Saturday 9 February 2013

Truth in advertising and the coal seam gas industry

So confident is the coal seam gas industry of widespread political support across all three tiers of government and  so certain of the fickle attention span of the mainstream media, that its spokespeople knowingly utter falsehoods as easily as they breathe in and out.
They film an industry employee on land they don't have permission to enter in an effort to mislead the general public into believing that the employee is a farmer standing on his own land extolling the virtues of coal seam gas.
They make a blatantly false statement in print that has to be rebutted by CSIRO scientists:
CSIRO rejects the claim made in a television commercial aired on Sunday 2 September that ‘CSIRO [and government studies] have shown that groundwater is safe with coal seam gas’.
  • 4 September 2012
At no time has CSIRO made such a statement, and nor do the results of CSIRO research support such a statement.
CSIRO continues to undertake research to better understand the impacts of coal seam gas extraction on groundwater quality and quantity.
CSIRO has stated on the public record that coal seam gas extraction is likely to pose a ‘low risk’ to groundwater quality through contamination. CSIRO has also indicated that groundwater levels will fall as a consequence of coal seam gas extraction. In some places this could see aquifer levels subside by tens of metres for tens of years; in others it is likely to reduce aquifer levels by several metres for several hundred years.
CSIRO continues to undertake research to better understand the impacts of coal seam gas extraction on groundwater quality and quantity.
CSIRO became aware of the advertisement produced by Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) via a scan of social media on Friday 31 August and requested for the commercial to not be aired.
Because of this whatever-it-takes business culture which is loose with the truth, one has to question copies of print advertising the industry has displayed on one of its websites
Who is this woman pictured below? Does she really come from Casino on the NSW North Coast? Is she a genuine school teacher or is she an industry employee or even a paid advertsing model? Is she related to someone who works for a mining company? Is she on the staff of a politician who is pro-coal seam gas?
Does she really want CSG?

Perhaps an NCV reader can answer these questions.

Donges does it again

If ever a bloke has a knack of raising hackles and putting whole communities off side, it would be Clarence Valley Council Deputy Manager and Walking Disaster Rob Donges.
Here he is at it again in The Daily Examiner.
He said water was coming over the wall at about 10 properties from the bridge side of Fry St through to Dobie St.”

The Fry St. levee had begun to buckle under the pressure of flood waters and here's proof the Clarence Valley Review published of the running repairs required to stop it collapsing.

Friday 8 February 2013

Ethical investors need to be aware of what JPMorgan Chase is supporting in Australia

JPMorgan Chase & Co claims to be one of the oldest financial institutions in the United States. With a history dating back over 200 years. It is certainly one of the largest.
This wealthy multinational corporation with global assets worth $2.3 trillion asserts; Our integrity and reputation depend on our ability to do the right thing, even when it's not the easy thing.  
Further it states that it; believes that responsible corporate citizenship demands a strong commitment to a healthy and informed democracy through civic and community involvement.
JP Morgan Chase also has a 100% owned subsidiary, JPMorgan Nominees Australia Ltd which just happens to be the eighth largest shareholder in Metgasco Limited with a 5.4 million share parcel as at 21 September 2012.
Metagasco is a coal seam gas and exploration company currently operating on the NSW North Coast in the face of sustained opposition by local communities, such as Glenugie in the Clarence Valley and Casino in the Richmond Valley.
In the Lismore local government area alone the September 2012 plebiscite resulted in 86.26 per cent of the 25,595 electors who voted saying “No” to coal seam gas exploration and production in their districts.
If JPMorgan Chase genuinely believes in democratic processes and doing the right thing, one wonders why it is financially supporting a coal seam gas mining company with a spotty regulatory compliance history and no social license.
If you are an investor trying to act in an ethical manner, then perhaps you need to reassess any financial interaction you might have with JPMorgan Chase.

Remembering the deeply weird side of Mr. Rabbitt - Part Six

Mr. Rabbitt is caught showing his caring side....

*Found on Twitter

Thursday 7 February 2013

A Fractured Fairy Tale From The Kingdom of Agrariae Socialismi

Once upon a time the Lord High Chamberlain of Emperor Mellifluous in the Kingdom of Agrariae Socialismi became worried about the number of scribes living in the land.

He worried, not for his emperor, but for himself. He did not think the peasants were suitably in awe of him or that the emperor's inner council looked up to him and he suspected that the scribes' pens were often dipped in irony.

Believing that no-one knew what he did to neuter the scribes in another land in the distant past, he decided that he would beg his master to employ a lowly scribe for him, who would sign the parchments on which his own words were written and who would convince the other scribes that they should never seek an audience with Emporer Mellifluous or anyone on his inner council.

In this way the Lord High Chamberlain hoped to keep information secret close to his chest and control all the news across the land.

Unfortunately, his first scribe from those long ago days had talked - and the people of the Kingdom of Agrariae Socialismi had listened well to travellers' tales.

So they won't be drinking the cold mead.

to be continued...

Aunty goes off the rails

Mornings, 23rd November 2012

Summary published: 1st February 2013


Several audience members complained about interviews on 774 ABC Melbourne which covered allegations against the Prime Minister in relation to her involvement in an AWU slush fund. Complainants said that interviews with Mark Baker, Editor-at-Large at The Age and Michael Smith, former 2UE talkback host, lacked balance, were conducted aggressively, and that the presenter demonstrated bias.

Complaint Finding Status: Upheld

Upheld against 4.1 ABC Editorial Policies (11 April 2011)

Audience and Consumer Affairs response:

Audience and Consumer Affairs found that the interviews were in breach of the ABC’s editorial requirement to gather and present news and information with due impartiality. The argumentative style of the interviews, combined with a pattern of strongly stated personal opinions by the presenter that at times oversimplified the issues at hand, was not in keeping with the ABC’s rigorous impartiality standards for news and information. Seventeen complaints were upheld.

Complaints finalised January 2013.