Saturday 15 May 2010

Australian Censor-In-Chief Conroy wimps out?

Conroy is awesome. He's gone from last minute cancellations on #openinternet debates, to actually stopping the OTHER PARTY from debating.
11:09 PM May 12th via web
[from Geordie Guy's tweets]

McDonald's Australia spinning it's web around Clarence Valley Council

I don't know which is more disturbing - listening to one Clarence Valley shire councillor attempt to deny that the Yamba community has any right to self-determination or seeing the majority of councillors present fail to question McDonald's Australia when its representative spoke at the Environment, Economic & Community meeting on 11 May 2010.

With traffic a real issue for the community, McDonald's sought to 'massage' the matter away by trying to argue the statistics away.

It asserted words to the effect that the proposed store would never see 230 customers arriving by road in any one hour.

Of course what is did not clarify was that this 230 figure (contained in its own development application documents) represented vehicle movements both to and from this eat-in and drive through fast food outlet during evening peak hour.So in fact the number of individual vehicles would be 115.

McDonald's expects everyone to believe that a store with 112 seat capacity and 2 drive through bays would never see 115 people drive to its store at evening peak hour to pick up a quick dinner or eat one there?In a town which effectively doubles its population during principal tourism periods this would not be possible?

McDonald's start up cost estimates are hefty, so it defies belief that the multinational and its designated licensee would consider laying out that much money on a store they they suspected might under perform.

In Australia an average 1.2 million people reportedly went into a McDonald's store each day in 2007. As McDonald's had 753 stores across the country by that year [McDonald’s Australia Limited National Packaging Covenant Report 2007] this represents an estimated 1,594 customers per store.

With the Australian arm of the corporation continuing to experience increased sales and profits ($364 million profit last financial year) I expect that customer numbers have grown since then. McDonald's does not expect a store in Yamba to measure in its best performing global region?

Pull the other one it has bells on.

Friday 14 May 2010

Yamba say a big hello to Ronald McDonald!

News of the face-off between that small NSW coastal town Yamba and McDonald's Australia appears to have spread to Illinois.
McDonald's Corporation in Chicago is also turning up on Internet traffic meters Googling yamba mcdonalds for information.

Round the online traps....

Unflattering pic of Tony Abbott alongside ABC News article about his
Budget Reply 13th May 2010

IanLoveridge: Missed the budget reply on purpose. I like my new TV and I didn't want to harm it!
Orcisano: Tony Abbot spent at least 35 minute of his budget reply attacking the government and praising the Howard government.
{Twitter 13th May 2010}

"Accused war criminal "Captain Dragan" Vasiljkovic spent the night in police custody last night in a Coffs Harbour police station after 43 days on the run."
{The Australian 13th May 2010}

"Electronic Frontiers Australia and Australian Privacy Foundation asking the company [Google] to clarify its reasons for collecting personal Wi-Fi network data from Australian homes."
{The Sydney Morning Herald 13th May 2010}

"For Australia's sake, we need to ban the bikini"
{En Passant 11th May 2010}

"Health authorities are warning of the dangers of eating slugs as a Sydney man battles a rare form of meningitis."
{ABC News 13th May 2010}

"Freud signed, but added in his own writing, "I can heartily recommend the Gestapo to anyone."
{Jonathon Glover "Bits and Pieces"}

"THERE is good reason why the North Coast Area Health Service (NCAHS) doesn't want the public to read a report by an emergency medicine expert about the state of the Grafton and Maclean emergency departments (EDs).
Alleged shoddy clinical practices by certain GPs, bullying of nursing staff by senior Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs), bad relations with Coffs Harbour hospital's ED and a culture of overspending on unnecessary pathological tests are just a few of many inflammatory findings of the report."
{The Daily Examiner 7th May 2010}

"Six Things You Need to Know About Facebook Connections"
{Electronic Frontier Foundation 4th May 2010}

Google receives takedown request for multiple Blogspots offering "direct links to files containing soundrecordings for other users to download"
{Internet Anti-Piracy 14th April 2010}

"How Many Bad Assumptions Can You Make In A Single Article About Content Creation And Copyright?"
{Techdirt May 2010}

"A MAN has pleaded guilty over an armed siege at a Port Macquarie McDonald's restaurant last year."
{Port Macquarie News 14th April 2010}

A genetic test will be offered Friday at Walgreens drug stores, but the FDA warns that "consumers are putting themselves at risk if they use a test not approved" by the federal agency. The test, offered by Pathway Genomics, already is offered online. So are similar tests from other companies. The FDA has not previously intervened.
{WebMD 12th May 2010}

{ABC News 13th May 2010}

{Slate 7th May 2010}

Thursday 13 May 2010

Clarence Valley wetland endangered by concrete batching plant

Click on image to enlarge

This wetland at James Creek, just near the Harwood Bridge, is frequented by Black-necked Stork (or Jabiru) and Brolga. The Stork is Endangered and the Brolga is Vulnerable under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995). Both are threatened further by a Development Application currently before Clarence Valley Council.

