North Coast Voices will not be posting from 23 September to 1 October 2024 due to ill health.
Apologies to regular readers & those who drop by from time to time.
This blog is open to any who wish to comment on Australian society, the state of the environment or political shenanigans at Federal, State and Local Government level.
North Coast Voices will not be posting from 23 September to 1 October 2024 due to ill health.
Apologies to regular readers & those who drop by from time to time.
In the aftermath of the release of the Final Report of the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme there is little satisfaction remaining from the findings which found that the Scheme was an unlawful creation and pursuit of, for the most part entirely fictional or over stated, welfare debt.
By the time Robodebt was brought to a halt it is thought that around 443,000 welfare recipients across the country had received false debt notices.
This scheme was seemingly built on the basis of the then federal Coalition Government's false assumption that as a class of persons welfare recipients had a tendency to commit fraud and, that recovery of this 'overpayment' money mountain thought to be worth $4 billion would go some way to easing the public perception of its budgetary woes.
Instead of heads rolling for the level of illegality involved, the Cabinet Ministers, Ministers with portfolio, Departmental Secretaries and other key public servants & legal advisors appear to have - after the first shock of public exposure - moved on to lives where little or no consequences followed them as a result of the Royal Commission findings and referrals.
There was public anger expressed when on 6 July 2024 the newly created National Anti-Corruption Commission declined to investigated the referrals received from the Royal Commissioner eleven months before and that anger has been joined by resentment on occasion.
Evidence of this anger and resentment can be found on social media platforms and expressions of concern are found in news and media releases by relevant unions.
CPSU Community & Public Sector Union, News online, undated September 2024:
Union calls for Kathryn Campbell to lose APS honour
The main public sector union has called for Kathryn Campbell to have her membership of the Order of Australia revoked, after findings that she breached her obligations as a senior public servant throughout the robodebt scheme.
The Public Service Commission on Friday revealed Ms Campbell had breached the APS Code of Conduct a dozen times while she oversaw the unlawful scheme as Human Services secretary.
Findings included that she had failed to investigate legal concerns about the scheme, seek legal advice and keep her minister informed of criticisms about the program.
She was also found to have created a culture which prevented the consideration of concerns about the scheme, and to have caused its resumption in 2017, when she knew or ought to have known about inaccuracies in debts raised.
Ms Campbell has rejected all of the Public Service Commission's findings, telling The Australian she had relied on advice from the Department of Social Services over the course of the scheme, and that she felt she had been scapegoated.
But the Community and Public Sector Union has condemned Ms Campbell for her role in the scheme, calling for her honour to be stripped.
Ms Campbell was appointed an officer of the Order of Australia in 2019 by the Governor-General, in recognition of "distinguished service to public administration through senior roles with government departments, and to the Australian Army Reserve".
The commission's findings, which represent the final chapter of the government's formal robodebt response, have raised questions about whether she will be allowed to keep this honour......
First published: The Canberra Times, September 19 2024, by Miriam Webber.
Read the full Statement at
National Tertiary Education Union, media release:
Charles Sturt University vice-chancellor must resign over robo-debt findings
16 September 2024
The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) has called for Charles Sturt University Vice-Chancellor Renee Leon to resign after she was found to have breached public service rules as part of her role in the robo-debt disaster.
Ms Leon, who was the secretary of the Department of Human Services between 2017 and 2020, has been in charge of CSU since 2021.
In a damning report, Public Service Commissioner Gordon de Brouwer found Ms Leon breached public service rules 13 times.
The breaches included misrepresentations of the department's legal position on income averaging, failures to correct or qualify that position and failures to "expeditiously" inform the responsible minister of advice on the lawfulness of the robo-debt scheme.
NTEU General Secretary Dr Damien Cahill said:
“Renee Leon must resign immediately. Her role as vice-chancellor at CSU is untenable after these damning findings.
“The chancellor’s claim that Ms Leon has the full backing of the university completely ignores the fact staff want the vice-chancellor to resign.”.....
Read the full Media Release at
Statement by the Australian Public Service Commissioner on the Robodebt Centralised Code of Conduct Inquiry
Published 13 September 2024
The Robodebt Scheme was a failure of government in both policy design and implementation. The Australian Public Service acknowledges its role and takes responsibility for its actions, and is intent on learning from these failures to serve the Government, Parliament and Australian public better.
