Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Nannas gently chide Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis over his tacit support of coal seam gas mining

Clarence Valley Review 30 January 2013

The body language is telling. NSW Nationals MP for Clarence, Chris Gulaptis, is obviously not comfortable with the message. Which is unfortunate.

Given that the alleged $1.4 billion in direct expenditure Metgasco claims it will be contributing to the Northern Rivers economy over 20 years pales in comparison with the more than $1 billion tourism contributes each year to the region and, an initial 1,000 well wide gas field will inevitably have a negative impact on this section of the regional economy.

Taking the mickey out of Abbott's relentless self promotion

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's crass attempt to ride on the back of last month's devastating bushfires across New South Wales drew an almost Where's Wally? response across the Twitterverse.

His image was inserted into a good many photographs.

This happens to be my personal understated favourite. It may be the only time James Hunter Ashby and Abbott are ever sighted together.

The Libs in action when last in federal government

If you didn't sound like the average Lib then twas off to jail for you.
“It was understandable authorities would think mentally ill Australian woman Cornelia Rau was an unlawful citizen, Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone said today.
Ms Rau, a 39-year-old permanent resident who came to Australia when she was a baby, was released from Baxter immigration detention centre in South Australia on Friday.
She had spent six months in a Queensland jail before being sent to the centre, where she spent four months after telling authorities she was a German woman named Anna Schmidt.
That was despite the former Qantas flight attendant being listed as missing in August last year.
The federal government announced it would investigate the incident, but Ms Vanstone today said it was "a pretty fair understanding" authorities would believe she maybe an unlawful citizen.--
(she) spoke German, said she was German"
{Sydney Morning Herald 7th February 2005}


Monday 4 February 2013

A disturbing scene from The Age of Stupid (2009)

From the opening scenes of The Age of Stupid
a film about failure to address the causes
of climate change
It may be a camera shot straight out of a Hollywood film studio's box of special effects, but are climate catastrophes becoming more than a movie script?

If Australia in 2013 is any indication, the world is still doing too little to keep this imagined Sydney scenario safely in the realms of fictional scenarios.

In the week ending 3 January 2013 the total combined greenhouse gas emissions of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania was 24% higher than the 1990 total, according to The Climate Group and by 10 January was 34% higher.

In the week ending 16 January the total combined greenhouse gas emissions of these same five states was 36% higher than the 1990 total.

While by the week ending 24 January 2013 the total combined greenhouse gas emissions had risen yet again to 37% higher than the 1990 total and, was still 8.2% higher than the year 2000 total - the last Kyoto Protocol reference year on whose national greenhouse gas output Australia pledged (under the Cancun Agreements) an unconditional 2020 target of 5 per cent below 2000 levels.

It's time to name and shame investors placing Clarence River catchment water at risk

Metgasco Limited is actively exploring for coal seam gas in the Clarence Valley with a view to eventual production if successful and Anchor Resources Limited has identified both gold and antimony potential in the upper reaches of the Clarence River catchment on behalf the Chinese multinational mining corporation which owns it.
Commercial mining activity by these companies will have the potential to contaminate ground and/or surface water systems which supply fresh water to an estimated 150,000 people living in the Dorrigo Plateau, Coffs Harbour and Clarence Valley regions of New South Wales, as well as place sustainable water for agriculture and livestock at risk.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Channel 10 gets caught by the Streisand Effect

On Monday 28 January 2013, in a month which saw Australia wracked by bushfires and floods, @TenLateNews tweeted this…..
Once the fingers stopped typing the Channel 10 crew apparently had second thoughts and deleted this monumentally inappropriate tweet. Thereby ensuring it was going to be picked up and amplified by the Twitterverse.
Hers is a small sample:
tim_stew Timothy Stuart
cartwheelprint Cartwheel Printing

msjuju8 Julie/Juju
noplain Jane
geeksrulz The Geek Rulz

Gillard is verballed. How many times is that now?

In 2005 then Treasurer Peter Costello said this:
Three years earlier an American had written a piece called This is America. Like it or leave it”
By 2013 the Gillard haters had drawn inspiration from both these examples of xenophobia and put together this rubbish now being emailed round the traps:
