Monday, 2 December 2024

Four Clarence Valley local government councillors chosen to "chair and support" First Nations Community Roundtable meetings across the valley

Clarence Valley Council, News, 27 November 2024:

COUNCIL BRIEFS: Outcomes from monthly meeting held 21 November

Published on 27 November 2024

Councillors 2024

Clarence Valley Council held its monthly Ordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 21 November 2024 at the Maclean Council Chambers.

One Mayoral Minute and one Notice of Motion were considered and followed by 16 of 30 items debated and the other 14 adopted by consent in a meeting which lasted four hours.

Councillors Appointed to First Nation Roundtable Meetings

Four councillors have been nominated to chair the First Nations Community Roundtable meetings planned to be held in Baryulgil, Grafton, Maclean and Yamba in early 2025.

Councillor Debrah Novak will chair and support the Baryulgil and Yamba First Nations Community Roundtable meeting, Councillor Christie Yager will chair the Maclean First Nations Community Roundtable meeting, and Councillor Greg Clancy will chair the Grafton First Nations Community meetings.

Mayor Ray Smith has been appointed to chair meetings held with Local Aboriginal Land Councils and Yaegl Traditional Owner Corporation.

Councillor Karen Toms will also be supporting the Yaegl and Grafton Elders Group meetings twice a year.

Earlier in the meeting, Councillors also voted to endorse the Clarence Valley Council Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2024 – 2026 after the document was officially accredited by Reconciliation Australia for implementation.

The RAP Framework sets out four types of RAPs (Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate) depending on what stage of the reconciliation journey an organisation is up to.

Council's 'Innovate' RAP aims to:

implement actions that work towards achieving the organisation’s vision for reconciliation

understand the sphere of influence and establish the best approaches to advance reconciliation

focus on strengthening relationships with First Nation people and piloting strategies for further reconciliation commitments and empower First Nation people

be implemented over a two-year period between July 2024 - July 2026.

The RAP will be implemented over the next two years with regular updates to Reconciliation Australia on progress as well as completion of an annual RAP Impact Survey.

Councillor Greg Clancy called the item to bring attention to the new Reconciliation Action Plan praising it as “another good news story”.

Councillor Debrah Novak echoed Councillor Clancy’s praising.

Now that it’s been accredited, we can hit the ground running and do so much more for our First Nation people and work closer together.” 

[my yellow highlighting]

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Operation Five Valleys launched in Kyogle region, northern NSW, with a focus on this potential fire ant hot spot

NSW Dept. of Primary Industry, media release, 28 November 2024:

NSW Government’s fire ant protection activities ramp-up for busy QLD border-crossing period

Minister for Agriculture and Western NSW - Media Release

28 Nov 2024

The Minns Labor Government is ramping up its red imported fire ants program’s surveillance and response efforts to combat the potential spread of fire ants during the summer when cross border traffic increases.

The Government’s red fire ant program’s goal is to prevent red fire ants from entering New South Wales, and in the event they do, the program identifies infestations early and eradicates them swiftly.

Biosecurity detection dog ‘Candy’ seeks out fire ant nests during the NSW Governments recent early detection surveillance on the Tweed, under the watchful eye of Biosecurity detection dog trainer/handler, Ryan Tate from TATE Animals.

Operation Five Valleys in the Kyogle region was launched this week to focus on this potential hot spot and is spearheaded by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

Last week another wave of Operation Victa, involving NSW Police and Transport for NSW, stopped 68 large vehicles at the NSW/Qld border to inspect compliance and turned around one vehicle from entering NSW under a direction from the officers.

This compliance activity follows the recent interception and eradication of fire ants found in a turf delivery from Queensland, which led to a swift response by the NSW Government suspending the importing of turf from southeast Queensland until that region’s landscape sector demonstrates better safeguarding behaviours.

These actions are part of the NSW Government’s ongoing detection and surveillance program across northern New South Wales.