I apologise as Public Service Commissioner to those affected by the Scheme and to the Australian public for the part played by public servants in this failure.
Following the Royal Commission, the Secretaries of Australian Government Departments agreed a centralised process to investigate possible breaches of the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct to ensure consistency across the public service. The Australian Public Service Commission established a Robodebt Code of Conduct Taskforce and appointed expert independent reviewers to conduct inquiries into the actions of public servants associated with the Robodebt Scheme. Sixteen people were referred to the Taskforce, comprising current public servants referred by the Royal Commission, current and former public servants referred by their Agency Head, and former APS Agency Heads initially referred by the Minister for the Public Service, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher. The Taskforce’s public report is published alongside this Statement.
In summary, 12 people have been found to have breached the Code of Conduct on 97 occasions....
Two former Secretaries, Ms Kathryn Campbell and Ms Renée Leon, have been found to have breached the Code of Conduct during their tenure at the Department of Human Services.
Ms Campbell breached the Code in respect of 6 overarching allegations, each comprising two breaches of the Code and amounting to a total of 12 breaches of the Code.
The 6 findings or substantiated allegations are that Ms Campbell:
1. failed in 2017 to ensure that internal and external legal advices about the Scheme were sought,
2. failed to sufficiently respond to public criticism and some whistle-blower complaints received by her in early 2017 about the Scheme,
3. failed in 2017 to investigate legal issues raised in a public forum, namely the annual meeting of the Australian Institute of Administrative Law, about the Scheme,
4. failed in 2017 to ensure that her Minister was fully informed of academic and legal criticisms raised in that public forum in respect of the Scheme,
5. created and allowed a culture that prevented issues about the Scheme from being properly considered within the Department of Human Services, including aggressive and abusive behaviour by a Deputy Secretary, and
6. caused the resumption of income averaging under the Scheme in August 2017 when she knew, or ought to have known, that debts raised pursuant to that process were potentially inaccurate.
A substantiated allegation can breach different elements of the Code of Conduct. The breaches by Ms Campbell of the Code relate to failure to act with due care and diligence (s 13(2) of the Public Service Act) and not upholding the APS Values (s 13(11) of the Public Service Act) in each of these 6 findings.
The following allegations against Ms Campbell were not substantiated: that she misled Cabinet, that she directed that preparation of legal advice cease, and that she failed to discharge her legal obligations with respect to the PWC engagement.
Ms Leon breached the Code in respect of 4 overarching allegations, each comprising multiple breaches of the Code and amounting to 13 breaches of the Code.
The 4 findings or substantiated allegations are that Ms Leon:
1. misrepresented to the Ombudsman in March 2019 that the Department’s legal position regarding the use of income averaging under the Scheme was ‘not uncertain’,
2. failed in March 2019 to correct or qualify representations made to the Ombudsman of the Department’s legal position on the use of income averaging under the Scheme after receiving further legal advice,
3. failed in mid 2019 to ensure that the Solicitor-General was expeditiously briefed and advice sought regarding the lawfulness of the Scheme, and
4. failed to expeditiously inform her Minister and relevant Secretary colleague of the Solicitor-General’s advice on the lawfulness of the Scheme and cease the practice of income averaging under the Scheme.
The first and second substantiated allegations involved breaches of the requirement to act honestly and with integrity (s 13(1)), to act with care and diligence (s 13(2)), to not provide false or misleading information (s 13(9), and to uphold the APS Values (s 13(11)). The third substantiated allegation breached the requirement to act with care and diligence (s 13(2)) and to uphold the APS Values (s 13(11)). The fourth substantiated allegation breached the requirement to act honestly and with integrity (s 13(1)), to act with care and diligence (s 13(2)), and to uphold the APS Values (s 13(11)).
Because they are former Agency Heads, no sanction can be applied. However, if they seek employment or engagement as a consultant or contractor with the Australian Public Service in the next 5 years they are required to disclose when asked that they have been found to have breached the APS Code of Conduct....
