Saturday 12 December 2009


A tail tale of Patsy and the tramp.......

The Daily Examiner, 9 December 2009

Click on image to enlarge

NASA maps global warming 1880 to 2008

NASA has mapped annual changes in global temperature over a 128 year span.
Dark blue indicates areas of greatest cooling and dark red indicates areas of greatest warming.



NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies animated mapping here and supporting data here.

Friday 11 December 2009

A Christmas Plea: Have you seen our Sam?

Have you seen Sam?

OUR beagle 'Sam', pictured above, went missing just north of Coffs in the floods at the beginning of November.

He is a little timid, loves to play chasie, loves his food, loves to lie on your bed, loves cuddles and children.

He is tan and white and is five years old. He is microchipped.

He is very much loved and missed. He is our baby - we have no children.

I plead to anyone who has him to please contact us on: 6656 2833.

Thank you so much for your help, I desperately want my little Sam back.

Forever in your debt,


Emerald Beach

[Letter to the Editor and photo in The Daily Examiner 10 December 2009]

You know it's December 2009 when......

Clarence Valley thunderstorm on 8 December
from The Daily Examiner 10 December 2009

.......the days are getting too close to 40C for comfort, an acrid smell of bushfire is on the back of each wind, afternoons are regularly troubled by thunderstorms, you start the evening by kicking a large cane toad out of the cat's water bowl in the kitchen and follow that up at 2am in the morning by evicting its mate from the bedroom - then stumbling into the garden at 6am the next day to see how the vegies are surviving you find yourself doing a quick skip to avoid a young brown snake playing summer refugee in the backyard.
I'm almost looking forward to winter next year except heavy rains and flooding bring their own unique problems in the Northern Rivers.

Is this Kristina Keneally for real?

Is this amatuerish Twitter page legitimate or not?
Why is there no link in the first bald tweet announcing the new Keneally Government cabinet?
Who is the "KS" who signed the second tweet?
How on earth did this page acquire 2,757 followers in its first couple of days and only 24 followers since?
And what happened to those two original Keneally tweets which were removed?
Oh, and while I'm at it, if this Twitter account is a government endorsed site for the NSW Premier why were all former Premier Ree's tweets removed? A bent for revisionist history? Spite?

Well when a friend phoned the Premier's minsterial office to check she was assured that Ms. Keneally did have a Twitter account and premierofnsw was probably it, though there was nobody around at that moment who could actually confirm or deny.
Kristina me gurl, you're not off to a good start on the digital communication front.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Walk Against Warming in all Australian capitial cities, Saturday 12 December 2009

Get out your walking shoes, slip, slop, slap & wrap - then march to show that you are concerned about positive outcomes for the planet at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenahgen.

March meeting points on Saturday 12 December 2009:

SYDNEY 1pm, Martin Place
MELBOURNE 12pm, State Library, Swanston St
BRISBANE 10am, King George Square
ADELAIDE 11am, Victoria Square/Tarndanyangga
PERTH 11am, Perth Cultural Centre, Russell Square
HOBART Timbs Track, Upper Florentine, Gordon River
CANBERRA 11.30am, Federation Mall
DARWIN 5pm, Nightcliff Jetty

Can't walk on that day? Sign the petition being sent to Kevin Rudd at Walk Against Warming website.

This is The Greens Senator Christine MiIlne writing from Copenhagen:

I'm writing to you from freezing Copenhagen, where so many world leaders and negotiators are still frozen in the past, working towards a deal that simply won't cut it, according to the latest science.But you can help change that.
Everywhere I go across Copenhagen, there are reminders that the time for real action is now. Artworks, displays and protests all show that the people of the world won't settle for distractions and false solutions.
But inside the conference centre it's a different story.
The thousands of delegates queuing for security, cloak rooms and meals are frozen in negotiations which are deadlocked by the two deal breakers – how much and how fast to cut emissions, and how much rich nations should help finance poor nations to deal with the climate crisis.
There is a palpable tension across the whole city. Everyone here knows that, despite the fine words, the emissions targets and financing figures currently on the table are utterly inadequate.
There is one easy thing you can do to help drag our leaders into the real world.
If millions of people around the world join walks to demand real action, it will send a wake up call to Kevin Rudd and all the other leaders heading to Copenhagen in the next few days.
It will show them that the community is ready to do what it takes and won't be swayed by excuses.
I'll be walking with tens of thousands of others here in Copenhagen, but there is a Walk Against Warming in every Australian capital city and some regional centres.
Click here to find your nearest walk. Let's make it huge!
Yours in hope,
Christine Milne