Saturday 28 April 2012

Janelle Saffin encourages all local veterans communities to tap into funding for Anzac Centenary commemorations and projects

Janelle encourages veterans to tap into Anzac Centenary Program

PAGE MP Janelle Saffin is encouraging all local veterans communities to commemorate the nation’s  military history under the Australian Government’s new $83.5-million program marking the Centenary of Anzac from 2014 to 2018.

“As we approach the 100th anniversary since the Gallipoli landings and major battles on the Western Front, the Anzac Centenary Program will honour the sacrifices and service of the first Anzacs and of all members of the Australian Defence Force who have kept the Anzac spirit alive,” she said.

Ms Saffin welcomed a package of commemorative events and initiatives, including a local grants program to help Northern Rivers communities carry out their own Anzac commemoration projects, with funding available from January 2013.

Ms Saffin said some key elements of the program include:

  • The refurbishment of war graves to ensure individual and collective memorials to our war dead, in Australia and overseas, are properly maintained.
  • Funding for the running of commemorative services overseas during the Centenary;
  • An Arts and Culture Fund to support individuals, artists and cultural institutions to develop commemorative displays and artistic creations that showcase our military history;
  • A scoping study for a travelling exhibition or similar, that will take important memorabilia from the First World War and subsequent conflicts out to communities across Australia.
  • Funding for the establishment of the Anzac Interpretive Centre at Albany, Western Australia, where the first convoys of Australian and New Zealand soldiers left for Egypt and Gallipoli.

Ms Saffin said it was fitting that on the eve of Anzac Day 2012, Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Minister Assisting her on the Centenary of Anzac Warren Snowdon were launching a seven-year program in partnership with local councils, communities, ex-service organisations, state and territory governments and international partners.

Ms Saffin also congratulated the Rotary Club of Lismore Incorporated and the Port of Yamba Historical Society after Veterans’ Affairs Minister Snowdon announced they had received Australian Government Saluting Their Service grants for commemorative projects.

Lismore Rotary will use $3356 to help install a stained glass window in the Warrior’s Chapel of St Andrews Anglican Church, Lismore, to commemorate the servicemen who perished in the Sandakan POW death camps and on the Sandakan death marches in Borneo during the Second World War.

Port of Yamba Historical Society will use $1487 towards staging its current exhibition, The Ghosts of World War One, which commemorates the local men whose names appear on the Yamba War Memorial and honour rolls displayed at the Museum.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012. Media Contact: Peter Ellem 0437 303 875. 

Friday 27 April 2012

Australian Mining Industry: So which version do you believe is the more accurate?

mUmBRELLA 20 April 2012:

Less than two hours after publishing the story we received the following letter from XStrata Coal:
I refer to the video titled “Ad pastiches mining industry’s ‘This is our story’ campaign” published on your website:
The video found on this link contains a parody of the piece concerning (name withheld by Mumbrella for legal reasons).
Xstrata recognises that there is legitimate scope for parody in public debate, and appreciates the importance in public life of a free and frank exchange of views. Nonetheless, we take exception to the piece concerning (name withheld by Mumbrella) because it makes a number of suggestions concerning (name withheld) that are unfair and defamatory. In particular:
(allegation withheld by Mumbrella for legal reasons);
(allegation withheld by Mumbrella for legal reasons);
(allegation withheld by Mumbrella for legal reasons);
(allegation withheld by Mumbrella for legal reasons);
These examples are by way of illustration only.
Xstrata is happy to accept robust criticism. But we are not content to allow a valued employee to be defamed in so unfair and personal a fashion. We therefore require that the video found in the above link (and on any other website hosted by Mumbrella or YouTube) be removed immediately and remind you that all persons involved in the publication of defamatory material are equally liable for defamation. We also observe that the reproduction of the whole of the video taken from appears to constitute a breach of copyright. We request your immediate confirmation that the videos will be removed from Mumbrella and YouTube and we expect that it will be taken down forthwith.
We do not wish to escalate this to a legal dispute, but you should not underestimate our willingness to do so if your website continues to defame our employee.
Yours sincerely
Tom Cregan
Legal Counsel
Xstrata Coal

Tweed Cane Toad Muster at Knox Park April 30, 2012

From My Daily News April 24, 2012:
THE Cane Toad Muster is on again and this time the Bush Futures Project wants help to remove the pest from Knox Park.
The muster on Monday, April 30, will be the last for the season.
Tweed Shire Council invasive species officer Pamela Gray said she hoped for a large turnout to really make a dent in the park's toad population….
Participants are asked to wear a long sleeved shirt, long pants and covered shoes and are advised to wear insect repellent.
Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18 in order to participate.
The hunt for the poisonous pests will start at Knox Park's Gazebo next to the lake and will run from 5.20pm until 6.30pm.

