Sunday 9 September 2012

No terminal at Straddie - Save the Spit

Queensland Premier "Thick Soup" Campbell and gung-ho developers associated with a proposed cruise ship terminal on the Gold Coast are very much out of tune with the views of the comunity.

The Save Our Spit Alliance (SOSA), a not-for profit community alliance of Gold Coasters committed to preserving the Gold Coast Spit & the Broadwater both now and for future generations, is campaigning strongly in opposition to the red-necks who are following in the foot steps of a white shoe brigade of an earlier generation. SOSA is 100% run by volunteers for thhe community. See videos about saving the spit on SOSA's Youtube channel here.

EMAIL the Premier, the local LNP MPs, Mayor Tate and Gold Coast City Councillors to let them know what you think. Here are their e addresses, which can be copied and pasted.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

The main "colourful characters" in this sad and sordid tale are named below. Click on them and email them directly:

Premier Campbell Newman (LNP)

Southport MP Rob Molhoek (LNP)

Broadwater Verity Barton (LNP)

Surfers Paradise John-Paul Langbroek (LNP)

Mayor Councillor Tom Tate and Deputy Mayor Councillor Donna Gates

The other Gold Coast City Councillors are:
William Owen-Jones,
Cameron Caldwell
Margaret Grummitt,
Tracey Gilmore,
Dawn Crichlow OAM,
A. J. D. (Lex) Bell OAM, LLM,
Robert La Castra,
Glenn Tozer,
Paul Taylor,
Jan Grew GAICD, MFT (Bond),
Greg Betts,
Daphne McDonald
Chris Robbins.


Peter Phelps MLC retires from Twitter - sideswiped by #destroythejoint fallout and protesting vigorously

That notorious National Party troll Peter Phelps MLC finally has to confine himself to irritating fellow members of the NSW Upper House and, at least temporarily, retire from Twitter.
Phelps has a long history of tweets which distort reality, as can be seen here.
I doubt that may will miss his presence and even fewer notice his absence.

The Sydney Morning Herald 2 September 2012:

Then NSW Liberal MP Peter Phelps tweeted a paean of praise to Bungendore Station by calling it "small but perfectly formed. Like (The Sydney Morning Herald journalist) @ Jo Tovey".
On a normal week, this may have passed with little more than a roll of the eyes, but such was the pitch of shame men with brains had reached by this point, he was quietly convinced by his brothers to retreat from Twitter altogether. It's an oestrogen jungle out there in cyberspace, after all.

Another blogger:

NSW Hansard 5 September 2012:

Page: 54

The Hon. Dr PETER PHELPS [7.35 p.m.]: Senator Robert Ray was famous for saying, "A lie uncorrected takes on the patina of truth." In that vein I comment on an article by Jane Caro in last Sunday's Sun-Herald in which she states, "... he was quietly convinced by his brothers to retreat from Twitter altogether". That statement is completely and utterly false. My decision to terminate my Twitter account was mine and mine alone. I am particularly aggrieved by the fact that Ms Caro made no attempt, despite the fact that my telephone number and email address are readily available, to verify that assertion. That stands in contradistinction to a real journalist such as Barclay Crawford from the Sunday Telegraph, who did contact me and I was able to put on the record the true state of affairs. It is an unfortunate situation. I use this opportunity to correct the record. I terminated my Twitter account entirely of my own volition. I look forward to the correction in next Sunday's edition of the Sun-Herald.

[Time for debate expired.]

Question—That this House do now adjourn—put and resolved in the affirmative.

Motion agreed to.
The House adjourned at 7.37 p.m. until Wednesday 5 September 2012 at 11.00 a.m.

Saturday 8 September 2012

NSWEC Local Government Elections 2012 Virtual Tally Room

The NSW Electoral Commission promises a Virtual Tally Room tonight as the intital ballot counts in the 2012 local government elections begin.

All totals for Mayor, Councillor, Referendum and Poll ballot papers will be posted progressively on election night on this website.
Check count figures will be updated progressively on the website on the days after Election day.
The final distribution of preferences for Mayor and Councillor, and the final results for Referendums and Polls, will be progressively placed on the website in the week after Election day.

A link should become visible here by 6.30pm on 8 September 2012.

ABC News online cover of the election results with Antony Green begins here at 6pm.

Echonet Daily given a tardy mark from the Australian Press Council

From the Australian Press Council concerning the NSW North Coast’s Echonet Daily:

Document Type:
17 Jul 2012
The Australian Press Council has considered a complaint about an article headed, "'Rogue' mansion now up for sale" on the front page of the news website, echonetdaily, on 31 January 2012. The article reported that a property which had been controversially approved for redevelopment was now to be sold rather than to be occupied by the owner, Kay Johnston, who obtained the approval.
Kay Johnston complained that the article was inaccurate and unfair because the property was not for sale and was bought for her to live there, not for speculative purposes. She said that the publication made no effort to contact her or her agents before printing the material. She also complained that the publication’s response to her request for a correction and apology was inadequate, too slow and insufficiently prominent.
The publication responded that the article was based on material supplied to it by a residents group and published in good faith. It said that there should have been no adverse affect on the property owner as she was not named in the article. Its delay in publishing the clarification was attributed to checking the facts with the real estate agents whose "for sale" sign was near the property but actually related to a neighbouring house.
The Press Council has concluded that the publication did not take reasonable steps to ensure that the initial report was accurate and that the incorrect implication of speculative motivations was very harmful to the owner. Given the previous controversy, the publication should have called the owner or the agent of the property to check the claim, especially as it had been made by a residents group. Accordingly, the complaint about the article is upheld on the grounds of inaccuracy and unfairness.
The Council has also concluded that there was an undue delay of eleven days between the publication being told of the error and the correction appearing. This delay exacerbated the unfairness of the original article. When published, the brevity of the "clarification" and the title’s lack of clarity about the subject matter meant that it was an inadequate remedy, especially as it was not accompanied by an apology for the egregious error. Accordingly, the complaint about the promptness, prominence and adequacy of the response is upheld.
In light of the careless nature of the initial error, and the publication’s highly unsatisfactory response when the error was pointed out, the Council has also decided to issue a censure to the publication.

Relevant Council Standards (not required to be published):
This adjudication applies the Council’s General Principle 1: “Publications should take reasonable steps to ensure reports are accurate, fair and balanced. They should not deliberately mislead or misinform readers either by omission or commission”; and General Principle 2: "Where it is established that a serious inaccuracy has been published, a publication should promptly correct the error, giving the correction due prominence".

New recruits at Arts Northern Rivers

RANSW welcomes Arts Northern Rivers new recruits

This August saw Arts Northern Rivers recruit two new staff members. Visual artist, musician and composer Anthony Walker has been appointed to the role of Indigenous Arts Development Officer. He is a much awarded artist with vast arts experience in gallery management, curating and teaching. As a Yiman/Gurrend Gurreng man, Anthony is committed to social justice for all Indigenous Australians. Rachel Bending is the newly appointed Communications and Arts Development Officer. A designer trained at the Glasgow School of Art, Rachel also gained qualifications in financial management, event management marketing and permaculture. Ten years ago, she established her own award winning Eco textile design label. Both Anthony and Rachel will begin their positions this September.


Friday 7 September 2012

If you like reading scrambled editorial comment, this one is hard to beat

Readers who have a preference for tortuous editorials that have all the hallmarks of a dog's breakfast, this week's piece cobbled together by Coastal View's Graham Orams is a fairdinkum ripper. Orams started with a bit about the Do Not Call register (yes, Mr Orams, most readers would endorse your remarks) and finally concluded, after dragging his wife into another of his tales yet again, with remarks about voting for candidates in the local council election on the basis of their gender.
Truly, it read like a six, or perhaps more, schooners' effort.

On the page before his "Comment", Orams had a "news" item about the council elections. It rehashed information that has been in the public arena for at least two weeks  and had nothing new to add to the topic. The piece was a classic piece of lazy journalism.

Whatever this bloke gets paid for his rubbish, it's too much.

Clarence Valley Council Election 2012 Candidate Scorecard: Week Five

Candidates standing for the nine councillor positions at the 8 September 2012 Clarence Valley Local Government Election are being rated on their individual campaigns to win over voters.

The score range is -10 to 10. Every candidate starts at zero (0)

Scoring began in the week ending 10 August 2012.

In this final week of the election campaign it’s all about how competent the candidates appear.
The week commenced with the Yamba District Chamber of Commerce meet the candidates forum, the last one before polling day.

Name          Designation     Running Score

Rod Morrison Independent 1 This candidate’s score remains static as he returns this week to the only matter he really understands – flooding at Brushgrove. While his good intentions are not doubted, his abilities are.

Margot Scott Independent 2.5 Margot’s score also remains the same as again she added little to the election debate this week which would convince that she has the knowledge and experience to be an effective shire councillor.

Paul Parkinson -10 If there was a way to mark this candidate down further than the maximum minus he now sits on one would be tempted to take it. His performance at the Yamba Meet the Candidates forum was a low point in the election campaign – more here. And yes, he is still claiming three terms as a Kempsey Shire councillor equals 14 years and not the 12 attributed to him by that very same council.

Craig Howe Independent 1 + 1 = 2 Craig’s score goes up a point on the basis of his commitment to local youth and the fact that he at least has experience in local government.

Andrew Baker Independent -10 This candidate cannot possibly score any lower as he continues to run what is essentially a pro-unfettered development agenda. His attempts to downplay his own poor business management skills as he promises to reform Clarence Valley Council management (in a way which obviously benefits his business interests) inspires little confidence. As does the fact that last Monday night he was telling voters that Council did not consider economic implications when making decisions, but by Thursday was saying that councillors were provided with  "economic assessments" before making decisions.

Ursula Tunks Independent 3.5 + 0.2 = 3.7 This candidate again inches forward on the back of the fact  that she at least understood the role of the general manager (0.2), but remains a worrisome wild card.

Joy de Roos 2 Joy marks time at the end of this final week as she added nothing to what she had said before.

Jim Simmons Independent 2 1 + 1 =4 Jim doubled his score because he admitted to the reality of Council budget constraints (1) and confessed that it had dropped the ball when it tore down the Yamba skate park and rebuilt it to a new design without any community consultation (1).

Greg Clancy Independent 8.5 + 1 = 9.5 This candidate increased his score again this week for pointing out the real benefits of not expanding the Port of Yamba. It was noticeable that the marine business owner at the Yamba forum openly agreed with him.

Jane Beeby Independent -4 + -4 + -2= -10 Jane is of the opinion that it is not her job to tell voters what she can do for [insert name of town] and happily told Yamba residents exactly that last Monday night  (-4). Her continual behind the scenes complaints about legitimate community debate in local newspapers earns her further demerits points (-2).

Sue Hughes Independent 7.5 + 1 = 8.5 Her score increases as she was brave enough to insist that money raised by the sale of council’s community assets should be spent in the area which had lost the use and enjoyment of a particular asset (1).

Karen Toms 8.5 + -1 = 7.5  Karen lost a point due to her open support for the idea that a reduction in the wages and working conditions of small business employees would benefit the community (-1). Although local government has no direct influence on such matters, councillors' opinions often affect the tone in small business employer-employee relations and such remarks are not helpful. 

Michael McIvor Independent 1 This candidate gains no new points as he fails to impress on any front. One cannot help wondering if his support of any ‘buy local’ policy is predicated on a vague hope that his own business would benefit in some way.

Jeremy Challacombe Independent -5 + -1 + -3 = -9 Jeremy manages a minus bonanza this week by failing to realise that the Island Trader no longer operates out of the Lower Clarence River (-1) and for his rather strange belief that Yaegl representatives might need to sit cross legged in the sand before they could discuss Dirrungun at the mouth of the Clarence River (-3).

Richie Williamson 3.5 + 0.5 = 4 Richie’s score crept up a notch due to the fact that he appeared to recognise that different areas within the Valley have different strengths and needs. The fact that as the most recent mayor his score is remains so low is due to his spotty past voting record.

Margaret McKenna Independent -10 Margaret did nothing to redeem herself this week as her passive-aggressive attitude to the Lower Clarence remained a feature of her utterances on the campaign trail. However, she did provide a moment of wry amusement as she strongly pressed her locally born and bred background to a room full of voters who had predominantly retired into the area from elsewhere in New South Wales.

Jason Kingsley Independent 1 This candidate remains something of an enigma and failed to make any real impression over the course of the election campaign.


This local government election campaign has been one which has seen the business community set the debate agenda and therefore its needs have been a dominant preoccupation of the political discourse.

It was also a campaign which highlighted how ill-prepared many of the new candidates are for the office they seek, how bereft of original ideas the majority are, how little some of them know about the Clarence Valley and how proudly they wear this ignorance.

Disappointingly the uncritical approach by local media continues when reporting on local government elections. So even though this year the campaign coverage has been the most extensive in recent memory, it did little more than supply all candidates with a form of free advertising.

Planning should be based on need and not greed, says Nimbin candidate in 2012 Lismore LGA Election

Letter to the Editor in Echonet Daily on 4 September 2012:

Planning for need, not greed
As we move toward the local government elections next weekend you will be asked to consider the claims of a range of contenders for local government office, but the system our newly elected councillors will administer on our behalf seems to barely rate a mention.
‘Individuals and markets are best placed to deliver diverse choices in all development outcomes including housing and local centres,’ is the claim made by the NSW coalition government in their recent discussion paper ‘A new planning system for NSW’ (p 69).
It’s a curious claim given that individuals and markets have a well-known tendency to look after themselves thank you very much and not the local community. Surely it is our democratic local government that should mediate planning matters in our local community toward the common or community interest away from self-interest?
If the Liberal/National Party coalition do bring in legislation in line with their discussion paper, the role of elected councillors in determining development applications is recommended to be removed. The real decisions will be left to a collection of private certifiers for so-called exempt and complying development, and decision-making panels appointed by the state government of the day for larger developments. You will have no say in what is built or mined, near you or next to you.
The Greens see this as a terribly unbalanced and developer-friendly set of planning laws that remove all community involvement in almost every development decision across NSW. Powers to local councils to certify development need to be strengthened, not removed, giving the community an equal say to developers in the assessment process.
The government’s plan also removes Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) as one of the key objectives of the NSW planning system.
In his address to city mayors at Rio+20, the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, declared that by ‘building sustainable towns and cities, you will build global sustainability’.
Ecosystems are the planet’s life support. Human health and survival are dependent on them. Cities must be planned, designed to protect both the health of the ecosystems and the health of people, not the interests of developers.
The kind of suburbs and rural areas we live in are about to be transformed, and we won’t have a say in it. The best we can hope for is a local council who will fight the state government tooth and nail to defend what little say we have over planning what happens in our neighbourhood.
Wouldn’t it be good if we had a real say and planning was based on community needs rather than greed? The Greens are committed to doing this.
Susan Stock
Lismore Greens candidate, Nimbin

NSW Legislative Council Inquiry raises the issue of a Clarence River dam

From A Clarence Valley Protest on 6 September 2012:

The Play:
The future of water storage in New South Wales.
The Sub-Plot:
That National Party fixation with the Clarence River.
The Scene:
Enter from stage right NSW Nationals MLC PETER R. PHELPS. Followed by DAVID ANDREW HARRISS, Commissioner, NSW Office of Water, Department of Primary Industries and, STEWART RICHARD WEBSTER, Principal Director, Investment Appraisal, Statistical Analysis and Economic Research, NSW Trade and Investment.

The Hon. Dr PETER PHELPS: Are there any rivers in northern New South Wales which sow significant outflows of fresh water to the sea which could be used for damming purposes?
Mr HARRISS: The only one that has been investigated over many years was the Clarence River and that has been shown that it would be both uneconomic and have significant environmental impacts as a consequence. One of the things that have been demonstrated for years is coastal diversions. It is all right in the Snarly because you have quite a substantial catchment area and you have a number of sites for dams—Jindabyne, Eucumbene, Talbingo, Bowen. In the coastal ranges further north around the Clarence to get that catchment area to fill the dam you have to have the dam located further down to get enough water so it cannot be at the top. Further down you locate that dam, the higher the pumping cost to get the water back over the top or the tunnelling cost to get it through the dam. For that reason it has shown that it would not be economically beneficial to construct a dam to divert water from the coastal side into the western side because there would be no activity currently which would generate revenue on the megalitre of water……..
The Hon. Dr PETER PHELPS: Presumably, given what Mr Harriss said earlier about us having dammed every river in New South Wales that it is economically viable to dam, those proposals would be only catchment augmentation.
Mr WEBSTER: What was economically viable 30 years ago might not be now because the value of water changes as an input into various primary production processes. While it appears that the large storage sites have been taken, there may be opportunities.
The Hon. Dr PETER PHELPS: Just not on the Clarence River.
Mr HARRISS: There are opportunities on the Clarence River. What was proposed during the drought—and Malcolm Turnbull promoted it—was to build that dam but then to pipe the water up to south-west Queensland, not to move it into western New South Wales, which was the original proposal. That might have been a bit more economically viable if we were recovering the cost through urban population charges as opposed to the rate charged per kilolitre. However, Queensland was not remotely interested in that. There are some sites, and we mentioned Birrell Creek dam, which is not a big site. There is also the Welcome Reef site near Braidwood. That proposal has been around for about 40 or 50 years. There are some sites. However, the point was made that where it was easy to build a dam 50 or 60—
The Hon. Dr PETER PHELPS: So the low hanging fruit is gone.

In Byron a local government election ad grabs the eye

Thursday 6 September 2012

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy the Wonder Cat]

A trouble in River City musing: One candidate vying for a place on Clarence Valley Council this coming Saturday has a bit of a local government history. Apparently when down south someone found him divisive enough to warn him off in no uncertain terms. My little canine friend, Veronica Lake tells me that her hoomins were saying that the words “lest the public put a barrel of bullets in his chest” were used at the time.

A whozat? musing: Apparently things are getting antsey behind the scenes in the political campaign leading up to the 8 September 2012 Clarence Valley local government election. One particular candidate is rumoured to have banned another candidate from having any further interaction with the Grafton Chamber of Commerce. Surely no-one could possibily make such a foolish mis-step, or could they?

An omerta musing: There is a rumour about that Clarence Valley local government election candidate, Andrew Baker, is saying that he doesn't intend to spend any money on an election campaign. Which makes the mob gathered round the catnip patch wonder if he has the backing of the contruction industry mafioso whose workers just might be expected to toe the polling booth line.

A candidates need to chill musing: Amazed to hear my little canine friend Veronica Lake telling everyone who will listen that one of the genuinely interested single issue candidates at the September 2012 Clarence Valley local government elections chucked a hissy fit after reading one The Daily Examiner editorial. Ronnie reckons it's never wise to have a go at an editor this early in an election campaign and, candidates should focus their attention more constructively on the many problems facing local communities.

A what a hide musing: Property developer, real estate agent and Clarence Valley Council election candidate, Andrew Baker, has listed his email address with the NSWEC as . As if saying could make it so? Did he fall off his bank balance and hit his head on the way down?

A Degrees of Separation musing: I see that a former business partner and a former election campaign director of Nationals Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis (the developer Andrew Baker & the pro-development NSW Nationals former chair and now senior vice-chair Jeremy Challacombe) are both standing at the same September 2012 Clarence Valley local government elections in the electorate he supposedly represents. There are already two councillors (who happen to be card-carrying National Party members) standing for re-election. Is this a Nationals push to finally take control of Clarence Valley Council?

A Don't express an opinion of the candidates musing: Little Veronica Lake pricked up her fluffy white ears this week when she heard her hoomins discussing the fact that The Daily Examiner online is not allowing even mildly negative comments about new candidates at the September 2012 Clarence Valley local government elections. Of course that won't stop quite a few voters putting developers last on the ballot paper.

As Grafton Gaol in the Clarence Valley NSW closes a Gulaptis Sux musing: By bertson from Yamba, Shame O'Farrell! Shame Stoner! And shame Gulaptis! It's all very well for the local member to stand on the picket line when he's been shamed into it, but quite another to stand up for your constituents in the preceding months when the closure was being discussed in Macquarie Street. The electorate has a long memory Chris!!


# Boy's sidebar posts from 12 July to 5 September 2012 in reverse order

Stonewalling the media begins to backfire on Clarence Valley LGA election candidate, Andrew Baker

After spending much of his time over the last five weeks in what looks suspiciously like an attempt to misdirect Clarence Valley mainstream media with regard to the degree to which his companies are in significant financial difficulties (four are listed by Australian Securities and Investments Commission as under External Administration and therefore now not within his or his partners total control), candidate and property developer Andrew Baker was finally forced to publicly admit that these four local businesses are in trouble due to the borrowings/debts allowed to build up against their assets.

However, ever faithful to his particular brand of political spin; He said that he was unable to explain why ASIC’s classifications were different to how he described them.

A statement which defies belief and a version of the Clayton's explanation he has tried before.

Apparently Mr. Baker has trouble admitting that his election campaign - built on assertions of competence and responsibility - does not mesh well with his history of poor business management as documented by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) below.

Click on images to enlarge


Price Waterhouse Coopers liquidators/receivers have currently taken control of properties in River Street, Maclean.

This is a provisional list*:

20A River Street
24-26 River Street
28 River Street
34-36 River Street
221-223 River Street, Maclean

It is understood that The Palace Arcade may possibly also be part of the properties package being held by the liquidator/receiver. 

In addition Price Waterhouse Coopers have taken control of Lots 8 &  11 Dianella Drive, Gulmarrad, NSW and possibly any unsold lots in the subdivision known as Lot 1712 DP616116, McIntyres Lane, Gulmarrad.

* In the interests of accuracy the list has been changed to reflect property descriptions in ASIC documents.


In The Daily Examiner on 7 September 2012 Andrew Baker stated that he offered voters; the management skills and life experience to deliver that quality management if elected to serve on  Clarence Valley Council.

Truthiness in political reporting

Journalist Katherine Murphy writing in the National Times on 3 September 2012:

The sheer scale and ubiquity of ''truthiness'' in political discussion is gradually stirring journalism's pot, forcing decisions some outlets probably, in truth, don't want to make.
There is already so much conflict - posturing partisan hackery dressed up as news, brutal culture warfare and the like - that outlets that still cherish the principle of giving readers measured, balanced equivalence don't much fancy picking a club and swinging it lustily with all the other Neanderthals.
But balance can't be balance absent judgment. Sometimes statements are just wrong. Sometimes lies are just lies. Politics can't be allowed to manipulate voters by playing with journalism's best intentions to be fair. [my red bolding]

# A big thankyou to Anony-mice of Yamba for sending this quote to me.

Allan Jones and #destroythejoint

From Twitter and #destroythejoint - the memes keep coming.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Clarence Valley local government election candidates and cultural understanding in 2012

Leaving aside for the moment candidate Jeremy Challacombe’s rather odd expectation that members of the Yaegl community might need to sit cross-legged in the sand to discuss the future of Dirrungun at the mouth of the Clarence River, there was an even bigger surprise at the Yamba Meet the Candidates Meeting held on 3 September 2012.

Another candidate, Paul Parkinson, appeared to be labouring under the strong misapprehension that Australia’s court systems are clogged up with indigenous land claims which are primarily financial compensation claims.

According to Mr. Parkinson, native title claims post-Mabo have degenerated into something other than a desire to be recognised as traditional custodians of the land.

A view which somewhat surprised and confused this listener, so I went looking for answers.

All was not as this candidate apparently believes.

Compensation applications are made by Indigenous Australians seeking compensation for loss or impairment of native title according to the National Native Title Tribunal.

In January 2010 there seems to have been only three compensation applications listed across the entire country.

There are currently no notices of compensation applications for New South Wales. Nor are there any in the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia or Victoria. There is one listed in relation to a nature reserve in West Australia.

That is it – one lonely compensation claim notification on the books right now. Hardly an argument for unresolved claims piling up in the court system.

According to Justice Berna Collier as of 30 April 2011 the Federal Court had 471 native title claims before it nationwide, with only 17 in the ACT/NSW. The majority of these are not new claims. Again, hardly a number to bring the Bench to its knees.

Interestingly, native title claims usually only come before the Federal Court for formal determination if such claims are opposed – for example by government or mining corporations.

On any given day one is more likely to find the Federal Court's daily list filled with immigration, taxation or commercial litigation rather than native title matters.

What still puzzles me is why Paul Parkinson thought it appropriate to make that inaccurate  statement in the first place.

A map of native title claims in New South Wales can be found here.

Roxon, Super Spy

Granny Herald 21st July 2012

Australian Attorney General Nicola Roxon, not content with creating a national database for all Australians when she was Federal Health Minster which collates everything personal and intimate a government agency has ever known about each and every one of us in the riskiest way possible, now wants to keep copies of all our online browsing and phone conversations for a two-year period. And it looks as though we will all be personally paying for this gratuitous government spying.
Her obsession with digital data is becoming pathological. Will someone call her GP – urgently.