criminal charges. On the bright side though, those that do come forward with their knowledge of any alleged acts before they are brought to light by an investigation, will covered by the strengthened whistle blower provisions in that same Act. I wonder if this possibility is even relevant? I'm so glad I never worked for him.

By wade2460 from Grafton on 16/11/2011 at 8:56PM
I would be keeping the lowest profile ever if i had pending criminal charges... out of sight out of mind...not a high profile image !!! Chris seems to think he has it won.. I think the Nats have made a wrong choice .....

Lock the Gate Alliance endorses Greens and commends Labor in 2011 Clarence by-election

As the Clarence by-election campaign enters its final days, the candidate endorsements begin to emerge…………………

Lock the Gate Alliance president Drew Hutton said his organisation had no political affiliation but would recommend a vote based on candidates' record on coal and coal seam gas.

Mr Hutton said he had studied the records of all eight candidates and was pleased that one of the independents and the Labor candidate had supported a moratorium on coal seam gas until all social and environmental issues had been addressed.

However, Ms Cavanaugh's strong advocacy on this issue over a long period made her the best candidate for voters to express their opposition to coal seam gas moving into their region.

The New South Wales Greens had also done a great deal to keep this industry under control, especially through the work of mining spokesperson Jeremy Buckingham.

"The people of Clarence have companies like Metgasco, Red Sky and Arrow looking to cover much of the region with gas wells, pipelines and other infrastructure turning this beautiful region into a bleak industrial zone," Mr Hutton said.

"The tourism and agricultural industries will be at risk and underground water will be threatened.
"Coal seam gas is the biggest issue facing the voters of Clarence and the best way to send a clear message to Premier Barry O'Farrell that it is not wanted here is to give a vote to the Greens."

Nationals extremely comfortable with Clarence by-election adverts featuring law-breaking former MP

Once again the North Coast Nationals and Chris Gulaptis demonstrate their lack of understanding when it comes to Ethics 101. One shudders to think how the Clarence electorate will fare under this particular stewardship.

The Daily Examiner 16 November 2011:

A POLITICAL row has developed over the National Party's use of disgraced MP Steve Cansdell in advertisements endorsing Clarence by-election candidate Chris Gulaptis, three days out from the polls.
Despite resigning from parliament on September 16 after admitting he falsified a statutory declaration to avoid losing his driver's licence over a 2005 speeding fine, the National Party saw fit to include Mr Cansdell in Mr Gulaptis' advertising campaign.
As well as appearing in Mr Gulaptis' campaign television advertisement, a photo of Mr Gulaptis with Mr Cansdell features in a campaign leaflet delivered across the Clarence electorate.
While supporting County Labor candidate in the by-election, Peter Ellem, opposition leader John Robertson yesterday accused the National Party of not understanding the seriousness of Mr Cansdell's offence.
"The thing that I am amazed by is that it is quite a serious offence, but the National Party is treating it as something that isn't significant," he said.
"Marcus Einfeld went to jail for a similar thing but they are treating this like a joke."
Mr Robertson also questioned why Grafton police were yet to lay any charges against Mr Cansdell.
"Three days out from an election, it has been eight weeks (since this became public), and still there is nothing," he said.
"Frankly people will have a right to be sceptical if they make some sort of announcement next week."
The Nationals' State director Ben Franklin said he didn't think Mr Cansdell appearing in the advertisements would negatively affect Chris Gulaptis's campaign.
"I am extremely comfortable about Steve appearing in a television ad," he said.
"I, for one, as the state director of the party, was extremely pleased that he wanted to do a television ad to make it clear what his views were about in the by-election."

NSW Noxious and Environmental Weed Control Handbook (5th edition) now available

The NSW Department of Primary Industries has just released its latest update of a ‘weed bible’ in the hope of encouraging landowners to responsibly manage personal and business responses to weed infestations:

This handbook has been compiled as a guide for noxious and environmental weed control in non-crop, aquatic and bushland situations.
Contents include:
·         Integrated weed management
·         Managing your legal responsibilities when applying pesticides
·         Reducing herbicide spray drift
·         Using adjuvants with herbicides
·         Cleaning and decontaminating boom sprays and spot sprayers
·         Withholding periods
·         Herbicide resistance
·         Control techniques using herbicides
·         Weeds declared noxious in New South Wales
·         Pesticide permits
·         Noxious and environmental weed control
·         Gas gun/splatter gun application
·         Appendix 1: Spray calibration methods

The bloke's as thick as a brick

TONY Abbott says he revels in the nickname of "Dr No"

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Nimbin represents the Northern Rivers as Canberra greets U.S. President Obama

Life is never so serious that Australians can't gently take the mickey out of international tall poppies.................

Hat tip to Packer Cat for tweeting the photo

Clarence By-election: National Party accommodates country bumpkins and red neck voters

A Clarence valley resident has neatly summed up the options voters have when they go to the polls on Saturday to elect their new representative.

On November 19, the voters of the Clarence electorate will have to go back to the polls, not long after the last state election, because their elected local member had to fall on his own sword after getting caught out doing something very inappropriate. After a fairly short selection process, the National Party was able to find a National Party candidate who could both read and write, so they selected him as their nominee.

Now, if you want someone to represent the Clarence Valley in NSW Parliament, who likes to do photo opportunities and sound bites for the media, then this might seem like a suitable representative for you. You know, like standing outside Grafton Hospital while your photo is being taken, is doing something about local health, or standing next to the Pacific Highway while the press takes your photo is doing something to improve local roads, or standing outside Maclean High School for another photo-op to garner red neck votes over the bat issue. You get the idea? The usual National Party fare to gather the country bumpkin, or local red neck votes.

However, if you want someone to represent the whole of the Clarence Valley and its diverse needs, you should consider casting your vote more wisely this time. If you want someone who will stand up for local interests in NSW Parliament, and fight tooth and nail to represent us, and not big business, then cast your vote for the Greens. Recent history has shown that independents such as local Greens candidates are able to get much more for their electorates than party hacks can.

Your previous National Party representative tried to assume as low a profile as he could in the O'Farrell Government. Hardly likely to bring much benefit to the Clarence Valley, or protect the local environment and local jobs from greedy big businesses or O'Farrell Government razor gangs.

The National Party has failed to stand up to the Liberal Party when it came to the best interests of their electorate time and time again. When the Liberal Party says jump, the National Party says how high, please sir. You are starting to hear all about coal seam gas extraction, fracking and the like, and how much damage it can do to the environment, farmland, damage to the Great Artesian Basin and underground water supplies. Then there is the likelihood of an antimony mine being opened up in the catchment of the Nymboida River - your water supply. If this gets polluted it will be for hundreds of years.

Don't expect a Liberal/National party government to do anything to stop these, other than making lip service statements. They are deeply in the pocket of big business and vested interests, and everyone with two eyes and tolerable hearing knows it.

They can hardly wait to sell off the rest of the State electrical generation system, completing the job started by the Labor Party. If you think your electricity bills are high, wait until big business owns it all and the only thing that matters is keeping the stock holders happy. Screw the customers and the staff. They don't matter (and this has nothing to do with a carbon tax despite all the misinformation and deliberate lies being put out by the Liberal/National parties).

So, if you want to save your bacon, so to speak, you have one clear choice, vote green. Janet Cavanaugh is your local Greens candidate. She is well educated, intelligent and motivated to look after the local environment and local jobs; she already has a great track record in those areas. Already there are reports of government jobs being lost from the Clarence Valley, plus loss of services that are already poor enough.

Police, nurses, teachers, etc., will be leaving the NSW public service in droves soon because of O'Farrell Government policies. Stop the rot - cast your vote wisely. If you don't and get what is coming to you from that choice, then don't whinge about it afterwards. You had your chance and blew it.

M Casey

Source: Letters, The Daily Examiner, 16/11/11

'Headwaters not Deadwaters' say the Mid North Coast Greens

Media Release from the Mid North Coast Greens 15 November 2011:

Headwaters not Deadwaters. No antimony mine near our water.

