Friday 24 August 2012

Clarence Valley Council Election 2012 Candidate Scorecard: Week Three

Candidates standing for the nine councillor positions at the 8 September 2012 Clarence Valley Local Government Election are being rated on their individual campaigns to win over voters.

The score range is -10 to 10. Every candidate starts at zero (0)

Scoring began in the week ending 10 August 2012.

This week its all about fronting the forums and what candidates told the local media which affect the score.

Name        Designation         Running Score

Rod Morrison Independent 0.5 + 1 + 0.5  = 2 this candidate increased his score by attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) with a little extra on the side for his commitment to his village.

Margot Scott Independent 1 + 1 + -0.5 = 1.5 Margot scores for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1). However she also whittles away at her score with a hint that underneath the campaign rhetoric this inexperienced newcomer thinks local government is really just about roads, rats and rubbish.

Paul Parkinson  -5 + 1 + -3 + -3 = -10 this candidate scored for attending Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1)  but left many open-mouthed when he stated that he couldn’t make any election promises as there was no way of knowing what Clarence Valley Council’s budget was like – completely ignoring the fact that he can inspect budget papers going back years online or at council chambers (-3). More points went when he displayed a defeatism which appears to indicate a reluctance to fully support Clarence Valley communities' stand against coal seam gas mining (-3)

Craig Howe Independent 0.6 + 1 = 1.6 Craig’s score increased because he attended Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1), however it is hard to forget the many times he voted for developers over the objections of local communities.

Andrew Baker Independent 0 + -10 = -10 this candidate excelled himself during the week by failing to give any undertaking that he would support Clarence Valley communities (-4) and for expecting voters to accept that a man - who as a director and major shareholder allowed two companies to rack up what sounds like millions of dollars in debt until the bank called in the receiver – should be allowed anywhere near the local government annual budget (-4). While he wasted the time of every voter at the Maclean meet the candidates forum as he trailed an imaginary broken wing (-2).

Ursula Tunks Independent 2 + 1 = 3 Ursula moved up the scoreboard for attending Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1). She doesn’t increase her score beyond that because this week she denied she was an Independent and instead described herself as “party-less” - which begs the question as to which political party she may next decide to join.

Joy de Roos  -1 + 1 = 2 added to her score by attending Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1).

Jim Simmons Independent 0 + 1 + 1 = 2 gained for attending Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) and with a long history as a councillor putting some of the new to local government candidates to shame by comparison.

Greg Clancy Independent 3.5 + 1 + 2 = 6.5 this candidate increased his score again this week. Firstly for his attendance at the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) and secondly because he is the only new candidate who truly understands the relationship between a healthy environment, sustainable infrastructure and a viable economy (2).

Jane Beeby Independent -3 + 1 + -2 = -4  this candidate both won and lost points this week. She attended the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1), however the alleged vague conspiracy against herself she expounds rather than honestly explaining her anti- vaccination stance continues to worry some voters (-2) . Which is somewhat of a pity as she has taken an anti-coal seam gas stance.

Sue Hughes Independent 2.5 + 1 + 2 = 5.5 her score grows as she attended the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) and, in doing so, reminded residents that she has come through for the Valley with regard to moving a successful resolution against coal seam gas exploration before impacts from this type of mining are known and other votes in the Chamber.

Karen Toms 2.5 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6.5 increased her running score by attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) and, in doing so, reminded voters that she has always been good value for local communities (2). She earns an additional point for calmly campaigning no matter what stumbling blocks are placed in her path by ill wishers hinted at in The Daily Examiner online comments (1).
Michael McIvor Independent 1 + 1 = 2 this candidate remains a bit of a dark horse who attempts to explain himself in slogans and clichés. So although he adds to his score for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) that is the only positive, which sadly is offset by his fairly high opinion of his own untested capabilities.

Jeremy Challacombe Independent -1 + 1 + -3 = -3 he scores for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1) but loses points for those stale ideas and for continuing to pretend that being a senior member and office bearer of the NSW Nationals will not politicize his position on Council if elected (-3).  It didn't assist his candidature to find local media reporting that he had been caught breaking CVC rules for farmers'  markets by having campaign literature displayed on his own produce stall. What else can be said about a candidate who thinks in two-word slogans?

