Thursday 13 November 2008

Those doppelgänger folks at Twitter

Everybody it seems is using Twitter and many Aussie identities are finding that they now have a doppelgänger who has at some time happily used this site.
Here're some entries from the archives.

Stephen Conroy aka Chr*st Almighty:
"Nice morning in Melbourne.. i can smell the coffee and the distaste for me like never before! FRESH! "
"yes.. fantastic stuff.. now im behind the firewall DVDs are the only way i can get "relief"

Malcolm Turnbull aka Member for Goldman Sachs aka God:
"Julie Bishop is such a babe, the pant suit looks totally hot on TV"

Kevin Rudd aka Chairman of the Bored:
"Pity Barack isn't Twittering. How else will he find out that I'm totally on his team?"

John Howard aka Die Führer:
"Found this picture of me and Condi...she never calls anymore :( "

The real Malcolm Turnbull is of course found at Twitter/TurnbullMalcolm.

While yesterday the real Kevin Rudd became a tweeter at Twitter/Kevin RuddMP for the first time.
Maaaaaaate! That was a mistake. Because it didn't take long for the 'clean feed' pixies to start flying in:

Go pixies - give'm heaps!

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