Thursday 20 November 2008

Saffin hosts climate change information night for Northern Rivers, Ballina 21 November 2008

Page MP Janelle Saffin is holding a public forum on climate change to provide a local perspective on one of the biggest issues facing the Northern Rivers, Australia and the world.
The forum, Climate Change: A Regional Perspective, will be held in the Richmond Room, Regatta Avenue, at the rear of the Ballina Public Library on Friday, November 21, from 5.30pm until 7.30pm.
The keynote speaker is Southern Cross University's Head of the School of Environmental Science and Management, Professor Jerry Van Clay.
Ms Saffin said the forum would be an opportunity to hear a world-renowned expert on natural resource management and sustainability explain the possible implications of climate change for people living in the Northern Rivers.
She said Professor Vanclay would also discuss the Rudd Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper, which we released in July, and economist Professor Ross Garnaut's Climate Change Review.

Northern Rivers Social Development Council finds Rees mini-budget lacklustre

This media release more or less says it all about the NSW Government mini-budget.

Lacklustre Budget Fails To Inspire

Northern Rivers Social Development Council has welcomed today's NSW Budget announcements on new infrastructure but expressed disappointment at the lack of spending on key priorities for the region.

According to NRSDC President, Jenny Dowell, there are some positives in the Budget.

'The region will receive a $1Million increase in funding for community transport. This will go some way towards meeting the needs of older people and those living with disability,' Ms Dowell said.

'We welcome new funding for health infrastructure including the modest boost to acute mental health services – this is badly needed in our region,' said Ms Dowell.

'We are also relieved that the government will provide indexation of 3.3% to disability services and NGOs funded by the Department of Community Services. This will help vital community organisations maintain current services against high inflation,' Ms Dowell said.

'However, we are very worried that non-government transport and health services will receive indexation of only 2.5%. In real terms this is a cut in funding,' said Ms Dowell.

NRSDC CEO, Tony Davies, points out that there is very little new money in the budget.

'Unfortunately, the claims of record spending on Health, Housing, Disability, Transport, Preschools and Community Services, are largely spin,' Mr Davies said.

'What the government has done is re-announce previous commitments. We are pleased that the government is investing in the services that help our community, but some of these initiatives have been announced four or five times. We would have liked to see more action to address new and emerging community needs,' Mr Davies said.

'There are significant gaps that this budget still does not address. Worryingly there is scant detail about projects to support regional areas with many of the big ticket infrastructure items going to metropolitan centres,' said Mr Davies.

Areas where NRSDC would have liked to see greater investment include:

  • Growth funding for non-government disability, aged and community services to meet the demands of a growing and ageing population.
  • The Department of Community Services to meet the continuing escalation in demand for child protection services and to provide better and earlier support to vulnerable families.
  • Youth services – despite a rapidly increasing population, there has been no real growth in funding for young people for the last decade.
  • Transport – to support planning, coordination, public transport infrastructure and services

NSW forestry - not good enough Minister!

While fiscal difficulties and factional fights are driving the NSW Labor Government into the ground, here is yet another matter for the Northern Rivers (with its numerous forestry tracts) to worry about.

The forest management regimes along the entire eastern seaboard of NSW are currently up for review – in the form of five-year reviews of Forest Agreements and Approvals signed almost a decade ago.

This is an opportunity for major improvements in forest conservation, which are desperately needed in the context of a rapidly warming climate – but the NSW Government seems intent on ticking a box and continuing with business as usual.

The Government is almost five years late in undertaking these reviews, and legally required annual reports for the Agreements and Approvals have not been published since 2002. Numerous key conservation milestones have never been met.
  • There have been no annual reports submitted on NSW Forest Agreements since 2002 despite a legal requirement to do so.
  • The five-year review was legally required for the UNE, LNE and Eden forest Agreements in 2004 and is only now being commenced.
  • The eight-year review of timber volumes required by the UNE and LNE Forest Agreements in 2006 was not conducted, and new long-term (20 year) wood supply contracts were signed without a review of volumes.
  • There have been no threatened species prosecutions of Forests NSW by DECC for five years, despite numerous legitimate complaints by the community.
  • There have been massive shortfalls and time delays in meeting the requirements of the National Forest Policy Statement.
  • The Government has failed to meet many of the key milestones and targets set down in the NSW Forest Agreements.
  • There is a clear bias in those milestones that have been achieved towards the interests of the timber industry and against conservation interests.
  • Key conservation outcomes required by the Agreements have not been met – including proper protection of high conservation value Crown lands and assessment of the World Heritage potential of our northern and southern eucalypt forests.
  • The Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998 has a requirement for a five year review which has not occurred.
  • Numerous key elements of the Commonwealth-State Regional Forest Agreements for NSW have also not been met, including the five-year review, the annual reports and other important provisions (including a timber review and world heritage assessment).
  • The review of the FAs and IFOAs will be a case of the Ministers reviewing their own failings and shortcomings. An independent review is required.

If you wish to make a submission before 19 December 2008 on the five-year reviews or individual forestry agreements in your area, contact Camel Flint for more information at:

North East Forest Alliance
16 Roslyn Ave
Armidale, 2350
Ph 0267 724904
Mo 0400 521474

Global finacial crisis provokes some nervous laughter on the NSW North Coast

A North Coast blogger has sprung Lehman Brothers, one of the major investment banks hit hard by the global financial crisis, actually trawling the Internet for mention of 21 economic models explained by cows.
Local wags are asking if this is where international banks and bankers are going for inspiration in the search for a solution to their woes.
I'm wondering if Rudd and Swan should be worried!

Wednesday 19 November 2008

The day I woke up dead

I have to confess that a month ago I clicked onto the World Wide Web and did a bad, bad thing.

