Tuesday 7 February 2012

Lismore-born Bundjalung woman's talent is recognised

eHealth - when "We told you so" gives no satisfaction

First it was privacy concerns which headed the list of reasons why the proposed eHealth scheme could be one of the worst ideas Federal Labor has come up with in the last one hundred years – now it seems the very wheels are thought to be falling off the national database wagon and it may even be dangerous to patient health.

The Australian 6 February 2012:

"That medication list (on records) is going to become a major mish-mash of sources of information from different people in different places describing the medication using different names and it's going to be extremely confusing."

Senate Community Affairs Committees Inquiry into Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Bill 2011 and one related bill

MSIA has repeatedly asked for the information contained in the comprehensive safety report that NeHTA has stated was performed prior to the Health Identifier service going live. This has not been made available. The results of a recent FOI request to DoHA by The Australian, demonstrated that DoHA does not have such a report. The recently discovered design flaws suggest that the safety report, if completed, was not sufficiently comprehensive.
[Medical Software Industry Association submission (PDF 438KB)]

Monday 6 February 2012

Her Maj sez ta in 2012

From the bowels of Buck House, The Queen's Diamond Jubilee message:

Today, as I mark 60 years as your Queen, I am writing to thank you for the wonderful support and encouragement that you have given to me and Prince Philip over these years and to tell you how deeply moved we have been to receive so many kind messages about the Diamond Jubilee.

In this special year, as I dedicate myself anew to your service, I hope we will all be reminded of the power of togetherness and the convening strength of family, friendship and good neighbourliness, examples of which I have been fortunate to see throughout my reign and which my family and I look forward to seeing in many forms as we travel throughout the United Kingdom and the wider Commonwealth.

I hope also that this Jubilee year will be a time to give thanks for the great advances that have been made since 1952 and to look forward to the future with clear head and warm heart as we join together in our celebrations.

I send my sincere good wishes to you all.


Where should Clarence Valley tourism funding go?

One Lower Clarence ratepayer objects to Clarence Valley Council's attempts to reposition Grafton as a tourist hub - a ‘River City’ destination.

Clarence Valley Review, 1 February 2012
Click on image to enlarge

Howzat! Tones gets caught out

Which one is Tony?

Tony Abbott displays his lack of spine in 2012.

“TONY ABBOTT: This has been a truly shambolic start to the year by the Gillard government. ……We have the Anthony Albanese plagiarism incident.”

Herald Sun 2nd February 2012:
“OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has been swept up in his own embarrassing claim of political plagiarism, appearing to have borrowed from speeches of two US Presidents and a US shock jock in his address to the National Press Club on Tuesday.
A week after Labor Minister Anthony Albanese was lampooned for plagiarising a fictional Hollywood president, played by Michael Douglas, in his speech to the Press Club, Mr Abbott appeared to have gone a step further and taken liberties with the work of real presidents.
Claiming his speech was all his own work, and not the labours of his staff, when asked if he thought it was a good speech, Mr Abbott replied: "Well I wrote it, so I hope so." Not exactly, it appears….”

Read the rest here and compare it with his speech here.

Jellyfish mosaic from Google Images pics

Sunday 5 February 2012

Australian east coast flooding in pictures, January-February 2012

From Queensland through to News South Wales and Victoria -  La Niña flood waters were a problem to overcome.

Snapshots of Mitchell, Wee Waa, Moree, Belligen, Canungra Creek, Charleville, Coffs Harbour, Charlton and Lawrence........................

Photographs from ABC News files, SBS News, The Australian, The Age, and Goggle Images.

It's Armageddon! cries Nats Senator Fiona Nash

Poor Fi Nash – 2012 is overwhelming her early and she’s so fearful for her job all of us living in regional New South Wales.

Regional Australians are fed up

THE year 2012 has just started and already the Labor Government's agenda will impact on regional communities.
The government again flagged its intention to try to means-test the private health insurance rebate, putting more pressure on the already stretched public health system in regional areas.
Volunteers will be subject to unreasonable work, health and safety laws.
Small business is drowning in red tape, and a leaked report proposes regional airlines at Sydney Airport be moved out to Bankstown.
The agriculture sector faces proposed water cuts in the Murray Darling Basin, increasing foreign ownership of prime land and assets, cuts to live animal export permits to Indonesia, and a worrying shortage of graduates and skilled workforce.
The manufacturing and retail sectors are struggling and jobs are going in regional areas.
All of this is made worse by a carbon tax that starts in July and mounting government debt.
Regional Australians are fed up with being treated like second-class citizens.
The Nationals will fight on their behalf for a fair go.
Senator Fiona Nash
The Nationals Senator for NSW

The year is also addling her brain, as in this letter to The Daily Examiner published on 3rd February shows she doesn’t realize that:
·         in-patients with private health cover are already being treated in regional public hospitals
·         proposed national harmonized health and safety laws which will codify existing common and compilate state law only apply to volunteer organizations which actually employ people and all volunteers have a right to be safe
·         dog whistles about small business red tape and Sydney Airport have been blown so frequently that the sound is barely noticed these days
·         few people have any sympathy for a live cattle industry which took its eye off the ball and allowed animal cruelty to become matter of course
·         regional manufacturing and retail sectors were in decline on the Lib-Nats watch as well as under Labor - ditto for skills shortages and increased foreign ownership of agricultural land
·         in crude terms Australia’s national ‘bank balance’ is still much larger than its debts, some of that debt is state government borrowings on which the federal government acts as guarantor, most of the foreign debt on the books is borrowings by the private sector, and the whole pile was at times much higher under the Howard Government than it is now
·         most of us want to see something done about slowing climate change and protecting the Murray-Darling Basin