Thursday 27 January 2022

Opposition Leader & Labor MP for Grayndler Anthony Albanese at the National Press Club of Australia on 25 January 2022

I acknowledge that tomorrow is a very difficult day for our First Nations people.”  Anthony Albanese, 25 January 2022. IMAGE: YouTube video snapshot 


Leader of the Opposition & Labor MP for Grayndler since 1996, Anthony Albanese’s Press Club Address, at the 'unoffical' commencement of the parliamentary year, 25 January 2022, transcript:

Australia’s best days are ahead of us.

Not just the better days that we’re all hoping for right now, but the best our nation has ever seen.

Together, we are ready for it.

Australia Day is a good moment for us to reflect; to consider our blessings as a nation and to celebrate them. Perhaps that is more important now than it has been for decades.

We have been through a time so challenging, none of us will ever forget it.

I know, as we enter the third year of the pandemic, a lot of Australians are exhausted. Worn-down by bad news, uncertainty, inconvenience, disruption and separation from loved ones.

And we look forward to the day when we can put all this behind us.

My argument to you today is that if we get this moment right, Australia can emerge from this once-in-a-century crisis better, stronger, more fair, and more prosperous.

My case for government is that we must learn the lessons of this pandemic in order to build a more resilient Australia for the future.

What stands before us now is the opportunity to build on the best qualities that characterise Australians, and to realise our potential as a people and as a nation more fully than at any time in our history.

The chance is ours to seize.

But it requires courage.

It requires vision.

It requires leadership that brings Australians together.

And it demands a government that steps up to its responsibilities and fulfills its most fundamental roles: to protect our people, to act as a force for good, and to change people’s lives for the better.

Just ‘pushing through’ this pandemic is not enough. We need to learn from it, we need to use what the last two years have taught us to build a better future.

Paul Keating once said the lesson of the First World War was a lesson about ordinary people – and the lesson was they were not ordinary.

We’ve had that same truth brought home to us these past two years.

I say it every chance I get – the Australian people have been magnificent during this crisis.

Calm in the midst of turmoil, looking out for each other in tough times.

If I’m elected Prime Minister of this great country of ours, I see it as my deep responsibility to repay these sacrifices, to reward these efforts, to prove worthy of the generosity and bravery of the Australian people.

And that means building on the lessons of this pandemic:

  • One, a strong, properly funded public health system, with Medicare as its backbone, is vital to every aspect of our lives.
  • Two, the rise of insecure work has undermined too many families’ confidence in their future.
  • Three, stripping our TAFE and training sector of investment over the last decade has led to crippling skills gaps and worker shortages.
  • Four, the need to manufacture more things here in Australia – to be more self-reliant – and to back Australian businesses, so our fate isn’t held hostage to global supply chains.
  • Five, the need for a high quality NBN - because this is not an optional extra, it is fundamental to working from home, building a small business, education for our children, and vital medical consultations.
  • And six, affordable childcare – because this too isn’t a luxury. It’s an essential part of family and working life.

In a recent profile, when asked to reflect on his time in office, Scott Morrison suggested he is not interested in leaving a legacy. For him, leaving no legacy is a conscious choice. I find this remarkable.

If given the opportunity, I want to make a real difference for the people of our nation – and to strengthen the nation itself.

I want a better future.

And if I’m successful, the future we are working toward will be demonstrated to Australians by the end of Labor’s first term.

An Australia with rising living standards, lifted by more secure work, better wages, better conditions for small business, stronger Medicare, and more affordable childcare.

An Australia with more secure jobs in both existing and new industries – industries that will be reaping the benefits of cheap, renewable energy.

An Australia that is secure in our place in the world, standing up for Australian democratic values and for human rights on the global stage.

An Australia with robust funding for the Australian Defence Force, which rebuilds our diplomatic service, revitalises our international aid program, and works closely with our American ally and regional partners in the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead.

An inclusive society, where gender, race or religion are no indication of a person’s opportunities or possibilities.

An Australia reconciled with ourselves and with our history, and with a constitutionally recognised First Nations’ Voice to Parliament.

The desire to deliver that legacy for Australians, with the lessons of this moment at its core, will be a driving force of a Labor government.

Lessons Not Learnt

Of course, the greatest crisis we have faced since the Global Financial Crisis is the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

It is beyond comprehension that this Government has actively refused to learn from this pandemic.

This Government has failed repeatedly on testing, tracing, vaccinations and quarantine – it is the Grand Slam of pandemic failure.

A Prime Minister who is repeatedly warned by experts about what is coming and given the opportunity to plan ahead – but repeatedly fails to listen, and more importantly fails to act.

And while Mr Morrison talks drivel at the cricket and shows off the contents of his kitchen, Australians are being confronted by empty supermarket shelves.

And contrary to Barnaby Joyce’s statement yesterday, Australians are dying from COVID in record numbers – over 900 lives lost in the first 25 days of this year.

Never before has Australia had a Prime Minister with such a pathological determination to avoid responsibility.

He declares:

It’s not my job.

It’s not a race.

It’s a matter for the states.

He doesn’t hold a hose – and he doesn’t give a RATs.

