Thursday 8 March 2012

Rain, rain, go away - Autumn begins on the NSW North Coast

Weatherzone’s calendar for March 2012 and the beginning of Autumn on the NSW North Coast.

'Greed is good. Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead'

Billionaire activists:
Clive Palmer, Andrew Forrest and Gina Rinehart.
Philip Norrish/Newspix Greg Wood/AAP Tony McDonough/AAP ©

{Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan’s essay
in The Monthly issue of March 2012}
Go Swanee!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Despite numerous admissions of guilt Cansdell remains the Teflon Kid

The following article makes one wonder why former Nationals Clarence MP Steve Cansdell was not charged by the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions - when he has uttered numerous independent admissions of guilt to NSW Police and print, radio, television media, that he had made a false statement to a NSW Government agency to avoid losing his driving license.

A strong smell of buck passing appears to float in the air.

Channel 9 News 7 March 2012:

The NSW Director of Public Prosecutions does not expect to press charges against disgraced former Nationals MP Steve Cansdell, who quit parliament after admitting to signing a false statutory declaration.

Mr Cansdell resigned as the member for Clarence on the NSW north coast last September, over the statutory declaration signed in 2005 to avoid a speeding fine and loss of licence.

A camera had caught Mr Cansdell speeding on the Pacific Highway near Woodburn - however the false declaration laid blame for the offence on an unnamed third party.

In a brief statement to parliament, NSW Attorney-General Greg Smith announced Mr Cansdell would not be charged.

"The office of the NSW DPP has advised my that Mr Cansdell signed a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration, and therefore it is not expected any state charge will be brought," Mr Smith said during question time on Wednesday.

Brief background:


Later in the day NSW Police said they would hand over the brief of evidence to the commonwealth DPP on Thursday, "after receiving internal legal advice".
Opposition police spokesman Nathan Rees said the failure to charge Mr Cansdell over the false declaration was "a cover-up, inside 12 months of government, and it stinks".
"This man, a former member of the government, conceded that he had broken the law," Mr Rees said.
"More than six months later, not a charge laid."
Mr Rees said the opposition had legal advice that Mr Cansdell could still be charged under state law, despite his declaration being a commonwealth one.
"The actual breaches are of state law," he said.
"Trying to flick it onto the commonwealth is simply not on." [Channel 9 News 7 March 2012]

NSW North Coast MPs, the letter below was written for you

The letters section of today's Coffs Coast Advocate has a letter about funding the Pacific Highway in the north of the state, especially to the north of Port Macquarie.
It's quite obvious the letter writer wants to bring matters associated with the highway to the attention of MPs, especially National Party MPs.
In a sensible move the writer chose to send the letter to the editor of the Advocate who duly published it.
The other option the writer had was to send it directly to the National Party MPs on the NSW north coast, but that was a no-brainer; the recipients probably wouldn't be able to read it, understand it or be prepared to do anything about it, so they'd inevitably file it with much of the other correspondence they receive from their constituents in a section labelled "Too Hard".
Here's the letter:

Highway folly
It would appear North Coast members of parliament (state and federal) are afflicted by the mantra "It's someone else's fault".
The Pacific Hwy is not the national highway. Back in the '70s when the federal government took over the national highway it ran the circumference of Australia except for the New England due to the influence of the then leader of the Country (Nationals) Party, Ian Sinclair.
That folly has not been redressed but successive federal governments have accepted the need to fix the highway and entered into agreements with the state government.
Electorates to the north of Port Macquarie have always been the poor cousins and only received any semblance of largess to avoid embarrassment by the actions of our state neighbour to the north.
The NSW leader of the Nationals is quick to berate Canberra for perceived waste of funds on schemes for home insulation, NBN and the BER but utters not a peep about the extravagance of routing the Sapphire-to-Woolgoolga section through coastal swamp when a better route was available through the Nationals' heartland of the Orara Valley.
I have little time for Mr Oakeshott but it is hard to dismiss the observation that our Nationals members are found wanting with their views and attitudes to highway funding.
Independents in Canberra have shown how disproportionate funding achievements are possible when their support is needed; maybe it's time the Nationals exerted pressure on the Liberals instead of being Nodding Heads.
As a parting shot, I believe it is unconscionable to have our city drawn and quartered - east to west by the highway and north to south by the railway. Trucks are no less dangerous through Coffs Harbour than they are through Urunga. We haven't had our accident yet.

