Thursday 19 June 2014

Watching the weather with bated breath......

Photograph: Queensland Country Life 24 January 2014

The world’s meteorologists and climate experts are watching closely for another burst of westerly winds across the Pacific that could trigger the first El Nino weather pattern since 2009-2010.

“Basically it is primed for a strong El Nino, but it needs the final push,” said Axel Timmermann, the professor of oceanography at the international Pacific research centre, University of Hawaii. “This is perhaps the most-watched El Nino of all time.”

The weather watch comes as winter remains largely at bay for much of Australia. Sydney and Melbourne broke heat records during autumn and maximums in both cities have been about 2-3 degrees above average for June.

This week, Sydney can expect tops most days of 20-22 degrees, or about 3-5 degrees above normal, while Melbourne's maximums will be 1-2 degrees above the June average of 14 degrees, the Bureau of Meteorology said.

An El Nino could make this year another warm one for Australia. Last year was the country's warmest in more than a century of records.

El Ninos form when waters in the eastern Pacific turn unusually warm compared with the west, stalling or reversing the easterly trade winds. The pattern is a major driver of the world’s climate and can trigger droughts and bushfires in Australia and east Asia, while bringing heavy rains to countries bordering the eastern Pacific……

National Climate Centre Drought Statement 4 June 2014

NSW Nationals MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis still resented for past performance and present posturing

Letter to the editor in The Daily Examiner online 26 May 2014:

Comments appalling
I AM appalled at the comments made by Chris Gulaptis to the Grafton Chamber of Commerce meeting.
Having worked at the gaol and representing the staff in the role of union representative at the time of the downgrading in 2012 of Grafton Correctional Centre, I went personally and informed Chris Gulaptis at his office in Grafton when we were officially informed by the Department Of Corrective Services of their intentions to downgrade the gaol.
At this meeting with Mr Gulaptis he informed he was aware of the closure and there was nothing he could do about the closure of the gaol and he would be supporting the State Government in their decision, with no regard for the staff at the gaol or the flow-on effect on the community and the impact on the businesses in Grafton or the surrounding communities.
After leaving Chris Gulaptis' office I also contacted the Mayor of Grafton, Richard Williamson, and the head of the Clarence Valley Union, Tony King.
The Chamber of Commerce were also informed and showed serious concern on the impact on the community.
Both Richard Williamson and Tony King gave their complete support to gaol staff and the union reps of the PSA Union to keep the gaol open but this was going to be an uphill battle without the support of the people's elected State member.
With the overwhelming support from the community by signing petitions, community attendance at organised rallies in Memorial Park and the 24-hour community protest outside the gaol, Mr Gulaptis was forced due to overwhelming support to keep the gaol open.
At the community rally there were many speakers talking about why the gaol should stay open. When Mr Gulaptis was called to speak he did so in a sheepish way and his comment was "I was wrong". But by then it was too late as the horse had bolted.
Every comment he makes now are matters that were brought up at meetings by other concerned people to keep the gaol open, with nothing new in his portfolio that has not been said before by other people.
The community of Grafton have long memories with the non-support given by Mr Gulaptis.
Stephen Jeffs,
former prison officer

Wednesday 18 June 2014

NSW Deputy Premier Stoner calls Bentley protesters "professional bludgers"

I’m sure that members of NSW Northern Coast farming communities and concerned local residents will be impressed by how Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner and presumably most of his National Party MPs are characterizing the region’s commitment to a gasfield-free Northern Rivers.

As for Stoner’s desire to go head-to-head, along with the police riot squad, with the estimated 2,000 protestors who regularly gathered at Metgasco’s Bentley drilling site, all I can say is that I’m sure this attitude is going to lose the Nationals quite a few votes at the 28 March 2015 state election.