Every action, every decision has to be dragged out of him – and so often, after all the build-up, he gets it wrong anyway. And it’s always too little too late.

Australia needs leaders who first show up and then step up.

Not a Prime Minister who goes missing and thinks that “getting out of the way” helps Australians manage an unprecedented crisis in the midst of uncertain, difficult times.

For all their talk of less government, they are Australia’s biggest government in three quarters of a century – with the largest deficit since World War II, the largest debt and, outside of the Howard era, our highest taxing government in modern Australian economic history.

Creating the Way

Australia needs good government now more than ever.

A country and a people as extraordinary as ours deserve a government to match.

A government of competence and integrity.

A government that doesn’t get out of the way but helps to create the way.

A real government is the steering wheel of a nation, not just a bumper sticker.

A country and a people as extraordinary as ours deserve a government to match.

Since Federation, we have been united from our Pacific coast to the Indian Ocean.

To use Edmund Barton’s phrase – ‘a nation for a continent and a continent for a nation’.

On the eve of Australia Day, consider just how remarkable that is.

Some talk about Federation as a mere administrative change – but it was so much more than that.

It was fuelled by a belief that we could be more than the sum of our parts.

And an ambition to do things better – and differently.

When you consider how much we have achieved since Federation, that belief has been justified time and time again.

Yet, as we begin 2022 there is an obvious need to bring the nation back together again.

To treat the states with respect, rather than simply as objects of political opportunity or attack.

To be as concerned with the regions as with our biggest cities.

We cannot be complacent in our good fortune.

Even Australia is not immune to the forces of division, whether it’s ideology, political opportunism or cynical self-interest.

We have seen how this plays out across the world.

This is not the path I will take.

I choose the path built on the lessons that the pandemic made so clear to us: that we are stronger together.

More resilient together.

Better together.

And that is a truth that guides me as someone who now puts himself forward to be Prime Minister.

It is why we need federation reform.

After decades of moving toward more national consistency - with technology helping us steadily overcome the distances on our vast continent - what we’ve seen in recent times is a reversal of that once inexorable trend.

More differences. Less cohesion.

I will change that. I will work with all state and territory leaders, to advance Australia’s common interest for the benefit of all.

Backbone of Public Health

As the pandemic has so forcefully reminded us, our togetherness is underpinned by our universal public health system.

Perhaps the greatest lesson we can take from these last two years is what a grave mistake it would be to take our public health system and Medicare for granted.

Right now, our health workers are paying the price for some of the most serious public policy failures our country has seen.

They are overworked. They are exhausted.

We might roll our eyes about wearing a mask to the shops – they suit up in full PPE for 10 hour shifts.

Like firefighters during the Black Summer, they put their own wellbeing on the line for their fellow Australians.

They embody the best of the Australian spirit.

We owe it to them to study what the pandemic has revealed about the vulnerabilities of our public health system – and strengthen it for the future.

At the heart of it all is Medicare – a proud Australian achievement. Medicare is part of who we are. It makes our way of life possible.

With its green and gold, it is the most patriotic piece of plastic you can have in your wallet.

Medicare was established by the Hawke government, building on years of work by Bill Hayden.

Bob Hawke’s government never hid behind the cowardly pretence of ‘getting out of the way’ – they knew good governments made the way.

Bob’s first instinct was to bring Australians together. Under him, Labor built Medicare not just as a safety net but as a conscious act of nation building.

Right now, we could strengthen both the safety net and our sense that we are all in this together by making rapid antigen tests available free to every Australian through Medicare.

That is what a Labor government would have done at this moment.

Because Labor will always strengthen Medicare. We know there is nothing more central to our families, our communities, our schools and our economy than our health.

A Labor government will deal with the damage inflicted by nine long years of neglect from this Liberal Government.

Protecting the health of Australians will be a defining issue in the upcoming election. And a critical choice will be this: who do you trust to keep Medicare safe?

Australians know where Labor stands.

Labor built Medicare. Labor has always fought for Medicare. And only Labor will protect Medicare.

Back on Track

The past two years have been hard for all Australians, but I think all parents know that our children have done it especially tough.

Remote learning, exam chaos, cancelled sport, and now the delays in vaccine supply, have turned what should be some of the best years of their lives into a cascade of stress and uncertainty.

Some children have fallen behind academically, and many are struggling with their mental health. And so many are just missing their friends.

Parents are stressed from home schooling; anxious about the weight the pandemic has put on their children’s shoulders, as well as their own.

Over the past two years, time-starved parents put aside their own needs to support their children.

Homes have been reconfigured into classrooms, while parents sit with the quiet heartbreak of knowing this wasn’t the childhood they had hoped to give their precious children.

They want to do the right thing, to keep their children safe and make the best choice. They are looking for guidance from their federal government.

But they are waiting in vain for Mr Morrison to come good on his vows.

The man who stood before the country and promised a national plan for getting our children back to school – but didn’t deliver one.

He promised a national approach in which his government would work with the states – instead he did what he always does: he palmed off his share of the work on to the states.

The states have done a great job in picking up the slack from the slackest government in living memory.

