Tuesday 4 April 2023

NEWSPOLL APRIL 2023: Dutton's dismal leadership does not impress the average voter


Hot on the heels of the Liberal Party loss in the Aston by-election "The Australian" released its latest YouGov Newspoll.

The headline statistic was the preference flows based on survey respondents stated voting intentions on 2 April combined with recent federal and state elections.

Two Party Preferred Graph 28 Jan 2019 to 2 April 2023

Click on image to enlarge

Labor Party 55 (+1) to Liberal-Nationals Coalition 44 (-1) on 2 April 2023

Five days before the last federal election held on 25 May 2022, the two party preferred numbers had Labor standing at 53 (-1) and Liberal-Nationals at 47 (+1).

Primary/First Preference voting intentions on 2 April 2023 

Labor 38 (+1)

Liberal-Nationals 33 (-2)

Greens 10 (no change)

One Nation 8 (+1)

 Better/Preferred Prime Minister

Antony Albanese 58 (+4)

Peter Dutton 26 (-2)

Unsure 16 (-2)

Albanese has outstripped Dutton as better/preferred prime minister by a wide margin in every Newspoll since the 21 May 2022 election.

Click on image to enlarge

Leaders Approval Rating

Anthony Albanese - Approve 56 (+1)  Disapprove 35 (-3)

Peter Dutton - Approve 35 (-2)  Disapprove 48 (no change) 

It would appear that in the estimation of the national electorate, Peter Dutton and the Liberal-Nationals Coalition he has led for the last ten months rate even lower than Scott Morrison and the Liberal-Nationals team he led to a loss of national government on 21 May 2022.


Largest superannuation fund dedicated to Australia's health and community services sector calls for proposed legislated Objective of Super to "include a commitment to close the gender super gap to ensure Australia’s retirement system does not entrench inequity".

According to the 2021 Census, more Northern Rivers Region residents worked in health care and social assistance than any other industry. A total of 22,893 people to be exact - of which 17,582 were women.

It is likely that more than a few belong to this industry union.

HESTA CEO Debby Blakey

Super objective must focus on eliminating gender super gap: HESTA




31 March 2023

HESTA has called for the objective of super to include a commitment to close the gender super gap to ensure Australia’s retirement system does not entrench inequity and that future reforms deliver better outcomes for women and low-income earners.

In its submission to the Federal Government’s consultation on legislating the objective of super, the $70 billion industry super fund strongly supported the proposed wording of the objective. With almost 80% of HESTA members women, the Fund has called for the explanatory materials to the legislation in relation to ‘equity’ to clearly reference the elimination of the gender super gap and the need to avoid entrenching or creating inequity for women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and those on low incomes.

HESTA CEO Debby Blakey said clarifying the objective in this way could help keep future super reform focused on tackling the structural inequities that prevented women from receiving the full benefits of super.

HESTA strongly supports the need to enshrine in law an objective of super that focuses on achieving dignity and equity in retirement, and this goes hand in hand with closing the gender super gap,” Ms Blakey said.

Our super system is world class, but its design continues to disadvantage certain groups, including women, many of whom continue to experience an intolerable level of economic insecurity in retirement.

Crystallising the legislative objective of super to include eliminating the gender super gap and avoiding further inequity will help ensure future reforms address super’s gender blind spot and make our retirement system fairer for all Australians.”

HESTA’s submission recommends implementing a Gender Superannuation Impact Assessment to evaluate how future reform contributes to eliminating the gender super gap as well as to assess Australia’s progress in this respect. The Fund has also called for ‘dignified retirement’ in the explanatory materials to refer to a retirement that promotes financial security and wellbeing.

The gender super gap remains a significant issue, with factors such as the gender pay gap and career interruptions due to caring responsibilities causing Australian women to still retire on average with around a third less super than men.1

HESTA has long advocated for measures to help close the gender super gap, including paying super on the Commonwealth Parental Leave Pay scheme and the introduction of a super “carer credit” for unpaid parental leave. The Fund has also sought reform to the Low Income Super Tax Offset and other tax concessions to improve equity and fairness in the super system.

As a priority, we want to see super paid to workers taking paid leave to care for children because this will help make our retirement system fairer for all Australians and take an important step forward in addressing the gender super gap,” Ms Blakey said.

Unpaid caring work make an enormous difference to our economy and to the health and wellbeing of families. It’s time our super system recognised this important contribution.”

HESTA recommendations on legislating an objective of super

HESTA recommends that:

1. The explanatory materials to the legislation should provide further definitional context to the concept of a “dignified retirement”, being one which promotes “financial security and wellbeing in retirement” through a standard of living that:

  • is supported by retirement income sufficiently above the Age Pension (or other government support);

  • supports a person’s ability to economically and socially participate in the community; and

  • is consistent with community expectations.

2. The explanatory materials to the legislation in relation to “equity” should clarify the importance of promoting workforce and community participation and ensuring superannuation system settings do not entrench or create inequitable outcomes, including for women, low-income earners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

3. The explanatory materials to the legislation in relation to “equity” should expressly include the objective to eliminate the gender superannuation gap, so that women fully benefit from our superannuation system.

4. Robust additional accountability mechanisms are enacted, to ensure future superannuation policy changes are properly judged against their compliance with the objective, and there is periodic review of the performance of the system against the objective of superannuation. This should include a “Gender Superannuation Impact Assessment” being conducted, both when new policies are proposed and periodically, to measure progress towards eliminating the gender superannuation gap.


[1] KPMG (2021). The Gender Superannuation Gap – addressing the options.


HESTA is the largest superannuation fund dedicated to Australia’s health and community services sector. An industry fund that’s run only to benefit members, HESTA now has more than one million members (around 80% of whom are women) and manages close to $70 billion in assets invested around the world.


Monday 3 April 2023

State of Play Australia 2023: working women remain exploited by denial of equal pay, wage theft and systemic unpaid superannuation


Private superannuation first emerged for a small group of salaried employees in the nineteenth century and spread amongst white-collar employees. After several failed attempts at introducing national superannuation, private superannuation became more widely available in the 1970s through negotiation on its inclusion in industrial awards. This process accelerated under Productivity Award Superannuation, and subsequently under compulsory superannuation through the Superannuation Guarantee. In this way, the maturing superannuation system has become the vehicle for providing higher incomes in retirement for most Australian employees. At the same time, the age pension remains as an essential safety net income, ensuring that all Australians have security in retirement.”  [Australian Dept. of Treasury, (May 2001), Towards higher retirement incomes for Australians: a history of the Australian retirement income system since Federation”, p.1]

Here in Australia we like to think we live in an egalitarian society with a long history of social justice and income support via a universal welfare system.

We tend to forget that the national aged pension scheme began in 1901 with eligibility exclusions based on character and race.

While most people would be aware of the historical and continuing significant wage inequality between working men and women resulting in an average female base wage gap in the private sector of 16.1 per cent & in the public sector 11.2 per cent, not everyone realises that wage theft by deliberate underpayment or withholding of wages by employers has been known in Australia since the 1880s and such theft has become widespread in the last nine years. In many industries becoming systemic and normalised. Women are considered vulnerable to wage theft due to higher rates of part time work casualisation and the higher rates of casualisation in the industries in which they are employed - particularly in health care & social assistance, accommodation & food services and retail.

Additionally, few seem to recall that superannuation schemes operating in Australia were not obliged to admit working women for the first 134 years of the existence of such schemes in this country.

This following is the state of play in 2023 for females aged 15 to 65 years currently in the workforce.

As there are est.182,069 females of workforce age resident in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, the following might be of some interest to them.

Monash University, Women’s Health And Wellbeing Scorecard: Towards equity for women, November 2022, excerpt:

Australia ranks 1st for women’s education but 70th on women’s economic security and opportunity.