Operation Five Valleys is undertaking the following:

  • The Government’s specially trained detection dogs and human surveillance teams will be monitoring high-risk sites in Kyogle to detect fire ants.

  • High-risk locations are identified with fire ant carrier materials, such as turf, soil, landscaping materials, plus areas highlighted by habitat suitability modelling.

  • Areas near Cougal, Findon Creek, Lindesay Creek, Dairy Flat and Sawpit Creek have been identified as early detection areas to guard against the natural and human-assisted spread into NSW from QLD.

  • A Check Your Yard campaign is being launched to encourage all residents to check their properties. Selected Landholders can also elect to have their properties checked at no cost.

  • Plus, selected Landholders can have their properties checked at no cost.

To further support these efforts, the NSW Government has introduced updates to the Biosecurity Emergency Order, providing clear guidance and improved safeguards for stakeholders involved in the movement of fire ant carrier materials.

The Order now includes clearer fire ant carrier definitions, premises checking and treatment, plus clarified requirements, making it easier for stakeholders to fulfil their duties. For more information, Biosecurity Helpline 1800 680 244 or

Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty:

"The Minns Labor Government’s early detection surveillance program is part of our ongoing commitment to keep this highly invasive pest out of New South Wales.

By focusing on high-risk areas and employing advanced tracking and modeling techniques, we’re taking strong preventative measures to stop fire ants from establishing here."

We’ve proven that when fire ants are detected in NSW, we will respond quickly to control the situation and stamp them out.

We will also take measures to address weak-link behaviours, such as banning QLD turf entering NSW after repeated problems.

Fire ants won’t march or float into NSW they will either be carried with materials such as soil, mulch, hay and turf, or fly in by natural spread from QLD. Which is why we’re ramping up surveillance in these high-risk areas.


Saturday, 30 November 2024

Art Work of the Week


ARTIST: Liza Adamczewski (Wales UK)
Blackbird on flowering apple tree with gold leaf background, painted on board. Date unknown.

Friday, 29 November 2024

BIRCHGROVE LEGAL TAKES OPPOSITION LEADER & LIBERAL MP FOR DICKSON TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION UNDER AUSTRALIA’S RACIAL DISCRIMINATION ACT: "Mr Dutton’s pattern of spreading disinformation to justify the demonisation and oppression of a people facing plausible genocide is not only in poor taste, but a violation of human rights"


Birchgrove Legal is a law firm based in Australia, specialising in servicing the needs of organisations from not-for-profits, small & medium enterprises to multi-national corporations.

On 26 November 2024 the law firm released the following media release:

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton Faces Group Legal action over Gaza Remarks and Incitement of Hate

25 November 2024

A representative legal action has been lodged against Opposition Leader Peter Dutton under Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act, accusing him of discrimination and inciting racial hatred through his remarks and social media commentary on Gaza and Palestinians.

The action, filed with the Australian Human Rights Commission by Birchgrove Legal, represents Jewish, Palestinian, and Muslim communities in Australia.

Led by Professor Peter Slezak, an Australian Jewish academic and Palestinian advocate Nasser Mashni, the action accuses Dutton of dehumanising Palestinians, Muslims, and Jews, while stigmatising Australians who support Palestinian rights.

The legal action states that Mr Dutton’s comments contradict Australia’s obligations under the Genocide Convention and the Rome Statute, particularly in relation to preventing genocide and protecting refugees.

Additionally, the legal action states that Mr Dutton’s public comments have led to increased vilification of Palestinians, including targeted harassment and hate crimes against peaceful protesters intimidating Jewish and other Australians supporting the Palestinian rights movement.

Principal Solicitor at Birchgrove Legal, Moustafa Kheir, said Mr Dutton’s words had normalised anti-Palestinian hate and dehumanising rhetoric.

Mr Dutton’s pattern of spreading disinformation to justify the demonisation and oppression of a people facing plausible genocide is not only in poor taste, but a violation of human rights,” Mr Kheir said.

This legal action seeks to ensure that political leaders are held accountable for their words and actions, and that we are all prescribed to the same judicial system despite our cultural background, privilege or faith.”

Among the 22 incidents, the key allegations against Mr Dutton include:

1. Misleading Claims About Palestinian Nakba survivors seeking refuge in Australia: In August 2024, Dutton claimed the Australian Government was jeopardising national security by granting almost 3,000 tourist visas to people from Gaza, which he labelled a “terrorist-controlled” zone. He also shared a misleading graph that sparked anti-Palestinian sentiment. Dutton’s insinuations that the Albanese Government’s actions were politically motivated to appease Muslim voters were reflected in hostile public responses.

2. False Claims and Propaganda: Dutton is accused of amplifying discredited far-right claims, including false Israeli propaganda about beheaded babies, and repeating debunked stories about Australian protesters allegedly shouting, “gas the Jews.” NSW Police had dismissed the latter claims, but Dutton failed to retract or apologise for spreading them.

3. Encouraging Violence and Deportation: The legal action highlights Dutton’s calls for “no restraint” in Israel’s military actions against civilians in Gaza and deporting pro-Palestinian protesters from Australia.

4. Disparaging Muslim Candidates: Dutton’s comments about Muslim candidates in federal parliament being a “disaster.”

5. Atrocity Denial: Dutton is accused of engaging in ‘atrocity denial’ by failing to acknowledge Israel’s disproportionate killing of civilians and unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory.

Professor Slezak said it was abhorrent for a national leader to engage in such divisive public commentary fully understating the racial tensions it could breed.

Mr Dutton is using the same ‘security threat’ language against Palestinians that was once used to demonise Jewish people before the Holocaust—and worse, he claims to do this in our name,” Mr Slezak said.

Like many Jewish Australians, I grieve the atrocities Israel is committing against Palestinians and we will not be intimidated into silence.

Statements that dehumanise any group of people, including Palestinians, must be challenged. All parties responsible must be held accountable for statements that dehumanise certain groups and fuel division, including Palestinians, whose suffering deserves recognition.”

Mr Mashni also condemned the harm caused by Mr Dutton’s comments citing the gross dehumanisation of Palestinians and Palestinian Australians undermined international law.

On one side, we have a government refusing to impose sanctions, and on the other, an opposition leader encouraging Australia to flout international law and withhold empathy to the human suffering occurring,” Mr Mashni said.

Our community urgently needs Australia to take a firm stand against Israel’s ongoing genocide, which will only end with sustained international pressure.”

The legal action requests a public apology from Mr Dutton and rectifications and compensation for affected communities.

If the Commission does not resolve the matter, applicants may pursue a Federal Court action on the same grounds. Law suits cannot be brought directly to Court under the Racial Discrimination Act and must start in the Australian Human Rights Commission.


Thursday, 28 November 2024

NSW has recorded 275 battery-related incidents so far this year. NSW Government advice re lithium-ion battery safe use & disposal warning ahead of the December 2024 sales & holiday gift buying season, as well as use of e-mobility products

NSW Government, media release, 25 November 2024:

Consumers urged to choose quality batteries this sale season after record number of fires

Published: 25 November 2024

Released by: Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Environment and Heritage

Listen [to media release at]

The NSW Government is warning consumers about the potential dangers of buying poor quality lithium-ion battery powered products as gifts this holiday season, which may pose a fire risk.

The warning comes amid fears that substandard lithium-ion battery powered devices may flood the market during Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other pre-Christmas sales ahead of new regulations coming into effect next year.

New data reveals there have already been a record 275 battery-related incidents so far this year, surpassing last year’s record number (272). Small portable devices have accounted for the most incidents in 2024 (94), while there have been 86 fires involving e-micromobility devices.