But this is not how it is meant to be.

Like a heart that decided to give itself a bypass, this government has decided to outsource responsibility for the fulfilment of its core obligations to the Australian people.

It has run from its responsibilities to schools for nine long years - since Tony Abbott’s horror first budget in 2014.

Education is fundamental and essential to the jobs, productivity and prosperity of the future.

And education is the biggest and most powerful weapon we have against disadvantage.

Labor sees education as about creating opportunity. Liberals see it as about entrenching privilege.

It’s why Labor remains committed, working with state and territory governments, to getting every school to 100 per cent of its fair funding level.

And it’s why today I‘m announcing Labor’s plan to help our schools and students bounce back.

Our plan starts with the Student Wellbeing Boost. It will provide funding for school activities that get children back on track.

This could mean more funding for school counsellors and psychologists, and for camps, excursions, sporting and social activities that improve children’s wellbeing.

Every Australian school stands to benefit from this investment. And the schools themselves will decide how to use the extra money to best help their students.

Our plan will fund a free mental health check tool. Schools could choose to use this to help quickly identify students who may need extra support.

Our plan will direct the Education Department to conduct an urgent review of the impact of COVID on students with disability, so they get the support they need.

These children have been among the most vulnerable during this pandemic, and they deserve a government that prioritises their protection along with their education.

The other element of our plan is a Schools Upgrade Fund, which will provide much needed support for improving ventilation in schools and creating outdoor learning areas.

Both are key to managing the spread of Covid. Just as they will be valuable for schools in a post-Covid world as well.

This is something the Morrison Government should have already been doing to make sure schools are safe for our kids and teachers to return to.

And not just for this term.

Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly tells us that Covid will be with us for some time, so we need to act and adapt.

That means making our schools safer and better prepared for what’s ahead.

Mr Morrison never thinks as far ahead as next week, but the very business of a Labor government is to plan for the future.

This is what good government does – it plans ahead instead of waiting for a crisis before acting, and then doing too little, too late.

It’s one more pandemic lesson Scott Morrison hasn’t learnt – but we have.

Plans for a Better Future

Throughout the pandemic, Labor has developed a series of plans that share a common spirit: to avoid repeating the mistakes of the present, and allow us to build the very best version of Australia possible.

To imagine a better future and then set about creating it.

Covid has made it clear that being at the end of a global supply chain is a precarious place to be. We must be a country that manufactures things here.

Our plan for a Future Made in Australia, with our National Reconstruction Fund at its heart, will propel our growing self-sufficiency.

It will work alongside our plans for Secure Australian Jobs and a Better Life for Working Families to give Australians the tools they need to shape the lives they want and deserve.

We’ve already announced a number of key policies that set us on this path:

  • Our Buy Australian Plan – because government should back our businesses;
  • Our creation of Jobs and Skills Australia and our Made in Australia Skills Plan offering free TAFE places in areas of skill shortages – because these shortages are hampering our recovery and wasting the potential of our people;
  • Our plan for Secure Work – because casual jobs disappeared without warning during the pandemic, and it isn’t the Australian way to leave each other so vulnerable;
  • Our Cheaper Childcare Plan – because working families need the support – especially women. It will give families more choice, it will strengthen the economy, and it will be good for future generations;
  • Our longstanding plan for the NBN – because high speed internet, as originally conceived by Labor, is vital to work, school and family life;
  • And our Disaster Ready Fund, because Australians deserve a government that looks forward and plans to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.

Our plans add up to a better future in which Australia stands on its own two feet, self-reliant and self-assured.

A country that embraces its place in Asia, the fastest growing region of the world in human history; forging deeper relationships in the region as the tyranny of distance gives way to the privilege of proximity.

A country that is smart, innovative, and adaptive, where businesses find a partner in a resolutely pro-growth, pro-employment, pro-investment government.

A country with secure, good-paying work – because a job is about so much more than a wage. It’s about identity, community, connection – and giving your family the standard of life that you aspire to.

A country with world class health care, education and child care – so that at every stage of life our people have all the opportunities and tools they need to succeed and thrive.

A country that treats its natural environment as a national asset to be protected – not only because it supports communities and local economies, but because of our moral obligation to preserve our land and water for future generations.

I also see us as a country that uses its abundant natural resources to drive new industries and become a renewable energy superpower, creating jobs as power prices fall, and writing a new chapter in Australia’s proud energy story.

Our Powering Australia plan will reduce Australia’s emissions by 43 per cent by 2030, putting us on track for net zero by 2050.

It’s a plan with economic growth at its heart: creating over 600,000 jobs, attracting $52 billion of private sector investment, spurring new industries and cutting power bills by $275 for the average family.

Unlike Mr Morrison’s glossy pamphlet, Powering Australia is underpinned by the most extensive independent expert modelling ever done for any policy by an Opposition.

Our plan has the backing of the Business Council of Australia, the Australian Industry Group, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the ACTU, the National Farmers Federation, and a range of non-government organisations.

That is just one practical example of how I will bring Australians together, united by a common vision and a national partnership for progress.

We can – finally – put the climate wars behind us.