Richie Williamson 2 + 1 0.5  = 2.5 Richie scores for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1). He only loses half a  point this week for pretending he doesn’t have political ambitions which potentially affect his attitude as Mayor and councillor – simply because most of the election field is so abysmal that this classic fence sitter’s time in local government  is beginning to look rosy by comparison.

Margaret McKenna Independent -2 + 1 + -2 = -3 scored for attending the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1). However, Margaret lost what had been gained by pretending that she actually gave a hoot about the badly planned West Yamba re-zoning. When she has been quite happy to go along with private developers virtually creating the draft Development Control Plan for that same urban expansion, after previously voting in 2009 for that joke of a Yamba Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan which had to be endorsed so that the West Yamba Local Environmental Plan could be passed as approved on the same day (-2).

Jason Kingsley Independent 1 + 1 = 2 this candidate talks easily but in the end says very little. He slowly increases his score on the basis of attendance at the Maclean and Grafton meet the candidates forums (1).

Did Gulaptis tell anyone in his electorate about the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry Into The Establishment Of Special Economic Zones?

Between February and April 2012 the Legislative Assembly Committee on Economic Development started and apparently finished a public inquiry looking at ways the NSW Government can contribute to the sustainability and growth of regional economies by stimulating business investment and job creation. With an emphasis on the viability of establishing special economic zones providing state tax and financial incentives to promote economic growth, employment and investment in regional and rural New South Wales.

The NSW Nationals MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis, whose electorate is experiencing ongoing job losses and economic stress, is on this committee and attends its meetings and was present at its one and only public hearing this year.

The inquiry received thirty-eight submissions and only one was identifiable as coming from the NSW North Coast, but it was also from outside his electorate.

Did this MP even bother to send out a media release or write an opinion piece for a regional newspaper informing local government, chambers of commerce, community organisations and interested residents that they could put a case to this committee for their region receiving special consideration?

Perhaps Mr. Gulaptis might like to explain his apparent lack of action.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Red Rocks 4 Eva!

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard in this full length video takes all press conference questions regarding the never-ending “sexist and vicious" rumours about her spread on the internet by "misogynist nut jobs" and the factually incorrect and defamatory statements made about her in News Limited’s flagship newspaper and serial offender, The Australian.

Pic from Google Images

What sort of management culture did Richie Williamson & Co import into the Clarence Valley?

The Daily Examiner 12 August 2011:
SCOTT Greensill has been appointed the general manager of the Clarence Valley Council.
Clarence Valley Mayor Richie Williamson yesterday announced the appointment of the father of three and Singleton Council general manager to the council’s top job.
Cr Williamson said the job was one of the most important in the Clarence Valley and welcomed him to the position......

The Daily Examiner 15 December 2011:
CLARENCE Valley Council general manager Scott Greensill said he had nothing to fear from a Supreme Court judgment handed down on Friday in a case involving his former employer, Singleton Council……

Judge Schmidt was critical of Mr Greensill, pointing out he "certainly acted inconsistently" with the council's code of conduct by delegating "all responsibilities" in the Nichols matter to assets manager Gary Thomson yet continuing to still work on the case. Her judgment said she would have had more to say about Mr Greensill, but as he had resigned from the council just prior to the Supreme Court hearing four months ago that requirement had "disappeared"…..

The Singleton Argus 9 March 2012:

A SECRETIVE group of men and women has been overheard regularly in a Singleton café, at times, discussing sensitive Singleton Council affairs.
The gatherings have occasionally included up to five councillors and a former senior council staff member…..
General manager Lindy Hyam was told of the apparently clandestine get-togethers on Monday, several hours before a regular open council meeting was set to consider three anonymous code of conduct complaints against Cr Alison Howlett…….
The allegations arose from 2010 when Cr Howlett sought details from Mr Greensill of the appointment of Henry Wilson as the council’s assistant general manager…..

The Daily Examiner 27 April 2012:

A LEGAL wrangle, which will cost a NSW council more than $1 million and involves Scott Greensill, has no impact on his current position as general manager at Clarence Valley Council.
"What happens at Singleton Council is completely a matter for Singleton Council," CVC Mayor Richie Williamson said yesterday……

The second of two judgments involving Mr Greensill's former employer, Singleton Council, was handed down by the Supreme Court last week…….