The full Statement can be found at
Rick Morton writing in The Saturday Paper, 21 September 2024, excerpts:
The Albanese government is considering whether it will, or even can, release the confidential sealed chapter of the robodebt royal commission report, after all of the major public inquiries triggered by it have fizzled out, been halted or made their own findings.
When the confidential chapter recommending referrals for civil and criminal prosecutions was given to the Albanese government, it was provided in hard copy, in sealed envelopes marked for just a handful of people. In all, only five people have officially received the sealed section. It is understood it makes recommendations for referrals against both politicians and senior public servants.
The governor-general received the whole report, as did the secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Australian Public Service commissioner. Officials in the Attorney-General’s Department’s royal commissions branch received two envelopes they were forbidden from opening. One was given to their secretary and one was reserved for the attorney-general himself, Mark Dreyfus. He is the only politician to have received it. The prime minister was not given a copy and nor was the minister for government services, Bill Shorten......
There is the small matter of the law, however. When the commissioner, Catherine Holmes, provided the complete confidential section to just five people in July last year, she issued a simultaneous non-publication order preventing its disclosure to any person other than official investigating agencies. Only the people referred for possible prosecution can disclose, if they choose, what has been said about them in the section.
“Any person who makes any publication in contravention of any direction for non-publication commits a punishable offence,” Holmes’s order states.
“The penalty for this offence is, on summary conviction, a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 12 months.”
A March 2022 review into confidentiality provisions in the Royal Commissions Act recommended the Australian government look at ways to make such “non-publication orders” more “effectively” managed after an inquiry had finished because they otherwise had no expiry date.
“Another drawback is that non-publication directions operate in perpetuity, and the Royal Commissions Act does not provide a clear mechanism for removing or amending the scope or application of a direction once a Royal Commission has concluded,” the review says.
“Robodebt happened because of a political and media culture that punches down on income support recipients. This is a culture that dehumanises people on income support on the one hand, whilst humanising people like Kathryn Campbell on the other.”
“In the time following the conclusion of a Royal Commission’s inquiry, there may be circumstances where there are legitimate reasons in the interests of public transparency for a non-publication direction to be removed or adjusted.
“For example, information that was confidential at the time of an inquiry may subsequently come into the public domain or may become less sensitive over time (for example information about criminal investigations). As such, there may be merit in exploring options for the Royal Commissions Act to prescribe methods of lifting a direction after a Royal Commission has concluded.”
A spokesperson for the attorney-general said the government was now considering what was possible.
“The Robodebt Scheme, run by the former Liberal Government, was illegal and one of the worst failures of public administration in history,” the spokesperson told The Saturday Paper in a statement.
“The Government is now giving consideration to questions relating to the release of the confidential chapter.”
A spokesperson for the Attoney-General’s Department suggested any potential changes to legislation to achieve this were not on the government’s radar, however.
“Any reforms to the Royal Commissions Act 1902 will be considered in the context of the Government’s broader reform agenda, noting there is currently no royal commission on foot,” they said in a statement.
Publicly, the commissioner noted she had referred individuals to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), the Australian Federal Police and the Law Society of the ACT. The NACC controversially elected “not to commence a corruption investigation” in relation to six individuals referred to it because the APSC was already investigating five of them.
One, however, was a politician who is not subject to the APSC.
The corruption body is headed by Paul Brereton, who delegated the decision to a deputy commissioner “to avoid any possible perception of a conflict of interest” – although the nature of that possible conflict was not disclosed.
That NACC decision is now the subject of its own conduct investigation by the NACC inspector, Gail Furness, after more than 900 complaints were received following the announcement in June.
The Australian Federal Police received a referral for an individual who the royal commissioner suggested had deliberately misled her inquiry, but the AFP declined to charge anybody because, it said, it lacked admissible evidence that the “alleged offender intended to mislead the royal commission”.
Finally, the Law Society of the ACT will not say whether it has even received a referral from the robodebt royal commission, as it neither confirms nor denies such things, but in some circumstances disciplinary action taken against its enrolled legal practitioners will be published in an online register.....