The DA is for a concrete batching plant on land zoned 1(a) Rural (Agricultural protection). The previous plant on the site has been deemed to be ‘operational’ despite not having operated for over twenty years. It would take a couple of QCs considerable time and effort to argue that twenty years of idleness constitutes ‘continuous use’ – but that’s just what they’ve done!

Gary Whale, Yamba

Click on image to enlarge
Photographs courtesy of Helen Roberts

* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to ncvguestspeak at for consideration.

ICAC finds local government is in temptation's way

Well, who da thunk it? "Local councils are highly vulnerable to corruption".
Academics and assorted experts have been telling us that for years, council watchers have been pointing it out for just as long here in the Northen Rivers.
I mean, when local government elections bring forth councillors with development agendas, higher political office as the end goal, those who quickly forget they were elected not anointed and a state government which never really gives a damn as long as the fraud or political skulduggery doesn't make it into the city papers, what can we expect?
On the make, on the fiddle, on the nose - that's local government's reputation in New South Wales.
No wonder one bloke got up at the McDonald's DA site inspection in Yamba and said he smelled a fix.
He reckons he was told Maccas had the official nod when he was thousands of miles away holidaying in Ol' Blighty. Let's hope he's wrong!
The Independent Commission Against Corruption has just released its April 2010 report which can be found here.
This report found that 77% of the councils studied rated "development applications/rezoning/environmental planning" and 38% rate "failure to disclose/abuse of a conflict of interest" as two of their major corruption risks.

ICAC on reporting corruption

"Corrupt conduct is deliberate or intentional wrongdoing, not negligence or a mistake.

While it can take many forms, corrupt conduct occurs when:

  • a public official uses, or tries to use, the knowledge, power or resources of their position for personal gain or the advantage of others
  • a public official acts dishonestly or unfairly, or breaches public trust
  • a member of the public influences, or tries to influence, a public official to use his or her position in a way that is dishonest, biased or breaches public trust."

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Boy the Wonder Cat receives a death threat

Sometimes I am amazed by what turns up in email received. This is one of those times.

Below is an email received by Boy the Wonder Cat on 12 May 2010 from an individual using Verio Data Centres, Englewood NTT America and Correo UC Webmail-n via Chile and West Australia (return address spoofing Rip Productions Limited ) to send an electronic demand for money with menace.

This distasteful scam has a long history and Boy has buried it in the backyard:

You Have 72 Hour To Respond To This Mail Or Forget It‏

Good Day

I felt very sorry and bad for you, that your life is going to end like
this if you don't comply, i was paid to eliminate you and I have to do it
within10 days.Someone you call your friend wants you dead by all means,
and the person have spent a lot of money on this, the person also came to
us and told us that he wants you dead and he provided us your names,
photograph and other necessary information we needed about you. If you
are in doubt with this I will send you to death.

Meanwhile, I have sent my boys to track you down and they have carried
out the necessary investigation needed for the operation, but I ordered
them to stop for a while and not to strike immediately because I just
felt something good and sympathetic about you. I decided to contact you
first and know why somebody will want you dead by all means. Right now my
men are monitoring you, their eyes are on you, and even the place you
think is safer for you to hide might not be. Now do you want to LIVE OR
DIE? It is up to you. Get back to me now if you are ready to enter deal
with me, I mean life trade, who knows, and I might just spear your life,
$6,000 is all you need to spend. You will first of all pay $3,000 usd
then I will send the tape of the person that want you dead to you and
when the tape gets to you, you will pay the remaining $3,000 usd If you
are not ready for my help, then I will have no choice but to carry on the
assignment after all I have already being paid before now.

Do not think of contacting the police or even tell anyone because I will
extend it to any member of your family since you are aware that somebody want
you dead, and the person knows all members of your family as well. For your
own good I will advise you not to go out once is 7pm until I make out time to
see you and give you the tape of my discussion with the person who want you
dead then you can use it to take any legal action.

Note: You Have 72 Hour To Respond To This Mail Or Forget It.

Good luck as I await your response.

Cross. Killer