Wednesday 19 November 2008

Avaunt thee Satan!

Sharpen those wooden stakes, load the guns with silver bullets, string garlic into necklaces, scatter witch hazel needles on doorsteps and window sills - has anyone seen where Pa hid the cross and holy water?
All precautions against demons must be taken because it has been suggested that Frank Sartor may challenge Nathan Rees for the premiership of New South Wales.

Ignominiously kicked out of his portfolio and relegated to the backbench, Sartor was expected to retire into the bosom of his family.
Indeed he tearfully told us as much.
Silently rejoicing, wiser heads in the Department of Planning were scrapping his plans to bypass local government and communities when it came to the average development application.

However, Sartor decided to stay in the game and in the rumoured move to oust Premier Rees and his unpopular mini budget, it has been suggested that Crankie Frankie (the darling of the development lobby) should lead the state.
Have the good ol' boys in Sussex Street gone completely mad?

Tuesday 18 November 2008

News Ltd gets caught stoking Turnbull's beat-up

Today the Herald Sun online is trumpeting Kevin Rudd left out of George W. Bush photographs.

Telling the world that there is a problem with official G20 snaps on the White House website:

But his photo with Mr Rudd, who received a visibly frosty reception from the President, has somehow gone missing. The move appears to confirm a presidential snub of Mr Rudd over the leaking of a phone conversation he had with Mr Bush.

There is a small problem with trying this hard to support the Leader of the Opposition's beat-up of the alleged undiplomatic comment made by the Prime Minister about his counterpart, the US President.

And here it is.

The Herald Sun also went on to assert that; The only other leader omitted from the photo was Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Wrong again if one does a simple search of the site as this shows.

Obama voters = sinners

Blogger John Richardson ( has produced a pearler. It appears below:

politics & the value of sin .....

The Catholic Church in South Carolina is telling its members, who voted for Obama that they cannot receive communion without confessing and repenting for their sin.

A lot of folks might be upset by this, but I'm not. I would prefer that the church keep its nose out of our secular form of governance but since it refuses to do so, perhaps, it is time to revoke the tax exempt status of churches and, too, time to have religious institutions regulated by the government.

Seriously, if churches feel comfortable with ignoring the First Amendment, then government should too and government should begin to fully regulate religion.

Such regulation would, of course, include guidelines for what can and cannot be preached from the pulpit - and, too, whether or not a particular church can practice its faith at all.

Yeah, it would probably be a terrible thing for religion and the country, but fair is fair!

If the church wants to invade upon our secular form of governance, then the government MUST intrude upon and regulate religion.

Well done John Richardson!

More on the 'no clean feed' pixies vs Kevin Rudd

It was Petering Time who first alerted us to the fact that the 'no clean feed' pixies were targeting Kevin Rudd's Twitter site.

By the time Pete's scheduled post was published Rudd's site had supposedly crashed because of the high number of 'followers'.

Luckily for the record a few of the many anti-censorship tweets were saved for posterity by Young PR in his post Aussie Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Joins Twitter - The Reponse: No Clean Feed.

Thus making it a little harder for the prime minister's media team to rewrite history.

Here (courtesy of Young PR) is just one example of what Rudd received:

@KevinRuddPM Hello and welcome to Twitter. Your first order of business is to stop Conroy's daft internet filter idea kthxbai #nocleanfeed
12:23 AM November 12, 2008 from web
in reply to KevinRuddPM

Sean Boiling

Gene Ethics creates 2008 GM canola site map for New South Wales

Click to enlarge

NSW and Victorian maps can be downloaded from Gene Ethics here.

Resident threatens court action if Clarence Valley Council sells off public parking land

After reading the many letters that have been submitted to The Daily Examiner it is obvious that the town of Maclean definitely needs a new supermarket, but not in the position that those with vested interests propose.

You don't sell public land just to please developers and those who are looking after their own selfish interests.

