Monday 24 September 2012

Want to tell Chris Gulaptis MP how strongly you feel about keeping coal seam gas exploration & mining out of the Page electorate?

Then gather outside his electoral office at 10.30-11am 2 pm tomorrow Tuesday 25 September 2012, when likeminded residents will be holding a peaceful protest at 11 Prince Street, Grafton, NSW. Opposite Clarence Valley Council’s main building.

Oops! Uncle Joe spoke too soon

Australian Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey on the 19th September 2012 at 2.17pm, presumably waving a report he hadn't read and relying on something he watched on the tube or heard on the radio as he chomped his morning cornflakes:

ABC News on 20th September at 6.44am:

Sunday 23 September 2012

26th Annual Australian National Goanna Pulling Championships, Wooli NSW, September 30 2012

The 26th annual Australian National Goanna Pulling Championships will start at 9am on Sunday September 30 at the Wooli Sports Ground.

This is sure to be an event not to be missed. See you there!

For more information go to:

Fairfax advertisement blooper

The advertising team at Granny Herald stuffed up big time this week when it placed a display ad (see below) in the hospitality section. Anyone with half a brain will readily see it should have been placed in the legal section.

Quote of the Week

“If You Like Sarah Palin, You’ll Absolutely Love Cory Bernardi
He’s not just a homophobic, Islamophobic, climate-change denying South Australian senator, he’s an ideological entrepreneur, importing the Tea Party’s ‘astroturf’ techniques and now training others in the faux-grassroots campaigns first cultivated by the American far right.” {Global Mail 21st September 2012}

Saturday 22 September 2012

Punters spewing over Daily Examiner's poor performance

As if Wednesday's debacle at the Examiner wasn't enough to put punters off their weetbix, today's edition will have punters who buy the local rag shaking their heads and asking themselves why they bother to buy it. Today's paper has reprinted the TAB dividends it published on Thursday - how thoughtful, they are the results for the races the paper forgot to print on Wednesday. Perhaps DEX thinks that's an act of compensation.

Gays, creepy people and creatures should not be allowed to marry according to Liberal Party Senator Bernardi

The very Christian Liberal Party Senator Cory Bernardi decided in favour of a number of rather strange ‘facts’ in his contribution to the Marriage Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2012  debate of 18 September 2012.
His own personal slippery slope has government-sanctioned same-sex marriage leading to widespread polygamy, an increase in bestiality and the formal recognition of marriage between creatures.

Highly offensive as it is to try to equate homosexuality with bestiality, it was the term creatures which set me to musing.

Wondering about the current state of conjugal relationships in the animal kingdom, I came to the only conclusion possible.

You are too late, Senator! When cats took over the Internet pictorial evidence of formal animal marriage, even inter-species unions, began to proliferate.
They have been doing it behind your conservative political back for years!

No wonder you were forced to resign from the Opposition front bench. Strong indignation from those you maligned, combined with general laughter at your absurdity, must have caused your leader more than a little heartburn at the thought of the next opinion poll.

Wedding photos from Google Images