Cane toad portrait from Google Images

A short summary of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's policy positions

Tony Abbott’s big knob has carefully coiffured hair above his forehead when he faces the cameras with a tonsorial wasteland hidden behind.
His social, environmental and economic policies are much the same - all front.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Peter Slipper Cabcharge Dockets. Is somebody having a lend of APN journalists?

Psst! Did you hear that a friend of a friend of a friend of my brother who lives somewhere in Queensland unlawfully used a Peter Slipper CabCharge docket?

That appears to be how ridiculous the media rumour mill is becoming.

The latest to come to my attention is this little gem up on multiple APN newspaper websites, including The Daily Examiner:

The cabbie went on to say he thought it was "strange" at the time.
Strange is not the word for this story, because presumably a copy of the alleged Cabcharge docket would have had to eventually find its way to the Department of Finance and Deregulation and, this does not appear to have happened according to available records covering 1 January 2010 to 30 June 2011.
Not only did this not happen, but the Department has no record of any travel on 23 October 2010. Either by taxi using a Slipper Cabcharge docket which would have to be swiped with his card to be valid (see example below) or indeed by hire car or Commonwealth car.
So the question is: Why on earth didn’t any APN newspaper check with the official website - which posted Land transport travel records for Hon. Peter Slipper, Member for Fisher, for period 1 January 2010 – 30 June 2011 on 10 April 2012  - fourteen days before The Daily Examiner et al began spreading such nonsense?

Copy of a Slipper Cabcharge docket posted at Scribd

Saga giving North Coast backpacker hostels a bad name

The Northern Star  9 December 2012:

EchoNetDaily 13 December 2012:

Byron Shire Council media release 28 February 2012 :

EchoNetDaily  20 January 2012:

The Northern Star  20 January 2012:
25 February 2012:
25 February 2012:

EchoNetDaily 3 April 2012:

Byron Shire News on 12 April 2012:

Oi, Bazza! Don't frack with us on the Northern Rivers

Clarence Valley residents Varpu Rantanen, Seanine Cooper an Larissa Cooper
at the coal-seam gas meeting in Casino last week

“CLARENCE Valley residents opposed to coal-seam gas mining were among dozens who turned out in force at a public meeting in Casino on April 19 to discuss the O'Farrell Government's draft Regional Strategic Land Use Policy and new Aquifer Interference Regulations.”
Rest of journalist Emma Prichard’s 23rd April story in The Daily Examiner here.


Tuesday 24 April 2012

The strange things journalists write

Until recently, newspapers were not allowed to report on suicide and I think the original rationale for that was well-intentioned: to stop sensationalist journalism on such a personal and tragic event. [The Daily Examiner,20 April 2012,p12]

A rather curious statement which history refutes.

Even a quick search of Trove and NSW State Library records will show that since at least the 19th Century through to this 21st Century  Australian newspapers at national, state and local level (including The Daily Examiner) have been reporting on attempted suicide/suicides; naming names, ages, places of residence and often describing methods used.

In August 2011 the Press Council of Australia issued a specific standard of practice for suicide reporting, which did not lift any supposed universal media ban but sought to clarify best practice.

Keerrong & The Channon Says No To CSG: becomes first NSW North Coast community to lock its land and roads

Hundreds of committed citizens of Keerrong and The Channon form a human map of our roads and creeks. The legal system and governments have failed us. Now we're taking a stand. We won't let gas miners contaminate our water, air and land with toxic chemicals. Through grass-roots public meetings and surveys, we reached a 99% majority decision to close our roads and valleys to Coal Seam Gas mining. We're saying to the miners: 'You're not coming here'. As we present the CSG-free road declarations to our mayor, we celebrate the strength of community. This video launches the CSG-free Community Strategy in the Northern Rivers, NSW Australia. We're taking back our communities from the gas miners.

To find out how to make your community CSG Free, go to

Best MSM Headline of the Month

Facts, 360 B.C.-A.D. 2012
In memoriam: After years of health problems, Facts has finally died.

Monday 23 April 2012

Abbott on Slipper in 2011 - "He's a mate of mine"

It is hard to see Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's recent statements concerning The Speaker Peter Slipper as anything other than hypocritical manufactured outrage, given he was still supporting this member of parliament during periods when other serious allegations had surfaced, including those mentioned in current court papers.

