Andrew Bolt has been banging on about Africans again- Sudanese and Somalian born Africans in particular and their crime rates compared to the Victorian population as a whole. It stems back to some a#sehattery about how Victorian Police Commissioner Christine Nixon might have produced statistics that Bolt found misleading on the issue of Sudanese migrant crime rates in Victoria last year – stats that she gave in response to a Kevin Andrews spiel about the same.
Apparently, Bolt reckons that Nixon "helped to turn voters against the Howard government" in those heady weeks before the poll and that she " fed a campaign of abuse against the immigration affairs minister, Kevin Andrews, that was so vitriolic it may have ended an honest man's career."
(Which we can only take to mean as a Minister of the Crown since he's still a Parliamentarian).
Oh really?
The post goes on to skewer Bolt to the wall:
If Bolt was trying to bring to our attention a few simple facts, but in such a way that it didn't stir the hornet's nest of bigotry – then he failed dismally. Any idiot can produce those numbers – hell, any idiot did. When it was pointed out that the proportion of total distinct offenders born in Somalia was about the same as the proportion of 15-19 year old Victorians of any hue – a little bit of nuance to calm the rampaging hysteria over at Cult Bolt, that's when he got all manbeastly. His d#ck swinging, chest beating attempt at a p#ssing contest in the comments would be pretty funny if it wasn't actually a real community of people we were dealing with here. [Word edits were done by me to avoid any over-eager filter out in the blogosphere]
Go, Poss - you are so beautiful when you are angry!