Saturday, 2 June 2012

NSW national park rangers will refuse to co-operate with Premier O'Farrell and his elephant killing political ally

National Park rangers reject recreational hunting in parks

01 June 2012

The NSW Public Service Association, which represents park rangers, has directed its members not to assist with any activity involved with establishing recreational hunting in national parks in NSW

Members will also be asked to withhold information and their expert advice from Minister for the Environment Robyn Parker and other members of the NSW Coalition Government.

General Secretary John Cahill said the good work and safety of NSW National Parks staff would be placed at risk by the State Government's backroom deal for hunting in parks

"Recreational shooting of pest animals in National Parks is an unproven, untested, expensive and unsafe activity, Mr Cahill said today.

"Opening the gate for recreational hunting in 79 national parks and other conservation areas in NSW poses a serious risk to the safety of park rangers, visitors, wildlife and the environment.

"Our park rangers should not have to work in fear for their own safety. Our members have expressed serious concerns about the danger to themselves and the community when shooting is allowed in bushland popular with walkers and picnickers.

"Our member have been working very hard to control and manage feral animals in parks.
Recreational shooting will compromise the professional and scientifically proven feral animal control programs run by national parks staff, placing native plants and animals at risk.

"This move is another shot across the bow of our national parks, with the Shooters and other vested interest groups clamouring for greater access at the expense of the environment and the people who look after them.

"Industrial action like this is not a decision we take lightly but we simply cannot let the State Government's compromise of our National Parks to go ahead," Mr Cahill said.

Members' Industrial Bulletin at PSA Bulletin for OEH Members - Recreational Hunting Bans

Contact Details
John Cahill, General Secretary
Ph: 02 9220 0900

Backyard chemistry can be fun

Political Quotes of the Week

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The member for North Sydney does not have the call. The member for North Sydney, it is not for the opposition or the government to accept a member's vote. We need to clarify this: it is for the parliament to accept a member's vote. The member for North Sydney.” {Hansard on 30th May 2012}

"PopThirdWorld @popthirdworld                                                  30 May
Abbott fleeing from Craig Thomson in Parliament is disgraceful. Whether or not Thomson has girl germs is for the courts to decide. #auspol"

3.21pm: Question Time is finally over.
Now it's time for the recriminations.
Lots of personal explanations this afternoon.
The angry juice is draining slowly from the chamber.
Acting Speaker Anna Burke needs a cup of tea.
Can someone take care of that? And a biscuit.
3.20pm: Later Chris."

"WHOLE families lie slaughtered in Syria, rape and pillage continues in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where 5.5 million have died, the world averting its face since a war began in 1998, millions are suddenly unemployed in Europe, manufacturing jobs are collapsing in Australia … and what has us riveted in our Federal Parliament?
The Leader of the Opposition and his colleagues all but fall over themselves in a risible rush to escape voting in the House of Representatives.
Was there an Australian who could still bear to watch what passes for the national political debate who did not throw up their hands in despair at the televised revelation of this unprecedented spectacle?"  {The Sydney Morning Herald on 31th May 2012}

Friday, 1 June 2012

Michael Duffy, Journalist, Author - Seer

It may have taken more than a year before Tony Abbott was sent into Opposition by the Australian electorate, but all those years ago, Michael Duffy eeriely called it like it is.

Pessimism may be the ruin of us all: [2 Metro Edition] Duffy, Michael The Daily Telegraph, 24 Mar 2001, p17:

The poem is of course a gentle satire on rural pessimism, but Abbott's point is that in the past the rest of the country took this with a grain of salt (except when things were genuinely bad), whereas now Roonism is taken by the media at face value and is spreading to the cities. This is occurring in defiance of the reality that things are much better today for most Australians than they were 10 years ago.
The process is being driven, he argues by "a strange alliance between the economically vulnerable and the commentariat, which would like nothing better than the destruction of the Howard Government". The political motivation behind this theory is clear enough, and we can be sure that Abbott will become a leading Roonist himself should be find himself in opposition later this year.  [my red bolding]

Myall Creek Massacre Commemoration 10 June 2012

In memory of the Wirrayaraay people who were murdered on the slopes of this ridge in an unprovoked but premeditated act in the late afternoon of 10 June, 1838.
Erected on 10 June 2000 by a group of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians in an act of reconciliation, and in acknowledgement of the truth of our shared history.
[Memorial plaque at Myall Creek]

The annual memorial commemoration ceremony is for those who died in the Myall Creek massacre. This public commemoration is held at Myall Creek, the site of the massacre, west of Inverell on the Bingara-Delungra Road, commencing at 9.30 a.m. This year the meeting will be held on the Sunday, not Saturday, of the June long weekend.