If a lithium-ion battery overheats uncontrollably, it can release flammable and toxic gases in a process called ‘thermal runaway’, which can create fire and explosion hazards. The risk of thermal runaway is higher in batteries that are damaged, overcharged or exposed to high temperatures.

In a campaign launched today, the NSW Government is calling on people to shop, charge and recycle lithium-ion batteries safely, unveiling a new consumer warning video and a central website for people to visit when seeking information on lithium-ion products.

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has developed a video to demonstrate how ‘thermal runaway’ can occur, featuring power tool batteries catching fire in a living room.

The NSW Government is urging shoppers to be vigilant and undertake safe charging and disposal practices with lithium-ion battery products.

Today’s warning follows the Minns Labor Government’s mandatory safety standards for lithium-ion battery-powered e-micromobility products announced in August, which will require e-bikes, e-scooters, hoverboards and e-skateboards to meet new testing, certification, and marking requirements.

These NSW Fair Trading product safety standards are intended to curb the fire risks associated with lithium-ion e-micromobility devices by ensuring low quality and dangerous versions of these products cannot enter the market and be sold to unsuspecting consumers.

Retailers, manufacturers and suppliers will face fines of up to $825,000 for not complying with the new safety standards, which will be introduced in a staged process from 1 February 2025.

A nation-first Information Standard will also be introduced to provide consumer advice and warnings on fire and electrical safety, product storage, road rules and disposal of e-micromobility products.

Communities are being reminded that batteries do not belong in household garbage bins, where they can spark fires in garbage trucks and waste facilities.

Lithium-ion batteries can be disposed of at a range of dedicated recycling drop-off points, including many retail outlets and supermarkets. Products with embedded batteries, like an electric toothbrush or portable speaker, can be safely disposed of at 21 Community Recycling Centres across NSW.

Minister for the Environment Penny Sharpe said:

The increase in battery related incidents is serious and concerning, so we’re working across government to address the risks posed at all stages – from purchase to use and disposal.

Don’t throw batteries out with your household rubbish. If not disposed of properly, they can cause intense, dangerous fires which put others in harm’s way, including our garbage truck drivers.”

Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib said:

Lithium-ion batteries are an important part of the transition to alternative energy and technologies. But we must be aware of the safety risks and how to use these batteries safely so consumers can enjoy the festive season without an emergency visit from Fire and Rescue NSW.

It’s not just micromobility products like e-bikes and e-scooters that cause lithium-ion fires, it can be devices you don’t expect like electric toothbrushes, shavers, vacuum cleaners, portable chargers and power tools that are contributing to these fires in NSW.”

Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading Anoulack Chanthivong said:

Our primary focus is making sure consumers are protected so please be careful when purchasing lithium-ion battery products and keep an eye out for Christmas sales that appear too good to be true.

With the Christmas shopping period upon us, we want to ensure that everyone is buying safe lithium-ion battery products.

Don’t skimp on quality and safety. Check the ACCC Product Safety website to see if there’s an active recall. Make sure the batteries don’t show signs of damage and check for standards labelling. If you’re uncertain about a lithium-ion battery product’s quality, don’t take the risk.”

FRNSW Commissioner Jeremy Fewtrell said:

If these batteries are allowed to overheat, or become damaged or compromised, they can cause an explosive chain reaction.

These devices are powered by an array of batteries. If they enter that ‘thermal runaway’ process, they can spew a cloud of toxic gas inside your home and violently explode, resulting in an intense fire.

There’s an additional risk when an unrelated fire breaks out in a home and then consumes lithium-ion battery devices, which can intensify the blaze and make it extremely difficult to extinguish.”

Sydney mother Kirsty Stead said:

I shudder to think how my son charged his bike in his bedroom every night, as he slept.

I urge all parents to take precautions and try to charge Lithium-ion devices, like e-bikes, in safe areas. Outside if possible.” 

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Byron Bay Waverider buoy set to come online again this week


Byron Bay’s iconic yellow Waverider buoy

On 4 November 2024 Manly Hydraulics announced that the Byron Bay Waverider buoy had been damaged and was unable to transmit data to the shore station and, a replacement buoy was to be deployed as soon as possible.

It is expected that the Byron buoy will be redeployed this week to rejoin the six other buoy sites off the NSW coast continuously live monitoring deepwater wave conditions. Which in turn allows the forecasting of nearshore wave height and direction, as well as supplying an overview of swell height and direction along most of the state's 2,137 kms long coastline.


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Thousands of people answered the call of Rising Tide and successfully protested at Newcastle coal port in New South Wales over the course of four days


After the Supreme Court set aside a Minns Government decision to cut off access to Newcastle Harbour in an effort to prevent a four-day climate protest, NSW Police were left trying to herd cats on port waters for most of Sunday, 24 November 2024. 

The result was that thousands of people of all ages answered Rising Tide's call for a peaceful protest at what is said to be the world's largest coal port and shipping was disrupted as planned.

Here's how the Newcastle Protestival went down from the perspective of police, protestors and media.

The Canberra Times, 24 November 2024

NSW Police News

Over 100 people arrested in Port of Newcastle

Sunday, 24 November 2024 12:47:08 PM

Police have arrested over 100 people as a police operation continues in the Port of Newcastle.

Just after 10am today (Sunday 24 November 2024), a large group of people entered a shipping channel and interfered with the movement of vessels.

138 people have now been arrested after refusing to comply with a direction to move away from the channel.

The police operation is ongoing.

For their own safety and that of the other users of the port, police request that people refrain from entering the harbour with the intention to obstruct other users of the port. We also encourage all participants to follow the directions of police.

The community is reminded that under NSW legislation, the safe passage of vessels is protected. Unlawful activity may result in fines or imprisonment.

The NSW Police Force will adopt a zero-tolerance approach to actions which threaten public safety and the safe passage of vessels.

Charges laid as police operation continues - Port of Newcastle

Sunday, 24 November 2024 06:20:26 PM

170 people have been arrested this weekend over the disruption of a major facility and failure to comply with marine safety directions in the Port of Newcastle.

Yesterday (Saturday 23 November 2024), two men and a woman were charged with not comply with direction by authorised officer relating to safety.

Just after 10am today (Sunday 24 November 2024), a large group of people entered the shipping channel and presented serious safety risks to themselves and others, causing significant disruptions to the operation of the harbour.

156 adults and 14 youths have now been charged in total - 138 with disruption of a major facility, and 32 with not comply with direction by authorised officer relating to safety. Two were refused bail to appear at Newcastle Local Court tomorrow (Monday 24 November 2024).

34 people were required to be retrieved from the water during arrests, ten people required assistance from police to return to shore, and one police officer suffered a fractured ankle.

Unrelated to activities in the water, there were numerous traffic infringements issued, and a further five charges were laid.

Despite disruptions, the harbour remains open and continues to operate with 31 shipping movements over the weekend since Friday (22 November 2024).

The police operation is ongoing.

The NSW Police Force recognises and supports the rights of individuals and groups to exercise their rights of free speech and peaceful assembly; however, the priority for NSW Police is always the safety of the wider community and there will be zero tolerance for illegal and dangerous behaviour.

Andrew George, 35, from the Lismore area in the Northern Rivers region was charged with two offences, including seriously disrupting a major facility and operating a vessel as to interfere with others use of waters, before being released on bail.

ECHO, 25 November 2024:

Police minister condemns protesters

Minister for Police Yasmin Catley has released a statement on behalf of the government thanking police for protecting public safety and condemning arrested protesters.

Minister Catley has described as reckless the behaviour of those she says think it ‘acceptable to waste critical policing resources and endanger officers with self-serving stunts’ and ‘irresponsible theatrics’.

GRAPHICS: @RisingTideAus