Despite his past support for the gas industry, Nationals MP for Page Chris Gulaptis bustled out to inform his state electorate that:

The Land 16 June 2014:

Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner told the NSW National Party annual conference last Friday he spoke with Premier Mike Baird, telling him he was concerned about the "bullying and harassment" protesters engaged in at Bentley.
"We were prepared to go head to head with the protesters to preserve Metgasco's rights," Mr Stoner told the state conference.
He said among the protesters existed a core of "extreme anarchists" who had outstanding warrants against them from other states.
"It breaks my heart that it (the decision to suspend Metgasco's licence) was seen by some as the professional bludgers having a win," Mr Stoner said.
Mr Roberts said previously that Metgasco’s licence was suspended due to concerns that the company had not adequately consulted with the community.
The Office of Coal Seam Gas (OCSG) advised him the community had expressed fundamental concerns about the way in which Metgasco had characterised its activities, Mr Roberts said.
“On 13 May, 2014, the director of OCSG and the NSW Land and Water Commissioner held a meeting with local landholders, at which matters of consultation between the community and Metgasco were raised.”

Nine months in office and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's disapproval rating stands at 61% according to Newspoll

Only nine months in office and Tony Abbott is fast turning into the most disliked Australia prime minister for decades, if the latest Newspoll is any indication

The Australian 17 June 2014

Tuesday 17 June 2014

When NSW Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner "(@AndrewStoner) replied to one of your Tweets!"

Sometimes a minor classic in political stupidity reveals itself. This is NSW Deputy Premier and National Party Leader Andrew Stoner giving his head for a Streisand Effect-style washing on social media:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Stoner (via Twitter) <>
Date: 17 June 2014 08:48
Subject: Andrew Stoner (@AndrewStoner) replied to one of your Tweets!
To: Jenna Cairney <>

@JennaCairney1 great piece of journalism, take 1 comment completely out of context to sensationalise it & rev up anti gas protestors #agenda - @AndrewStoner
Jenna Cairney,
Andrew Stoner replied to your Tweet!
Jenna Cairney

"It broke my heart that some of those professional bludgers thought they had a win." @AndrewStoner on some of the protesters at Bentley - 13 Jun

@JennaCairney1 great piece of journalism, take 1 comment completely out of context to sensationalise it & rev up anti gas protestors #agenda

One interesting twist in this Twitter email is that it reveals the fact that the foolish Andrew Stoner regards tweeting his comments (made at a National Party conference attended as a member of the press by Ms. Cairney) as evidence of the grave sin of journalism.

Stoner remains resolutely silent on two other quotes concerning protesters at the Metgasco Limited drilling site at Bentley in north-east New South Wales:

It should also be noted for the record that the 16 June The Land article, which also quoted the Deputy Premier, was actually written by Mike Foley. I wonder what sort of email he received from the obviously irate politician?

Working women, rural & regional Australians hardest hit by Abbott Government plan to stop Low Income Super Contribution

Industry Super Australia Media Release 14 June 2014:

Working Mums, rural and regional Australians the hardest to be hit by Government plans to drop the Low Income Super Contribution (LISC)

Industry Super Australia (ISA) has today released a new analysis that illustrates the enormous impact of scrapping the Low Income Super Contribution (LISC) across Australia.

The LISC rebates up to $500 into the super accounts of all Australians earning less than $37,000 whose marginal rate of tax is 15% or less.

It was previously known that 3.6 million Australians stand to lose up to $500 a year from the proposed abolition – equating to one in three workers or one in every two working women.  But the new analysis, based on ABS data, highlights where the pain is felt most profoundly.  It shows:

·     24 of the 25 worst affected electorates are in regional/rural Australia.
·     In regional areas, 40 per cent of employees are affected, with over 30 per cent in metropolitan areas.
·     In the worst effected electorates, almost one in two employees are affected compared to less than one in five in the least effected metropolitan electorates.

The ISA analysis shows the damage to super balances for those on modest incomes in every electorate in every state:

People impacted
% of total impacted
% of total women impacted
Estimated value of lost LISC p.a.

Crucially, the new Senate will have a chance to consider this legislation after the swearing in takes place in early July.

ISA Chief Executive David Whiteley said today that it was not sustainable to have a “two-tier” system, with only middle and high income earners attracting a tax break on their super contributions.