9.30 Arrival and morning tea
9.45 Short AGM, with a focus on concept plans for the new educational/cultural centre
10.30 Start of ceremony
From 12.00  Lunch (can be purchased)
Brief contributions by invited guests
For further information or interviews please contact Ivan Roberts at (02) 6257 4600 or ; Sue Blacklock (02) 6723 3279, Lyall Munro (02) 6752 5792, Graeme Cordiner (02) 9817 0288

Oi, Barry O'Fibba! Keep those bloody guns out of our national parks, state conservation areas and nature reserves!

Fair dinkum – why is it that everyone who gains control of New South Wales turns into a power hungry, greedy nong of the first water?
O’Farrell, Stoner & Co. are all set to open our national parks, state conservation areas and nature reserves to recreational shooters.
Giving open slather to those very same eejits who upset the working dogs, scare the sheep, put holes in the water tank and don’t understand what line of sight is so there is a crazy crack in the kitchen window right where the wife was washing up at the time {and yes, all those things did happen}.
To make matters worse – he’s put Environment Minister Robyn Parker in charge. The minister who turns a blind eye on local illegal logging and antimony contamination of a major river.
Yes siree, these shooters are going to be well policed aren’t they?
And Mr. Gulaptis, I noticed your vote to stall debate on this big blunder.
Here’s what most people polled by Granny Herald think of that idea, Bazza.

So if you live on the NSW North Coast don’t go anywhere near at least 6 local areas marked out for shooters, including Yabbra, Richmond Range, Nightcap, Dorrigo, Gibraltar, Barrington Tops national parks, state conservation areas and nature reserves.
It won’t be bloody safe. Even if do you try using one of those useless North Coast Nats MPs as a body shield.

This is the man who heads the political party in the NSW Upper House that O'Fibba and his cronies are pandering to:
There's a good chance this elephant in the photo was a young female.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Abbott votes with Thomson in Parliament on the morning of 30 May 2012

TONY Abbott says the Gillard government only survives because of the tainted vote of Craig Thomson and he’s challenged the Prime Minister to bar the central coast MP from voting. [The Australian 30 May 2012]

In which Abbott, Entsch and Pyne show just how silly they can be on 30 May 2012.....

In a media doorstop Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott himself called, he at first denied outright that he had voted with Independent MP Craig Thomson against a motion to gag Opposition Treasury spokesperson Joe Hockey.

Commonwealth Hansard states differently at approximately 9.10am:

In division—
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Leader of the Opposition was on the floor at the time—that is the chamber. We will now proceed with the vote. The question is that the member be no longer heard.

Abbott, AJ
Alexander, JG
Andrews, KJ
Andrews, KL
Bandt, AP
Billson, BF
Bishop, BK
Bishop, JI
Briggs, JE
Broadbent, RE
Buchholz, S
Chester, D
Christensen, GR
Ciobo, SM
Cobb, JK
Coulton, M (teller)
Crook, AJ
Dutton, PC
Entsch, WG
Fletcher, PW
Frydenberg, JA
Gambaro, T
Gash, J
Griggs, NL
Haase, BW
Hartsuyker, L***
Hawke, AG
Hockey, JB
Hunt, GA
Irons, SJ
Jensen, DG
Jones, ET
Kelly, C
Laming, A
Ley, SP
Macfarlane, IE
Marino, NB
Matheson, RG
McCormack, MF
Mirabella, S
Morrison, SJ
Moylan, JE
Neville, PC
Oakeshott, RJM
O'Dowd, KD
O'Dwyer, KM
Prentice, J
Ramsey, RE
Randall, DJ
Robb, AJ
Robert, SR
Roy, WB
Ruddock, PM
Schultz, AJ
Scott, BC
Secker, PD (teller)
Simpkins, LXL
Smith, ADH
Somlyay, AM
Southcott, AJ
Stone, SN
Tehan, DT
Thomson, CR
Truss, WE
Tudge, AE
Turnbull, MB
Van Manen, AJ
Vasta, RX
Washer, MJ
Wilkie, AD
Windsor, AHC
Wyatt, KG

***The NSW Nationals Member for Cowper, Luke Hartsuyker, on the NSW North Coast also voted with Thomson.

While the above video of the House of Representatives just prior to the vote shows Abbott’s attempt to leave the Chamber, improperly and in defiance of parliamentary procedure, after the Acting Speaker had called for the doors to be locked on a division.

Not being so swift when not clad in Lycra, he was caught by the Acting Speaker and forced to return to his seat to then take part in the vote.

The Acting Speaker, Deputy Speaker Anna Burke had the last word on the subject: is not for the opposition or the government to accept a member's vote. We need to clarify this: it is for the parliament to accept a member's vote...

End of story.