Judge Monika Schmidt quashed the report and ordered the council to pay Cr Nichols' legal fees.
"The only reason that it was not necessary to make orders against Mr Greensill was because he left the council's employ," her judgment said…..

The Newcastle Herald 14 August 2012:

The Supreme Court case also revealed that former Singleton general manager Scott Greensill had not disclosed to councillors his involvement in the handling of the complaint against Cr Nichols.
Mr Greensill resigned from the council days before the Supreme Court case.

The Singleton Argus 17 August 2012:
THE state government has thrown out the $1million code of conduct complaint against Singleton deputy mayor Paul Nichols.
There was no evidence to support anonymous allegations that came from a council meeting two years and five months ago…..

Cr Nichols’ barrister, Robert Lovas, told the August court hearing that the person who made the complaint may have been beholden to Mr Greensill and they may have collaborated…..

Looking back with hollow laughter as Bazza's razor gang wields the blade on NSW North Coast communities

As around 150 former Grafton public servants ponder their futures, Clarence Valley voters might recall this....

The Daily Examiner on 15th October 2004
“THE State Opposition yesterday called on the Carr Government to guarantee the jobs of Grafton jail staff.
Opposition justice and emergency services spokesman Andrew Humpherson voiced concern for jail jobs during a visit to the correctional centre with the Nationals Member for Clarence Steve Cansdell.”

The Daily Examiner on 26th December 2006

"PUBLIC sector jobs in regional areas will be safe under NSW Opposition Leader Peter Debnam's plans to trim down the Labor Government's 'bureaucratic empire', says Clarence MP Steve Cansdell.
Mr Cansdell made the promise after hearing Clarence Labor candidate Mark Kingsley's criticisms of the State Opposition's plans to cut thousands of NSW public service jobs."

Wednesday 22 August 2012

The very predictable Andrew Baker tells Clarence Valley something it already knew - he has more hide than Jessie

Clarence Valley local government election candidate, hotelier, real estate agent and land developer, Andrew Baker’s virtuoso performance as he massages voters to accept the proposition that he should be elected to what is the largest single economic unit in the valley, despite the fact that he is a director of not one but two failed local corporations which appear to have gone into receivership owing millions…..

The Daily Examiner on 22nd August 2012: “MACLEAN developer and council candidate Andrew Baker was heartened by the reaction to a difficult announcement he made at the candidates forum on Monday night.
In fact, it has inspired him to stay in the race for council.”

Australians prove that they are sensible souls at heart

The Canberra Times,12 August 2012:

Only 5029 people have joined the federal government's controversial $466 million eHealth system since it was launched on July 1.

That means that despite the misleading advertising, there are at least 18 million other Australians who still recognise the intrusive nature of and digital security flaws in this federal Government attempt to grow a poorly designed national data base of information about them and their families.

A little bit of Tony in the air

Tuesday 21 August 2012

More jobs to go - this time at Lismore

9 News on 21st August 2012:
“Telstra's decision to axe jobs at its customer service centre in Lismore is devastating, the city's mayor says….
Ms Dowell said she had been personally assured that jobs in her city were safe after Telstra closed its Grafton call centre in 2011.
Most Lismore locals would know someone affected by the job losses, she said.
"I understand that at this call centre there are couples, a husband and wife who will both lose their jobs," she said.
"The ripple effect of this is huge."
So far Nats MP for Lismore Thomas George is keeping mum on the subject of 116 local jobs being flushed down the drain by a telco whose "net income climbed to $3.41 billion in the year to June 30".

Worried about mining in the Clarence River Catchment? Then read this before voting in the Clarence Valley Local Government Election 2012

Paul Parkinson, a candidate in the Clarence Valley Local Government Election 2012 apparently taking a pro-mining stance when he was a Kempsey shire councillor.

17-18 MARCH 1999

Howard as G-G? Over my dead body!

Little Godwin Grech – you known the right-wing leaning ex-Treasury bureaucrat who while on the job faked that email for the political benefit of the Opposition in 2009 and was brought undone by a Senate inquiry – well he is (a) writing for Granny Herald and (b) laying the groundwork for one of his alleged fellow-conspirators to make John Winston Howard Australia’s next Governor-General.
Jackboot Johnny as G-G? no and no and no and No and NOOOO!