Equitable health and wellbeing of the community is a social justice issue, and is also essential for social and economic growth. Health, employment and economic resources are basic human capabilities that give individuals the freedom and capacity to participate in society. Having good health, meaningful employment and a decent level of income and wealth allows individuals to fully participate in and contribute to society.

These are also vital for economic growth. Our economy is built upon healthy and skilled people participating in the labour force, and in our society. Poor health, low income and absence from the labour force comes at enormous cost presenting a key barrier to future prosperity.

Women disproportionately have lower income, less engagement in the labour force and poorer health even in a high-income country like Australia. This inequality costs $72 billion in lost GDP just associated with women’s labour force absence in Australia alone. Removing the structural barriers that prevent equality is an urgent priority. This report confirms that progress is either not being made or is too slow with over a century needed to close gender gaps…….

Industry Super Australia, SUPER SOLUTION: How payday super will benefit women in retirement, 29 March 2023, excerpts:

New analysis from ISA reveals the toll unpaid super takes on women.

In 2019-20, one in five women were underpaid super. They missed out on a total of $1.3 billion in super guarantee contributions. Over the last seven years, this figure amounts to an eyewatering $10.8 billion.

Two in five young women (aged between 20-29) who earn less than $25,000 per annum were underpaid super.

By the time they retire, they can miss out on more than $40,000 in super savings due to these missing contributions and the lost compounded returns on those contributions.

ISA cameo modelling on the impact of unpaid super in female dominated industries shows that it can result in an enrolled nurse having $44,000 less super at retirement, a personal assistant having $37,000 less super, and an aged care worker having $35,000 less super.

A key driver of the unpaid super problem is that super payments are misaligned with wages. Mandating the payment of super with wages will benefit women immediately. This change could result in an additional $300 million in super contributions flowing to women over the next four years from better compliance activities and less scope for employers to dud their workers. Increasing the frequency of super guarantee contributions would also deliver an extra $8,000 at retirement to 4.2 million workers, many of whom are women, as investment earnings on super contributions will begin to accrue sooner…...

Under Australia’s super system, employers must comply with the super guarantee by contributing at

least 10.5 per cent of their employee’s earnings to their super fund.

Contributions must be made at least on a quarterly basis, although employers can – and many do –

choose to make contributions on behalf of their employees more frequently.

Over the last 30 years, we have built a super system that now holds around $3.4 trillion in assets.

However, the success of our system and its capacity to promote financial security and wellbeing for

workers in retirement depends on employers doing the right thing: paying super contributions for each

employee in full and on time. Unfortunately, this does not always occur.

Unpaid super affects one in five women, costing each affected worker an average of $1,300 in super

contributions each year. In 2019-20, women missed out on a total of $1.3 billion in super guarantee

contributions. Over the last seven years, this figure amounts to $10.8 billion.

By the time they retire, these women can miss out on more than $40,000 in super savings each, due to

the missing contributions and the lost compounded returns on those contributions.

For women who are underpaid super, the adverse impact on their retirement outcomes is further

exacerbated by:

factors outside the super system that contribute to the gender gap in super balances, for example, that women spend more time out of the workforce than men to care for children, are more likely than men to undertake part-time work, and earn less than men when they are working, and

persisting inequities within the super system, for example, that super is not paid on the Commonwealth Parental Leave Pay scheme.

In other words, the consequences of being underpaid super can be more acute for women, who continue to retire with a third less super than men.

This report therefore focuses on how fixing unpaid super will benefit women in retirement.

It builds on our unpaid super report released in October 2021, which examined the main causes of unpaid super and the key policy reforms that are needed to ensure workers are not deprived of their super guarantee contributions. The key policy reforms discussed in that report include:

Mandating payment of super with wages: The single most effective change would be to require employers to pay super guarantee contributions at the same time they pay employees’ salaries. This reform would address many of the causes of unpaid super, including poor business practices by employers, insolvency, and super contributions not being visible to employees. ISA analysis shows this reform is also revenue neutral over the forward estimates and would produce significant long-term fiscal savings…..

