Tuesday 11 October 2011

O'Farrell Government treats people of the NSW North Coast with open contempt

From A Clarence Valley Protest on 9 October 2011:

Living in regional New South Wales often leads one to suspect that any state government of the day and its minsters rarely display an understanding of (or empathy with)  the aspirations, problems or concerns of distant local communities.

This was clearly demonstrated when a question raising concerns on behalf of residents and ratepayers living on the NSW North Coast in the Dorrigo, Belligen, Coffs Harbour and Clarence Valley districts was put to the Coalition Government in the NSW Legislative Council last month.

Highlighted below the contemptuous, party-politics-before-people response which was given by the O’Farrell Government:

The Hon. JEREMY BUCKINGHAM: My question is directed to the Minister for Finance and Services, representing the Minister for the Environment. I thank the Minister for his detailed answer previously revealing that the Macleay River has been contaminated by the Hillgrove antimony mine for millennia—which is thousands of years, in case he does not remember. Ancoa has a proposal to reopen the Hillgrove antimony mine responsible for much of this contamination. Anchor Resources plans a new antimony mine at Wild Cattle Creek at the top of the Nymboida River. Given the toxicity of antimony and history of contamination, what is the Government doing to ensure that these mines will not further contaminate the Macleay River and contaminate the Nymboida River?

The Hon. GREG PEARCE: Last week I commented upon the member's North Korean controller and the need to translate his questions from Korean to code, then from code to Korean, and then from Korean to English. I said that his questions are garbled. If anyone could make sense of that question, I invite them to answer it for me. I could not follow it at all—I really could not. I invite the member to put the question on notice to get a detailed answer.

Attention Aussie ISPs: who's laying bets on how long the Movie Rights Group will survive?

I’m laying bets ;-) as to how long the Australian company Movie Rights Group manages to stay afloat and keep its legal attack dog onside, as it endeavours to get hard cash from people it alleges breached copyright and illegally downloaded movies 'owned' by Lightening Entertainment, a Santa Monica-based sales and distribution company.

For heaven's sake, The Movie Rights Group's spokesman doesn't even appear to realise that Lightening Entertainment doesn't actually hold the film copyright of Kill the Irishman.

This is what is known so far…………….

ABC News on the 5th October 2011 ran this interesting information:

The Age coloured the picture in further on the 8th October 2011:

The Movie Rights Group had this to say on its website as of 10th October 2011:

Here is an excerpt from Gordon Walker’s Linked in brag page viewed on the 10th October 2011:

Gordon Walker's Experience

VP Sales and Marketing
Movie Rights Group LLC
Internet industry
2010 – Present (1 year)

Founder and CEO
Munro Medical Pty Ltd
Medical Devices industry
October 1997 – March 2002 (4 years 6 months) Queensland, Australia
Imported, sold and leased Hospital Grade infant respiration monitors for "SIDS at risk babies" to hospitals, public health services, local area health services and individuals throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Founder and CEO
Munro & Kay Pty Ltd
Real Estate industry
February 1987 – March 2002 (15 years 2 months) Queensland, Australia
Company formed to build and renovate residential properties on the northern end of the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

Gordon Walker's Education

Royal Australian Air Force OTS
Advanced Diploma Aviation, Air Traffic Control
1975 – 1980
Australian Joint Anti Submarine School
Anti Submarine Warfare
Australian Joint Warfare Establishment
Joint Operations
Department of Transport (ATG)
Civilian Air Traffic Control course
RAAF School of Air Traffic Control
Air Traffic Control

Gordon Walker's Additional Information
Groups and Associations:
Leukaemia Foundation, Surf Life Saving Australia, Guide Dogs, SIDS for Kids
Honors and Awards:
Air Force Commendation

So does any of the above information lay to rest the voiced suspicion that Movie Rights Group's positioning could be part of a "US extortion scam" or the possibility that Movie Rights Group may not have a very long business life?

Well the only people associated with the company who've gone public are:
1.  Gordon Walker who claims to have founded Munro Medical Pty Ltd a current corporation with a registered address at Murwillumbah as well as being listed as having premises in Ballina on the NSW North Coast (although the deregistered company which most matched his published timeline above is here) and, Munro & Kay Pty Ltd a defunct Queensland company which commenced sometime between 1987 & 1991 and applied for deregistration in 1992, but if the Linked in entry is correct continued to trade until 2002.
2. Matthew Wade Clapham and Richard Dean Clapman who were directors of a New Zealand company, Ram Productions Limited which came into being in 1999 and was deregistered in 2006 according to the NZ Register of Companies.
Matthew appears to have been a shareholder in another New Zealand company, C.M.R. Productions Limited – which unsurprisingly was deregistered in 2005 five years after it was born.


Internet Media Productions is a 10 year-old Queensland company which was deregistered in August 2011.
WebTrafficAgents.com lists this company and Matthew Clapman as the registrants for pornconductor.com.
Whois also records the company and Matthew as registrants for throatsex.com.
While WooRank still lists the company and Matthew as registrants for seductivepornmovies.com.
Though I think he may have sold on or anonymised two of those sites by now.


