In December 2004 Malcolm informed us that he had won the seat of Wentworth, posted his maiden speech and took the fight against a crematorium at Waverley Cemetery to Parliament among other things.
By November 2005 he was defending Israel, restating the case for tax reform, talking about sustainable cities, sending out news letters and helping his dogs launch a website during Pet Week.
Then in December 2006 Turnbull was found posting a National Press Club speech on the drought, writing about saving the Murray-Darling and water scarcity. His dogs have turned into hot canine bloggers.
When December 2007 rolled around the MP for Wentworth (still styling himself Minister for the Environment and Water Resources despite the Coalition election defeat) was firmly into Green House conferencing, communicating by Face Book, YouTube, MySpace and saving whales.
Now in Februaury 2009 one has to dodge a splash screen to enter Malcolm's website, he's added Twitter to his online communicating, he has launched another website Jobs for Australia, he proudly informs us all that he opposes the Rudd Government's second stimulus package and.............. his dogs still blog.
Waverley Cemetery doesn't have a crematorium to this day because council and the electorate were against the idea rather than because the Member for Wentworth opposed the idea.
The Murray-Darling isn't saved from environmental disaster and water is still scarce in the southern half of the continent.
These days Malcolm continues to defend Israel, talk about green house emissions, mention taxes, keep fairly silent on the plight of whales and...............his dogs still blog.
Not much to show for those years in government is it?
Turnbull cartoon from The Brisbane Times
At least he's got the Libs to be enthusiastic republicans now ... oh wait, no he hasn't. Not much of a leader, is he?
Why is this oily tic getting more blog space?
He has been nothing but a neigh sayer - unless it feathers his own nest or feeds his ego.
For the record he swirmed his way out of helping to think of a viable way to replace the cremation facility at the cemetery too. what more can be said about hisguy but: PASS, Next question please.
Turnbull and the Liberals generally have placed themselves into irrelevnce with their stance on the stimulus package by having no input at all.They have no policies, poor leadership, few skills on the front bench and are little more than noisy naysayers.
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