This Saturday the electors in Clarence will be able to clearly send a signal to the O'Farrell government about the proposed antimony mine on the headwaters of the Clarence and Nymboida Rivers. This message is also crucial for the residents of Sawtell and Coffs Harbour dependent on the same water source.

Only the Greens candidate Janet Cavanaugh is pressing for a complete ban on the reopening of the mine.

The National Party is enticed by the possibility of short term jobs and talks of a 'balance' between the environment and mining. The Nationals recently ruled out the possibility of even expediting a land use assessment when this was proposed by Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham.

Labor still talks of a moratorium and safety measures.
There is only one candidate that clearly states, “Don’t ever mine antimony at Wild Cattle Creek and risk our water.’ Don’t take the risk with ‘fence sitters’.

Are these candidates seriously considering the possibility that an open cut antimony mine, 1.5 km long and 0.5km wide, could be made safe. That could be a very long time. In our high rainfall it is inevitable that tailings containing arsenic and antimony will be washed into the Nymboida and Clarence, as has happened to the Macleay River. It may not happen next year or in the next ten years or even the next 50 years but these sites have the capacity to pollute for thousands of years. The only safe way to contain antimony and arsenic is to not to disturb the ground.

Mr Wade Walker has represented ‘Steve Cansdell’s Office’ at at least one meeting and requested Pauline Hanson to stand in the Clarence electorate. He might stand as an independent but his politics are ‘conservative’.

'Among Mr Walker's other key policies is more of an emphasis on renewable energy in the Clarence and also a halt to coal-seam gas exploration and antimony mining in the Clarence area until more is known about their environmental and health-related impacts.' Daily Examiner, November 8, 2011

In reality these candidates are mouthing ‘appropriate’ words like ‘balance’, ‘safeguards’, ‘protection of the environment’ and ‘calling a halt until more is known’ hoping that this greenwashing will sooth the concerned voter. Don’t be fooled.

There is only one candidate that clearly states, “Don’t ever mine antimony at Wild Cattle Creek and risk our water.’ That candidate is the NSW Greens Janet Cavanaugh.

Let's hope the Clarence electors know what is best for their children and our children. Their message to the O'Farrell government is also crucial for the residents of Coffs Harbour and Sawtell

Waterhole betting on Gulaptis low key but colourful

Maud Up The Street tells me that her young 'uns swear that at one Maclean wateringhole locals are not betting on who will win the Clarence election this Saturday - after all that's a lay down misere.
Given that North Coast Nats all seem to be poured from the same mold, what they're betting on is how long the Gulaptis marriage will last once he relocates to Macquarie Street.

Fair dinkum, those blokes must've been bored that day!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Metgasco and friends go a-courting on the NSW North Coast

The Sydney Morning Herald reported on 15 November 2011 that:

Stuart George, the son of the prominent Nationals MP for Lismore and Deputy Speaker, Thomas George, has been recruited by the coal seam gas explorer Metgasco to negotiate access to private land for the company. Mr George, a Richmond Valley councillor, was appointed land administration officer.

Mr. George also stood for Nationals pre-selection in the lead up to the 19 November 2011 Clarence by-election.

That a number of mining companies may be actively courting either the goodwill or cooperation of state and federal members of parliament, local government councillors and candidates for election is an open secret locally.

Which begs the question:

Will North Coast Nationals Chris Gulaptis be far behind Stuart George?