Despite its recommendations and findings, notably that Scott Morrison allowed cabinet to be misled about the illegal robodebt scheme and that vast swaths of Stuart Robert’s evidence were rejected as untrue, no minister involved in the scandal has featured in any other public accountability forum.....
This article was first published in the print edition of The Saturday Paper on September 21, 2024 as "Inside the fight to open the robodebt sealed section".
NSW Police News, 18 September 2024:
NSW Police have today officially launched two initiatives at Port Macquarie aimed at identifying and recruiting future police officers.
You Should Be a Cop In Your Hometown is a recruitment campaign designed to attract applicants to 12 regional areas, specifically targeting applicants to become an officer in their home town.
The target regions include: Albury; Bathurst; Coffs Clarence; Dubbo/Wellington; Griffith; Hunter Valley; Mid North Coast; Moree; Nowra; Richmond; Tamworth and Wagga Wagga, with placements dependent on operational needs.
Assistant Commissioner Brett Greentree, People and Capability Command, said the goal is to able to provide greater certainty for recruits, giving them confidence they can join the NSW Police Force and work in their hometowns.
“We know that becoming a police officer and moving away from home can be a big ask, especially if you have family and enjoy where you live. This new initiative will give those who apply to be a police officer a higher level of confidence on where they’ll work,” Assistant Commissioner Greentree said.
“As well as being paid to train and starting your career with NSW Police, when you join, you can identify where you would like to work and if an applicant is from a regional area not listed, we will still look at positions available in the area.”
The recruitment campaign is in Port Macquarie today (Wednesday 18 September 2024), before visiting Lismore on Friday 20 September 2024, Coffs Harbour on Saturday 21 September 2024 and then Muswellbrook on Sunday 22 September 2024.
The You Should Be a Cop Youth Program was also launched today at Port Macquarie PCYC, and is a work experience program, designed to create interest in becoming a police officer, as well as educate young people and reduce barriers which may commonly delay their entry into the force.
Following pilot programs at Sutherland Shire Police Area Command, Oxley Police District and south west Sydney, the initiative will be expanded next year state wide, and include students on the Mid North Coast.
Each ‘class’ will include approximately 20 students, with participants from Years 10 to 12 identified by their school careers counsellor.
As part of the initiative, students will gain a better understanding of policing by participating in a four day program, which will see them experience a variety of specialist commands, as well as potentially visit the Police Academy at Goulburn.
Assistant Commissioner Gavin Wood, Capability Performance & Youth Command said the pilot program is designed to not just find the next generation of police, we want to inspire students and show them there’s much more to being a police officer.
“This is an opportunity to showcase a career in policing for young people, who may have not previously considered joining the police force,” Assistant Commissioner Wood said.
“We are hoping to attract young people from big and small regional towns, metropolitan areas and culturally diverse backgrounds, because it will help us better serve the community.”
For more details on You Should Be a Cop In Your Hometown visit:
[my yellow highlighting]
The #Robodebt Five
via @jmill400
ABC National Radio, Late Night Live, podcast, 17 September 2024:
Robodebt scheme was ‘a failure of government’ – but who paid the price?
A report by the Australian Public Service Commission has found twelve public servants, including two former departmental secretaries, Kathryn Campbell and Renée Leon, breached the Public Service Code of Conduct in their handling of Robodebt. Commissioner Dr Gordon de Brouwer said the inquiry confirmed "a sad and shameful succession of public servants failing to demonstrate the behaviour expected of public service."
Guest: Rick Morton, journalist, The Saturday Paper.
APSC Commissioner Gordon de Brouwer said the Robodebt Scheme saw members of the public service "lose their grounding, feel under pressure from Ministers and senior officials, and caught up in busyness and self-absorption." (ABC News: Lewi Hirvela)
30 minute discussion, focussing on the public service during the Scott Morrison years as Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Social Security, Treasurer and Prime Minister, at:
In a month where Australia is breaking the lowest seasonal temperature records in parts of Australia just weeks after setting maximum temperatures records in another seasonal extreme - while some countries in Europe are either experiencing heatwaves or wildfires at the same time others are experiencing heavy snowfalls or catastrophic flooding - it is no longer being whispered but shouted out that "global warming is now becoming so extreme and non-linear that combined with habitat destruction, pollution, and overkilling of species it threatens collapse in the natural world including human systems within years not decades" [Ben See, climate activist, September 2024].