The full report can be read and downloaded at:


Sunday 2 April 2023

In which Liberal & Nationals MPs behaved badly in the Australian House of Representatives over three consecutive days....


Presumably at the direction of the Coalition Leader or the manager of Opposition business in the House at approximately 5:40pm on Tuesday 28 March 2023 Liberal and Nationals MPs began leaving the Chamber to avoid participating in one of the votes conducted during the passage of the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management Reform) Bill 2023.

During this piece of self-indulgent performative politics, Liberal MP for Wannon & former Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan, Liberal MP for Hume & former Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor, Liberal MP for Canning & former Assist. Minister for Defence Andrew Hastie, Liberal-National MP for Wide Bay & former Deputy-Speaker Llew O’Brien, Liberal MP for Flinders Zoe McKenzie, Liberal-National MP Ted O’Brien and, Nationals MP for Nicholls Sam Birrell, demonstrated disrespectful, juvenile, boorish and dangerous behaviour…..

House of Representatives Hansard, Tuesday 28 March 2023 at 5:41pm, excerpt:

The SPEAKER (17:41): Before we go any further, I wish to 

call the Leader of the House, and I want absolute

silence for this.

Mr BURKE (Watson—Minister for Employment and  Workplace Relations, Minister for the Arts and Leader of the House) (17:41): I am not in a position to name individual members of parliament, but we as a House cannot be in a situation—out of respect for the staff who work in this building—where, when you ask people to lock the doors, they have members of parliament physically pushing past them to get out of the room. There are standing orders that are quite specific in terms of people's obligation. Once you say, 'Lock the doors,' at that moment people have to move to the seats and pick a side or do as some members did, quite appropriately, and take the advisers' boxes.

Mr Speaker, regardless of Practice and standing orders, we cannot be in a position, as a House, where people are using their physical size to push past the members of staff after you have said, 'Lock the doors.' It would be

appreciated if you could review the video. It would also be appreciated if the members involved reported directly to you so that you can work out what the appropriate action is.

The SPEAKER (17:42): I shall be taking the issue very seriously. I will report back to the House.

And all seven were forced to publicly apologise on the floor of the House…...


House of Representatives, Hansard, Wednesday 29 March 2023 at 9:01am, excerpt:


Parliamentary Standards

The SPEAKER (09:01): Before we proceed with business today, I want to address a very serious and grave incident that occurred during a division yesterday afternoon. I thank the Leader of the House for raising this incident with me at the time. After the bells had been rung, I ordered that the doors be locked. After I gave this order, I am aware that a number of members exited the chamber while one of the attendants was attempting to close and lock the door to the opposition lobby, as directed.

As all members are aware, under standing order 129 after the Speaker orders the doors to be locked no member may enter or leave the chamber until after the division. It does not matter whether the doors have been able to be fully closed, the point at which the order is given from the chair is the point at which no member is allowed to enter or leave the chamber.

The most serious aspect of this incident is that members physically pushed their way past the attendant to get out of the chamber, resulting in the attendant getting hit in the doorframe and hurting their arm. I am particularly disgusted by this behaviour, and I will not tolerate it. For a staff member of this place to be treated in this way when they are simply doing their job is disrespectful and a very serious matter.

I have spoken to the parliamentary staff who were involved or who observed the incident and have reviewed a written report from them. I want to make it clear that I am committed to ensuring that this building and this chamber are safe and respectful places of work for all. No staff member should be hurt in the course of doing their work in service of this House. We all know that members are busy. However, I am sure we would all agree that no member's time is worth more than a staff member's safety.

In light of this issue and other recent issues raised with me, I will be writing to all members with a review to reinforce this and to ensure that members are in no doubt as to their obligations to treat this chamber and parliamentary staff with respect.

The Australian people expect members to maintain the highest of standards in terms of conduct and behaviour. We have been reminded of this in Set the standard: Report on the independent review into commonwealth parliamentary workplaces. For all members and staff, I remind them that the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service, PWSS, supports people affected by serious incidents or misconduct in the parliamentary workplace. This service is available at all hours.