MSM finally catches up with the p0rn angle and finds more websites - as well as publishing photos of the Clapham brothers.
Bet those boys are starting to feel sorry they ever approached Extel!

Monday 10 October 2011

Buyinbin Aboriginal Corp receives $519k grant

Strengthening employment opportunities
for Indigenous people in Page

The Australian Government is continuing to support Indigenous people in Page to get training and find work as part of a $47 million boost to Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) across the country.

Federal Member for Page Janelle Saffin MP was very pleased to announce today that Buyinbin Aboriginal Corporation will receive $519,000 for Muli Muli, Baryulgil and Malabugilmah to provide training and community development.

“CDEP funding is used across the CDEP communities to help Indigenous job seekers gain the skills needed to find sustainable employment and contributes strongly to personal, social and economic development,” Ms Saffin said.

Buyinbin will use the funds to provide activities that include the renovation of the community hall, purchase fit-out of coach for mobile training, contract maintenance, market garden and bush regeneration. Skills training includes Certificates 11 and 111 information technology, outdoor recreation, micro/small business and Certificates IV in ATSI Cultural Arts.

“The funding also continues the employment of one community development officer and two mentors/supervisors.” Ms Saffin said.

“This investment will continue the good work of Buyinbin which includes Muli Muli, Baryulgil and Malabugilmah.

Mr Russell Freeburn CEO of Buyinbin Aboriginal Corporation said today “we will continue to deliver training and other services to our CDEP communities and I would like to acknowledge and thank Minister Macklin for approval of the additional funding which is a valuable resource that will enable us to do this.  I appreciate the efforts and assistance of Janelle Saffin for her continued support of our remaining CDEP communities.”

Community Development Employment Projects is a key contributor to the Government’s aim of halving the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous employment within a decade.
“We are committed to ensuring that local Indigenous people have the skills necessary to get and keep a job.” Ms Saffin said today.

Office of Janelle Saffin MP Federal Member for Page
Media Release 7 October 2011

Surfing the Coldstream, Yamba 15 October 2011

Event Date: October 15 2011 from 2pm until 10pm
Event Type: One-Day Festival & Celebration with Live Music, Cultural Art Walk, Magic Bus tours, Sensory Walk, Street Buskers, African Drumming, Belly Dancing, Amusement Rides, Food Village and much more.
Inaugural Sultans of Sand beach football competition will be held at Yamba's Turners Beach on October 15-16 to coincide with the festival.
Address: Flinders Reserve, Main Beach, Yamba
Contact Name: Margo Scott
Phone: (02) 6646 9664 or 0418 251 899

Sunday 9 October 2011

Dorrigo Environment Watch on the subject of mining at Wild Cattle Creek

Stuttering Frog
Dorrigo Environment Watch is on a mission to raise community awareness of risks to human and environmental health. The following can be found on its website at

With 70% of NSW under mining exploration licences it seems no place is protected, regardless of known high conservation values and environmental legislation requirements.

There is considerable potential for endangered frogs to be at risk from renewed mining development on the Dorrigo Plateau. The site of the antimony deposit known as Wild
Cattle Creek is well known habitat of a number of rare and threatened frog species, in particular the Giant barred frog (Mixophyes iteratus) listed as nationally endangered
and the Stuttering Frog (Mixophyes balbus) listed as nationally vulnerable. These frogs and their habitat are supposedly protected by the Australian Government’s Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC) and the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC).

Dorrigo Environment Watch has located both the Giant Barred frog and the Stuttering frog in the streams just below the current drilling activity zone. Frog surveys, conducted by DEW members with scientific and environmental education expertise, have been underway since November 2010, with the data validated by an independent frog expert and sent to the DECCW Wildlife Database Unit.

Under the EPBC there are no third party referral procedures for an individual or community group to report these frogs to and it seems that proponents such as Anchor Resources Ltd are required to ‘self assess’ as to whether they would be required to submit ‘notice of an action’ to the Australian Government. Similarly under the NSW Department of Industry and Investment, Anchor Resources drilling program was considered low impact and deemed not to require a ‘Review of Environmental Factors’. DEW considers that both the Australian and NSW Governments are failing in their legislative responsibilities to protect these nationally listed frogs and their habitat. In particular it is concerning how this exploration licence managed to avoid
any environmental assessment under either State or Australian legislation given that a quick Google search of ‘Wild Cattle Creek NSW and frogs’ leads straight to the Government web sites for threatened frog species.

As required under the EPBC Act, DEW has written to the NSW State Government requesting that they notify the Australian Government of the need to trigger the EPBC for this mining development site and for a Review of Environmental Factors to be undertaken.

As yet, the EPBC has not been triggered on any NSW mining exploration licences. Wild Cattle Creek Dorrigo provides both the NSW and Australian Governments an opportunity to use the legislation they have enacted to protect threatened species and to regain a balance of appropriate land use in rural Australia currently dominated by the mining sector.
Giant Barred Frog