Saturday 7 February 2009

B@stard Watch: old democrats neve die - they create a political blog!

It was sad to see the last of the Australian Democrats go from federal parliament in June, but they haven't gone too far from the public eye it seems.
This month the Demos created a blog called fittingly enough - B#stard Watch.
With the motto "B^stards never sleep and neither do we".
I wish them luck and hope that their new venture lives up to party expectations.
The new blog ran an Australia Day poll which gave Kevin Rudd a serve for not supporting gay marriage because he's a prudish b*stard.
In another post Peter Garret got it in the neck for being a whaling son without a father and for caving in to Gunns, while Mal Turnbull was done down for being an emissions trading foundling left on the steps of the local convent.
At this point I beg forgiveness for the convoluted phraseology, but there are only so many ways one can avoid the Internet filters when trying to type bastard person of uncertain parentage.

Friday 6 February 2009

Artist’s public toilet has pride of place in small NZ town

“It is only a toilet but it should show that even small things
can bring beauty into our lives.”

Kawakawa (pop. 1,300), which some describe as an inconspicuous backwater New Zealand town, has a long main street, a butcher, a cafe, a supermarket and a pub. It also has a public toilet in the middle of its main street created by Viennese-born artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

Hundertwasser’s public toilet stands in Gillies Street amid the usual shops and businesses found in a small town. It gives visitors an opportunity to relieve themselves in typical Hundertwasser ambiance. The floor’s tiles are uneven, the walls are warped and the windows are made of different colored bottles set into cement. Its columns are playfully colorful while the roof is overgrown with grass. Read the Jakarta Globe's full report here.

To Hundertwasser, a toilet is very special because you meditate in a toilet. Like a church. "The similarity is not so far fetched."

More photos of Hundertwasser's work, taken by
NZer Phil, are here.

Pic -
Christiane Oelrich, Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) Germany

*1 Norma, Hundertwasser’s neighbour and close friend

First Dog On The Moon tackles internet censorship

First Dog On The Moon at Crikey

Senator Conroy and the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Remember way back when (January 2008) Senator Conroy's spokesperson was quoted:

Senator Conroy's spokeswoman said the blacklist would be expanded through liaison with the Australian Federal Police, and international agencies such as Interpol and the FBI.

Then, it was a little worrying that the super-conservative Federal Bureau of Investigation would presumably have some input into Conroy's expanded blacklist.

It became all the more worrying this month when the Bureau formally entered communication partnerships with the following faith-based organizations:
  • Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, under the leadership of Dr. Tony Evans;

  • The Potter's House in Dallas, Texas, under the leadership of Bishop T.D. Jakes;

  • The First Baptist Church of Glenarden in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, under the leadership of Pastor John Jenkins;

  • The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship in Decatur, Georgia, under the leadership of Bishop Paul Morton;

  • Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church in Washington, D.C., under the leadership of Bishop Alfred Owens; and

  • Ever Increasing Faith Ministries in Los Angeles, California, under the leadership of Dr. Fred Rice.

Treatment of Grafton workers lower than a snake's belly

Directors of companies used to hire workers for the parent company operating Grafton abattoir are still giving former workers (sacked without receiving their due entitlements) the runaround.
It seems that
no-one is taking responsibility.
And now Liberals MP Bronwyn Bishop is jumping on the bandwagon with offers of help.
Yep, Bronnie - you helped set up the WorkChoices legislation which virtually encouraged employers to shaft workers and now you want to help.
Too little, too late, mate.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Some pollies show what a waste of space they can be

The Libs and Nats are revolting.
No they're not just moving against the government, they are repulsive.
Malcolm Turnbull is going to the newspapers and saying that he wants a smaller second stimulus package (less than half of the $42 billion)and that he will block the Rudd Government in parliament.
What's he going to cut?
Social housing, defence forces accomodation, making homes warmer in winter, a little extra money for students, better class rooms and school libraries, a bonus for the working poor?
What an utter waste of space that man has turned out to be.

Upriver Bill
Northern Rivers

Guest Speak is a North Coast Voices segment allowing serious or satirical comment from NSW Northern Rivers residents.
Email ncvguestpeak at live dot com dot au to submit comment for consideration.

The FBI is watching YouTube

The FBI is watching you YouTube according to a 14 January 2009 threat assessment document posted on Wikileaks.
Apparently the bureau is searching for Al Qaeda videos.

For heavens sake don't tell Senator Conroy! ;-)