“Retention of the LISC is necessary for the integrity of compulsory super. The reality is that until every Australian receives a tax concession on their super contributions, no other changes to the taxation of super will be accepted by the community at large.”

Monday 16 June 2014

Meet the troll Will Dallas Brooks * WARNING: Offensive Material *

Image of William Dallas Brooks from his YouTube account

WA TODAY on 15 June 2014:

People power nets a sexist ratbag
As if we needed reminders that being a woman in public life can be brutal and cruel, along comes another ratbag with a rancid line in public discourse - but in the case of Will Dallas Brooks, he might have gone a step too far. The founder of the hyperventilating website is in hot water after promoting T-shirts carrying a truly offensive message about deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek. This prompted a swift reaction from equality campaigners Destroy the Joint and their supporters, with advertisers on Brooks' website sent images of the offending T-shirt along with a request to remove their advertisements. There were some big names among them and they were aghast to find their names associated with such tawdriness. Medibank Private and Officeworks both promised immediate action to remove themselves, while Telstra said its ad had been ''sent to this site without being cleared by us'' and promised an investigation. Modern people power at work.

This is Will Dallas Brooks on his Twitter account @WDallasBrooks  tweeting what looks like a photoshopped t-shirt, a nasty slur or two and retweeting the truely horrible:

So who is Will Dallas Brooks from Sydney ?

His Linkedin entry reads:

Journalist and founder of, working exclusively in the digital media and broadcast media space, exploring the best ways to communicate information and ideas using new and traditional media methods. Available for panel and interview discussions via digital and broadcast media.

This entry also divulges that Mr. Brooks has a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) from the University of New South Wales.

Before that, in May 2013 Quadrant stated:

This article first appeared at, where Will Dallas Brooks is the chief editor. Brooks is an independent consultant in hospital management, healthcare reform and clinical care. He worked extensively with Professor Chris O’Brien on developing the world’s first comprehensive cancer data repository, and has advised State and Federal governments on improving public healthcare systems and increasing accountability in medicine.

Currently Mr. Brooks has FacebookTwitter, YouTube and Google+ accounts - along with two websites carrying identical material. 

The first is which appears to have begun in December 2013 and the second is the older which according to Brooks was created not out of need, but necessity. It is the lone voice of free Conservative speech left to Australians. Both of these websites he links to on his Twitter account.

Neither website appeared to be displaying advertisements early on the evening of 15 June 2014. Although his Facebook page was still showing adverts for Wespac, GIO, Lite n Easy, Acer, Microtrade, Malaysia Airlines, Total Focus, a number of dating sites and even Australian Customs.

Some of his favourite word descriptions or those he retweets appear to be JuLIAR, feminazi hate group, ALP, unions, ABC, lefties, brain dead, morons, leftards, warming cult, unfortunate looking, nazi stitchup, socialist sycophants, f*cking,  - so be warned that this is the level of 'debate' which will greet you if you click onto his sites or open some of the offensive links.

This is the Whois record for The Peoples Voice at IP hosted by the Omnis Network:

Whois Record (last updated on 2014-06-14 )
Whois Output for:

  Brooks, William
  3655 Torrance Blvd Suite 230
  Torrance, CA 90503

Administrative Contact:
  Guarded Services, Guarded Services
  Guarded Services
  3655 Torrance Blvd Suite 230
  Torrance, CA 90503, US
  Phone: +1.3103161688

Technical Contact:
  Guarded Services, Guarded Services
  Guarded Services
  3655 Torrance Blvd Suite 230
  Torrance, CA 90503, US
  Phone: +1.3103161688

Billing Contact:
  Guarded Services, Guarded Services
  Guarded Services
  3655 Torrance Blvd Suite 230
  Torrance, CA 90503, US
  Phone: +1.3103161688

Record Information:
  Domain Record Created: March 06, 2013
  Domain Record Updated: March 01, 2014
  Domain Record Expires: March 06, 2015

DNS Information:
  Name Server:
  Name Server:
  Name Server: