Monday 23 January 2012

More bad news concerning coal seam gas mining - fugitve methane


Researchers Note Gas Emissions From Marcellus Shale and Other Sites Linked to Significant Increased Risk of Near-Term Climate Change

ITHACA, NY 19 January 2012

Far from being a “solution” to climate change, natural gas extracted from shale is a huge contributor of greenhouse gases when both methane and carbon dioxide are considered, according to a major new study by three Cornell University researchers.

The natural gas industry already accounts for almost a fifth (17 percent) of the total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions inventory, when analyzed using recently available new evidence. This percentage is predicted to grow to almost one quarter (23 percent) as shale gas continues to replace conventional natural gas.

Methane, which is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, is the culprit, according to the new report.

Just accepted for publication in Climatic Change and available online now at, the study titled “Venting and Leaking of Methane from Shale Gas Development,” is the work of professor Robert Howarth and Renee Santoro, researchers in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, and Anthony Ingraffea, a professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell.

The study follows up on the author’s groundbreaking April 2011 paper, which provided the first comprehensive analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from shale gas obtained by hydraulic fracturing, with a focus on methane emissions. Rather than understating the impact by looking only at shale gas used for electricity generation (just 30 percent of U.S. usage), the studies also look at heat generation (the largest use) over both a 20- and 100-year time frame. The new paper emphasizes this 20-year time frame, and analyzes the US national greenhouse gas inventory in that context.

The 20-year time frame is particularly important, the authors explain, because it may well be the timing for a “tipping point” for climate change if emissions are not brought under immediate control. The new paper builds on major new findings from the United Nations and from researchers at NASA published over the past six months, highlighting the urgent need to immediately reduce methane pollution globally.

Robert W. Howarth, David R. Atkinson professor, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, said: “We believe the preponderance of evidence indicates shale gas has a larger greenhouse gas footprint than conventional gas, considered over any time scale. The greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas also exceeds that of oil or coal when considered at decadal time scales, no matter how the gas is used. We stand by the conclusion of our 2011 research: ‘The large [greenhouse gas] footprint of shale gas undercuts the logic of its use as a bridging fuel over coming decades, if the goal is to reduce global warming.’”

Anthony Ingraffea, Dwight C. Baum professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, said: “Can shale-gas methane emissions be reduced? Clearly yes, and proposed EPA regulations to require capture of gas at the time of well completions are an important step. Regulations are necessary to accomplish emission reductions, as economic considerations alone have not driven such reductions. And it may be extremely expensive to reduce leakage associated with aging infrastructure, particularly distribution pipelines in cities but also long-distance transmission pipelines, which are on average more than 50 years old in the U.S. Should society invest massive capital in such improvements for a bridge fuel that is to be used for only 20 to 30 years, or would the capital be better spent on constructing a smart electric grid and other technologies that move towards a truly green energy future?”

According to the report:

• The natural gas industry dominates methane emissions for the U.S., contributing 39 percent of the nation’s total methane emissions.

• On an overall basis, methane makes up 44 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions when considered on the 20-year time frame after emission, including all gases and all human activities.

• The methane emissions from natural gas systems make up 17 percent of the entire man-made greenhouse gas emission inventory of the U.S., when viewed through the lens of the 20-year time frame.

• When viewed on the time scale of 100 years following emission, the importance of methane is substantially reduced, but the shorter time frame is critical, given possible tipping points in the global climate system over the coming few decades.

MEDIA CONTACT: Leslie Anderson Maloy at (703) 276-3256 or

What is it with the American South that it so easily embraces the idea of assassination?

Andrew Adler, owner-publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times in the Friday 13th January 2012 edition of his newspaper suggesting that Israel consider assassinating President Obama:
Give the go-ahead for U.S. based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.
Yes, you read "three" correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel's existence. Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don't you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel's most inner circles?
Another way of putting "three" in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives ... Jews, Christians and Arabs alike?
You have got to believe, like I do, that all options are on the table.”

* Newspaper image from Gawker

Sunday 22 January 2012

Is your local council using Brothel Busters?

Brothel Busters, known formally as Lyonswood Investigations and Forensic Group, advertised a vacancy for an investigator in MyCareer (see below) this week. While the job description makes for interesting (and somewhat mind-boggling) reading, it's the introductory part of the advertisement that caused this reader to wonder about which local councils use this mob's "services". And, for those that do, how do they go about detailing their expenses in their financial statements?

Source: MyCareer, 21/1/12

Pacific Highway upgrade at Urunga to start in 2013

Australian Road Assessment Program
highway network based on 2009 data

Construction of a by-pass of Urunga is now expected to commence early next year.
Following negotiations between the Australian and NSW Governments a bypass of Urunga is a step closer, with construction companies interested in designing and upgrading the Urunga to Nambucca Heads section of the Pacific Highway having until February 23 to register their details with the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).
Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister, Anthony Albanese said this 22 kilometre section is part of the larger 42 kilometre Urunga to Warrell Creek project and is another important step in upgrading the Pacific Highway between Port Macquarie and Raleigh.
“Once completed in 2016, the Urunga to Nambucca Heads upgrade will deliver safer, smoother driving conditions for the 15,000 motorists and truck drivers who use this section of the Pacific Highway each and every day,” said Mr Albanese.
The upgrade of the Urunga to Nambucca Heads section had been agreed between Ministers Albanese and Gay before they became aware of a news story on the issue which aired on Channel 9 last week…….

Tired of seeing that political website you dislike listed in search results? Google has the answer

Wandering home through art

Home 1996

Margaret SEALE
Welcome home party 1995

As I see it [date unknown]

All paintings held by Grafton Regional Gallery in the Clarence Valley NSW

Saturday 21 January 2012

Yamba, as seen by a visitor

Sherilyn and her family, who visited Yamba recently, obviously had a helluva good time there.
I've taken the liberty of extracting a few bits from her blog piece On Hiatus in Yamba. Honestly, the local chamber of commerce couldn't have produced something as positive as this, even if it paid squillions for it.
Sherilyn wrote:
 "We are  enjoying some precious family time in the picturesque and laid back Yamba.  No time for cooking this week, rather we are being waited on and sampling the local seafood and produce this region has to offer.  Not to mention the salty stuff - water that is.  The boys are in heaven!!"