Peter Farquhar

Source: CCA, 7/3/12

A look at NSW criminal court conviction and imprisonment rates

In March 2011 NSW court statistics were released for the previous year in the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research’s annual summary NEW SOUTH WALES CRIMINAL COURTS STATISTICS 2010.

It would appear that 89 per cent of those persons appearing as defendants before Local Courts in 2010 were found guilty of at least one criminal offence. In the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) subset a lower 87.8 per cent were found guilty.

Of those persons included in total conviction numbers only 7.2 per cent were imprisoned, but in the ATSI group a much higher 20.9 per cent were sent to gaol.

The average duration of imprisonment for offences with the highest imprisonment rates (that is breach of custodial order offences, unlawful entry with intent/burglary, motor vehicle theft and related offences) was 5.9 months for both groups.

In the higher courts 84.2 per cent of all defendants and 86.5 ASTI defendants were found guilty, with 7.9 per cent more indigenous persons sent to gaol. The average duration of imprisonment for offences with the highest imprisonment rates in the District and Supreme Courts was 30.9 months.

In all criminal courts defendants were less likely to receive a suspended sentence if they were identified as indigenous.

In the Children’s Court juvenile defendants were less likely to have charges dismissed with a caution and more likely to be placed under a control order if they were indigenous. Indigenous children were also slightly more often the subject of a probation order.

Across most of the principal criminal offences identified in the BOCSAR summary, the NSW Far and Mid North Coast had a higher conviction rate than the rest of New South Wales.

Bob Carr, Federal Minister for Stoopid

Some people never learn that you can’t undo the Internet and Australia’s Foreign Minister designate Bob the Builder Carr has just shown that he belongs in that digitally stoopid group.
The Telegraph reported this on 4th March 2012:
“BOB Carr has removed an attack on the Dalai Lama from his personal blog where he described the spiritual leader as a "cunning monk."
Australia's next foreign minister, Mr Carr said his views on the Thoughtlines blog were personal ones, but he did not want them to distract from his plum job.
"I thought it might have been better expressed," Mr Carr said….”
Although Google Cache may be the first to give up what pollies intend to hide, The WayBack Machine is no slouch either when it comes to the contents of blogs like Thoughtlines with Bob Carr.

Thoughtlines with Bob Carr
5th March 2012

“The Prime Minister should feel no obligation to meet the Dalai Lama, indeed should feel an obligation not to meet him. He is a religious leader but also a cunning one with a political agenda. His agenda is not in Australia’s interest.
First, his plan for Tibetan autonomy goes well beyond religious affairs and veers close to separatism. Tibet has been part of China since the Manchu dynasty. There is no more reason China would accept a loosening of its ties with Tibet than we would accept West Australian autonomous status within the Australian federation.
Second, his definition of Tibet includes parts of Yunnan and Sichuan provinces – because they have Tibetan minorities. The Chinese cannot see this as anything other than an attack on their territorial integrity, their very sovereignty. It is an outrageous claim. It is designed to antagonize the Chinese.
His strategy is to keep coming here and forcing his presence on Canberra, presumably to generate ill-feeling between us and the Chinese. The Prime Minister is under no obligation to see him, no more than she would to accept a courtesy call from the Archbishop of Canterbury if he insisted on being here every 18 months. No, the case for not seeing the Lama is stronger: behind the self-effacing shuffle and the grins he has a mischievous agenda in pursuit of theocratic power.
Reinstating a theocracy over Tibet in opposition to China – and the UN and the entire world recognize Chinese sovereignty in Tibet – is not remotely a matter of Australian interest. Sorry, but the PM has a full agenda and other priorities.”

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Australian Politics 2012. I have to say it.............

Kevin Rudd
resigning as Australia’s Foreign Minister in order to challenge Julia Gillard for leadership of the Federal Labor Party and the country :-
Big Mistake

Prime Minister Julia Gillard appointing un-elected senator designate Bob Carr as Australia’s Foreign Minister:-
Even Bigger Mistake

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott telling the world that he will be Australia’s next "elected" Prime Minister:-
Huge Mistake