Photo of Chris Gulaptis from ABC North Coast

NSW North Coast community workers closer to equal pay

Page community service workers closer to equal pay
Federal Member for Page, Janelle Saffin, said an estimated 2000 community service workers in the Northern Rivers are a step closer to achieving equal pay following the Australian Government’s announcement that it will provide $2 billion to help deliver any pay rises awarded to workers in the sector.
“These workers have incredibly challenging but personally rewarding jobs, caring for people with disabilities, counselling families in crisis, running homeless shelters and working with victims of domestic or sexual assault,” Ms Saffin said.  
“We all acknowledge the value of their roles, and it is time to pay more than lip service to this, and fund their work based on fairness.  In short, give these workers a fair go."
“This historic commitment from the Government will help 150,000 Australians, including 120,000 women; achieve the equal pay they deserve.”
Australia has undervalued workers in the social and community services sector-because their work has been viewed as women’s work and Fair Work Australia acknowledged the gender gap in the industry pay rates in part of its judgement handed down earlier this year.
“Plainly it is wrong that full time working women earn on average one fifth less than men.
“It was the Australian Labor Government that changed the Fair Work Act and broadened the equal pay provisions so that the Australian Services Union could mount the pay equity case. 
“As a long time advocate of equal pay for women and low paid workers, I have stood with local ASU members at equal pay rallies, and told them I was committed to both winning the pay equity and most importantly, winning the funds to flow for such. 
ASU State Secretary, Sally McManus thanked Janelle for her support.
“We’ve been fighting for this for years and we applaud the Government’s decision.
“Janelle has always been fighting on our side for this and she’s been part of making this happen and for that we are eternally grateful,” Ms McManus said.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced that the Government will submit a joint proposal with the Australian Services Union to Fair Work Australia which, if accepted, will fund the Federal Government’s share of wage increases for workers in the sector.
The Government will be encouraging major providers in the sector as well as other unions and state governments to join its submission.
Ms Saffin said if the Government’s submission is supported by FWA it will mean fair pay and thousands of dollars extra in the pay packets for community sector workers and their families.
“”The increases will vary across jobs and classifications, but are expected to be around 7 to 15 percent.
 “For example, a disability support worker at classification level two could receive an extra $7000 a year, or a level six youth outreach worker could receive an extra $18, 000,” Ms Saffin said.
“As the Prime Minister said, this is an  historic announcement  for social and community sector workers and something only a Labor Government will deliver.’

11 November 2011
Media contact:  Lee Duncan 0448 158 150

Statisticians indulging in a little bit of political mischief

Roy Morgan Research was in a mischievous mood this month as those naughty statisticians canvassed the possibility of a Malcolm Bligh Turnbull defection saving the Australian Labor Government at the next election.
Just the thing to make Tones the Terrible delirious with barely suppressed paranoia.

Electors were asked “If former Liberal Party Leader Malcolm Turnbull were to join the ALP before the next election who would you vote for?”
This special telephone Morgan Poll was conducted over the two nights of November 2/3, 2011, with an Australia-wide cross section of 525 electors.

Monday 14 November 2011

A win on the board for Labor's Peter Ellem and local nurses regarding O'Farrell Government's health funding offer

It is highly likely that people in the Clarence Valley would still be waiting and, Grafton Base Hospital still be without sufficient staffing levels to open its new orthopaedic beds in 2011-12 if Labor’s candidate in the 19 November Clarence by-election Peter Ellem (with the help of local nurses) had not managed to make it an election issue.

In The Casino Times online on 24 October 2011:

COUNTRY Labor candidate for the Clarence by-election, Peter Ellem today joined Opposition Leader John Robertson and local nurses to demand State funding for orthopaedic surgery and equipment at Grafton Base Hospital.
"The O'Farrell Stoner Government must fund orthopaedic surgery and equipment to complement the new federally-funded operating theatres at Grafton Base Hospital," Mr Ellem said.
"The Commonwealth-funded theatres are a massive boost for Grafton Base, but the O'Farrell-Stoner Government down in Sydney needs to back this up with State-funded orthopaedic surgery and equipment.
"The National Party has been far too timid in their approach to Grafton Base Hospital – I am demanding the immediate funding of orthopaedic surgery for the hospital."

From a NSW Health Minister media release on 14 November 2011:

The NSW Government has allocated $1.7 million of recurrent funding to support the establishment of an Orthopaedic Surgery Service at Grafton Base Hospital, the Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research, Jillian Skinner, announced today…..
“This funding will allow additional nursing staff, a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist to be recruited to treat orthopaedic surgery patients,” Mrs Skinner said……
This $1.7 million allocation will complement the redevelopment of the Grafton Base Hospital operating theatres and the establishment of dedicated orthopaedic surgery beds, which have been jointly funded by the Federal and State Governments.

