Tuesday 18 November 2008

More on the 'no clean feed' pixies vs Kevin Rudd

It was Petering Time who first alerted us to the fact that the 'no clean feed' pixies were targeting Kevin Rudd's Twitter site.

By the time Pete's scheduled post was published Rudd's site had supposedly crashed because of the high number of 'followers'.

Luckily for the record a few of the many anti-censorship tweets were saved for posterity by Young PR in his post Aussie Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Joins Twitter - The Reponse: No Clean Feed.

Thus making it a little harder for the prime minister's media team to rewrite history.

Here (courtesy of Young PR) is just one example of what Rudd received:

@KevinRuddPM Hello and welcome to Twitter. Your first order of business is to stop Conroy's daft internet filter idea kthxbai #nocleanfeed
12:23 AM November 12, 2008 from web
in reply to KevinRuddPM

Sean Boiling

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