Tuesday 6 November 2012

NSW government called upon to put the cash to good use

A Lower Clarence resident's view on the NSW Government's billion $ bungle


George Orwell, that great English novelist who died in 1950, once said, "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity of pure wind".

Six decades on and politicians of any brand continue to behave as though stupidity was a virtue.

Having cried poor since gaining power to a cash-strapped NSW state government, the Coalition had a respectable argument that it was unable to afford a 50/50 contribution with the Federal Government to upgrade the Pacific Highway.

However, since finding their ledger is now showing a $680mil surplus, their argument is considerably weakened.

Nevertheless, it did not stop National Party hopeful Kevin Hogan resurrecting that old chestnut of the 80/20 agreement the former state government had with the Feds. (Hogan attacks Saffin DE 2/11/12).

That may have been the case, but public revenues are raised from rates, taxes, duties, customs etc appropriated for the payment of public expenses in the public interest. Government revenues do not belong to political parties and should not be used by politicians to advance their political careers or their longevity to power.

This may perhaps sound altruistically naive, but if politicians had to face the relatives of those whose lives have been lost on this treacherous goat track they might stop playing this myopic, self-serving small-time politics, with the unambitious goal of clinging to power, and for once act in the public interest.

Ray Hunt

Source: Letters, The Daily Examiner, 5/11/12

1 comment:

billd said...

Well said, Ray. This mob who are supposedly running NSW couldn't run a chook raffle in the local pub on Friday arvo. They're pathetic!