Wednesday 18 March 2009

'Allo, 'allo is anybody home? A regional response to the Rudd Government ETS

I read this week that Labor's heartland is objecting to Rudders' emissions trading scheme because it would mean severe job loss in parts of regional Australia.
Hello? Is anybody home? Even a duffer like myself can figure out that regional Oz will also feel the direct effect of climate change more heavily than most, because metro-orientated governments right across the country will give less funding and less on the ground help when dwindling river flows, groundwater and soil salinity, coastal land loss, severe storm damage, bushfires, major widespread flooding and the rest take a huge toll on regions like the NSW North Coast.
It makes more sense for regions to take an economic hit now, in the hope of lessening the much harder hits that climate change will deal out in the future to local residents.
Come on, La Trobe, Gladstone, Newcastle and The Isa - suck it up and think of your grandkids!
After all, it's not all bad news - export quality black coal gets an easy ride under the ETS as far as I can tell.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Pink shirts and pig ignorance on the NSW North Coast

Click on image to enlarge

Sometimes it is hard to decide whether this The Daily Examiner journalist is simply obeying an editorial direction to create controversy at any price or if he actually is as developmentally delayed as his language suggests.

Like other ugly paper chauvinists in the media Graham Orams is careful to give himself what he obviously believes is a get-out-of-gaol-free ticket by telling the world that women deserve better, as he flaunts what he likes to refer to as my raw and unshakable masculinity (pause for readers to lift right hand and signal with little finger).

The opinion piece above appeared on page 11 in last Thursday's issue of this regional paper. Needless to say its editor is still Peter Chapman.

I had never heard of The Michael Duffy Files until.........

I'd never heard of The Michael Duffy Files (est. June 2008) until............
Tele journo Timmeh Blair decided to
bag this little blog.
I probably wouldn't have metioned it either until I realised that Dorothy Parker had posted this succinct banner.

Game, set and match to Dorothy.

To be sure, to be sure - it's Paddy's Day

St. Patrick's Day and the only pot of gold any of us are likely to see.
Pic from Photobucket