Monday 20 August 2012

Baker likely to quit run for Clarence Valley Council

Tonight's meet-the-candidates forum in Maclean was the venue for the startling announcement that property developer Andrew Baker is unlikely to continue to chase his dream to secure a seat at the table of the Clarence Valley Council.

TWO companies in receivership have all but ended developer Andrew Baker's bid to win a spot on the Clarence Valley Council.

The Daily Examiner website reports:

Andrew Baker conceded his bid for a seat on Clarence Valley Council all but ended (tonight) when he announced to a packed candidates forum in Maclean that two of his companies had gone into receivership.

"I didn't want to start tonight on false pretences," Mr Baker said. "Today, two of the companies I'm a director of have been placed in receivership.

"I'm in the development industry and everyone knows the development industry is doing it tough."

Mr Baker said the development didn't legally rule him out as standing as a candidate, but conceded it would be difficult for him to continue.

See the Examiner's online report, including video coverage of Baker making his announcement about his companies going into receivership here.

Credit: Text and image from The Daily Examiner

Deaths from major trauma in NSW trauma centres have declined since 2003 - but you're still more likely to die in regional NSW

Level 1 trauma centres are confined to large metropolitan centres. On the NSW North Coast in 2009 there were 'adult patient' regional trauma centres listed at Coffs Harbour Base Hospital, Lismore Base Hospital and The Tweed Hospital. These appear to remain the only trauma centres in the region.

During the period studied the number of interhospital transfers between regional trauma centres and Level I centres did not increase significantly despite such transfers being shown to potentially halve the mortality rate.

Because of the systematic neglect of regional NSW by successive state governments and across the board cuts to public service delivery by the current O’Farrell Coalition Government, this is the risk North Coast residents are exposed to if they are involved in a serious motor vehicle/work/sports/in home accident:

Regional trauma centres play an important role in the delivery of trauma care, but often lack specialty resources. Most are located outside Sydney, and road travel time from regional trauma centres to a Level I centre ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours. In a recent single region study in NSW, morbidity was significantly higher in a regional trauma centre compared with a Level I centre.10……..

Patients admitted to a regional trauma centre had a significantly higher mortality rate compared with those admitted to a Level I centre. The survival benefit at Level I centres could be explained by the presence of greater resources, such as the availability of surgically trained staff 24 hours a day, a multidisciplinary trauma service14,15 and higher patient volumes, resulting in enhanced expertise in trauma care.16 Deficiencies in trauma care, regardless of trauma centre level, may occur at multiple points of care and are more likely to occur when there is failure to comply with protocols, poor communication and/or delayed referral.10,14,17,18 However, without reviewing each of the deaths in this study, it is not possible to comment on factors contributing to mortality.

The benefits of primary transport or early interhospital transfer of patients with major trauma to a Level I trauma centre are confirmed in our study. In 2008 Ambulance NSW introduced “Protocol T1”, which specifies that patients with major trauma should be taken directly to a Level I centre, bypassing lower-level centres, if transport time is within 1 hour.19 The impact of Protocol T1 on patient transport practice and outcomes requires evaluation.

The geography of NSW means that regional trauma centres will continue to play an important role in initial stabilisation of patients with trauma. Our study suggests that improved adherence to transfer guidelines will contribute to improved patient outcomes consistent with the experience in Victoria17 and the United States.20 In recent years, a series of standardised transfer guidelines for patients with major trauma have been implemented in NSW, with variable compliance.10,21 The low numbers of transferred patients could also result from some patients with critical injuries being deemed too unstable for transfer, transfer being considered futile, or patients dying before a transfer decision was made.10,21

Initial trauma response and hospital transfers in regional areas are under pressure as the Ambulance Service of NSW is being asked to respond to increased demand with existing staff numbers.

Trauma services are one aspect of the true cost to local communities and local families of public service job cuts currently underway in the Clarence Valley and elsewhere and, why the almost cavalier attitude of North Coast Nationals MPs to these cuts is unacceptable and offensive.