Although, given how the
O'Farrell Government and its candidate Chris Gulaptis fudged their earlier health announcements, one may have to wait and see if this claimed new funding isn't actually Federal Government money being announced by the NSW Coalition as its own.

Historic Casino Post Office has been placed on the Commonwealth Heritage List

Photo of Janelle Saffin MP talking to Postal Service officer, Sherrie McGrath outside Casino Post Office

Page MP Janelle Saffin has welcomed the announcement that the historic Casino Post Office has been placed on the Commonwealth Heritage List.

Ms Saffin said it is wonderful that the Post Office has been recognised for its significant heritage values.

“This heritage listing will mean increased protection for the Casino Post Office.

“From when it was built in 1879, the post office has played a central role in the development of communication services in Casino and the broader Upper Richmond River district.

“Casino Post Office was designed as a modest regional post office, with combined post and telegraph office and residence. The complex was enlarged in 1915 and again in 1975 to accommodate an increased volume of work and a larger residence.

“It is an uncommon and distinctive building and architecturally it is a fine example of hybrid Victorian Italianate and Colonial Regency Revival styles.

“The announcement of Casino Post Office being added to the Commonwealth Heritage List means national recognition for this significant community icon,” Ms Saffin said.

“Casino’s Central Business District already boasts one of the best collections of art deco buildings in Australia and the addition of the Post Office building to the Commonwealth Heritage Listing adds to Casino’s reputation as a town of significant heritage value.

“There is great potential for these local heritage sites to become more of a tourism draw card.

“When I spoke to people in the streets of Casino today about the new listing, they were very pleased with the news, and rightly proud of their town’s historic streetscape,” Ms Saffin said.

Minister for Sustainability, Tony Burke, has announced the inclusion of 43 post offices from around Australia on the Commonwealth Heritage List.   

Janelle Saffin MP for Page, Media Release, 8 November, 2011 

The CSIRO today - sometimes the threat to Australian water and food security is found in unexpected places

The commercially-driven Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Earth Science and Resource Engineering division reveals that ‘fracking’ is now considered mainstream mining technology which it supports:

* Hydraulic fracturing is a core technology in conventional petroleum production and in fast growing areas of unconventional gas, geothermal energy and carbon capture and storage.
It is also a cornerstone of innovative new methods in mining.
The CSIRO hydraulic fracture group combines theoretical development and experimental investigations with application-ready capabilities to provide basic research and novel technologies aligned with the needs of an expanding range of industries.

* Outcomes from our fundamental mechanics studies provide building blocks for a new generation of commercial and research hydraulic fracturing simulators that account for multi-scale processes in hydraulic fracturing and the interaction of hydraulic fractures with natural fractures in the reservoir rock.
We are actively pioneering new applications of hydraulic fracturing to:
·         pre-condition ore bodies for caving-type mining operations
·         enhanced gas drainage from coal seams
·         geothermal reservoir development
·         carbon capture and storage operations.  

The Greens zero in on Hapless Gulaptis

You’ve gotta enjoy the way Gulaptis’ chicken words quickly come home to roost after they fly from his mouth. Here are The Greens taking him to task in his self-appointed role of the defender of mainstream values against those dastardly interest groups in "
We all benefit from the achievements of 'noisy' minorities":

Chris Gulaptis appears to have a problem with 'noisy' minorities.

Some of the achievements of noisy minorities:

• voting rights for women
• the end of child labour in the U.K.
• the end of open slavery
• the protection of the Franklin River
• the end of cigarette advertising in the media

Do you belong to a noisy minority?

If a state election was held today the Nationals would gain 6% of the state's primary vote. The Greens would gain 14%. (Latest Newspoll- The Australian, November 10)

Sunday 13 November 2011

Families rally for the Nymboida and Clarence Rivers in November 20011

Protest picnic drawing attention to proposed mining
in Nymboida River and Clarence River catchments,
Karangi Dam, Saturday November 12, 2011.
Photographs from Mid North Coast Greens

Nationals Chris Gulaptis continues to align himself with admitted lawbreaker

Some aspiring politicians kiss babies, help little old ladies find a seat and shake the hands of old soldiers.

