One has to wonder when the creator of the YES to McDonalds in YAMBA Facebook page (less than one thousand fans last time I looked) claims to hail from Maclean and not Yamba. While a brief Google search throws up a profile which appears to match this 'Brendan' and shows that a Maclean sports club to which he belongs is seeking business/corporate sponsorship and that he is touting for new business on his advertising website with its mimic URL which ironically seeks to feed off Yamba's established brand. More than a few of his Facebook page 'fans' obviously live in Grafton which just happens to be home to an existing McDonalds outlet.
At least one McDonald's employee is to be found on both the Yes site and the Facebook page NO to McDonalds in YAMBA (over 3,300 fans last time I looked) - talking up the 'benefits' of this multinational and verbally spitting at others.
Elsewhere on Facebook she describes herself as an "Area Assistant" with McDonald's in Grafton now on maternity leave.
This is how the Clarence Valley 'face' of McDonald's is presenting itself:
Bringing a McDonalds to Yamba is going to create great job opportunities for everyone but especially the younger generation. The younger generation that everyone complains about not working. Their options are either to travel or work in the local shops at Yamba. The small businesses will employ family or friends before... taking anyone in. A lot of them expecting to only pay people cash in hand. When business gets a bit tough, bring in the family to take over and cya later job. Some people seem to be carrying on about youth in Yamba not caring about working....Well i bet all the positions will get filled and a majority of the people will work hard.
Also, if people do end up overweight its their own bloody fault!!!!
What....People cant have self control over what they eat now, they have to blame that on someone else too???
I dont see anyone having a crack at all the unhealthy things sold in your Supermarkets or your oh so healthy fish and chip shops.......
McDonalds does have a healthy range as well..
I dont think that that is a fair arguement thats being put up...
Hmmm well doesnt this Nick Stone person think he is SO great. The reality is, he has to pick at peoples spelling mistakes, or if IPhones have spell check because he cant come up with any good reasons for a McDonalds not to be in Yamba!!
Ask him something, he wont be able to answer it.....He will only change the subject ...totally to try and put you down because he has nothing real to say....
Its great....Oh and then watch out for his friend Sharon Beel who will come to his side as she has nothing decent to say either...
Then when theyve had enough and realise they are losing, they will say its all a joke..But its not!
Haha......They are the JOKE!!!!
Haha.... You have got be kidding!! You are the middle age woman who is the joke!!!!!!Your theories make no sense, i think you may have a screw loose!!!
Thats the thing though, i dont run a small business...I havent said that i wanted too so why should i have to justify that to you?McDonalds will be making plenty of employment. Mst probably more that what a small business can make. A clever business person who owns/buys/ or builds a small business in a growing are should realise that bigger franchisees are likely to happen. I would think about that and what effect it would have on my business before i put myself in that position.
Late on 7 April 2010 this Grafton McDonald's employee also stated an intention to make a formal submission to Clarence Valley Council:
I wasnt quite sure what to write either. I just typed what i thought was good and sent a draft of it to They will help :)
I strongly suspect that she may not think to declare the fact that she lives and works in the Grafton area or make her employment background clear in that letter/email to Clarence Valley Council.
Perhaps it's time that McDonald's Australia CEO Peter Bush had a word with his NSW North Coast licensees about their store managers and employees' extra curricular activities.
But perhaps not - after all this is the same McDonald's Australia which described its favoured licensee for the proposed Yamba outlet as coming from "the region" in an effort to convey a false impression that he is actually a permanent resident in the Clarence Valley.
Graphic from Google Images