Wednesday 19 June 2013

Saffin comes out fighting over upgrading the Pacific Highway


WHEN I was elected in 2007 I made a commitment to secure funds for the Pacific Highway to ensure that it would be rolled out in our region and in a timely way.
I have done what I committed to, and in this case, so has the Federal Minister responsible Anthony Albanese.
He has allocated $7.9 billion for the dual carriageway works in six years of this Federal Government.
This is an extra $6.6 billion more than that allocated by the previous Federal Coalition government, which allocated $1.3 billion over 12 years.
Some of the funding came from stimulus funds during the height of the Global Financial Crisis. It was good to get this extra money.
The Ballina Bypass was first completed as the planning had been done and that has helped the development of the Pacific Highway in our region enormously, in terms of safety and the 1800 jobs that it created.
The Devil’s Pulpit section (Tabbimoble) is being done now with $62 million in Federal funding and $15 million from New South Wales.
The same is happening there with the project creating 87 construction jobs and I met local lads who scored some of these jobs. 
The planning works for the stretch from Woolgoolga to Grafton, Woodburn, Broadwater, Wardell and Ballina have also been done.
The pre-construction works from Woolgoolga to Grafton, Woodburn, Broadwater, Wardell and Ballina are the next to be done.
I am told that the NSW Roads and Maritime Services is ready to go on with this work. 
Following my recent meetings with Minister Albanese to discuss the Pacific Highway, I understand that significant Federal dollars will soon be released for the highway.
I have asked him to come to Grafton and make an announcement on this so that the public can hear from him and me together.
Regarding the O’Farrell-Stoner Government’s reneging on the 50/50 funding agreement for the Pacific Highway upgrade, the facts are as follows:
The parameters of this long-standing agreement were set by John Howard when he was Prime Minister.
It is instructive to note that the former NSW Labor government provided a total of $2.5 billion for the highway during the Howard years, not only complying with the agreement but doing even better, to a point where it was spending
$2 for every $1 spent by the Federal Coalition.
Barry O’Farrell and Andrew Stoner repeatedly promised when in Opposition to continue this arrangement, but broke this promise after winning the 2011 March election. They said they wanted to change it to an 80/20 funding split, and of itself, that would be ok if they did not lie, but lie they did, saying it had always been 80/20.
It was a cunning ploy because due to the GFC there had been more stimulus money made available, so they took this extra windfall and said, see 80/20!

“The Coalition will declare the Pacific Highway as a road of national importance and will, on a dollar-for-dollar basis with the State governments, commit $75 million per year over a period of ten years to a special program of upgrading the highway...” – John Howard-led Coalition election policy: Transport for the Next Century, February 7, 1996.

“It was the Howard Government that set the 50/50 funding split for the Pacific Highway from 2006 and the NRMA has supported this approach since day one.” – NRMA Motoring & Services President Wendy Machin, February 27, 2012.

I mean, seriously, who are you going to believe?
I challenge my National Party opponent to deny the facts I have set out as follows, and if he does, it proves that he is either ignorant of this funding history or deceiving us.  Either way, it is not a good look for someone who aspires to represent the people of the Federal seat of Page. 

“The Pacific Highway is a State road, designed, built, owned and maintained by the NSW Government.” – Federal Nationals Member for Cowper Luke Hartsuyker, demanding that NSW Labor fund it 50/50, in 2006.

I mean, seriously, who are you going to believe here?

“Should we be elected next March, one of the first things I’ll do is sit down with Anthony Albanese and talk about spending up the project ... The Pacific Highway should be above party politics. It’s an ongoing partnership between the Federal Government and the State Government.” – NSW Liberals Leader Barry O’Farrell, The Northern Star, April 9, 2010.

“The NSW Liberals and Nationals will immediately fast-track the upgrade of the Pacific Highway if elected in March.” – NSW Nationals Leader Andrew Stoner, Media Release, February 21, 2011.

“Our plan is to make sure that the upgrade of the highway to dual carriageway will be completed by 2016.” – NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay, The Coffs Coast Advocate, April 6, 2011.

I mean, seriously, who are you going to believe?
I am going with the facts as evidenced by third party sources such as the NRMA President and former Prime Minister John Howard.
It is clear that my National Party opponent, along with the current Nationals Leader Warren Truss, has decided to try and make this an election issue, causing unnecessary concern in the community. 
I can declare that I am not buying into their fabricated nonsense and promises to complete it by some time this decade, having gone from 2016 to now 2020; saying they will use funds from the Parramatta-Epping rail line in Sydney, which are just not there since the O’Farrell-Stoner Government decided that it did not want to do that work.
It is classic National Party tactic; say anything, muddy the debate, try to create confusion and then promise to fix it, whatever it is. 
I cannot abide this sort of tactic as too many people have lost their lives in accidents on the highway, leaving families suffering terribly, and I believe to deliberately deceive people on this issue is unconscionable.
I shall stand on my record of being straight with the electorate, of being consistent, no matter who is government and at what levels. If my own need a serve, I will give them one; securing funding for the Pacific Highway upgrade and having the work done in our area; and importantly, of not having played games with it, trying to seek political advantage as my National Party opponent now seeks to do, aided and abetted by his NSW State Coalition colleagues.
Shame on all of them, I say.
There has to be some areas which are off limits in political life and this is one of them.  I realised that I kept arguing with them and that is pointless, as once they have lied they will again.  
On the North Coast alone, the Ballina Bypass, the Glenugie Upgrade, and the Banora Point Upgrade are all done, finished.
In addition, we’ve started work on The Devil’s Pulpit Upgrade and the duplication of the section between Tintenbar and Ewingsdale, and planning works are done for the remaining stretch between Woolgoolga and Ballina.
The roll out of the upgrade is decided between the State and Federal authorities and it is done where it is most dangerous.
That is a hard call as there are so many dangerous spots, but that is how it is.  It would be great if it could roll out all at once, but it is a working highway and one which we need to upgrade section by section.
I remain committed to getting the job done. The Nationals simply cannot be believed.

Janelle Saffin MP
Federal Member for Page.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Federal Labor MP Justine Elliott leads in My Daily News online poll

Something the Murdoch media will find surprising as it doesn't quite meet their predictions....

Sitting Richmond MP Justine Elliot will romp home at the September federal election if the results of a My Daily News online poll are any indication. The Labor MP attracted 67% of the 1230 votes posted by My Daily News readers, putting her comfortably ahead of her three political rivals.....Ms Elliot's lead remained consistent throughout the week-long poll conducted from June 5-12.

My Daily News 15 June 2012 article here.

Catholic Josephite Justice Office in Canberra speaks out against CSG mining

Rural residences, homes and agricultural land remain at severe risk from the rapid expansion of coal seam gas (CSG) mining says Sr Jan Barnett of the Josephite Justice Office in Canberra.
A ministry of the Sisters of St Joseph, the Justice Office has been an outspoken critic of licenses being issued without consultation or sufficient scientific research into the possible adverse effects of CSG exploration and mining on the health of individuals, on livestock or on the fertile food growing land such as the Liverpool Plains.
Sr Jan says the Office is also extremely concerned there are no protections or shields in place for important water catchment and environmentally sensitive areas.
"None of these issues have been addressed in the NSW Government's amendments to the State Environmental Planning Policy," she says adding that in the Justice Office's recent detailed submission on the proposed amendments, the Sisters have called for the politicians to put the right of individuals and communities to live in a safe environment ahead of all other considerations.
In Toowoomba today, the Bishop of Toowoomba, the Most Rev Robert McGuckin issued a similar call to the Queensland Government insisting that the health and wellbeing of residents must come first.
In making the announcement this morning, the Bishop's major concern was the health and welfare of residents of Tara where adults and in particular, children are suffering multiple medical conditions which a number of residents, including their doctors, believe is the result of chemical exposure from  the CSG mining activity.
At a recent meeting of the Toowoomba Diocesan Social Justice Commission, Bishop McGuckin heard accounts from local Tara residents of physical and mental health conditions that have emerged since CSG began operating in the area. Most distressing he said, were the reports of local children, including photographs, showing them suffering from skin rashes and nose bleeds.
"Queensland Health knows about this issue but more needs to be done to allay the understandable anxieties of the people being affected," he said, describing Tara as one of the most disadvantaged communities in the Western Downs region.
"We support the recent call by the Australian Medical Association for governments to strengthen the assessment and monitoring of health impacts of CSG developments in Australia," he said.
He also urged all levels of government and the resource companies to make sure the voices of those in Tara and other affected areas be heard and their concerns taken seriously…..

Monday 17 June 2013

Clarence Valley Council flying high with new airport upgrade funding from the federal government

In July 2012 Clarence Valley Council announced that it would benefit from a NSW O'Farrell Government grant of a 4% interest subsidy on loans under the Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme, which will allow it to borrow the $1.06 million to begin work on the $2.1 million airport upgrade - construction of an additional aircraft parking bay, extra hardstand areas helicopters, strengthening and shape correction of the runway and apron pavements, extension of the passenger terminal building and replacement of the aerodrome back-up electrical power supply.

On 12 June 2013 the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Federal Minister for Regional Development and Local Government Antony Albanese and Federal Labor MP for Page Janelle Saffin announced that the Labor Government will contribute $1 million to the upgrade which includes an extension of the airport terminal, an additional parking bay for passenger aircraft and extra hardstand areas for helicopters. The project will also see the perimeter fence and runway lighting upgraded, as well as the airport's back-up power supply replaced.  

This new federal grant is coming from Round Four of the Regional Development Australia Fund. Full details here.

As the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR) for the Regional Aviation Association of Australia (RAAA) concluded that "regional communities with regular air services are doing better on a number of clear quantitative measures than those without"  [Clarence Valley Council December 2010] both councillors and valley residents can be pleased with this chance to complete the scheduled upgrade by 28 December 2014.

Of course none of this will really please Rex Regional Express airline, which continues its epic six year-long moan that was enthusiastically supported by much gloomy head shaking on the part of Federal Nationals leader Warren Truss, and Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce when they visited Grafton airport in May 2011.

Heather writes to Tony

Heather Wood  writes an open letter to Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on 9 June 2013…..

Dear Mr Abbott,

I was born quite a few decades ago into what was pretty much a conservative-voting family, one that was not particularly overt in its politics, but one that took an active role in many aspects of life in a rural community. Coming from this background, and having a healthy respect for authority and for the status quo, it would probably not come as a surprise that I have always been inclined to vote conservatively. This mindset extends also to being somewhat private about my political inclinations.

So here I am, pushing myself waaay out of my comfort zone, wearing my heart on my sleeve and publicly articulating my politics.

I am not highly politicized, I don’t claim to be a particularly deep thinker, to follow current affairs all that closely or have any great understanding of the implications of government policy but it seems to me that both major parties have degenerated into a downward spiral of appalling public discourse.

With its shallow thinking and knee-jerk positions on issues such as asylum seekers, climate change and same sex marriage, in my opinion, your party, Mr Abbott – and you in particular- have been the key driver of this.

It can’t be easy governing or positioning oneself as an alternative government. I concede that balancing different opinions, running the economy and dealing with foreign relations is a nightmare, but seriously!

Yes, the Labor Party isn’t all that crack hot at some of this stuff either, but I think the Liberal Party, aided and abetted  by the media, currently sets the benchmark very low in appealing to the prejudiced, shallow, black and white thinkers in the Australian public.

Where is the Liberal Party’s sense of decency and humanity? Demonising individuals and families who are desperate enough to take to the high seas, whilst quietly ignoring those who enter by other means, getting hung up and confusing religious beliefs on homosexuality with the right to have relationships legally recognised, and taking a lukewarm stance on our children’s future in relation to climate change are just a few issues I find difficult to stomach.

Yes, PM Gillard has made some ‘unfortunate’ choices but at the end of the day (well 90 or so, by my counting), as far as I am concerned, at the moment the scales will be tipping in her favour.

It seems to me that our political leanings are often historical in their basis, somewhat like following a particular footy team. In supporting any party we can get too bound up in being a supporter, lose sight of what is really at stake and the implications of our decision. For this reason, I am mighty uncomfortable in contemplating voting for a Labor candidate, but am biting the bullet, taking a step back and looking at what is really at stake here.

It is unlikely that any politician will have core beliefs and values that align exactly with our own and I would have to say that at the moment, my values and those you articulate are poles apart.

Speaking  with the authority of life experience, I think it’s about time that both parties smartened up their game, stopped having school ground ‘he said, she said’ spats and acted like adults intent on making Australia a greater and safer place than it is already.

It may not be too late Mr Abbott, I may return to the fold eventually, but you will need to go a long way towards proving to me that you have some humanity and the interests of the country foremost in your mind.



P.S. Please don’t be too offended by my letter, I am not beyond offering Ms Gillard free, unsolicited advice as well. 

Sunday 16 June 2013

National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day, 4 August 2013. Is your organisation marking this day in some way?

From the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care:
What is National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day?
NAICD is held on 4 August each year to celebrate the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children within family and community.
First held in 1988, the day has also been used over the years to increase awareness on important issues impacting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
In 2013, NAICD is all about stepping up for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s rights.
This year’s theme is Right Here, Right Now. Our Rights Matter.
It seeks to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children by increasing public awareness about:
  • major human rights concerns that impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children across the country; and
  • the unique rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children as First Peoples of this country.
The theme also aims to support local events to celebrate children, assist better  understanding about what their rights mean and how communities can work better to ensure that all children have the opportunity to live these rights every day.
SNAICC wants to work with communities and organisations — Indigenous and non-Indigenous — to make sure this year’s children’s day is the biggest and most successful yet.
We hope the day will provide the opportunity for Australians to come together to discuss issues critical issues impacting our children and work together to improve mutual understanding and to see change happen.
As in previous years, SNAICC will hold a national launch (in 2013 it will be in Melbourne) and assist organisations across Australia to hold local events celebrating the day.
SNAICC has once again developed a range of resources for children and adults to help with celebrations. These include:
  • a glossy National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day poster
  • a series of seven beautifully-illustrated posters on child rights and a children’s activity book to accompany the poster
  • an educator’s guide on facilitating child rights workshops with children, and
  • children’s day goodies bag (including stickers, arm bands, pencils and more).
These resources will be available from June for purchase at low cost, with one set also provided free to SNAICC members.
SNAICC would really appreciate any support, assistance and expertise you can provide to help promote this important event.
Obtain an order from HERE
For more information on NAICD, please go to the SNAICC website:
You can also contact us (0419) 508 125 or Nick Butera, SNAICC Resource Officer, on (03) 9489 8099

Abbott's Army marches on.....

"Women should shut up in public" [Socceroos coach Holger Osieck]
After a week in which sexism and misogyny were again displayed towards the Australian Prime Minister, Liberal Party members began to feel enough political pain to cause at least one their senior organisational office bearers to begin to react appropriately:

Unfortunately, Mark Needham’s response is likely to be an isolated case.