Not the NSW Nationals' candidate in the Clarence by-election, Chris Gulaptis.

He keeps buddying up to former disgraced MP Steve Cansdell who had to resign his seat because he had been outed for signing a false statuatory declaration in which he lied in order to keep his driver's license after repeat speeding infringements.

The snapshot of Chris and Steve (above) comes from a Gulaptis campaign leaflet being delivered across the Clarence Valley this month.


He confessed, so why delay the arrest? Could the police be dragging their feet for political reasons, asks the Herald Sun on 13 November 2011.

Clarence By-Election: Remembering that Gulaptis Grand Tanty of 2007 & the Fiji Dictatorship

This letter to the editor in The Daily Examiner last Saturday reminded voters that Chris Gulaptis can throw a spectacular sulk.

Vowed never to return

I'm not sure whether G Dobbin (DE Letters) is a passionate Labor supporter with deep concerns for Peter Ellem's dress sense or a National Party stooge, but whatever it was that prompted his or her letter to the editor they got one thing dead right; Labor still has integrity.

So much so, in fact, that Chris Gulaptis, despite his desperate attempts, couldn't make it onto the Labor membership books and get the ALP pre-selection he thought would lead to a seat in parliament.
What a shame the Nationals, unlike the ALP, can't spot political opportunism when it's staring them in the face.
If they could, we poor voters would have been spared the odious situation of being saddled with a National Party candidate who had the hide to vent his spleen on the people of Grafton, simply because they failed to vote for him at the Federal elections.
And the National Party would not now be stuck with someone they prefer to keep hidden rather than out on the campaign trail.
Chris Gulaptis stormed out of Grafton after his Federal election loss vowing never to return.
What a shame he didn't stick to his promise.


What the letter didn't mention was the fact that he also ratted out ratepayers because he was still a Clarence Valley councillor with another 10 months on the clock when he lost at the 2007 federal election - months in which he was an absentee representative working overseas for much of the time.
And that after the Australian democratic process chewed him up and spat him out he first worked in a South Pacific dictatorship run by Josaia Voreqe 'Frank' Bainimarama before settling in Queensland. Indeed, Gulaptis said "his work overseas was more of a priority" than Clarence Valley local government.
The Bainimarama totalitarian regime obviously approved the resort he worked on as it still hosts the company's job vacancy advertising.
So while the ordinary people of Fiji were suffering the ongoing effects of a coup which stripped them of democratic rights (and saw people physically intimidated, sexually assaulted, beaten to death, detained, tortured, spied on, deprived of free speech) Gulaptis was helping to bring into being this foreign-owned Fijian island resort for the rich and famous:
"Small plates are the order here, with seven-course meals of smartly proportioned gourmet dishes. The airy, colonial-style Plantation House contains a fine-dining restaurant, a lounge and an impressive wine cellar. (Premium wines can be had at an additional cost, starting at $55 and going as high as $1,280 for a 1995 Château Mouton Rothschild Premier Cru.) At the Seagrass Lounge, the fare is Asian-fusion. The Beach Bar grills a mix of meat, seafood and vegetables; the clifftop Rock Lounge is best for sunsets, cocktails and savory bites; and the Pool Bar offers an addictive tuna carpaccio with French-fried zucchini and wasabi dipping sauce.
Service at Fiji’s better resorts has always been wholehearted, but it has also been famously slow. Not so at Laucala. With a staff of 360 and a guest count below 80, a call for coffee produces a smiling employee carrying a steaming pot in three minutes flat. One recent guest, out for an early round with New Zealand golf pro Tony Christie, came upon a perfectly set table near the fourth hole. Someone had decided they might like breakfast with their game.
Accommodations begin at $3,800
{a night} for two people." Or as Gulaptis likes to brag "ranging from $4000 to $30,000 per night".
This is definitely an 'invitation only' resort.

Gulaptis admits he missed five meetings from April 2008 to the council elections in September 2008.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Grafton's purple haze in November 2011

Jacarandas in bloom abound across public spaces
City of Grafton, Clarence Valley NSW