Transcript of the Statement of the Government of the Republic of Ecuador on the asylum request of Julian Assange

Statement of the Government of the Republic of Ecuador
on the asylum request of Julian Assange

On June 19, 2012, the Australian citizen Julian Assange, showed up on the headquarters of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, with the purpose of requesting diplomatic protection of the Ecuadorian State, invoking the norms on political asylum in force. The requester has based his petition on the fear of an eventual political persecution of which he may be a victim in a third State, which can use his extradition to the Swedish Kingdom to obtain in turn the ulterior extradition to such country.
The Government of Ecuador, faithful to the asylum procedure, and attributing the greatest seriousness to this case, has examined and assessed all the aspects implied, particularly the arguments presented by Mr. Assange backing up the fear he feels before a situation that this person considers as a threat to his life, personal safety and freedom.
It is important to point out that Mr. Assange has made the decision to request asylum and protection from Ecuador because of the accusations that, according to him, have been formulated for supposed “espionage and betrayal” with which the citizen exposes the fear he feels about the possibility of being surrendered to the United States authorities by the British, Swedish or Australian authorities, thus it is a country, says Mr. Assange, that persecutes him because of the disclosure of compromising information for the United States Government. He equally manifests, being “victim of a persecution in different countries, which derives not only from his ideas and actions, but from his work by publishing information compromising the powerful ones, by publishing the truth and, with that, unveiling the corruption and serious human rights abuses of citizens around the world”.
Therefore, for the requester, the imputation of politic felonies is what backs up his request for asylum, thus in his criteria, he faces a situation that means to him an imminent danger which he cannot resist. With the purpose of explaining the fear he has of a possible political persecution, and that this possibility ends up turning into a situation of impairment and violation of his rights, with risk for his integrity, personal security and freedom, the Government of Ecuador considered the following:
1.    That Julian Assange is a communication professional internationally awarded for his struggle on freedom of expression, freedom of press and human rights in general;
2.    That Mr. Assange shared with the global population privileged documented information that was generated by different sources, and that affected officials, countries and organizations;
3.    That there are serious indications of retaliation by the country or countries that produced the information disclosed by Mr. Assange, retaliation that can put at risk his safety, integrity and even his life;
4.    That, despite the diplomatic efforts carried out by the Ecuadorian State, the countries from which guarantees have been requested to protect the life and safety of Mr. Assange, have denied to provide them;
5.    That, there is a certainty of the Ecuadorian authorities that an extradition to a third country outside the European Union is feasible without the proper guarantees for his safety and personal integrity;
6.    That the judicial evidence shows clearly that, given an extradition to the United States, Mr. Assange would not have a fair trial, he could be judge by a special or military court, and it is not unlikely that he would receive a cruel and demeaning treatment and he would be condemned to a life sentence or the death penalty, which would not respect his human rights;
7.    That, even when indeed Mr. Assange has to respond to the investigation open in Sweden, Ecuador is aware that the Swedish prosecutor’s office has had a contradictory attitude that prevented Mr. Assange from the total exercise of the legitimate right to defense;
8.    That Ecuador is convinced that the procedural rights of Mr. Assange have been infringed during that investigation:
9.    That Ecuador has verify that Mr. Assange does not count with the adequate protection and help that he should receive from the State of which he is a citizen;
10.  That, according to several public statements and diplomatic communications made by officials from Great Britain, Sweden and the United States, it is deduced that those governments would not respect the international conventions and treaties and would give priority to internal laws of secondary hierarchy, contravening explicit norms of universal application; and,
11.  That, if Mr. Assange is reduced to preventive prison in Sweden (as it is usual in that country), it would initiate a chain of events that will prevent the adoption of preventive measures to avoid his extradition to a third country.
Accordingly, the Ecuadorian Government considers that these arguments back up Julian Assange’s fears, thus he can be a victim of political persecution, as a consequence of his determined defense to freedom of expression and freedom of press, as well as his position of condemn to the abuses that the power infers in different countries, aspects that make Mr. Assange think that, in any given moment, a situation may come where his life, safety or personal integrity will be in danger. This fear has leaded him to exercise his human right of seeking and receiving asylum in the Embassy of Ecuador in the United Kingdom.
Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador defines clearly the right to grant asylum. Regarding those dispositions, the rights to asylum and shelter are fully recognized, according to the law and international human rights instruments. According to such constitutional norm:
“People who are in a situation of asylum and shelter will enjoy special protection that guarantees the full exercise of their rights. The State will respect and guarantee the principle of no return, aside from the humanitarian and judicial emergency assistance”.
Moreover, the right to asylum is recognized in the Article 4.7 of the Organic Law of Foreign Service of 2006, which determines the faculty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration of Ecuador to know the cases of diplomatic asylum, according to the laws, the treaties, the rights and the international practice.
It is important to outline that our country has outstood over the last years for welcoming a huge number of people who have requested territorial asylum or refuge, respecting with no restriction the principle of no return and no discrimination, while adopting measures towards granting the refugee status in an efficient way, bearing in mind the circumstances of the requesters, most of them Colombians escaping the armed conflict in their country. The High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees has praised Ecuador’s refugee policy, and has highlighted the meaningful fact that these people have not been confined to refugee camps in this country, but they are integrated to society, in full enjoyment of their human rights and guarantees.
Ecuador states the right to asylum in the universal brochure of human rights and believes, therefore, that the effective application of this right requires the international cooperation that our countries can provide, without which its enouncement would be unfruitful, and the institution would be completely ineffective. For these reasons, and bearing in mind the obligation that all the States have assumed to collaborate in the protection and promotion of Human Rights, as it is established in the United Nations Letter, invites the British Government to provide its contingent to reach this purpose.
For those effects, Ecuador has been able to verify, in the course of analysis of the judicial institutions regarding the asylum, that to the confirmation of this right attend fundamental principles of general international law, which because of their importance have universal value and scope, for they are consistent with the general interest of the international community as a whole, and count with the full recognition of all the States. Those principles, which are contemplated in the different international instruments, are the following:
1.    The asylum in all its forms is a fundamental human right and creates obligations erga omnes, meaning, “for all”, the States.
2.    The diplomatic asylum, the refuge (territorial asylum), and the right to not being extradited, expulsed, surrendered or transferred, are comparable human rights, thus they are based on the same principles of human protection: no return and no discrimination with no distinction of unfavorable character for reasons of race, color, sex, language, religion or belief, political or other type of opinions, national or social origin, birth or other condition or similar criteria.
3.    All these forms of protection are ruled by the pro homine principles (meaning, most favorable to the human being), equality, universality, indivisibility, complementarity, and inter dependency.
4.    The protection is produced when the State which grants the asylum, refuge or requested, or the protective potency, considers that there is a risk or fear that the protected person may be a victim of political persecution, or are charged with political felonies.
5.    It corresponds to the State which grants the asylum to qualify the causes of asylum and, in the case of extradition, to value the evidences.
6.    Regardless of the modality or form in which it is presented, the asylum has always the same cause and the same legal object, meaning, political persecution, which is a legal cause; and to safe guard the life, personal safety and freedom of the protected person which is a legal object.
7.    The right to asylum is a fundamental human right, therefore, it belongs to the ius cogens, meaning, the system of imperative norms of right recognized by the international community as a whole, which does not admit a contrary agreement, annulling the treaties and dispositions of international law against it.
8.    In the unforeseen cases on the law in force, the human being is under the safe guard of the humanity principles and the demands of the public conscience or under the protection and empire of the principles of the law of people derived from the established uses, of the humanity principles and the dictates of the public conscience.
9.    The lack of international convention or internal legislation of the States cannot be legitimately claimed to limit, impinge or deny the right to asylum.
10.  The norms and principles that rule the rights to asylum, refuge, no extradition, no surrender, no expulsion and no transference are convergent, to the necessary extent to perfect the protection and providing it with the most efficiency. In this sense, the international law of human rights, the right to asylum and refuge and the humanitarian law are complementary.
11.  The rights of protection to the human being are based on ethical principles and values universally admitted and, therefore, they have a humanitarian, social, solidarity, assistant and pacific character.
12.  All the States have the duty to promote the progressive development of the international law of human rights through effective national and international laws.