Before any final decision is made on the selling or leasing of this public asset the incumbent Clarence Valley Council must call an urgent public meeting and take a vote from those present as to which way they will jump.

Advertising through the local press and radio must be carried out for at least one week so that those who are against the proposal to build a new shopping complex can have their say, with a count being taken.

Meetings that have already been held did not reflect the true amount of interest as they were pooly advertised.
Let's have a proper meeting so that the Valley councillors can get the true message.

Some good advise to all councillors; if you have already made the decision before a proper and full public meeting is carried out you all had better look at your positions, as they will become very tenuous because you will all be given the "the royal order of the boot" at the next election.

If you want to waste the public's money go ahead but be prepared to face court action as a result.

A council is elected to carry out the wishes of the people and manage the affairs of the valley in a fit and proper manner - not to toady to those developers with vested interests.

Already, many people are beginning to ask, "What are certain councillors being paid to have the land sold."

This is not fiction it is fact. Preserve your integrity ladies and gentlemen and adhere to the wishes of the majority of your constituents.

Clarence Valley NSW

* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to for consideration.

As the first anniversary of the November 2007 election draws near............

Winston Churchill, like Will Waveadagger before him, may have decided on how the popular history of his era would go down.
However, his chief admirer John Howard will have a tougher time with his revisionist version of his time in government because now we have the Internet to remind us all that he was never going to win in 2007.

Take a short trip in North Coast Voices own mini wayback machine:

Govt dismisses poll predicting election loss
The poll of 1,400 voters was taken from Thursday to Saturday.
It suggests Mr Rudd's personal approval rating has risen three points to 67 per cent, while Mr Howard's has fallen three points to 46 per cent.

PRIME Minister John Howard is headed for a calamitous defeat on Saturday, according to the latest Sunday Age poll, which shows that mortgage-belt voters have turned sharply against the Coalition.
After six rises in interest rates since the last election — which shattered Mr Howard's promise to keep interest rates at record lows — Labor holds a 14-point lead among mortgage holders.

Galaxy's latest poll in Bennelong has John Howard losing to Maxine McKew. As the PM says - no big surprise there. If it said anything else you'd say the sample was bad, because it would be completely out of line with everything else the polls currently say about the state of the parties' votes.

John Howard Readies Fortress Sydney
Australian PM John Howard has made a You Tube appeal that both apologises to Sydneysiders for turning the city into fortress Sydney in preparation for the forthcoming APEC meeting and anticipates the protests that now accompany meetings of such leaders similar to this and the G8. The slick video features an identikit Australian newsreader and the PM selling the need to host the meeting and painting protesters as the baddies who should support APEC rather than decry it, whilst explaining to the city residents why most of central Sydney around the Opera house is now encased in a ring of steel fencing and barbed wire and generally looking like a scene from Bladerunner (re-released again I see).

Prime Minister John Howard talks to Lateline
Well, the Prime Minister turns 68 tomorrow and he plans to spend the day with Australian troops in East Timor. Expect to see lots of images of a vigorous leader surrounded by diggers, and barely a moment for the sentimental trappings of an ageing man's birthday. Well, beyond the issue of his age, there was plenty to talk about when I caught up with him in Perth late this afternoon, shortly before he jetted off.

Howard happy with Haneef detention
Prime Minister John Howard has defended the continuing detention of Gold Coast doctor Mohammed Haneef.

Bid For John Howard's Integrity On eBay!
You are bidding on an original 1950's mind set. Genuine period flaws make this a truly unique item. While the internal mechanism (not visible in photo) is damaged, it still spins at full speed. The veneer is in splendid condition. You will be disappointed or your money back.

PRIME Minister John Howard has launched a broadside against US presidential hopeful Barack Obama, warning his victory could destroy Iraq and prospects for peace in the Middle East.

John Howard's message for the Australian voters in 2007 has not changed from 1974. He has been true to his word; he has not changed his message.