How We Do It

Setting Australia on a path to a better future is not just about what we do. It also matters how we do it.

It was here at the National Press Club that Paul Keating first said if you change the government, you change the country.

My team and I want to change the government – and we want to change the way government operates and the way government is perceived.

I don’t expect to make Australians fall in love with Question Time – but I do want more people to have greater faith in the integrity of our parliament and its representatives.

Australian democracy is a great national achievement.

But our system is no more immune to the threat of extremism and polarisation and the decaying, corrosive influence of corruption and cynicism than other democracies around the world – many of whom are grappling with these very challenges.

The best way to make democracy stronger is to make government work better.

That’s why I will advocate for federation reform, with greater co-operation between the Commonwealth and the States – to be true to that vision of Australia as so much more than the sum of its parts.

And we need a National Anti-Corruption Commission – to restore faith in government and trust in our public officials.

We will end this government’s culture of rorts – because public money should not be splashed around in cynical vote-buying exercises.

And just as I want to encourage the Commonwealth and state governments to work together better, I want to encourage business and unions to work together, because ultimately they share the same interests: a stronger economy, increased productivity, more good jobs.

We can create a better deal for workers and grow our economy at the same time, with leadership that brings both together.

For our country to advance together, as one, we must advance equality for women.

We need to respect women across all elements of our culture – at work, at home, in schools and in our community. Women’s safety must be an absolute national priority.

And on her final day as Australian of the Year, I’d like to take a moment to thank Grace Tame for her extraordinary courage and fierce advocacy.

Grace, you’ve inspired countless Australians and you’ve earned enormous respect.

The events in parliament that were revealed last year constituted a powerful wake-up call. But we have had so many wake-up calls. We have no excuse to wait for another.

Every time I look around our Caucus Room and see my colleagues such as those here today – Tanya Plibersek, Linda Burney, Katy Gallagher, Kristina Keneally, Michelle Rowland - I am reminded of a simple, powerful truth: that our country will be so much closer to what it should be when women enjoy true equality.

We cannot look to our future without also reflecting on the past, including injustice to First Nations’ people.

Until a nation acknowledges the full truth of its history, it will be burdened by its unspoken weight.

We must acknowledge the wrongs, learn from them, and look for ways of healing.

Truth-telling can be confronting – but it need not be grounds for conflict.

We should come to this process not armed for battle in culture war, but with an open mind – and far more importantly – an open heart.

With the lessons of our history and our enduring Australian values, we can forge an inclusive, sustainable, and fair social compact.

With the lessons of our history and our enduring Australian values, we can forge an inclusive, sustainable, and fair social compact.

And a key part of that is to keep heading down the path to become a country deeply proud of being home to the oldest continuous cultures on Earth.

A nation that takes up the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its gracious, patient call for Voice, Treaty, and Truth.

A powerful and inspiring new chapter in a 60,000 year story.


This crisis has shown us we are stronger together.

But that truth is older and runs deeper than this pandemic.

Tom Uren was the closest person in my life I had to a father figure.

He fought in World War 2. He spent most of it as a prisoner of war.

And he always said his fellow Australian prisoners survived because of a simple code:

The healthy looked after the sick, the strong looked after the weak, the young looked after the old.

To me, that’s always been the best of Australia.

And those are the values I want to bring to the job of Prime Minister.

Leadership that brings people together in a spirit of compassion and decency.

A government that seeks to unite the country – that earns the respect of Australians by treating them with respect, by dealing with them truthfully, by taking responsibility.

One day, the COVID-19 pandemic will be written about in the past tense.

We all hope that day is soon.

By then, I know that, as Australians, we will have done so much more than get back on our feet.

Beyond the recovery, I see renewal and rejuvenation. An Australia rebuilding on the foundation of its people’s greatest strengths and best qualities.

An Australia that is worthy of our people – and their potential.

An Australia where no-one is held back and no-one is left behind.

Our best days are ahead of us. Together, we will get out of the pandemic and chart a path to them.


Questions from journalists and Anthony Albanese's replies begin at 34:49 mins into this video.

Anthony Norman 'Albo' Albanese

Born 2 March 1963 in Sydney and raised in the inner western suburbs of that city.

Qualifications: Bachelor of Economics (University of Sydney).

Elected to the Australian Parliament House of Representatives as Labor MP for Grayndler, New South Wales, in 1996. Re-elected 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.

Leader of the Opposition from 27.5.2019.

Former ministerial appointments

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government from 3.12.2007 to 14.9.2010.

Cabinet Minister from 3.12.2007 to 18.9.2013.

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport from 14.9.2010 to 18.9.2013.

Minister for Regional Development and Local Government from 25.3.2013 to 1.7.2013.

Deputy Prime Minister from 27.6.2013 to 18.9.2013.

Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy from 1.7.2013 to 18.9.2013.

Connection to the Northern Rivers region in NSW – holidayed here in his youth & in 2007 spoke in support of Northern Rivers communities’ strong opposition to the Howard-Turnbull plan to turn one or more of the state's northern coastal rivers inland, for the intended benefit of business & industry in Qld & NSW sections of the Murray-Darling Basin to the detriment of our region.