This is happening because although for decades now global heating of the Earth system has been unequivocal, detected acceleration of Earth heating has never been so sharply evident as it has become in the last two years.
2024 is also the year when evidence suggests that the rapid increase in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere being recorded may now be independent of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions being released into the atmosphere by human activity. In other words, global warming's effect on the Earth may have passed a tipping point from which there is no return to a pre-industrial era global climate for millennia.
16 September 2024:
"The global temperature according to NASA data. Anyone who is still wondering about #ExtremeWeather and flooding has either missed out on several decades of climate research or deliberately repressed it. #Flood" **
![]() |
Click on graph to enlarge |
Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf, (@rahmstorf) Head of Earth System Analysis, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & Professor of Physics of the Oceans, Potsdam University
** Text of tweet translated from German to English by Google Translate
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), News Release, 6 June 2024:
During a year of extremes, carbon dioxide levels surge faster than ever
The two-year increase in Keeling Curve peak is the largest on record
June 6, 2024 — Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere faster than ever — accelerating on a steep rise to levels far above any experienced during human existence, scientists from NOAA and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego announced today....
From January through April, NOAA and Scripps scientists said CO2 concentrations increased more rapidly than they have in the first four months of any other year. The surge has come even as one highly regarded international report has found that fossil fuel emissions, the main driver of climate change, have plateaued in recent years.
“Over the past year, we’ve experienced the hottest year on record, the hottest ocean temperatures on record and a seemingly endless string of heat waves, droughts, floods, wildfires and storms,” said NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, Ph.D. “Now we are finding that atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing faster than ever. We must recognize that these are clear signals of the damage carbon dioxide pollution is doing to the climate system, and take rapid action to cut fossil fuel use as quickly as we can.” ....
NSW SLATS Insights Dashboard Click on image to enlarge |
Nature Conservation Council NSW
Urgent interim action needed as NSW clears 570 football fields of habitat each day
13 September 2024
The Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales (NCC), the state’s leading environmental advocacy organisation, has called on the NSW Government to act on its commitment to stop the runaway land clearing that is continuing to decimate NSW bush.
NSW remains in the midst of an extinction crisis which will continue to gather pace until the root cause – widespread and unregulated destruction of our habitat encouraged by the former government – is addressed.
The latest vegetation clearing data shows that clearing continues to devastate large swathes of habitat every year. In NSW, an equivalent of 300 times the Sydney CBD is cleared annually, or 570 football fields per day.
The annual Statewide Land and Tree Study (SLATS) data released today shows, yet again, a shocking amount of habitat was cleared across the state, taking the average to 84,000 hectares of native vegetation (defined as trees, shrubs or woody vines, or understory and groundcover plants that have been relatively undisturbed since 1990[1]) being cleared every year for the past five years.
Habitat clearing is, alongside climate change, the most significant threat to species in NSW[2], the worst ranked state in the country for protecting and restoring trees.
Statements attributable to NCC Chief Executive Officer, Jacqui Mumford:
“These new figures still show the urgent need for reform. Every day of inaction means more species are at an ever-growing risk of going extinct.”
“Our nature laws in NSW are broken and unable to protect habitat.”
“The government has asked the Natural Resources Commission to come up with new options to stop runaway habitat clearing and protect critical species. We are heartened by this process but concerned about the slow timeframe – interim action to protect critical habitat must be taken given the numbers we are seeing today.”[3]
“Protecting critically endangered ecosystems is urgent and needs to happen yesterday.”
“The existing Native Vegetation Code is an inappropriate regulatory tool for managing impacts on biodiversity in rural areas. It permits a completely unsustainable amount of clearing without any robust environmental assessment or approval requirements. The new data shows that we don’t know the circumstances under which nearly half of the non-woody vegetation clearing happened in 2022. It may be illegal clearing – we just don’t know.”[4]
“Clearly the scope of ‘allowable’ vegetation clearing activities is too broad and open to misuse.”
“We need urgent interim action to immediately protect critically endangered ecosystems. These precious places and the critters than rely on them cannot wait while the scale of reform we require is nowhere to be seen.”
