Saturday 31 October 2009

Coalition dinasours!: the Member for Page rises to her feet during the second reading debate on the re-introduced CPRS Bill 2009

Open Australia website; an exerpt from the Hansard debate record of the Federal Labor Member for the NSW North Coast elecorate of Page on 29 October 2009:

Photo of Janelle SaffinJanelle Saffin (Page, Australian Labor Party) Share this Hansard source

In 2007, when I stood for election with the Rudd Labor team, we had a plan. That plan was to tackle climate change. It was a 10-point plan, a holistic approach to the challenge of climate change. It was a plan that would protect our jobs, protect the environment and the economy in the here and now, and take us into the future. It was a plan that rose to the challenge. Since I came into this place—since the Rudd government was elected—we have all worked to implement that plan. Since the election we have had the appointment of the Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, the green paper, the white paper, draft legislation, and wide consultation and deep consultation with communities, industry and interested groups on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, which brings in the emissions trading scheme and its implementation. It is one of the biggest consultation processes that I have seen.

When we went to the election, the people of Australia said: 'We want you to do something about climate change.' We are doing something about climate change and we will continue to, but that has been thwarted by the coalition—the opposition. The coalition were and are divided on climate change. They do not talk about solutions and responses. Their view of climate change prevents them from coming to any reasonable let alone reasoned response. It just seems to me a crazy way to do business. They say that they are interested in jobs and, you know, they are—it seems the key job they are focussed on is the Leader of the Opposition's job and other aspirants coming up behind him. It is in their base political interest to drag it up. That is what I see and that is what people in the electorate see. That is the reality. Their coalition partner, the National Party, has nine members in this place and five in the Senate. The only jobs they are interested in are their own. It is like natural attrition; they are going the way of the dinosaur.

It's Samhain in the Northern Hemisphere......

.....with echoes of this time in the old Celtic calendar reduced these days to kids in ghoulish fancy dress trick or treating around their neighbourhoods.
However, 31 October is not celebrated as the last day of Autumn and the beginning of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere - so why has the local supermarket been tarted up with pumpkins and witches all week and why must I expect at least a few knocks on my door tonight from clueless Aussie kids loosely aping a now essentially American custom of sending kids out to threaten mischief and beg for lollies?
Double bah! and triple humbug!

Pic from Poor Reds

Friday 30 October 2009

Grafton's Jacaranda Festival (30 Oct-8 Nov 2009) gets a ping from Bing

Bing Homepage 30 October 2009

Grafton on the NSW North Coast is holding its 75th Jacaranda Festival starting today and running until 8 November 2009.
Events program here.

It's raining, it's pouring, the old Roo is......

Marge the rain’s here!!!

After months of no rain, dust storms and paddocks slowly browning, the first rain we have results in a flood warning.
A day moving the pump from the river and moving stock to higher ground under much protest from the cows.
I did agree with them; the rain had just washed the dust off the grass and the best grass was down on the flat where the flood waters if they come will cover.
Had to be done though given the time difference of flood peaks means the water should begin swirling in at about 2am in the morning.
Not a good time to be moving cows, they are like me - don’t like being woken up that early in the morning.

One good piece of news is the frogs that had been waiting out the dry in my shower recess have moved back outside.
For the first time in months I've had a shower without them muscling in.
These frogs were very particular about the temperature, not too hot.
The chill of the water was what they like best, I like it a bit hotter than that.
If it got too hot the frogs would jump all over the place, and that place usually was me.
Believe me a frog landing on your privates is not something you would like repeated.

2009 CHOICE Shonky Awards - lemony winners announced

CHOICE is a not-for-profit consumer protection organisation which started life as a magazine and has been operating in Australia for the last fifty years. The group states it currently has 200,000 members. Every year it now announces annual awards for the worst products on the domestic market. These awards are called Shonkys.

The 2009 CHOICE Shonky for:

  • Plugging Stuff and Nonsense goes to Reegen Micro-Plug
  • Cheese-Fearing Surrender Monkey goes to Tiffany FP807 Food processor
  • Water at What Price? goes to Chef's Cupboard and Massel liquid stocks
  • Honey (Oat crisp), I shrunk the groceries goes to Uncle Toby Oat Crisp Honey cereal
  • Blinding us with dodgy science goes to L'Oréal Elvive
  • Profit Protection Insurance goes to the Credit protection insurance industry
  • Sky high surcharges goes to Qantas and Tiger Airways
  • Teleconfusication goes to Tel.pacific phone cards

Poor Bolta - he can't even get up a good snark anymore

Early on a Monday morning Andrew Bolt sent a weak and feeble snark down the digital highway which ended up as a Herald Sun post at 7.21am on 26th October 2009.
He'd obviously only recently noticed how many times the Australian Prime Minister makes no apology for this and that and he listed 7 instances of 'no apology' from June 2008 until this month.
It must have been a hard weekend at the Bolt house because he obviously hadn't anything decent prepared for publication and hurriedly cast a short net.

Here is what a quick squiz at Open Australia throws up with a simple search through Hansard records:

As I said in response to a question in this place yesterday, this government makes no apology whatsoever for the fact that it is expanding its cooperation with the Indonesian government in the area of people smuggling. {Hansard 22nd October '09}

This government makes no apology whatsoever for the fact that we have a tough line on asylum seekers when it comes to dealing with the challenges of people smugglers around the world—tough but humane.
{Hansard 21st October '09}

That is the right way to proceed. It is called a rational policy debate. That is what we on this side of the House are engaged in. We do not apologise for one element of it. {Hansard 18th August '09}

I make no apology whatsoever for being conservative about the projections we have made about the impact of the global recession on Australia. {Hansard 3rd June '09}

I would say to the barracking new Leader of the Opposition, the member for Wentworth, this: on the question of terrorism, this government makes no apology for taking a hard line. It makes no apology for making clear-cut statements to the Australian community that we will not brook— ..........
We take a hard line. We make no apology for it. {Hansard 17th September '08}

We are a party and a government of nation-building and we are so without apology. {Hansard 3rd September '08}

We make no apology at all for the fact that we have commissioned Ken Henry of the Treasury to undertake the Henry commission of inquiry. {Hansard 26th June '08}

Families across the country are dealing with real challenges, so we make no apology—while those opposite giggle and guffaw about the financial pressures faced by families today—for delivering $47 billion of tax cuts to those families, no apology for ensuring that we deliver an education tax refund of $4.4 billion, no apology for ensuring that we increase the childcare tax rebate... {Hansard 15th March '08}

Since the snark was posted there have been other mentions, which include this blockbuster later on that same Monday:

Our policy is unapologetically tough but humane.....
is unapologetically tough when it comes to people smugglers and unapologetically
humane when it comes to dealing with asylum seekers. It is a tough but humane approach......

We, the government, make no apology for this regional approach.....
Our policy is also unapologetically humane. We have ended mandatory detention for children.......
It is a balanced approach, a mainstream approach; one which unapologetically also engages our friends and partners in the region, {Hansard Proof 26th October '09}

But even raising the score to 23 versions of what is almost a prime ministerial verbal tic doesn't make Bolt's paid 'professional' MSM post worth the effort. So far that's only roughly one non-apology uttered every month since Rudd was elected. Bolt's post tastes of FAIL. Try again.