Thursday 13 June 2013

Nationals candidate Kevin Hogan plays fast and loose with the truth

This was the Nationals candidate in the seat of Page, Kevin Hogan on 4 June 2013:

This was Coalition Senator Simon Birmingham speaking in the Australian Senate Hansard (14 May 2013) on the subject of the water trigger being added to the C’wealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act:

Senator BIRMINGHAM (South Australia) (12:43): I rise to speak on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment Bill 2013, which the government has just rushed into the Senate chamber….
There are also grave concerns about the fact that this legislation targets specific industries. This is a whole new world of activity for the EPBC Act, which traditionally has said that there are broad matters of national environmental significance that should be considered, regardless of what industry is proposing to undertake a development. If this legislation passes, we are putting in place a new area of assessment, but only as it relates to the coal industry or the coal seam gas industry, only as it relates to those sectors….
We have many concerns about this legislation. As I said, though, we understand the concerns of the community as well. We hear those concerns and we are not, by opposing this legislation, going to allow the government to politicise this issue. We will work to fix these issues should we succeed later this year. We want to work to ensure that we get community confidence for this important industry, because it is an important industry. It is generating billions of export dollars and thousands of new jobs and is very important to the economic wellbeing of all states of Australia—to securing, in particular, our future gas supplies.

Mr. Hogan is getting off to a bad start. The election writs still haven't been issued yet he is rolling out those campaign fibs with the best of them.

WIN TV breached by ACMA for immunisation story

ACMA media release 41/2013 – 7 June

WIN Television NSW Pty Ltd (WIN TV) breached two provisions of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice in a news report on WIN News Illawarra about measles vaccination that misled its audience.
The report was broadcast on 16 August 2012 and concerned an outbreak of measles in south-western Sydney.
Included in the story was the following unqualified statement made by a non-expert: ‘All vaccinations, in the medical literature, have been linked with the possibility of causing autism...’
The Australian Communications and Media Authority found that by broadcasting that statement and by conveying a higher level of controversy and uncertainty about immunisation than was justified by the facts, WIN TV had failed to broadcast factual material accurately.
 ‘The story would have misled an ordinary viewer about the level of risk of vaccinating children,’ said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.
The ACMA also found that WIN TV did not make reasonable efforts to correct the significant error of fact.
‘While the ACMA has no power to direct the making of an on-air corrective statement, given the circumstances of this case and the important public health issues involved, the ACMA recommended to WIN TV that it make an on-air statement concerning the ACMA’s findings,’ added Mr Chapman.
The licensee has, however, declined to take this opportunity to clarify on air this important public health issue, one which no doubt remains of ongoing concern to its audience and the wider Australian public.  The licensee offered to provide a link on its website to the ACMA’s finding.
A link to investigation report 2883 can be found here.
For more information please contact: Emma Rossi, Media Manager, (02) 9334 7719 and 0434 652 063 or

Wednesday 12 June 2013

And Abbott promises an 'adult' federal government if elected on 14 September 2013? *Warning Offensive Menu*

ABC AM 17 May 2013: Mr Abbott's promising a more adult government with no nasty surprises and no more excuses. 

The Business Spectator reported on the morning of Wednesday 12 June 2013 that: The coalition's most senior female frontbencher has accused Prime Minister Julia Gillard of waging a "false gender war" 

Later that morning it was reported that Liberal National Party candidate for the federal seat of Fisher and former Howard Government minister Mal Brough attended a fundraising dinner in his electorate on 28 March 2013 [@chef09876 ] and, Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey also reportedly attended as a guest speaker.

On the 'alternative' dinner menu was:

Moroccan Quail
Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail – Small Breasts, Huge Thighs & Big Red Box
Moroccan Carrot Salad & Sumac Yoghurt [my red bolding]

Mr. Abbott called that insulting, obscene and sexist description of Australia's Prime Minister the joke that was out of line

His candidate Mal Brough says that no harm was meant.

Is it any wonder that many women doubt that the Liberal-National Party Coalition candidates asking for their vote have their best interests at heart?

9 News 14 May 2013: Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has told coalition colleagues they must be "the adults in the room" as members return to parliament, four months out from the federal election.  


The Telegraph UK reports that the fundraiser was a 20-person dinner. This would appear to make Joe Hockey and Mal Brough's assertions that they never saw the menu improbable at best.

As for the Sky News later report that the menu was never placed on tables or anywhere in the restaurant, well this tweet by an accredited journalist tends to suggest that it was seen by fundraiser guests:

Greens visit Coffs Harbour to campaign against polluting mining practices

Greens visit Coffs Harbour to campaign against polluting mining practices.
Released: June 11

Jeremy Buckingham, Greens MP in the NSW Upper House and Greens Senator Larissa Waters will be visiting Coffs Harbour on Friday, June 14.

The pair will attend a forum 'Giving landholders the right to say No to coal and coal seam gas,' at the Grafton District Services Club, 6.30pm on Thursday, June 13.

The next morning they will travel to the Dundurrabin village to meet with locals concerned about the planned mining of minerals near the Blicks River in the headwaters of the Clarence River and Coff Harbour's water supply. Jeremy and Larissa are very mindful that the mining of minerals also brings arsenic to the surface and that the Macleay River has been polluted by the overflow of holding ponds and mining 'run off' from our extreme rainfall events.

They will then travel to Coffs Harbour Botanic Gardens at 1.15pm, to meet with representatives of local groups opposing mining in the headwaters of the Macleay, Orara and Nambucca Rivers.

Jeremy and Larissa will then launch a sticker calling for the protection of our rivers from mining pollution. You will see it on cars across Cowper within the next few weeks. The sticker will be available at various sites including: Kombu Wholefoods, Bellingen, The Alternative Bookshop, Bellingen, The Happy Frog, Coffs Harbour and The Grafton Environment Centre.

The Greens care for people and the environment. Always have. Always will. 
Media contact: Phone: 0402308231, 66552090

Clarence Valley Council's economic management

Clarence Valley Council is preparing to increase farmland, residential and business property rates across much of the local government area, but is quarantining Grafton and South Grafton CBD businesses from these increases for the next four years.

Apparently this particular council is pleading income poverty.

Well if this little tale of the economic management of just one of this council’s own Grafton properties is anything to go by, is it any wonder?

The Daily Examiner 11 May 2012:

TENDERS for Grafton's art gallery cafe closed earlier this week without a single expression of interest being received by Clarence Valley Council.
Council's manager of assets George Kriflik said that the only option would be to readvertise.
The art gallery cafe has been the home to Georgie's Cafe for the past 11 years and has been the subject of lengthy negotiations due to a proposed rate increase by council.
Mr Kriflik said that due to a confidentiality agreement between the parties involved, he was not able to disclose many of the details of the lease or negotiations, but he did confirm the previously quoted figure of a 40 per cent rent increase was an error (The Daily Examiner, April 17), with the original increase being closer to 33 per cent.
"After a re-valuation the rate was reduced to a 14.5 per cent increase," Mr Kriflik said.
However, this too was declined by the lessors and resulted in the current cafe operators deciding to move on.

Suddenly at the end of June 2012 the council has vacant commercial space where it previously had an income which it never denied represented full market value. Still it somewhat optimistically expected The loss of income from the current lessee will be offset by the new lessee under a new lease arrangement [Clarence Valley Council Ordinary Meeting 17 April 2012, Minutes].

By July 2012 Clarence Valley Council did indeed have a new tenant at what was then rumoured to be a bargain basement priced three year lease with renewal options having only CPI rent increases attached - which saw it losing income and the restaurant turning into a daytime only café with limited opening hours.

However, in June 2013 that tenant also departed and was replace by Cr. Jeremy Challacombe’s son Murray and his daughter-in-law who took over the bargain basement lease to run the gallery café.

Three tenants in just under a year and how much money is council down? Possibly those valley residents facing yet another rate hike will never know, but mention of $20,000 per annum is being tossed around some dinner tables.

Few Lower Clarence ratepayers are impressed with the Grafton-centric attitude of council as it is and this is merely the icing on a huge dissatisfaction cake.

A political party in disarray?

One would think from what the mainstream media reports that it is only the Australian Labor Party which is cracking up since the 14 September federal election date was first mentioned.

Yet in would appear that on the NSW North Coast it is the National Party which is quietly tearing itself apart.

This month I received an email, sent in alleged defence of a card carrying National Party member, which was so full of misinformation, unsubstantiated allegation and political game playing that I honestly felt like disinfecting my Inbox.

If Hartsuyker and Hogan suddenly find their internal polling numbers are not looking as optimistic as they had hoped - it may well be their own party members and fellow travellers who are to blame.

To an outsider it looks suspiciously like personality clashes abound and that factional interests at branch, regional and state level are more intent on settling old scores than they are on giving newbie Kevin Hogan a leg up.

While the high-handed intrusion into Page of the Federal Nationals 'team', with Hogan tagging along in its rear, is definitely reflecting badly on him in certain quarters.

Hogan is no hero.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Tony Abbott and his untaxable mates?

Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott with 'mates' Gina Rinehart, Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert MurdochAndrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest,  James Packer, John Howard, Cardinal George Pell and of course – himself

* Images from The Vine and Google Images