Monday, 10 November 2008

Will Rudd turn into President Obama's tart?

With the exception of Edward Gough Whitlam, there hasn't been an Aussie prime minister in living memory who hasn't rushed to bow down before our 'great and powerful friend'.
Indeed Little Johnnie Howard raised this to such an art form that Australia breached international law because Dubbya asked him to.

As sure as night follows day - sometime in the next twelve months a new and untried President Obama will ask Australia for more troops to prop up the 'war' in Afghanistan and bang on our borders demanding admittance of more American produce and products without sufficient quarantine safeguards.

Now Prime Minister Rudd can resist the pressure to come from the ANZUS elephant, but will he?

Sadly he will probably behave like many before him and almost trip over the lectern in his eagerness to publicly pledge undying loyalty to that foreign government administration which is often so toxic to our own national health.

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