I am now going to give indulgence to members who left the chamber following my order to lock the doors to apologise to the House for their actions.

Mr TEHAN (Wannon) (09:04): Speaker, I left the House as you were saying close the doors, and I apologise for my conduct.

Mr TAYLOR (Hume) (09:04): I apologise to the House, Speaker, for leaving the house after your directions were given.

Mr LLEW O'BRIEN (Wide Bay) (09:04): Mr Speaker, I unreservedly apologise to the House and yourself for leaving after your direction yesterday. I also apologise to the staff, if they were involved in this. Our staff here in the chamber do an incredible job, and one of them is not crowd control. I apologise again for that.

Mr TED O'BRIEN (Fairfax) (09:04): Mr Speaker, I too unreservedly apologise to the House.

Ms McKENZIE (Flinders) (09:05): I apologise to the House, Mr Speaker, for seeking to leave after the Speaker had ordered that the doors be closed. I deeply regret and apologise for any impact caused to the staff member involved.

Mr BIRRELL (Nicholls—Deputy Nationals Whip) (09:05): Mr Speaker, I sought to leave the House after your

order and I unreservedly apologise to you and to the House for that. I have offered an apology to the attendant who was on the door at the time.

Mr HASTIE (Canning) (09:05): Mr Speaker, I also apologise unreservedly to you and to the House for

attempting to leave after the doors were to be locked. I particularly regret any issues with the staff member involved and I apologise to her unreservedly.

It should be noted that only Ms. McKenzie and Messrs. Birrell, L. O’Brien & Hastie offered apologies to the staff. Messrs. Tehan, Taylor & E. O’Brien were markedly less gracious in their apologies.

Let's not bother to go to the office today....

Liberal and Nationals MPs, not content with the performative display on Tuesday 28th decided to repeat their dummy spit for House of Representative cameras two days later.

This is a view of the House as The Speaker Milton Dick enters at 8:59am on Thursday 30 March 2023. The first item of business for the day was the second reading of the bill "Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023".

View of near empty Opposition benches at 9:02am as the Australian Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus begins his second reading speech at 9:02am.

Another view of the House during the Attorney-General's second reading speech showing the Government benches on the near and far right of the image. The near left being sparsely populated Opposition benches (Liberals & Nationals) and far left Independents & minor parties benches. 

View of the House showing Labor, the cross benches and the visitors gallery clapping as the bill was listed as read and mostly silent members of the Opposition immediately leaving the Chamber at 9:21am.

It would appear that the Liberal MPs who did the right thing and were in their seats for the entire second reading process were predominately Opposition backbenchers:

Member for Longman
Member for Monash
Member for Sturt
Member for Forde
Member for Fisher.

They were in the company of three other Liberal MPs - one I took to be the Member for Bradfield, another the Member for Berowra and the third I could not identify.

One could be excused for suspecting that the handful of other Liberal and Nationals MPs who were in the Chamber by the end of the bill's second reading might have belatedly turned up just to avoid any accusation of non-attendance.

Saturday 1 April 2023

Aston Federal By-election 1 April 2023: the vote count commenced at 6:30pm and it was all over for the Liberal Party by around 8:17pm

Around 1 hour and 47 minutes into the Australian Electoral Commission vote count on Saturday 1 April 2023, elections analyst Antony Green and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation confidently predicted that Labor had won the Aston federal by-election with a projected 53.4 per cent of the votes and a +9 per cent swing.

This is the first time a federal government of any stripe has taken an Opposition seat in a by-election in over 100 years.

Australian Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has phoned Aston Labor candidate Mary Doyle and congratulated her on the historic win. 

Note: This aforementioned figures do not represent the final vote count on the night and the count will commence again on Sunday and continue until all postal votes are counted. This will not affect the result. Labor has won.

Cartoons of the Week

Cathy Wilcox

Peter Broelmann

Rod Emmerson

Matt Golding

Tuesday 28 March 2023


North Coast Voices will not be posting from Tuesday 28 to

 Friday 31 March 2023.

Apologies to our readers.