Saturday 6 August 2011

Pub art in Maclean NSW

The Maclean Hotel circa 1903 is situated in the centre of "The Scottish Town" and on the main thoroughfare, River Street.
This mural is on a wall in the beer garden.

Further along Maclean's main street is the second of the town's three pubs. The Argyll Hotel circa 1894 features an Art Space in its dining area.

Teh Bolta beginning to bomb?

Sunday 31 July 2011
Ranking below 50

The Bolt Report Ten           
Total  119,000
Sydney 24,000   Melbourne 35,000  Brisbane 40,000  
Adelaide 4,000   Perth 15,000
The Bolt Report Encore Ten
Total  119,000
Sydney 20,000  Melbourne  15,000  Brisbane 45,000  
Adelaide 17,000 Perth 22,000

Crikey says it with graphs

Friday 5 August 2011

Federal Minister for Home Affairs and Justice & Janelle Saffin MP announce additional Safer Communities funding for NSW Far North Coast

In July-August 2011, the Federal Minister for Home Affairs and Justice Brendan O’Connor & Member for Page Janelle Saffin jointly announced Safer Communities funding totalling $296,000 for projects in the Richmond Tweed and Kyogle local government areas.

The announcement follows grants under the same program in 2010 which saw NSW North Coast benefit.This new funding for NSW Far North Coast communities breaks down at follows…….

Richmond Valley Council is to receive:
$28,000 to go toward the development of a Youth Engagement Strategy to connect with young people in the community; and
$48,000 to fund a dedicated Graffiti Clean-Up Program.

Kyogle Council will get $70,000 for its Kyogle Memorial Project which will undertake:
the renovation of the Kyogle Youth Centre,
improved safety at the Memorial Park in Kyogle, and
the preparation of a shire-wide Crime Prevention Plan.

Lismore City Council had been awarded $100,000 for the Goonellabah Plan which will complement and expand upon the Changing the Tune - Goonellabah Youth Plaza initiative, which received $150,000 (spread over three years) from the Gillard Government last year.

Clarence Valley Council will be provided with an extra $50,000 towards its Youth Activities in Yamba (YAY) Project and will use these funds for a range of projects, including a dance, rap, music and video production program and an exhibition of art work produced by local young people.
Other activities such as mentoring camps will be run as part of this project to provide these young people with opportunities to develop life skills they can use in their community, and help them avoid crime and anti-social behaviour.
A mini bus will also be purchased to provide group transport for local young people to attend these and existing programs.

Best tweet of the week

@GreenJ Jonathan Green
things could be worse. #trollday 1914 ... RT @AustralianArmy: On this day in 1914, Great Britain declared war on Germany.

Thursday 4 August 2011

I wonder how many bloggers have hosted hate content from Norway?

Right-wing, occasional Fox News op-ed writer, Pamela Geller, uploads onto YouTube at atlasshrugs2000 and has a blog called Atlas Shrugs.

After self-censoring her own blog content (after the 22 July 2011 Norway terrorism attacks) by removing two sentences, We are stockpiling and caching weapons, ammunition and equipment. This is going to happen fast., guess who forgot to contact Google with a request to remove the cache for the original version of that Email from Norway post?

Ms. Geller definitely does not like the post-atrocities media attention she is attracting:

The now censored email (which had been up on this personal blog unamended since Sunday 24 June 2007) ends with; Never fear, Pamela. God is with you too in this coming time.

Obviously a sentiment she may also find uncomfortable as the blogosphere continues to speculate on that email’s provenance and, speculates that the writer actually identified himself to her on the basis of this exchange in the post comments section:

turn said...
……….So...yes. A very nice letter to you, Pam, from a Norwegian Atlasite (Atlasonian?). Unfortunately, he or she could be prosecuted under hate-speech laws for writing or posting in Norway what you have passed on to us.
Pamela Geller said...
yes turn, which is why I ran it anonymously

Rather strangely for an American blog, Atlas Shrugs has enough content pertaining to or sourced from Scandinavia/Norway by herself and Fjordman that there is even an achive tag called Norway.

Posts listed on The Fjordman Files as being hosted on Atlas Shrugs:
Atlas Shrugs

Perhaps Pamela should take to heart her own one-line bio; Evil is made possible by the sanction you give it. Withdraw your sanction.

On Saturday 30 July 2011 Ms. Geller posted on her blog; Breivik did not write the letter. Many Norwegians see their country imploding. However, as yet she offers nothing to support that statement. Although it is possible that the writer is Fjordman or a like individual, as it is apparent that she has had some form of correspondence with Scandinavian wingnuts generally. On 25 July 2011 Fjordman also denied any association with Breivik, but on 27 July admitted that under the pen name Year2183 Breivick had possibly posted comments on one of his blogs.

According to The Guardian on 30 July 2011:

The same month Breivik responded to Fjordman, he also surfaces on another hardline blog, Stormfront, a white supremacist forum run by a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and popular among neo-Nazis across the world. Britain, Breivik warns, will be among the first western countries to face a "civil war due to Muslim immigration".

Buses or water wings for Yamba?

Yamba is a small coastal town at the mouth of the Clarence River estuary at the end of a wide flood plain.
There is only one road and one bridge leading out of this town which can take motorists towards the rest of the Clarence Valley and the wider world beyond.
It is regularly cut in at least three places by water during medium and large scale flooding.
According to the ABS Census 2011 promotional material there are around 6,465 souls currently living in the town and it would take 120 buses to move this population.
Sort of places Clarence Valley Council’s airy-fairy flood evacuation policy in a new light doesn’t it?
Hope everyone there is up to the very long swim to higher ground.

# Pic from The Daily Examiner showing an Yamba cut-off by flooding in 2009

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Is the Member for Clarence a ning-nong, or what?

Steve Cansdell, the Member for Clarence, has shown yet again that he knows less than nothing.
Today's Daily Examiner reports:

Member for Clarence Steve Cansdell has revealed the NSW government can't appeal the ruling by Magistrate John Andrews to acquit 10 Adults over their part in the Yamba Riot.
Mr Cansdell said as part of the judicial process the government has to remain separate from the police, who prosecuted the case.

Truly, what does the bloke know about anything?