Saturday 13 October 2012

Sexism: a little context for the mainstream media **WARNING OFFENSIVE IMAGE**

Thousands of words have been generated since 9 October 2012 concerning the Australian Prime Minister's speech to the Leader of the Opposition's motion in the House of Representatives.

A surprising number of these involved the notion that the immediately positive reaction to this speech was because people had either seen it on the news or Youtube stripped of its context.

Some journalists have also openly sought to define this support as not representing the majority view of the general public or of women. Others have sought to denigrate social media platforms carrying expressions of support, on the grounds that women use them.

Leaving aside the fact that many people knew the immediate political context because they regularly tune into parliamentary television and radio broadcasts/podcasts, this assumption that the only legitimate context was the Opposition's move to dismiss The Speaker is a rather odd one.

Women in Australia have been living the present and historical context, that the publicly expressed attitudes and behaviour of the Leader of the Opposition and certain other parliamentarians represent, all their lives.

So for the benefit of the Canberra Press Gallery and assorted others........

Australian Bureau of Statistics:

Letters of Note blog:

Transcript (1963)



Even after some deliberation, it is difficult to find reasons to support the appointment of women Trade Commissioners.

In countries where publicity media is well developed, such as North America and England and where there are no other major drawbacks, such as the Islamic attitude towards women, a relatively young attractive woman could operate with some effectiveness, in a subordinate capacity. As she would probably be the only woman Assistant Trade Commissioner in the whole area, as other countries employ women in this capacity hardly at all, she could attract a measure of interest and publicity.

If we had an important trade in women’s clothing and accessories, a woman might promote this more effectively than a man.

Even conceding these points, such an appointee would not stay young and attractive for ever and later on could well become a problem.

It is much easier to find difficulties, some of which spring to mind are:-

(i) Women are not employed, except to an extremely minor degree, as career Trade Commissioners in any known service;

(ii) It is difficult to visualise them as Trade Commissioners, firstly because they could not mix nearly as freely with businessmen as men do. Most mens clubs, for instance, do not allow women members;

(iii) Relationships with businessmen would tend to be somewhat formal and guarded on both sides. This would make it more difficult for a woman to obtain information;

(iv) It is extremely doubtful if a woman could, year after year, under a variety of conditions, stand the fairly severe strains and stresses, mentally and physically, which are part of the life of a Trade Commissioner;

(v) A man normally has his household run efficiently by his wife, who also looks after much of the entertaining. A woman Trade Commissioner would have all this on top of her normal work;

(vi) If we engaged single graduates as trainees, most of them would probably marry within five years;

(vii) If we recruited from the business world, we would have a much smaller field from which to recruit, as the number of women executives in business is quite small;

(viii) A spinster lady can, and very often does, turn into something of a battleaxe with the passing years. A man usually mellows;

(ix) A woman would take the place of a man and preclude us from giving practical experience to one male officer. She could marry at any time and be lost to us. she could not be regarded as a long term investment in the same sense as we regard a man.


It would seem that the noes have it.


(A. R. Taysom)

13th March, 1963.

P.S. I have since ascertained the following, which, it would seem, only serves to support the foregoing views -

Mr. H. W. Woodruff, U.K. Trade Commissioner:

They have a few women Trade Commissioners but only in capital city posts, for they have found that women cannot operate where contact with businessmen is necessary.

The women are fairly senior people from the U.K. Departments and presumably handle trade policy work only.

Mr. N. Parkinson, External Affairs:

Since their recruitments of trainees are made under the Public Service Act, there is no way of precluding women from applying and in fact, many more applications are received from women than from men. Some are chosen and all appointments are made on the basis of the quality of their educational achievements. About one woman is appointed to every twelve men. This year one out of sixteen, last year one out of twelve and the previous year, none.

They have to be trained for 18 months before going to their first post. The average marries within five years.

It is a very expensive process, but External Affairs lack courage to slam the door because of parliamentary opinion, pressure groups and so on.


(A. R. Taysom)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, The Right Reverend Dr. Peter Hollingworth AC OBE (2002):

Describing the prolonged sexual abuse of a 14-year-old girl by the Anglican priest in charge of her boarding hostel in the 1950s: "There is no suggestion of rape or anything like that, quite the contrary. My information is rather that it is the other way around."

ABS National Personal Safety Survey (2005):

  • 17% (1,293,100) of women experienced sexual assault compared to 4.8% (362,400) of men
  • 4.6% (353,700) of women experienced sexual threat compared to 0.9% (69,500) of men

  • But female priests? Out of the question. "As Christians, we follow what Christ did, and he didn't appoint any women as apostles, or what we now call priests. So that's the way it is."

    Sheik Hilali (2006):

    "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside ... without cover, and the cats come to eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats' or the uncovered meat's? The uncovered meat is the problem. If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab [the headdress worn by some Muslim women], no problem would have occurred." (2011)

    News Ltd Cartoonist Larry Pickering's depiction of the Australian Prime Minister
    found at Google Images (2012)

     Australian Government Equal Opportunity For Women In the Workplace Agency (2012):

    The average 25 year old male will earn approximately $2.4 million over the next 40 years compared to $1.5 million for the average female. (AMP NATSEM 2009)
    The gender pay gap is currently 17.5%.3 Despite small fluctuations over time, this figure remains virtually unchanged in almost 20 years; in fact, in 1994 the gap was smaller at 15.9%......
    A study by NATSEM estimates ‘that 60% of the wage gap is due to either direct discrimination or other factors to do with being a woman.’ Another study that examined the gender pay gap among full-time managers in Australia found that between 70-90% of the gap could not be explained by personal and workforce factors such as employment experience, industry worked in and family situation. Rather, it suggests that as much as 70% of the gap is "simply due to … being female".

    October 2012 lines from Twitter discussions on lived experience in Australia:

    "You don't need an education but your brother does. All you're going to do is marry and have children."

    Yeah, my uncle said this to me when I said I was going to go to uni...

    & to my sister in the 80's.. A Respected Private Girls' School! She's a Judge in t UK Now

     yes this was said to lots of us girls of the sixties.

    "You might notice that you'll be paid less than X for doing same job. He's a married man w children & you're single"

     I was told in the 80s by prospective employer I wouldn't want ft job as I had children.

    Speaking of his son becoming a father: "I was so worried his first child would not be a boy."

    And the friend who had 2 sons & said "At least I know I'm not firing blanks."

    and the farms were left to the sons and never the daughters

    When women on social media sent Julia Gillard's speech around the world, it was not because they didn't understand the political and societal context - it was that they understood it only too well. 

    Light Up the Darkness Fundraiser for Mental Health, Yamba 3 November 2012

    Light Up the Darkness Fundraiser for Mental Health to be held on Saturday 3rd November at 6.30pm at the Yamba Bowling Club. Tickets $50.00 each and can be purchased from the Bowling Club. Darren 'the gun' Flanaghan who was instrumental in freeing the trapped miners at Beaconsfield Mine in Tasmania 5 years ago is our special Guest Speaker. Please support us as we raise awareness for the need for a Mental Health Practitioner in the Lower Clarence.

    Friday 12 October 2012

    Cansdellgate - the matter of 'bankruptcy'

    Shortly after the latest news about former and disgraced MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell went into the public domain on Wednesday mention was made by a number of reputable sources about the bloke's bankruptcy. Now, it seems, any mention of bankruptcy was a big mistake.

    ABC local radio aired an interview with Cansdell where he said,  "I've had probably the worst 12 months of my life, plus the bankruptcy, although things are getting better." [emphasis added]

    Listen to the interview here.

    However, the ABC website now reports Cansdell said, "I've had probably the worst 12 months of my life, close to bankruptcy, although things are getting better." [emphasis added]

    Today's Daily Examiner carries a piece titled "Clarification". It states:

    Former Clarence MP Steve Cansdell was quoted in yesterday's Daily Examiner as saying "I've had probably the worst 12 months of my life plus the bankruptcy although things are getting better." Mr Cansdell was referring to narrowly avoiding bankruptcy - he was never actually bankrupt during those 12 months. The Daily Examiner apologises for any confusion.

    So, there you have it! Simple, isn't it?!

    Was the former and disgraced MP loose with the truth when he spoke with ABC radio or was he simply bankrupt of good ideas? Perhaps, being a former pollie, he was simply appealing for more sympathy votes.