Yes, I freely confess - I Googled my own name.

Like all who indulge in such a sin I came by my just deserts - I found my own death notice and obituary or at least ones in my exact name.

**** * ***** of B****** G**** The funeral Mass for **** * ***** will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, at St. Mary Catholic Church, ...

Even though I felt quite substantial sitting in front of my PC, this small preview of what will inevitably come was something of a chilly surprise.

Despite the fact that so many nice things were said about the 'other me' in the online guest book, I was rather relieved to be able to confirm that I still had a reflection staring back from the bathroom mirror.

So let that be a warning to all bored souls looking at a blank Google search page.
Sometimes it is better not to know.

NSW North Coast local government brings home the awards and the bacon

The Bacon

Yesterday the Rudd Labor Government announced a $300 million program to build local community infrastructure in all of Australia's 565 local council areas.

This $300 million Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program (RLCIP) will boost local economic development and support jobs in communities around the country.

Funding will be delivered under the program by 30 June 2009 to ensure the stimulatory effects of this package are delivered to local economies as quickly as possible.

This $300 million down-payment will be delivered as follows:

  • $250 million
    • A one-off grant of $250 million allocated to every council and shire for local community infrastructure;
    • Each council will receive a minimum payment of $100,000;
    • Councils above 30,000 people in areas of high growth, as classified by the state and territory local government grants commissions will receive an additional $300,000 growth component;
    • Allocations would range from $100,000 for councils with fewer than 5,000 people to $2.9 million for the largest council, based on population growth and needs;
    • Councils would be required to submit proposals that meet the program's guidelines in order to claim their allocation.
  • $50 million fund
    • $50 million strategic projects fund for larger-scale community infrastructure to help deliver an additional injection of investment in communities; and
    • This will be competitive, application-based, accountable and open to only those projects seeking a minimum Commonwealth contribution of $2 million.
[Ministerial media release,18 November 2008 AA176/2008]

It is expected that Northern Rivers councils will receive anything from $100,000 to $500,000 each under the first funding category.
However it is less clear as to whether the second category will deliver when faced with the competing claims of more populated metropolitan councils.

The Awards

On 18 November the Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Anthony Albanese, has presented the 2008 National Awards for Local Government at a function to welcome over 400 of the nation's mayors and shire presidents to Canberra for the inaugural meeting of the Australian Council of Local Government.

The NSW North Coast made a brave showing in the awards list.


Project: The Clarence Floodplain project- Reviving Floodplain Watercourses and Wetlands
The Clarence Floodplain Project (CFP) is a model project under the Clarence Valley Sustainability Initiative.
Over many years extensive drainage systems were dug to protect communities from the impact of floods. Whilst bringing many benefits, a combination of drainage and blockage of natural creek systems has resulted in poor water quality, fish kills, acid problems and the complete loss or over-drainage of extensive wetlands.
A CFP committee was established by Council and includes state agencies responsible for natural resource management, representatives from Clarence sugar, fishing and grazing industries and aboriginal, conservation and Landcare representatives.
Under the CFP more than 70 floodplain watercourses and wetlands have been 'revived' and has resulted in the revival of important wetlands and around 200km of floodgated waterways.

NATIONAL AWARD FOR MERIT: Clarence Valley Council, NSW

Project: Clarence Valley Youth Summer Events Program
The Program was designed by young people to provide low cost or no cost activities over the summer school holiday period.

Innovation in Regional Development - Commendations
RD005 - Nambucca Shire Council, NSW - Collaborating industry and Local Government
RD006 - Clarence Valley Council, NSW - Clarence Edge

Young people plan, organise and run the program and performances such as; Spaghetti Circus workshops; music production, and surf clinics.
The Youth Committee's adopt the principles of social inclusion and accessibility to underpin the program. Indigenous youth and those with a disability are also encouraged to participate, transport is free and activities cater for broad interests.
The Program enables local businesses to engage with young people. The activities have resulted in a greater respect for youth initiative and show that the young people within the community can participate without anti-social behaviour, promotes volunteering, welcomes visitors and provides social networks for new residents.

Australia to teach Japan how to do legitimate whale research

The Age yesterday:

Australia will spend $6 million on whale research to show the Japanese you do not have to kill whales to study them........
The Australian government is pushing for all research to be non-lethal, and will inject the extra money into aerial surveys, satellite tags and genetic studies.
Environment Minister Peter Garrett said researchers did not need to use "grenade-tipped harpoons".
"Australia does not believe that we need to kill whales to understand them," Mr Garrett said.
The fund, to be spent by June, will also go towards developing opportunities for commercial whale-watching in the Pacific.
And an assessment will be carried out of Japan's "scientific" whaling program. The government says it will be independent and comprehensive.
Most of the $6 million will go to the Australian Marine Mammal Centre in Hobart.

The Australian Marine Mammal Centre was established as the first national research centre focused on understanding, protecting and conserving the whales, dolphins, seals and dugongs in our region. The Australian Marine Mammal Centre coordinates Australia's marine mammal research expertise to provide scientific research and advice to underpin Australia's marine mammal conservation and policy initiatives.
The Australian Marine Mammal Centre is based in Hobart in the Australian Antarctic Division's (AAD) Science Branch and has an extensive network of science members throughout Australia, representing over 20 institutions. A stakeholder advisory committee and a marine mammal scientific committee work with the Hobart-based Australian Marine Mammal Centre staff to review priority research needs and ensure cross-jurisdictional integration of the work program.

Given that the Rudd Government has not been successful thus far in stopping whale hunting in the Southern Ocean, the Minister's latest anouncement is very welcome.

Humpback whale tails image from the Australian Mammal Centre