2GB acts to fix accuracy and present significant viewpoints
Harbour Radio Pty Ltd, the licensee of Sydney radio station 2GB, has agreed to overhaul its processes to ensure reasonable efforts are made to verify facts and present significant viewpoints in its current affairs programs. 2GB conducted a review of its compliance processes following ACMA investigations which found breaches of the Commercial Radio Codes of Practice. The breaches occurred during segments of programs presented by Alan Jones broadcast on 15 March 2011 [2597, 2614 & 2636 - PDF 565 kb] (accuracy) and on 8 and 11 February 2010 [2540 - DOC 1.1 mb] (accuracy and presentation of significant viewpoints).
The review found that 2GB had some fact-checking and verification procedures in place. However, it also highlighted shortcomings in programs hosted by Alan Jones, namely:
- Additional confirmation of accuracy and attribution may be required where the production team (and Alan Jones) source factual material from third parties or other non-media sources.
- The editorial pieces, the subject of the ACMA investigations, did not involve the wider production team.
- There are occasions when a controversial issue of public importance will be the subject of editorial and opinion comment on programs hosted by Alan Jones without any presentation of other significant viewpoints on any other 2GB current affairs program.
2GB has also improved its electronic complaints system and recently appointed a new program director to oversee its processes following complaints-handling breaches in programs broadcast on 29 and 30 June 2011 and 6, 11 and 12 July 2011 [2674 & 2717 - PDF 205 kb].
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact: Emma Rossi, Media Manager, (02) 9334 7719 and 0434 652 063 or media@acma.gov.au.
Summary of 2GB agreed measures–accuracy and presentation of significant viewpoints
New measures applying to programs hosted by Alan Jones
New measures applying to all news and current affairs programs