    Image from


    Politicians underwhelmed by Telstra CEO’s ‘corporate speak’
    LISMORE’S political leaders have been left ‘underwhelmed’ by Telstra CEO David Thodey’s ‘corporate speak’ response to their call for the telco to make a $3.4-million investment in digital infrastructure to compensate for the impending Goonellabah Call Centre closure.
    Federal Member for Page Janelle Saffin, State Member for Lismore Thomas George and Lismore Mayor Cr Jenny have adopted a bipartisan approach to negotiating with Telstra management on getting the best outcomes for 116 affected local staff and for the district’s economy.
    “David Thodey is not offering anything extra to the Lismore district and we are disappointed but not surprised given the ease with which he can change the lives of more than 100 local people so dramatically,” the politicians said in a joint statement.
    “We had approached Mr Thodey in good faith and were hopeful that our request, based on a detailed consultant’s study which identified gaps in telecommunications infrastructure in the Lismore area, would be given serious consideration,” they said.
    “We asked Telstra to make a significant additional investment in new fixed and wireless networks and in retraining for affected workers, but Mr Thodey maintained that planned infrastructure upgrades will provide customers with enough coverage and that redundancy packages are adequate.
    “We asked for a partnership between Telstra and Lismore City Council to run a two-year program to increase the use of broadband by local businesses, but Mr Thodey referred us to NBN Co and the Australian Government’s general educational programs.
    “The only concessions from Telstra are its sponsorship of a jobs market which was already taking place at the Goonellabah Sports and Aquatic Centre next Friday (October 19) and an agreement to consider allowing equipment in the call centre to be reused by another business if a new tenant can be found for the site.
    “We have decided to release to regional media outlets all correspondence around our request to Mr Thodey for a digital infrastructure investment, so that the local community can get a clear indication of this corporation’s level of commitment to the regional city of Lismore.”
    Thursday, October 11, 2012.

    Poor ol' cocky

    A Black Cockatoo
    Find out more about the impacts of coal seam gas mining at A Black Cockatoo.
    Sez Alan Jones over at 2GB
    A toxic kiss if ever there was one

    Thursday 11 October 2012

    Tony Abbott, the author, the power bill and parliament

    Image from ABC News online

    Synergy (West Australia) is a state government-owned corporation which raised its residential and business electricity prices on 1 July 2012.

    It states that the average customer uses 15.89 units of electricity per day or 969.22 units over 61 days. This should result in a carbon price charge in the vicinity of $22 (based on the state corporation's own calculations) for a billing period of this length.

    In the case of an electricity account for June-July 2012, this average household should only attract a carbon price charge of around $11 dollars, because this charge was not introduced until halfway through the billing period.

    Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, claimed in the Federal Parliament this week that the electricity account for June-July 2012 (pictured above) represented an $800 increase in electricity costs to an 82 year-old author/ pensioner since the previous billing period and that 70 per cent of this rise is due to the carbon tax.

    This particular household appears to have almost doubled its electricity consumption since that previous billing period and used 112 units of electricity daily or 6,832 units over 61 days, resulting in a bill for $1,563.70 in total (GST and carbon price inclusive).

    It is worth noting that at an average of 112 units per day this customer uses seven times more electricity than the average Synergy customer and, the carbon price charge included in this bill would be in the vicinity of $77 - again based on the state corporation's own calculations for this level of electricity consumption.

    In fact most of the actual $827.45 increase represents increased tariff and supply charges imposed by the WA Coalition Government coupled with the cost of markedly increased consumption.

    If Tony Abbott was seriously concerned about this woman, then he would be advising her to have her electricity meter checked and have someone look at her major appliances, if as she allegedly asserts in her email to him, there has been no change in lifestyle which would explain higher electricity use.

    Perhaps Mr. Abbott might like to also speak with his political colleagues in the Barnett Government, given a June 2012 final report by the WA Economic Regulation Authority foreshadowed further price increases next year based on Synergy's operating costs:

    Synergy reported that its forecast increases in operating costs were based on the following explanatory factors:
    - an expected increase in the costs of dealing with customer complaints, due to tariff increases, and additional Ombudsman-related compliance costs;
    - the implementation of new products and services required by government;
    - increasing implementation costs associated with the new billing system;
    - costs associated with strategic projects and business transformation; and
    - higher IT costs arising from the separation of IT systems from Western Power.

    Though, given this is a West Australia story, perhaps it is more than Mr. Abbott who has a connection with a mining industry unhappy about the national carbon price scheme and who may be intent on pushing the anti-tax case. Parliament might like an explanation as to how this pensioner came to his notice.

    Is the Hon. Tony Abbott MHR mad as a cut snake?

    Australian Coalition Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on the subject of the Independent Member for Fisher -
    In the House on the 9th October 2012:
    In the meeja the next day:
    Sure, Tones – you’ve certainly earned his vote.