Monday 21 September 2009

We're not in Queensland yet! and other stories

As the page turns.....

An eagle-eyed visitor to The Daily Examiner website spotted this logo attached to a story about the federal electorate of Page on the NSW North Coast; Libs turn to Page in comeback bid.
That's right - the logo is for the recently amalgamated Queensland state coalition party, the Liberal National Party which can't field a candidate in New South Wales without marching the border southwards.

Eat less meat campaigns

Now that everyone from Ask More Now through to the United Nations has joined in the call to eat less meat and hopefully reduce methane associated with man-made climate change, I thought I'd give the cows a chance to have their say......

Shut Up!! I'm shopping.......

Someone had a bright idea at Bi-Lo in Yamba recently. A male staff member was sent up and down the few aisles in this small store with a microphone in hand to spruik the goods. Not sure how long that megaphone selling will last though, as before he made his way into the staff only area he was seen being roundly abused by an older female customer who just wanted to shop in peezes and quietz.

Radio daze

WTF? Went to Radio 2GF Grafton website yesterday and Google gave this warning:

When did local radio go bad?

Sunday 20 September 2009

Australian Federal Parliament: question time ennui

It seems that the arrogance, high farce and temper tantrums displayed in both houses of the Federal Parliament recently during Question Time still leaves some space for a little boredom and twitchy fingers, as Senator Scott Ludlum amusingly demonstrated last week.

Senator Ludlum RT @parissite: Twitter iz in ur question time, makin it moar funz. #qt from twhirl

Climate change storm clouds are gathering...........

One hears talk about prolonged climate change impacts leading to future mass migration of displaced persons and national security threats, but few actually talk about the degree of political and social conflict that Australia may experience due to the fact that it is already a relatively dry continent over much of its land mass with the majority of food cultivation and domestic stock grazing occurring on what can only be termed marginal land.
Or the fact that existing means of primary production meant to feed over 21 million citizens is estimated to be in the hands of less than 125,000 families/corporations.
Little mention is also made of the fact that the definition of terrorism and draconian federal/state anti-terrorism laws are now capable of including legitimate and peaceful public dissent against government policy or corporate business practice.

It seems that few are contemplating what climate change-focused civil unrest will be like.

However last Monday Ian McHugh from Crikey gave us a thumbnail of the possible beginning of things to come when he wrote about the Hazelwood power station protest:

The Australian mainstream is not used to fighting against government policies on the ground – the average suburbanite, which, myself included, is what most of us are, has transient experience of it at best because we've grown up in a country that has been free, stable, prosperous and reasonably equitable for a few generations, and those kinds of muscles have inevitably atrophied.
But this is what lends significance to yesterday's action, even if the numbers are not yet on the ground – that despite a probable discomfort with the idea of civil disobedience, people who would really rather be doing something else turned up anyway, because they feel that this is what things have come to.
And it's something that modern day governments, particularly those that obsess over media appearances, ought to be thinking about – if the climate change issue is met with platitudes in public and police on the ground, then the pictures that flow from that will become increasingly ugly.
Strongarming a dreadlocked protester dressed like a wombat might not be a particularly good look, but handing out the same treatment to the more conservative looking; the very old, the very young, doctors, plumbers, lawyers, teachers, nurses, WORKING FAMILIES – the 'ordinary' folk -- is infinitely worse.

Go the mighty Magpies! Come on United! NRRRL Grand Final today

Footy fever hits the Northern Rivers as its rugby league grand final gets underway and kicks off with welcome to country by Yaegl elder Mrs. Lillian Williams at 10.45am in the Maclean Showground.
Then on to the Under 18s Ballina v Kyogle followed by Reserve Grade Mullumbimby v Evans Head and finally to the match everyone has been waiting for Lower Clarence Magpies v Northern United

Lower Clarence Magpies

Northern United

Click on photos to enlarge
Pics from
The Daily Examiner on 19th September 2009

UPDATE: The Mighty Magpies are now the 2009 Northern Rivers Regional Rugby League Grand Final Champions with a 21-20 win over Northern United.
Well done to all players on both sides! It was a close game well played to a tight finish.
Evans Head (24-22) and Ballina (36-12) were the winners in their divisions.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Hungry green tree frog snacks on baby black snake

Snap taken at Yamba on Friday night (18 September).
The frog was approximately 10cm in length;
the black snake was approximately 40cm long.

What a difference a change of editor makes

Under former editor Peter Chapman The Daily Examiner at times indulged in barely concealed Koori bashing, so this opinion piece by new editor David Bancroft was a welcome read last Wednesday:

Click image to enlarge

Original The Daily Examiner article about young Kaleesha Morris (pictured) Grafton teen a future PM? by journalist Marsha Neville on 16 September 2009.

Australia - what's wrong with this picture?

Australia has an estimated land area of 7,686,650 square kilometres.
It has a growing population which currently stands at about 21.9 million people.
The majority of Australians live within 100 kilometres of the coastline and, in that narrow strip more people live in major cities and surrounding suburbs than live in smaller towns and villages.
Only around ten per cent of Australia's land mass is arable land suitable for crops or grazing and most of that is in the same coastal fringe. The majority of this arable land is in private hands.

By 2049 it has been estimated that Australia's population will reach 35 million people.
This means that in fifty years time there will be one person for every 0.21 square kilometres of the Australian continent, but most of these people will probably want to live within a total area of less than 1 million square kilometres.
Coincidentally by 2050 the predicted negative impacts of climate change (including prolonged water scarcity and coastal sea water inundation) should be pronounced in this country.

The maths are not looking good and all levels of government are only paying lip service to sustainable planning.

What are you doing to stop your local council and state government from allowing the coast to be developed to death?