Wednesday 26 January 2022

NSW Covid-19 current public health restrictions extended until Monday 28 February 2022

NSW Health, media release, 25 January 2022, excerpt:

The NSW Government will extend current restrictions for another month as the State continues to take a measured response to managing COVID-19 with a focus on a safe return to school and restarting non-urgent elective surgery as soon as possible.

Current settings will continue from Thursday, 27 January 2022 until Sunday, 28 February 2022, including:

  • Hospitality venues, including pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes, and nightclubs must follow the one person per two square metre rule indoors;

  • Masks are required in all indoor settings (except residences). Masks are strongly encouraged where you cannot maintain a safe distance from others;

  • QR code check-ins are compulsory at certain premises, including hospitality venues and retail shops;

  • Singing and dancing is not permitted in hospitality venues, entertainment facilities, nightclubs, indoor music festivals and indoor major recreation facilities (except for weddings, performers, instructors and students)…..

As additional measures, people are encouraged to continue to work from home where possible and to reduce mingling when eating and drinking.

Minister for Health Brad Hazzard said there is plenty of availability and supply of boosters in the NSW Health vaccination clinics so those eligible for their booster shot should book as soon as possible.

The gap between your second jab and your booster is now just three months, so don’t waste time – the sooner we all get our boosters the sooner we will overcome this Omicron wave,” Mr Hazzard said.

The NSW community has put in an extraordinary effort to get the first two doses of the COVID vaccine, making us one of the most vaccinated populations worldwide. It’s now extremely important to back it in with your booster to lift your protection against the highly transmissible Omicron strain.”

People aged 18 years and older can receive their booster dose at three months after receiving their second dose of any of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Book your COVID-19 vaccine or your booster shot online

Find out more information at


In the 24 hours to 8pm Monday 24 January 2022 across New South Wales there were:

  • 18,512 new confirmed COVID-19 cases;

  • 209,326 active COVID-19 cases;

  • 2,943 of these cases are currently hospitalised, with 183 in intensive care units of whom 72 require ventilation;

  • 29 people died with a COVID-19 diagnosis - 16 men and 13 women.

  • 5 of the dead were aged in their 60s, 3 were in their 70s, 14 were in their 80s, 6 people were in their 90s and one was more than 100 years old.

[NSW Health,]

To 8pm 24 January, 768 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed across the 7 local government areas in the Northern NSW Local Health District, including 354 positive PCR tests and 414 positive rapid antigen tests (RAT)

Confirmed PCR tests by LGAs (LGA breakdown is not yet available for RAT results)

Tweed Shire - 237 cases

Ballina Shire - 54 cases

Byron Shire - 24 cases

Clarence Valley - 17 cases

Lismore City - 10 cases

Richmond Valley - 10 cases

Kyogle Shire - 1 case

Tenterfield 1 case (Tenterfield is in a different Local Health District, but postcodes put cases in NNSWLHD)

There are currently 49 COVID-19 positive patients in hospital in Northern NSW, with 5 of these in intensive care. [NNSWLHD,]

Tuesday 25 January 2022

COVID-19 Pandemic January 2022: the saddest list in New South Wales

New South Wales COVID-19 related deaths 1 January – 23 January 2022

Saturday NEW YEAR’s DAY 1 Jan 2 deaths, a man in his 70s and another in his 80s. 

One man was from South West Sydney the other from Western Sydney.

Sunday 2 Jan 4 deaths, 2 men and 2 women.

Two people were aged in their 70s, one in their 80s, and one in their 90s. 

The 90 year old woman was from Western Sydney. However NSW Health failed to supply any detail on the other three who died in the 24 hr period up to 8pm on 2 January.

Monday 3 Jan 2 deaths, a man in his 70s and another in his 90s. The man in his 70s came from the Newcastle area & the man in his 90s was from Western Sydney.

Tuesday 4 Jan 8 deaths, 6 men and 2 women.

One person was in their 90s, two people were in their 80s, two people were in their 70s, two people were in their 60s, and one person was in their 50s. 

A man in his 70s resided in Ballina & a man in his 90s resided in Coffs Harbour, while a woman in her 80s died while in the Gosford area. There were no details given for the remaining five people.

Wednesday 5 Jan 6 deaths, 5 men and one woman.

Aged in their 20s, 60s, 80s, and 90s. Two people were from the Lake Macquarie area, three were from Western Sydney, and one was from the ACT.

Thursday 6 Jan 11 deaths, 6 men and 6 women.

Aged in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. 

Three people were from Northern NSW, three people were from South Eastern Sydney, one person was from Western Sydney, one person was from South Western Sydney, one person was from Northern Sydney, one person was from Port Stephens and one person was from the Lake Macquarie area.

Friday 7 Jan 9 deaths, 4 women and 5 men. 

Aged in their 50s, 70s, and 90s.

Five people were from South Western Sydney, two were from South Eastern Sydney, one person was from Western Sydney and one person was from Newcastle.

Saturday 8 Jan 16 deaths, 8 women and 8 men.

Aged in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.

