Thursday 22 May 2008

We know about Australia's GDP and GNP, but what about its GPI?

The Institute for Economics and Peace has released its Global Peace Index [GPI] 2008.
The other ANZAC, New Zealand, ranks 4th (1.350) on the international index of 140 countries.
Australia ranks 27th (1.652).
America ranks 97th on this list.
Something for the Rudd Government to aspire to here, after a decade of our nation playing deputy-sheriff to the US - catching up to New Zealand.

Full index list here.
Breakdown of how Australia's GPI was calculated

The Institute for Economics and Peace is dedicated to developing the inter-relationships between business, peace and economics. Through its global reach, it aims to empower the private sector, academic community, civil society, international institutions and governments with the knowledge to proactively use peace to achieve their desired goals.
It appears to be the brainchild of Australian businessman Steve Killelea and the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies [UNSW].

Malcolm thinks a cigar is always just a cigar

Shadow Treasurer and all-round pukka Malcolm Turnbull's reply during question time at the National Press Club on Wednesday, 21 May 2008.

"I'm not going to engage in self-analysis."

Sort of says it all about Malcolm doesn't it?

Transcript of Address to the National Press Club

And wants his tax review to look at the Goods and Services Tax

The Review will involve all aspects of the tax system that are amenable to reform in the national interest.
This will involve an examination of taxation:
At the Commonwealth level, including but not limited to: income tax, company tax, dividend imputation, the goods and services tax, international tax, excises and customs duties, fringe benefits tax, revenue from any emissions trading scheme, capital gains tax, superannuation taxes, and resource rent tax; and
At the State and Local level, including but not limited to: transactions taxes, payroll taxes, property taxes, and gambling taxes.
In conducting the Review, Professor Ergas will consult widely, including through the release of public discussion papers and a tax reform conference. The Review will be completed by the end of 2008."

I take some comfort from the fact that Turnbull and Ergas (both believing the 'great unwashed' adhere to the politics of envy) are reviewing the tax system while the Coalition is in opposition. Otherwise
the Prof might just lumber us all with a higher rate of GST in his almost one-size-fits-all view of our society.

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Snapshots from Obama's campaign album

The Obama for America
team is so proud of their
man's ability to pull a
75,000 strong crowd in
Portland, Oregon last
Sunday, that they are e-mailing out these photos from the family album.

Mark your calendar for the Lismore Lantern Parade, Saturday 21 June 2008

Lismore Kids Arts Festival - 10.00 am
Playing in the Streets, street theatre - 11.30am
Market deLight - 2.00pm
Ceremonial Gates open - 4.00 pm, entry Gold Coins Donation
Winter Warmers, Charity hot food stalls - 4.30pm
Parade - 5.30 pm
Fiery Finale - 6.45 pm
Great Street Party - 8.00pm arts, crafts, workshop, regional cuisine, spectacular parade, lanterns, parade bands, street theatre, carnival dancers outdoor theatre,illuminated puppets, fire art and pyrotechnics......
and much, much more.
Festival website here.

Portraits of an exploding man

Cartoons of Malcolm Turnbull found at: