Wednesday 9 July 2014

When the ocean begins to flood a city.....

An object lesson for the Abbott Government and many communities on the east coast of Australia....

Quartz 30 June 2014:

The usual US partisan divisions over climate change were absent today in the state of Virginia, where Republican and Democratic officials met to discuss what to do about the threat of rising sea levels to the state. The proposals include the launch of a climate-change task force, which Virginia's Democratic governor will announce tomorrow. Christina DeConcini, government affairs director at the World Resources Institute, a research organization, told Quartz this is the first time to her knowledge that Republican leaders (very few of whom accept global warming is both real and man-made) and Democratic ones have come together to craft a policy on global warming.
That's probably because Virginia is more vulnerable to storm-surge destruction than anywhere else on the US's east coast. Problems are particularly acute in Norfolk, Virginia's second-biggest city and home to the world's largest naval base; sea levels there are now 14.5 inches (37 cm) higher than they were in 1930—so high that parts of Norfolk flood when the moon is full. Sea levels are rising faster there than anywhere else along the coast, due to the vagaries of ocean currents:

Sewells Point is a peninsula off Norfolk.Natural Resources Defense Council

"A severe Category 2 or a Category 3 storm—if we were to receive a direct hit, almost all of the city would be underwater," Paul Fraim, Norfolk's mayor, told National Public Radio in 2012.
This doesn't mean that high tide is lapping at Virginians' front doors. The main danger comes when storms pummel the coasts with huge waves, which are amplified by tidal forces. Here's an illustration of how high tides and storm surges, as they're called, differ:
"Virginia Hurricane Evacuation Guide"


Tuesday 8 July 2014

Well we finally know who is going to organise Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott into his political coffin....

Photograph taken from The Australian article of 8 February 2012

The new President of the Senate, Liberal Party Senator Stephen Parry:

Graduation Certificate, Tasmania Police Academy.
Certificate in Mortuary Science, Australian College of Funeral Service.
Master Funeral Director, Australian College of Funeral Service.
Police officer 1977-86; Detective 1983-86.
Funeral director 1986-2004; Embalmer 1995-2004.
Member, Rotary Club of Ulverstone West from 1987; President 1992-93.
Member, Surf Lifesaving Australia; Club Captain, Ulverstone 1991-93; Chief Instructor, Burnie 1981-83.
National President, Australian Funeral Directors Association 2001-03.
National Chairman, Australian College of Funeral Service 1999-2000.
National Deputy Chairman, Australian Institute of Embalming 1996-97.
President, Burnie Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2000-04.
Director, Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2000-04.
Elected to the Senate for Tasmania 2004 (term began 1.7.2005) and 2010.
Member, Liberal Party from 1980.
[my red bolding]

Is this a threat? One Clarence Valley councillor thought so

This is a snapshot from the ordinary monthly minutes of Clarence Valley Council on 24 June 2014 of a motion which was ruled out of order by the mayor:
And this is the rather extraordinary warning given to nine elected councillors which appears to have caused the motion, a copy of which is also in the same minutes:

This is the original notice of motion which caused the General Manager such angst when it was considered by the Governance & Corporate Committee on 10 June 2014: 

Unfortunately in all the argument about motions, the Committee's recommendations appear to have fallen through a hole in the floor, never to be seen again. 

At the time of writing this post the incorrect data in the attachment in question is still up on the council website at

Clarence Valley Council's Code of Conduct (March 2013) can be found here.

Monday 7 July 2014

Nationals MP for Page Kevin Hogan misled his own electorate

The Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Anthony Albanese, has asserted that this statement by Nationals MP for Page Kevin Hogan on Page One of The Daily Examiner on 28 March 2014 was deliberately misleading:

Mr Hogan said the government's $1.75 billion five-year funding extension of the Roads to Recovery program was at risk of being blocked in the Senate.
"If Labor and the Greens vote against the legislation in the Senate, the program will terminate," he said.
"Given Labor and the Greens' position on this bill our local councils of Ballina, Clarence Valley, Kyogle, Lismore and Richmond Valley stand to lose a total of more than $17.8 million this financial year.
"Across New South Wales, local roads will lose more than a staggering $480 million if Labor doesn't get out of the way."

What Kevin Hogan neglected to say was that, although the Road to Recovery Program funding was not scheduled to extend beyond 30 June 2014, the Land Transport Infrastructure Amendment Bill 2014 passed by the House of Representatives on 24 March 2014 will put in place new funding conditions for the Program and that funding allocations to councils for the 2014-15 financial year will be determined after that.

Nor did Mr.Hogan apparently bother to inform local journalists that the bill had been in the Senate since 25 March when consideration was adjourned until 13 May 2014.

At which time it apparently fell off the Abbott Government agenda.

The bill was scheduled for Senate debate on 23 June 2014, however this did not occur.

One could suspect that Prime Minister Abbott decided to defer the matter until after the new minor party senators took their seats in the Upper House on the 7th of this month.

UPDATE: The Land Transport Infrastructure Amendment Bill was scheduled as government business (second reading—adjourned debate) in the Senate on 8 July 2014 – except that didn’t occur either according to Hansard.

Kevin Hogan was dog whistling in his statement quoted by The Daily Examiner. The Abbott Government clearly does not regard the Roads to Recovery funding to be in jeopardy.

Although, under Abbott’s cost-cutting regimen I’m not sure that regional councils will be pleased with the level of funding they are offered next financial year, as I suspect that the government of which Kevin Hogan is a part may seek to reduce future regional roads funding.


What the Federal Dept. of Infrastructure and Regional Development stated about this bill and future funding on 3 June 2014:

The objective of Roads to Recovery is to contribute to the Infrastructure Investment Programme through supporting maintenance of the nation’s local road infrastructure asset, which facilitates greater access for Australians and improved safety, economic and social outcomes.
From 2014-15 to 2018-19 the Government will provide $2.1 billion ($350 million in 2014-15) under the Roads to Recovery programme, to be distributed to Australia's local councils, state and territory Governments responsible for local roads in the unincorporated areas (where there are no councils) and the Indian Ocean Territories.
The Bill to amend the Nation Building Program (National Land Transport) Act 2009 (the Act) to provide for this extension is currently before Parliament. Following the amendment of the Act, the Government will determine new council allocations and new funding conditions for the Programme.

Excerpt from the 6 July 2014 media release from Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Anthony Albanese:

Nationals’ MP for Page Kevin Hogan has been caught out deliberately misleading his own community with invented claims about imaginary threats to the $1.75 billion Roads to Recovery program.

Late in March Mr Hogan told the Clarence Valley Daily Examiner that if Labor did not back the Abbott Government’s new Land Transport Infrastructure Bill, the Roads to Recovery program and its grants to councils for road works, would end on June 30. 

“The program will terminate,’’ Mr Hogan said, claiming this could cost councils in his electorate more than $17 million.

As Labor said at the time, Mr Hogan’s claims were wrong. June 30 came and went last week with no end to the Roads to Recovery program, which the previous Labor Government funded fully in our 2013 Budget…..

Is Russian President Vladimir Putin's history written in the stars?

The Wire 3 July 2014:

Vladimir Putin may be a powerful and menacing leader here on Earth, but in the cosmos, he isn't getting such kind treatment. Ukrainian astronomers along with pro-Ukraine activists have gotten together to name a star "Putin-Huilo!" Huilo (sometimes spelled khulio) is a Ukrainian term which translates loosely to a combination of "dickhead," "fucker," and "asshole." So the name of the star translates to either "Putin is a dickhead" or "Putin is a dipshit," depending how you read huilo. 
The star was adopted through the Pale Blue Dot Project, affiliated with the White Dwarf Research Corporation. Pale Blue Dot allows anyone to adopt a star for just $10, and pick its name. The $10 donation goes to funding the research of astronomers seeking Earth-like planets. 

Clarence Valley Council Mayor determined that local government will not be transparent or accountable

The motion moved and lost (laid out in Points 1,2, & 3 and the casting vote below) clearly shows that Clarence Valley Council Mayor Richie Williamson is determined that even his fellow councillors will not know how much council has spent on investigations and industrial relations court cases over the last three years. A period which co-incidentally appears to roughly equate with the time Scott Greensill has been general manager.

[Snapshot from Clarence Valley Council Monthly Meeting Minutes, 24 June 2014]

Sunday 6 July 2014

The Very Christian Australian Minister for Immigration and Border Protection In Action

In a year when I thought that evidence before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse had comprehensively blackened the reputation of Australian Christianity and that its standing could sink no lower, along came the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.

This was the very Christian Scott Morrison, Liberal MP for Cook, as recorded by Hansard on 14 February 2008:

Growing up in a Christian home, I made a commitment to my faith at an early age and have been greatly assisted by the pastoral work of many dedicated church leaders, in particular the Reverend Ray Green and pastors Brian Houston and Leigh Coleman. My personal faith in Jesus Christ is not a political agenda. As Lincoln said, our task is not to claim whether God is on our side but to pray earnestly that we are on His. For me, faith is personal, but the implications are social—as personal and social responsibility are at the heart of the Christian message. In recent times it has become fashionable to negatively stereotype those who profess their Christian faith in public life as ‘extreme’ and to suggest that such faith has no place in the political debate of this country. This presents a significant challenge for those of us, like my colleague, who seek to follow the example of William Wilberforce or Desmond Tutu, to name just two. These leaders stood for the immutable truths and principles of the Christian faith. They transformed their nations and, indeed, the world in the process. More importantly, by following the convictions of their faith, they established and reinforced the principles of our liberal democracy upon which our own nation is built.

Australia is not a secular country—it is a free country. This is a nation where you have the freedom to follow any belief system you choose. Secularism is just one. It has no greater claim than any other on our society. As US Senator Joe Lieberman said, the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not from religion. I believe the same is true in this country.

So what values do I derive from my faith? My answer comes from Jeremiah, chapter 9:24:

... I am the Lord who exercises loving-kindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things, declares the Lord.
From my faith I derive the values of loving-kindness, justice and righteousness, to act with compassion and kindness, acknowledging our common humanity and to consider the welfare of others; to fight for a fair go for everyone to fulfil their human potential and to remove whatever unjust obstacles stand in their way, including diminishing their personal responsibility for their own wellbeing; and to do what is right, to respect the rule of law, the sanctity of human life and the moral integrity of marriage and the family. We must recognise an unchanging and absolute standard of what is good and what is evil. Desmond Tutu put it this way:
... we expect Christians ... to be those who stand up for the truth, to stand up for justice, to stand on the side of the poor and the hungry, the homeless and the naked, and when that happens, then Christians will be trustworthy believable witnesses.
These are my principles. My vision for Australia is for a nation that is strong, prosperous and generous: strong in our values and our freedoms, strong in our family and community life, strong in our sense of nationhood and in the institutions that protect and preserve our democracy; prosperous in our enterprise and the careful stewardship of our opportunities, our natural environment and our resources; and, above all, generous in spirit, to share our good fortune with others, both at home and overseas, out of compassion and a desire for justice…..
In conclusion, it says in the Book of Joel, ‘Your old men will dream dreams; your young men will see visions.’ Let us have in this place a vision of young men and women that realises the dreams of generations past—the dreaming of Dharawal elders of ancient times, the dreams of Cook and his era of discovery and enlightenment and the dreams of my grandparents’ generation, who fought wars, survived the Great Depression and gave birth to our great Liberal Party with the dream of a brighter day for those who came after them. May God bless and guide us all in this place as we serve those who have had the good grace to send us here on their behalf. [my red bolding]
This is the very Christian Minister for Immigration and Border Protection and Liberal MP for Cook, Scott Morrison, putting his values into action.

The Abbott government has singled out Sri Lankans for special treatment, or mistreatment, if the conclusions of successive international reports on the country's human rights abuses are accepted. Australia subjects only Sri Lankans to "enhanced", or expedited, screening. Australia's "arrangement" with Sri Lanka is all about stopping the boats carrying its nationals. 
The Tamil boat exodus to Australia did not happen during Sri Lanka’s 26-year civil war, in which atrocities on both sides – the Sinhalese majority and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam – were well documented. Rather, the flood of boats erupted almost three years after the official end to the war in 2009. Between January 2012 and late last year, Australia received more than 8300 Sri Lankans by boat. 
Why? Other destination countries are asking the same question. In the foreword to a 2014 report that documents the testimony of 40 Tamils who fled to Britain, South Africa's Archbishop Desmond Tutu writes: "It shows how anyone remotely connected with the losing side in the civil war is being hunted down, tortured and raped, five years after the guns fell silent. Shockingly, more than half of the abductions in the report took place as recently as 2013-14 ... The sheer viciousness and brutality of the sexual violence is staggering ... Thirty-five of the witnesses were forced to sign confessions in Sinhala, a language they do not understand."

A bold move by the Abbott government to circumvent a decision of the High Court and the will of the Senate appears certain to trigger another High Court challenge.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has responded to a court decision two weeks ago on visa caps by declaring he will personally apply a "national interest" test to every application for permanent protection by those who arrive without a visa.
The minister has also signalled he will reject all such cases by outlining several reasons why the national interest test will deny the grant of permanent visas and no reasons that would support the grant of a permanent visa.

The Guardian 3 July 2014:

The UNHCR has expressed “profound concern” that two boats carrying Tamil asylum seekers may have been sent back to Sri Lanka by the Australian government, and directly raised the possibility that Australia has broken international law.

The Guardian 2 July 2014:

Children account for the "greatest percentage" of self-harm incidents and suicidal behaviour by asylum seekers in detention, the president of Australia's Human Rights Commission has revealed, citing new statistics showing there were 128 reported self-harm incidents amongst children in detention between January 2013 and March this year.

Excerpt from a doorstop interview on 28 June 2014 where questions were raised about the fate of Tamil refugees, who were subsequently transferred at sea by Australia to the custody of the Sri Lankan navy and the regime from which they were fleeing:

Click on image to enlarge

Scott Morrison June 2014:

The Guardian 30 May 2014:

The desperate state of healthcare offered to asylum-seeker families, children, babies and pregnant women inside the Nauru detention centre can be revealed for the first time in a comprehensive report produced by five independent clinical experts, obtained exclusively by Guardian Australia.

Dept. of Immigration and Border Protection Review into the events of 16-18 February 2014 at the Manus Regional Processing Centre May 2014 – details of injuries sustained by asylum seekers at the hands of Centre staff, expat Australian service providers and PNG nationals including:

Reza Barati (Boat number FRT068) who died as a result of his injuries
[redacted] who lost his right eye
[redacted] who was shot in the buttocks, and
Mr. T2 who was slashed across the throat.

The Australian 31 March 2014:

Immigration Minster Scott Morrison today confirmed he had fulfilled his election pledge to remove free legal advice to asylum-seekers who arrive without visas by sea or air
“If people choose to violate how Australia chooses to run our refugee and humanitarian program, they should not presume upon the support and assistance that is provided to those who seek to come the right way, and they should certainly not receive additional assistance, as they did under the previous government,” he said.

ABC News 25 November 2013:

Mr Morrison says an asylum seeker who gave birth in Brisbane nearly three weeks ago could also be sent back to Nauru.
The baby boy was delivered by caesarean, and has suffered respiratory problems and feeding difficulties.

The Guardian 15 November 2013:

When asked if Nauru had suitable medical facilities for disabled children, since it did not have suitable pre-natal care, Morrison said there were disabled people in the detention centre receiving “appropriate” care.
“It doesn’t matter how much education you’ve had, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve come from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, anywhere else, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a child, it doesn’t matter whether you’re pregnant, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a woman, it doesn’t matter whether you’re an unaccompanied minor, it doesn’t matter if you have a health condition, if you’re fit enough to get on a boat then you can expect you’re fit enough to end up in offshore processing,” he said.

The Australian 30 July 2013:

Thousands of asylum seekers will be housed on Nauru in a tent city for up to five years under a coalition government, as a cheap alternative to the Labor government's proposed Manus Island resettlement program.
At least 2000 people would be sent to a new camp to be built by the coalition if it wins government, but thousands more would be located elsewhere, with no guarantee of final settlement in Australia, The Australian reports on Tuesday.