Seven people were from South Western Sydney, two people were from South Eastern Sydney, two people were from Western Sydney, two people were from Sydney's inner west, one person was from the Central Coast, one person was from the South Coast, and one person was from Northern Sydney.

Sunday 9 Jan 18 deaths, 6 women, 11 men, and a child aged under five.

Of the six women and 11 men, one was aged in their 30s, three were aged in their 60s, four were aged in their 70s, seven were aged in their 80s and two were aged in their 90s.

Four people were from South Western Sydney, three people were from Western Sydney, two people were from the Hunter Region, two people were from Southern Sydney, two people were from Sydney’s Inner West, one person was from Northern Sydney, one person was from Sydney’s Inner City, one person was from Eastern Sydney, one person was from the Riverina Region, and one person was from Penrith.

Monday 10 Jan 11 deaths, 6 women and 5 men.

Seven people were aged in their 80s, three people were aged in their 90s, and one person was aged in their 70s.

Four people were from South Western Sydney, one person was from Western Sydney, two people were from the Hunter Region, one person was from Eastern Sydney, one person was from Northern Sydney, one person was from Southern Sydney, and one was from the Central Coast.

Tuedsay 11 Jan 21 deaths, 17 men and 4 women.

Seven of these deaths have been included following the conclusion of coronial investigations – four since 23 December 2021, one from September 2021 and two from October 2021. One person was aged in their 30s, one person was aged in their 40s, two people were aged in their 50s, four people were aged in their 60s, six people were aged in their 70s, four people were aged in their 80s, two people were aged in their 90s and one person was aged 100+.

Four people were from South Western Sydney, four people were from the Northern Beaches, four people were from South Eastern Sydney, one person was from Inner Sydney, two people were from Western Sydney, two people were from the Newcastle area, two people were from the Wollongong area and two people were from Northern Sydney.

Wednesday 12 Jan 22 deaths, 13 men and 9 women.

One person was aged in their 60s, eight people were aged in their 70s, seven people were aged in their 80s, five people were aged in their 90s and one person was aged 100+.

Seven people were from South Western Sydney, seven people were from Northern Sydney, three people were from South Eastern Sydney, two people were from Inner Sydney, one person was from the Eastern Suburbs, one person was from the Central Coast and one person was from the Cessnock area.

Thursday 13 Jan 29 deaths, 15 men and 14 women.

Three people were aged in their 40s, five people were aged in their 60s, five people were aged in their 70s, 11 people are in their 80s and five people are in their 90s.

Ten people were from South Western Sydney, five people were from Northern Sydney, five people were from South Eastern Sydney, three people were from Western Sydney, two people were from Sydney's Inner West, two people were from the Tweed Heads area, one person was from Wollongong and one person from the Lake Macquarie area.

Friday 14 Jan 20 deaths, 11 men and 9 women.

One person was aged in their 20s, three people were aged in their 50s, one person was aged in their 60s, four people were in their 70s, nine people were in their 80s and two people were in their 90s.

Seven people were from south-western Sydney, four people were from western Sydney, three people were from south eastern Sydney, two people were from the Wollongong area, two people were from the Riverina, one person was from Sydney's Inner West and one person was from the Mid North Coast.

Saturday 15 Jan 20 deaths, 12 men and 8 women.

Two people were aged in their 50s, six people were aged in their 70s, seven people were aged in their 80s, four people were in their 90s, and one person was 100+.

Six people were from South Western Sydney, four people were from Western Sydney, four people were from Sydney's inner west, two people were from South Eastern Sydney, one person was from the Northern Beaches, one person was from Northern Sydney, one person was from the Wollongong area, and one person was from the Tamworth area.

Sunday 16 Jan17 deaths, 12 men and 5 women.

One person was aged in their 60s, four people were aged in their 70s, nine people were aged in their 80s, and three people were in their 90s.

Seven people were from South Western Sydney, two people were from Western Sydney, two people were from South Eastern Sydney, one person was from Northern Sydney, one person was from South Sydney, one person was from the Newcastle area, one person was from the Central Coast, one person was from the Wagga Wagga area and one person was from the Tweed Heads area.

Monday 17 Jan 36 deaths, 22 men and 14 women.

One person was aged in their 40s, two people were aged in their 50s, one person was aged in their 60s, 11 people were in their 70s, 12 people were in their 80s and nine people were in their 90s.

Nine people were from South Western Sydney, eight people were from Western Sydney, five people were from Sydney, three people were from the Northern Beaches, two people were from Northern Sydney, one person was from Coffs Harbour area, one person was from the Lake Macquarie area, one person was from the Newcastle area, one person was from the New England area, one person was from the Northern Rivers area, one person was from the Shellharbour area, one person was from the Bega Valley Shire area, one person was from the Southern Tablelands area, and one person was from the Taree area.

Tuesday 18 Jan 32 deaths, 12 women and 20 men.

Three people were aged in their 40s, three people were aged in their 60s, eight people were in their 70s, 11 people were in their 80s and seven people were in their 90s.

11 people were from South Western Sydney, nine were from Sydney's South East, four were from Northern Sydney, two were from Western Sydney, two were from the Illawarra Shoalhaven region, one was from the Inner West, one was from the Northern Beaches, one was from the Central Coast and one was from the New England region.

Wednesday 19 Jan 25 deaths, 16 men and 9 women.

One person was aged in their 30s, two people were aged in their 50s, five people were aged in their 60s, five people in their 70s, seven in their 80s, four in their 90s and one was over 100 years old.

Six people were from Western Sydney, five people were from South Eastern Sydney, three people were from Sydney's Inner West, two people were from the Central Coast, two people were from the Northern Beaches, two people were from the Lake Macquarie area, one person was from the Newcastle area, one person was from South Western Sydney, one person was from Queanbeyan, one person was from Albury and one person was from the Illawarra Shoalhaven region.

Thursday 20 Jan 46 deaths, 33 men and 13 women.

Seven of these deaths have been included following the conclusion of coronial investigations – these seven deaths occurred from 29 December through to 13 January.

Of the 46 people who died; one person was aged in their 30s, one person was in their 40s, four people were in their 50s, eight people were in their 60s, 12 people were in their 70s, 13 people were in their 80s, and seven people were in their 90s.

20 people were from South Western Sydney, five were from Western Sydney, three were from Sydney's South, two were from Sydney's Eastern Suburbs, two were from Newcastle, two were from Northern Sydney, one was from Sydney's Northern Beaches, one was from Sydney's Inner West, one was from Port Macquarie, one was from Coffs Harbour, one was from Queanbeyan, one was from the Bega Valley area, one was from Singleton, one was from the Jervis Bay area, one was from Inner Sydney, one was from Wollongong, one was from the South Coast and one was from the Tweed Heads area.

Friday 21 Jan 30 deaths, 18 men and 12 women.

Of the 30 people who died; one person was aged in their 50s, seven people were aged in their 70s, 15 people were aged in their 80s and seven people were aged in their 90s.

Ten people were from South Western Sydney, five people were from Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, three people were from Sydney’s South, two people were from Sydney’s Inner West, two people were from Sydney’s North West, two people were from the Northern Rivers region, two people were from the Central Coast, one person was from Inner Sydney, one person was from Dubbo, one person was from Wollongong and one person was from Coffs Harbour.

Saturday 22 Jan34 deaths, 26 men and 8 women.

Of the 34 people who died; one person was aged in their 40s, five people were aged in their 50s, five people were aged in their 60s, nine people were aged in their 70s, 10 people were aged in their 80s and four people were aged in their 90s.

Eleven people were from South Western Sydney, four people were from Western Sydney, four people were from South Eastern Sydney, three people were from the Newcastle area, two people were from the Wollongong area, two people were from Sydney’s North West, two people were from the Northern Rivers region, one person was from Northern Sydney, one person was from Sydney’s Inner West, one person was from the Mid North Coast, one person was from the South Coast and one person was from the Riverina.

Sunday 23 Jan 24 deaths, 16 men & 8 women.

Two people were aged in their 50s, one person was in their 60s, two people were in their 70s, 12 people were in their 80s and seven people were in their 90s.

Ten people were from South Western Sydney, three people were from Western Sydney, five people were from South Eastern Sydney, four people were from Sydney's Inner West and two people were from Northern NSW.

As of 8pm on Sunday 23 January 2022 the COVID-19 death count in New South Wales for this year stands at est. 443 individuals.

The total NSW death toll since the pandemic began on 25 January 2020 is est. 1,112 men, women and children. 

Australia-wide the total fatality count from the start of the pandemic to 23 January is now in excess of 3,103 people – 909 dying in 2020, 1,331 in 2021 and over 863 thus far in 2022.

If the pandemic continues on its present trajectory, 2022 will be a black armband year for the nation.


 As at 7:40pm on 24 January 2022 the global cumulative COVID-19 case count was est. 351,635,821 and the world-wide death toll since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 pandemic is est. 5,596,793 men women an children, according to COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

Twenty-two counties are now part of the pandemic spread which has entered its third year and shows no sign of abating due to a second major variant spreading across the globe in recent months -  "tsunami of cases is so huge and quick, that it is overwhelming health systems around the world".

Monday 24 January 2022

Northern Rivers region fronting up for local frontline COVID-19 healthcare workers, paramedics & public hospital support staff

"We will buy meals from local businesses to be delivered to staff at Byron and Lismore Base hospitals. We won’t forget wards people, cleaners, those doing the testing, those on the phones and in admin. And we won’t forget night shift. This is also a way we can support local businesses. (Sadly, home-baked meals and treats are not possible due to food safety issues.) At Lismore, which is a very big hospital, we'll begin by taking meals into the Emergency Department, ICU and the COVID wards. We are organising donations of biscuits, teas, coffee, trail mix, chocolate, smoothies and juices to be put in tearooms (and regularly topped up) in these two hospitals....Depending on the amount raised and requests that come in from frontline workers, we will look for ways to offer other support to frontline workers outside their work environment." [Sarah Armstrong, Fundraising Organizer] 

This year five members of the Mullumbimby community decided to offer practical support during this particular COVID-19 surge to as many healthcare workers in the public hospital system, support staff who keep the system running and to paramedics who transport people to hospital. 

To that end a GoFundMe page was set up and in a matter of the first 16 days and 397 donations had raised $29,610 of a target of $50,000 to provide free hot and cold drinks, healthy snacks, biscuits and meals in the tearooms of Mullumbimby's local hospital Byron Central Hospital and Lismore Base Hospital the dedicated COVID-19 public hospital in the Northern NSW Local Health District. 

The Echo reports that organisers have provided their first delivery of meals to Byron Hospital, handing over dozens of pre-cooked dishes prepared by local vegan caterer, Yummify. Lismore Hospital will also receive their first shipment soon, with local business Mayfield Kitchen providing the meals.

Plans are underway to also allow paramedics on duty to access free coffee and snacks at selected cafes under this grassroots community scheme. 

Many local businesses and residents from across the region are throwing their weight behind this organised gesture of appreciation. 

If you would like to join in by making a small donation to "Front up for the frontline" this is the the link:

The organisers have stated "We’d love to do this for every hospital in our region but it’s a task too big for the six people working on this. We’re happy to offer guidance to anyone wanting to do the same for their local frontline workers."


Sunday 23 January 2022

COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia: land values, housing markets and potential for population movement

In the last two years when talking about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 the focus has been on the number of people falling ill or dying, jobs lost, schools closed, difficulty in accessing vaccines or diagnostic services, the shortage of goods & services and economic impacts felt at a micro or macro level.

In commenting on change this pandemic has wrought, access to housing and household wealth sometimes rate a mention. Here is a quick sketch of two of the building blocks underpinning that aspects of our lives at state and national level.  

 The NSW Valuer-General determines land values across the state.

Over 40,000 property sales were analysed to determine land values as of 1 July 2020.

Overall land values increased across New South Wales by 3.6% from $1.70 trillion to $1.80 trillion in the 12 months leading up to 1 July.

However, not all sectors saw a growth in land values.

Although residential land values across the state saw an overall increase of 4.0% (coming back from a fall in 2019),  with industrial land seeing an overall value increase of 5.5% along with a total 4.8% rise in the combined value of rural land - it was another story for commercial land.

Commercial land values experienced an overall decrease of 6.6% which according to VG News: July 2021  was "largely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic". Having received greater disruption than the residential land sector. 

House prices in most capital cities had been expected to experience a cyclical upswing in 2020 but the onset of the pandemic saw house prices contracting in all capital cities except Canberra in the June Quarter 2020. However the Reserve Bank's cash rate reductions, lower interest rates and government policy responses saw the market bounce back, according to KPMG Economic's paper The Impact of COVID-19 on Australia's Residential Property Market in 2021.

The expected Australian population reduction of over 1 million people by the end of this decade compared to pre-pandemic population forecasts is beginning to be felt across the economy and, along with an anticipated return to equilibrium and higher mortgage rates is predicted to temper the housing market for the next 2-3 years. 

Despite these factors affecting the housing market in 2022 and 2023, KPMG’s analysis predicts that house prices are expected to be between 4-12% higher and unit values are expected to be between 0-13% higher than would have been the case in the absence of COVID-19.

For renters in capital cities there appears to have been an overall but seemingly temporary fall in rent payable - between March and November 2020, capital city unit rents dropped by 5.4 per cent, while house rents increased by 1.1 per cent. 

This pattern is relatively consistent across all capitals though the difference is most significant in Melbourne and Sydney where unit rents fell 7.6 per cent and 6.6 per cent respectively while house rents have seen a much smaller reduction of around 1 per cent. 

These March to November falls in rents did not seem to occur in regional areas in NT, Qld, NSW Vic, Tas, SA or WA in analysis supplied in AHURI Final Report No. 354: Pathways to regional housing recovery from COVID-19, April 2021.

By 20 January 2022 was beating a commercial drum stating that the housing market had been booming since November 2021 - due in part to an alleged rise in investor confidence, the "influx of expats", limited housing stock and low interests rates, along with a demand for more space and a regional exodus from cities.  

Wooli NSW

Yamba NSW

Iluka NSW

Evans Head NSW

Here are four of the housing market profiles found in the 2021 Suburb Report Card interactive which can be found here. Click on images to enlarge.


An Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) media release of September 2021 and linked data stated that there were 293,500 births and 162,500 deaths from 31 March 2020 to 31 March 2021.

The resulting natural increase was down 4 per cent from the previous year and continued the trend of a gradual decline over the past 5 years, driven mainly by decreasing births.

However, due to international border closures a natural increase of 131,000 people was the predominate population growth during that March to March period.

Again according to the ABS Regional internal migration estimates, provisional October 2021

In the March 2021 quarter there was a net loss of 11,800 people from Australia's greater capital cities through internal migration. This was the largest net loss on record since the series started in 2001, surpassing the previous record net loss set in the September 2020 quarter (-11,200).

The net loss was the result of 54,400 arrivals.... and 66,300 departures (up slightly from 66,000) to non-capital city areas.


Saturday 22 January 2022

Tweets of the Week