Statement ends
[1] As defined in the NSW Vegetation Clearing Report 2021
[3] See the Government’s NSW Plan for Nature in response to the review of the BC Act and native vegetation provisions of the local land services act here.
[4] In 2022, 46.6% of the total of non woody vegetation clearing is unallocated, and 11.8% of woody clearing is unallocated. Unallocated clearing is vegetation clearing for which the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has not been able to identify a formal authorisation or is unable to presume authorised or allowable using visual cues in the imagery. See here
Further information can be found at
This spreadsheet reports on figures of detected woody and non woody (grasses, small shrubs and groundcover) vegetation clearing that has occurred from 2018 to 2022, statewide and on Category 2 regulated land.
For the latest count updates commencing after 9am this morning go to:
For the list of all NSW local council elections go to
Four of the seven local governments in the NSW Northern Rivers region directly elect their mayors. Here is a brief look at the voting so far.
PLEASE NOTE: No local government election for mayor or councillors in the Northern Rivers region has been officially called.
All numbers and percentages set out below are as at close of counting on NSW local government election night, Saturday 13 September 2024. Counting resumes on Monday 16 September.
Byron Shire
In the Byron Council’s mayoralty election, with 17,660 formal votes counted, The Greens Sarah Ndiaye is in the lead with 6,129 first preference votes & 34.71% of the formal vote. Followed by the ALP's Asren Pugh with 5,363 first preference votes & 30.44% of the formal vote.
At close of counting last night in the Byron councillor elections, with only 7,504 formal votes counted it would appear that 5-candiate The Greens Group led by Sarah Ndiaye held 3,018 first preference votes & 40.22% of the formal vote. Followed by the 6-candiate ALP Group led by Asren Pugh with 2,097 first preference votes & 27.95% of the formal vote.
The full vote count can be viewed at
Ballina Shire
In Ballina Council’s mayoral election with 16,110 first preference votes counted so far Independent Sharon Cadwallader is in the lead with 7,263 first preference votes & 45.08% of the formal vote. Followed by The Green's Kiri Dicker with 4,154 first preference votes & 25.79% of the formal vote.
There are three Wards in the Ballina councillor elections. The full vote count can be viewed at
City of Lismore
At close of counting last night in Lismore Council's mayoral election with 18,621 formal votes counted, the nominally Independent Steve Kreig leads with 8,969 first preference votes & 48.17% of the formal vote. Followed by The Greens Vanessa Grindon-Ekins with 3,957 first preference votes & 21.25% of the formal vote.
Big Rob is coming in second to last in the mayoral election with 2,244 first preference votes & 12.05% of the formal vote.
In the councillor elections witn18,621 formal votes counted the 11-candidate Independent Group A led by Steve Kreig held 4,551 first preference votes & 42.39%. Followed by the 6-candidate The Greens Group D led by Adam Guise with 2,874 first preference votes & 26.77% of the formal vote.
The 5-candidate Independent Group C led by Big Rob with 1,180 first preference votes & 10.99% of the formal vote ranked last on election night.
The full vote count can be viewed at
Richmond Valley
At close of counting last night in Richmond Valley Council's mayoral election with 7,439 formal votes counted, Independent Robert Mustow lead with 2,896 first preference votes & 38.93% of the formal vote. Followed by Independent Lyndall Murray with 2,021 first preference votes & 27.17% of the formal vote.
In the Richmond councillor elections with 3,305 formal votes counted, the 4-candidate Independent Group D led by Robert Mustow led with 1,369 first preference votes & 41.42% of the formal vote. Followed by the 7-candidate Independent Croup C led by Lyndall Murray with 849 first preference votes & 25.69% of the formal vote.
The full vote count can be viewed at
Hi! My name is Boy. I'm a male bi-coloured tabby cat. Ever since I discovered that Malcolm Turnbull's dogs were allowed to blog, I have been pestering Clarencegirl to allow me a small space on North Coast Voices.
A false flag musing: I have noticed one particular voice on Facebook which is Pollyanna-positive on the subject of the Port of Yamba becoming a designated cruise ship destination. What this gentleman doesn’t disclose is that, as a principal of Middle Star Pty Ltd, he could be thought to have a potential pecuniary interest due to the fact that this corporation (which has had an office in Grafton since 2012) provides consultancy services and tourism business development services.
A religion & local government musing: On 11 October 2017 Clarence Valley Council has the Church of Jesus Christ Development Fund Inc in Sutherland Local Court No. 6 for a small claims hearing. It would appear that there may be a little issue in rendering unto Caesar. On 19 September 2017 an ordained minister of a religion (which was named by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in relation to 40 instances of historical child sexual abuse on the NSW North Coast) read the Opening Prayer at Council’s ordinary monthly meeting. Earlier in the year an ordained minister (from a church network alleged to have supported an overseas orphanage closed because of child abuse claims in 2013) read the Opening Prayer and an ordained minister (belonging to yet another church network accused of ignoring child sexual abuse in the US and racism in South Africa) read the Opening Prayer at yet another ordinary monthly meeting. Nice one councillors - you are covering yourselves with glory!
An investigative musing: Newcastle Herald, 12 August 2017: The state’s corruption watchdog has been asked to investigate the finances of the Awabakal Aboriginal Local Land Council, less than 12 months after the troubled organisation was placed into administration by the state government. The Newcastle Herald understands accounting firm PKF Lawler made the decision to refer the land council to the Independent Commission Against Corruption after discovering a number of irregularities during an audit of its financial statements. The results of the audit were recently presented to a meeting of Awabakal members. Administrator Terry Lawler did not respond when contacted by the Herald and a PKF Lawler spokesperson said it was unable to comment on the matter. Given the intricate web of company relationships that existed with at least one former board member it is not outside the realms of possibility that, if ICAC accepts this referral, then United Land Councils Limited (registered New Zealand) and United First Peoples Syndications Pty Ltd(registered Australia) might be interviewed. North Coast Voices readers will remember that on 15 August 2015 representatives of these two companied gave evidence before NSW Legislative Council General Purpose Standing Committee No. 6 INQUIRY INTO CROWN LAND. This evidence included advocating for a Yamba mega port.
A Nationals musing: Word around the traps is that NSW Nats MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis has been talking up the notion of cruise ships visiting the Clarence River estuary. Fair dinkum! That man can be guaranteed to run with any bad idea put to him. I'm sure one or more cruise ships moored in the main navigation channel on a regular basis for one, two or three days is something other regular river users will really welcome. *pause for appreciation of irony* The draft of the smallest of the smaller cruise vessels is 3 metres and it would only stay safely afloat in that channel. Even the Yamba-Iluka ferry has been known to get momentarily stuck in silt/sand from time to time in Yamba Bay and even a very small cruise ship wouldn't be able to safely enter and exit Iluka Bay. You can bet your bottom dollar operators of cruise lines would soon be calling for dredging at the approach to the river mouth - and you know how well that goes down with the local residents.
A local councils musing: Which Northern Rivers council is on a low-key NSW Office of Local Government watch list courtesy of feet dragging by a past general manager?
A serial pest musing: I'm sure the Clarence Valley was thrilled to find that a well-known fantasist is active once again in the wee small hours of the morning treading a well-worn path of accusations involving police, local business owners and others.
An investigative musing: Which NSW North Coast council is batting to have the longest running code of conduct complaint investigation on record?
A fun fact musing: An estimated 24,000 whales migrated along the NSW coastline in 2016 according to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the migration period is getting longer.
A which bank? musing: Despite a net profit last year of $9,227 million the Commonwealth Bank still insists on paying below Centrelink deeming rates interest on money held in Pensioner Security Accounts. One local wag says he’s waiting for the first bill from the bank charging him for the privilege of keeping his pension dollars at that bank.
A Daily Examiner musing: Just when you thought this newspaper could sink no lower under News Corp management, it continues to give column space to Andrew Bolt.
A thought to ponder musing: In case of bushfire or flood - do you have an emergency evacuation plan for the family pet?
An adoption musing: Every week on the NSW North Coast a number of cats and dogs find themselves without a home. If you want to do your bit and give one bundle of joy a new family, contact Happy Paws on 0419 404 766 or your local council pound.