Ecuador considers that the right applicable to Mr. Julian Assange’s case is integrated by the whole principles, norms, mechanisms and procedures foreseen on the international instruments of human rights (regional or universal), which contemplate among their dispositions the right to seek, receive and enjoy asylum for political reasons; the Conventions that regulate the right to asylum and the right of refugees, and that recognize the right to not be surrendered, returned or expulsed when there are founded fears of political persecution; the Conventions that regulate extradition and that recognize the right to not be extradited when this measure can mask political persecution; and the Conventions that regulate the humanitarian right, and that recognize the right not to be transferred when there is a risk of political persecution. All these modalities of asylum and international protection are justified by the need to protect this person of an eventual political persecution, or a possible imputation of political felonies and/ or felonies connected to these last ones, which, to Ecuador’s judgment, not only would put at risk the life of Mr. Assange, but would also represent a serious injustice committed against him.
It is undeniable that the States, having contracted with so numerous and substantive international instruments- many of them judicially binding- the obligation to provide protection or asylum to people persecuted for political reasons, have expressed their will to establish a judicial institution of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, founded as a right in a generally accepted practice, which gives those obligations an imperative character, erga omnes that, being bonded to respect, protection and progressive development of human rights and fundamental freedoms, are a part of the ius cogens. Some of those instruments are mentioned bellow:
1.    United Nations Letter of 1945, Purposes and Principles of the United Nations: obligation of all the members to cooperate in the promotion and protection of human rights;
2.    Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948: the right to seek and enjoy asylum in any country, for political reasons (Article 14);
3.    American Declaration of Men’s Rights and Duties of 1948: the right to seek and enjoy asylum in any country, for political reasons (Article 27);
4.    Geneva Agreement of August 12, 1949, regarding the Due Protection of Civilians in War Times: in no case it is due to transfer the protected person to a country where they can fear persecutions because of their political opinions (Article 45);
5.    Agreement on the Refugees Statute of 1951, and its New York Protocol of 1967: forbids to return or expulse refugees to countries where their life and freedom may be in danger ( Article 33.1);
6.    Convention on Diplomatic Asylum of 1954: the State has the right to grant asylum and to qualify the nature of the felony or reasons of persecution (Article 4);
7.    Convention on Territorial Asylum of 1954: the State has the right to admit in its territory people it judges convenient (Article 1), when they are persecuted for their beliefs, opinions or political filiations, or by actions that may be considered political felonies (Article 2), not being able the asylum granting State, to return or expulsed the asylum seeker that is persecuted for political reasons or felonies (Article 3); in the same way, the extradition does not proceed when it is about people who, according to the required State, are persecuted for political felonies, or for common felonies that are committed with political purposes, nor when the extradition is requested obeying political motives (Article 4);
8.    European Extradition Agreement of 1957: forbids the extradition if the requested Part considers that the felony imputed has a political character (Article 3.1);
9.    2312 Declaration on Territorial Asylum of 1967: establishes the granting of asylum to the people that have such right according to Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including people who fight against colonialism (Article 1.1). The denial of admission, expulsion or return to any State where they can be object of persecution is forbidden (Article 3.1);
10.  Vienna Convention on the Right of the Treaties of 1969: establishes that the norms and imperative principles of general international right do not admit a contrary agreement, being null the treaty that at the moment of its conclusion enters in conflict with one of these norms (Article 53), if a peremptory norm of the same character arises, every existent treaty that enters in conflict with that norm is null and ended (Article 64). As far as the application of these articles, the Convention authorizes the States to demand their accomplishment before the International Court of Justice, with no requisition of conformity by the demanded State, accepting the tribunal’s jurisdiction (Article 66 b). The human rights are norms of the ius cogens.
11.  American Convention on Human Rights of 1969: the right to seek and receive asylum for political reasons (Article 22. 7);
12.  European Agreement for the Repression of Terrorism of 1977: the required State has the faculty to deny extradition when there is danger of persecution or punishment of the person for their political opinions (Article 5);
13.  Inter American Convention for Extradition of 1981: the extradition does not proceed when the requested has been judge or condemned, or is going to be judge before an exception tribunal or ad hoc in the required State (Article 4.3); when, with arrangement to the qualification of the required State, it deals with political felonies, or connected felonies or common felonies persecuted with political purposes; when from the case’s circumstances, can be inferred that the persecuted purposes is mediated for considerations of race, religion or nationality, or that the situation of the person is at risk of being aggravated for one of those reasons (Article 4.5). The Article 6 disposes, regarding the Right to Asylum, that “none of the exposed in the present Convention may be interpreted as a limitation to the right to asylum, when this proceeds”.
