Wednesday, 2 June 2010

When local government acts dumb.....

Found at The Leader (Vic) website this month:

"CASEY Council will rethink its ban on flying kites and model aircraft in public parks, reserves and sportsgrounds after public outcry.
Council officers have been asked to prepare a report on amending the local law to lift the ban in a sufficient number of open space parks around the city.
As revealed by Leader today, under the new local law it is an offence to “fly, or permit to be flown, any aircraft, without a permit”.
Those caught flying without a permit face a $234 fine.
Casey community safety manager Caroline Bell said the local law defined “aircraft” as “any device that uses airflow to move through the air, and includes any powered or self-propelled model aeroplane”.
The council confirmed to Leader that the ban included kites."

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

When do we finally admit that Israel is a rogue state?

Isn't it time the world called a spade a spade and admitted that Israel is a rogue state.

Media reports of events in a roughly chronological descending order:

Saffin goes to bat for Aunty's rural reporters

Onya, Janelle!

"FOLLOWING Senator Barnaby Joyce claiming that rural reporter positions in Mackay and Lismore are under threat, Member for Page Janelle Saffin has written a letter to ABC managing director Mark Scott, seeking clarification.
"As one of the Members of Parliament who actively lobbied, and did so without prompting, for ABC funding and did again following ... a meeting with ABC NSW director Mike McCluskey, I am very concerned at the suggestion that there could be cuts to ABC services in my electorate," she stated.
"Senator Barnaby Joyce claims that the rural reporter positions in Mackay and Lismore are under threat. While I usually take Barnaby's blurtings with a grain of salt, I note that the ABC has not ruled out these mooted cuts."
Ms Saffin said she based her concern on the high dependence the residents of Page had on the ABC rural report and other news that the rural reporter produced.
"The Australian Electoral Commission classes Page as a rural seat and our rural reporter is someone farmers and others involved in primary production rely on," she wrote. "The morning rural report is a great ABC service, and something that has kept so many rural people loyal to their local ABC.
"I would also point out that this region is quite distinct from other parts of the state because of its climate, and diversity of farming practices, from the traditional to the cutting edge of organic farming and many innovative practices. The local rural program also draws on the wealth of environmental and agricultural research from the local Southern Cross University and the Agricultural Research Station." {The Daily Examiner on 28th May 2010}

You're fired!

Found in The Daily Examiner letters to the editor on the 28th May 2010:

Fired by text message

'YOU'RE fired'- a 16-year-old received this text message on their mobile phone.

They had worked part-time for about 18 months and everything was going well, but this person decided maybe a change was due, so decided to look elsewhere.

If anything turned up they would give two weeks' notice, etc., and part on good terms.

However, the company this teenager approached about getting a job phoned the said employer and asked for a reference, which is fine, but that was when the text was sent.

Don't you think a chat would have been more appropriate to find out exactly what was going on before giving someone their marching orders?

I certainly do, and I think for this employer to act like this sets a very bad example in bad manners.

I, for one, will not be setting foot in this store again.


Monday, 31 May 2010

Nationals' candidate for Richmond bows out

Murdock quits: I've had enough
Northern Star
Murdock pulls out of election

Tweed Daily News

Tania Murdock will not be standing as a National Party candidate for Richmond in the next Federal election. Mrs Murdock accused some in her own party of ‘having their own agenda’ and also said her personal reputation had been unjustifiably attacked by Liberal candidate Joan Van Lieshout.

Mrs Murdock told The Northern Star:

"She (Ms Van Lieshout) flatly refused (to work in together) which was a bit of a surprise seeing we are both on the same side of politics.

“She then made inaccurate claims and deliberately created a negative impression about me personally.”

While conceding that she had made some novice mistakes since winning nomination in December, Mrs Murdock said many of these were blown out of proportion by her enemies within the party.

“Some internal people who have their own agendas politically have jumped on any little mistake they can,” she said.

Sources: The Northern Star and Tweed Daily News

Ask President Obama to reject a deal that would legitimize commercial whaling

Photographs by Byrant Austin
slideshow here and website gallery here

To get an image, Austin finds a pod of whales, and then stays at the surface of the water, waiting for one of the whales to approach him. When they do, he starts photographing them, swimming less than six feet away from them. After taking hundreds of high resolution images of a whale - all on the whale's terms - he pieces them together into one complete, life-size whole. He's the first artist to show photos of whales at life-size, and the impact is profound.

This week the Australian Government will commence legal proceedings against the Government of Japan in the International Court in The Hague, over the annual commercial slaughter of whales (including protected/ threatened species and females in calf) in the Antarctic conducted under the guise of 'scientific research'.

A petition to US President Barack Obama requesting that he reject a deal that would legitimize commercial whaling is now online for signing at Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

The International Whaling Commission meets again in June 2010 and Australia needs a strong ally in this fight - so use the NRDC link and personalise the message to Obama at the beginning of the online petition to let him know what the world thinks.

Now is the time to act!

The world according to Tony Mark I or II 0r III or IV or V...........

A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise.

Now just in case you think Oz Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has had a divine revelation on the 27th of May about global warming and climate change - remember that he tailors his opinions to his audience.
Here's Tony over the last six months:

"If you look at Roman times, grapes grew up against Hadrian's Wall - medieval times they grew crops in Greenland. In the 1700s they had ice fairs on the Thames. So the world has been significantly hotter, significantly colder than it is now. We've coped....
Well, look, if man-made CO2 was quite the villain that many of these people say it is, why hasn't there just been a steady increase starting in 1750, and moving in a linear way up the graph."
{Tony Abbott in Lateline interview on 19th November 2009}

"I mean in the end this whole thing is a question of fact, not faith, or it should be a question of fact not faith and we can discover whether the planet is warming or not by measurement. And it seems that notwithstanding the dramatic increases in man made CO2 emissions over the last decade, the world's warming has stopped. Now admittedly we are still pretty warm by recent historical standards but there doesn't appear to have been any appreciable warming since the late 1990s."
{Tony Abbott in 2GB Radio interview with Alan Jones on 9th December 2009}

"In a wide ranging speech, Mr Abbott talked about climate change, the Liberal political fortunes and Kevin Rudd. Quote - the argument on climate change is absolute crap, he said."
{Editor of Pyrenees Advocate quoting Tony Abbott in North Coast Voices post on 8th February 2010}

"OK, so the climate has changed over the eons and we know from history, at the time of Julius Caesar and Jesus of Nazareth the climate was considerably warmer than it is now....And then during what they called the Dark Ages it was colder. Then there was the medieval warm period. Climate change happens all the time and it is not man that drives those climate changes back in history.....It is an open question how much the climate changes today and what role man plays."
{Tony Abbott to a school class quoted in The Australian on 8th May 2010}

"I am confident, based on the science we have, that mankind does make a difference to climate, almost certainly the impact of humans on the planet extends to climate."
{Tony Abbott in a speech to 11th National Business Leaders Forum on Sustainable Development quoted in The Sydney Morning Herald on 27th May 2010}