14.  African Letter of Men and People’s Rights of 1981: the right of the persecuted individual to seek and obtain asylum in other countries (Article 12.3);
15.  Cartagena Declaration of 1984: recognizes the right to refuge, to not being rejected in the borders and to not being returned;
16.  Fundamental Rights Letter of the European Union of 2000: establishes the right to diplomatic and consular protection. Every citizen of the Union may seek refuge, in the territory of a third country, in which the Member State of nationality is not represented, to the protection of diplomatic and consular authorities of any member State, in the same conditions of the nationals of that State (Article 46).
The Government of Ecuador considers important to outline that the norms and principles recognized in the international instruments mentioned, and in other multi lateral agreements, have preeminence over the internal laws of the States, thus such treaties are based in a universally oriented normative by intangible principles, from which a greater respect is derived, guarantee and protection of human rights against unilateral attitudes of the same States. This would subtract efficiency to the international law, which otherwise has to be strengthen, so the respect of fundamental rights is consolidated in function of integration and ecumenical character.
On the other hand, since Julian Assange requested political asylum to Ecuador, dialogues of high diplomatic level have been held, with the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States.
In the course of these conversations, our country has appealed to obtain from the United Kingdom the strictest guarantees so Julian Assange faces, with no obstacles, the judicial process open in Sweden. Such guarantees include that, once treated his legal responsibilities in Sweden, he would not be extradited to a third country; this is, the guarantee that the specialty figure will not be applied. Unfortunately, and despite the repeated exchanges of texts, the United Kingdom never gave proof of wanting to achieve political compromises, limiting to repeat the content of the legal texts.
Julian Assange’s lawyers requested the Swedish justice to take statements of Julian Assange in the premises of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Ecuador translated officially to the Swedish authorities its will to facilitate this interview with the purpose of not intervening or obstacle the judicial process that is carried out in Sweden. This is a perfectly legal and possible measure. Sweden did not accept it.
On the other hand, Ecuador searched the possibility that the Swedish Government would establish guarantees to avoid the onward extradition of Assange to the United States. Again, the Swedish Government rejected any commitment on that sense.
Finally, Ecuador directed a communication to the Government of the United States to know officially its position on the Assange’s case. The consults referred to the following:
1.    If there is a legal process in course or the intention to carry out such process against Julian Assange and/ or the founders of the Wikileaks organization;
2.    In the case of the above being truth, what kind of legislation, in which conditions and under which maximum penalties would those people be subjected;
3.   If there is the intention of requesting the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States.
The answer of the United States has been that they cannot offer information on the Assange’s case, with the allegation that it is a bilateral matter between Ecuador and the United Kingdom.
With these antecedents, the Government of Ecuador, faithful to its tradition to protect those who seek shelter in its territory or in the premises of its diplomatic missions, has decided to grant diplomatic asylum to the citizen Julian Assange, on the basis of the request presented to the President of the Republic, through a written communication dated in London on June 19, 2012, and complemented by a communication dated in London on June 25, 2012, for which the Ecuadorian Government, after carrying out a fair and objective assessment of the situation exposed by Mr. Assange, attending his own sayings and argumentations, intakes the requester’s fears, and assumes that there are indications that allow to assume that there may be a political persecution, or that such persecution may be produced if the opportune and necessary measures are not taken to avoid it.
The Government of Ecuador has the certainty that the British Government will know how to value the justice and rectitude of the Ecuadorian position, and in consistency with these arguments, trusts that the United Kingdom will offer as soon as possible the guarantees or safe conducts necessaries and pertinent to the situation of the asylum requester, so their Governments can honor with their actions the fidelity they owe to the international laws and institutions that both nations have contribute to shape along their common history.
It also trusts to maintain inalterable the excellent bonds of friendship and mutual respect that unite Ecuador and the United Kingdom and their respective people, confident as they are in the promotion and defense of the same principles and values, and because they share similar concerns about democracy, peace, Good Living, which can only be possible if the fundamental rights of all people are respected.

Three registered domains and still not a single cyber cheep out of Chris Gulaptis

In November 2011 this was

This is the same website in August 2012:

And here are all the opportunities missed by the NSW Nationals MP for Clarence to engage with his electorate:

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