Abbott and Slipper posed photograph from Google Images

He’s a mate of mine
Abbott speaking at 7.32 mins on 2011 audio clip

Are you concerned that Peter Slipper last night issued a statement threatening to resign from the Queensland Liberal National Party?
Look, there are all sorts of issues at a local party level and they’re things that should be sorted out at a local party level.
Will you be talking to Peter Slipper and Mal Brough to sort out their situation?
In the end, they’re both loyal members of the LNP here in Queensland. Peter is a good, strong member of the Coalition down in Canberra.
[Tony Abbott Doorstop, 5 September 2011,transcript]

THE Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, is urging the Queensland Liberal National Party to show restraint amid a growing push for a quick preselection challenge against the federal Liberal MP and Deputy Speaker, Peter Slipper.
Mr Abbott and others in the Liberal Party feel that if Mr Slipper loses his preselection, he may quit the party and sit on the cross benches, costing the Coalition a precious vote in the finely balanced Parliament.
The Liberal Party federal director, Brian Loughnane, was making representations to the LNP state president, Bruce McIver, yesterday.
Sources said Mr Loughnane was trying to defuse the situation on behalf of Mr Abbott.
[The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 November 2011]

The leader of the opposition, Tony Abbott, recently came out in support of Peter Slipper in an on-air interview with 101.5FM - 4OUR.
Mr Abbott said Mr Slipper was a "good bloke" and was loyal.
"He has been a good loyal servant of the Liberal Party, and more recently the LNP," Mr Abbott told the Morning Magazine in an interview. (Listen to the podcast below)
[101.5FM, Morning Mag, 24 November 2011]

Mr Speaker, we have known each other for many years. We have shared good times and not-so-good times. You have been an extremely effective and efficient Deputy Speaker of this parliament. You certainly have the technical skills and the knowledge of this parliament to be effective in this chair. We congratulate you. We wish you well and we express the hope and the confidence that you will serve without fear or favour. [Tony Abbott welcoming Slipper as The Speaker, Commonwealth Hansard, 24 November 2011]


When Peter Slipper became an independent Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Tony Abbott-led Opposition began ‘leaking’ damaging documents to The Australian:

When this becomes common knowledge in April 2012, Abbott does not deny knowledge of the allegations or the leaks, but tries to spin the facts:

The only reasonable conclusion which can be drawn from this scenario is that the Liberal Party of Australia and Tony Abbott (both in government and opposition) concealed serious allegations from the Australian Parliament and voters in order that the Coalition could hold onto the federal seat of Fisher in Queensland, which was retained by Slipper in the 2010 federal election with a +2.28% swing.


Although Coalition political operatives were involved in approaching the media after Slipper became Speaker, Tony Abbott offers a carefully-worded denial of any Coalition involvement in preparing the Ashby sexual harassment case:

Mr Abbott says he has no knowledge of any coalition personnel helping to prepare the case against Mr Slipper.

Further update:

Slipper on Abbott via Twitter in April 2012.....

I have been a good friend of Tony Abbott even when he didn't have many. I even delivered him the key vote he needed to become leader!

#auspol Tony was an honoured guest at our wedding 6 years ago and it was great to have him and other friends and family there.

@AussiePlease#auspol That's true but if I had voted another way, he wouldn't have become Leader.

Dear Sol, How sweet it is to see another rich patriarch showing an Achilles heel

Dear Sol,

Yes, I freely admit it.  It’s class envy times infinity from someone who grew up in what could be classed an Aussie slum, the son of a man who grew up likewise, the grandson of a man who often went hungry and the great-grandson of a man who spent his life in abject poverty but managed to raise a family which endures to this day.

So I take a somewhat perverse please in seeing you, Solomon Lew, controversial billionaire, in the courts airing the family’s dirty but expensive linen in Lew & Ors v Priester & Ors 28 February 2012

Maudie's Ex

* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to ncvguestspeak AT for consideration.

CSG Free Northern Rivers Rally & Concert, Riverside Park Lismore 10am 12 May 2012

Gawd 'elp us all if we grow old, frail and alone in the Land Downunder

This is part of the Gillard Government response to Australia's aged care needs:

"To make it easier for older Australians to stay in their home while they receive care, we will:
Increase the number of Home Care Packages- from 59,876 to almost 100,000 (99,669).
Provide tailored care packages to people receiving home care, and new funding for dementia care.
Cap costs, so that full pensioners pay no more than the basic fee." and
“care recipients with higher than average care needs, an indexed annual cap of $5,000 for single people on income less than $43,000”
A positive policy move. Except Maud Up The Street tells me you need at least six hours care in the home per week and a family member coming in, or living in, to pick up the rest of the care hours to take the pressure of the lack of available dementia-dedicated nursing home beds on the NSW North Coast.
Not every older person has the luxury of children and grandchildren or of having them live close by if they do. In fact, in some areas around 30% of the 50 years plus population is probably childless if ABS stats are any sort of guide.
The Prime Minister and Health Minister speak a lot about "older Australians and their families" - without recognizing that the norm is changing more than they realise and this welcome move which will allow more people to stay in their home as they receive aged care may accidentally exclude the elderly without families.
Even the announced extra aged care beds may not always materialise in regional areas such as the NSW North Coast, because nursing homes sometimes display a reluctance to take up available residential bed quotas.

Prime Minister and Health Minister Media Release 20th April 2012

Sunday 22 April 2012

Dodgy $20 notes doing the rounds in Lismore area

NSW Police Force media release 22nd  April 2012

“Detectives on the state’s north coast are conducting inquiries after a number of fake $20 notes were found in circulation in the Lismore area.
A number of business owners contacted local police on Friday (20 April 2012) after the counterfeit notes were used to pay for good and services.
The phony cash was detected by staff at a Lismore kebab shop, pub, convenience store and fast food restaurant, and by two taxi drivers.
Detectives have launched an investigation in a bid to identify who’s responsible for producing them.
The counterfeit notes, totalling $240, have also been seized for forensic examination.
Richmond LAC Duty Officer, Inspector Robert Cairnduff, warned local residents and business owners to be on the lookout for the notes.
“I would encourage everyone to be extra vigilant when handling their money and if you do notice something odd or that doesn’t look quite right, please contact us immediately,” Insp Cairnduff said.
“The counterfeit notes that we have seized are not of great quality; however, in poor light or to the unsuspecting eye they could quite possibly be passed off as the real thing,” he said.
Inquiries by local detectives are ongoing.
Anyone with information that might assist investigators is urged to contact Lismore Police Station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”

Oh, Carole, I am such a fool or Click send and lose your job

One can’t help feeling that this particular LNP staffer is no loss to both the Queensland and Federal political systems. Senator Ian MacDonald must have cringed when Crikey published this on 17 April 2012:

Dear Carole,
I have just read your pathetic piece in the Courier-Mail. While I generally ignore the bleatings of sourpusses like you, your piece was so depressing and negative that I was moved to find your email address and simply say: Get a life.
The world would be a better place if people like you stood for political preselection and learned the hard way that ability is not measured by chromosomes.
Question: Why don’t you have a go? Answer: Like most women, you probably don’t possess the necessary drive, determination and decisiveness that men innately possess. It’s not a personal criticism; it’s a fact of biology. Where, for example, are the great female explorers, mountaineers, warriors, inventors, chefs? Blokes dominate most areas of human endeavour because Nature equipped them with something called testosterone. That was part of Nature’s grand design to enable men to be stronger, more fearless and more determined than their sisters. Sorry, Carole, fact not fiction.
Women occupy a special but different place in the world to that of men. I’ve been married to a wonderful woman - a proud mother of four successful adult children, not a nuclear physicist - for nearly 40 years. For yeras [sic] I’ve heard women like you ask my wife at cocktail parties, functions and dinner parties: And what do you do? The clear inference in the pregnant silence that follows my wife’s answer that she is a proud home-maker makes my skin crawl. Women like my wife are the life-givers, the embodiment of sacrificial love (the purest form of love), the primary keepers of the flame of civilisation that separates us from the animal world, and yet the Sisterhood frowns on them for not joining the anti-male club that you so typefy [sic].
The anti-male world of conspiracy theories in which you and the Sisterhood inhabit is the complete antithesis of the world in which positive women thrive. Women who can’t cut it in - what did you call it?, the boys’ club - can easily cover their inadequacies by claiming bias, sexism, misogyny, chauvinism etc. etc. ad infinitum. It’s so tiring to read such twaddle.
Face reality, my dear. Smell the coffee. Try to turn your sour, negative, anti-male view of the world into something more positive and productive. Demonising men may be your life’s quest but fewer and fewer people are listening.
I repeat: GET A LIFE.
Kind regards,
Max Tomlinson

Article which raised Max's ire here.

Wot I didz wiv me down time at the taxpayer's expense

It will almost be a relief when Phelps gets back to doing those nothings recorded by Hansard on 1st May  - these tweets are getting weird.
Spent the last hour standing on a vacant, wind-swept, overcast beach doing nothing #mylifeisavirginiawoolfnovel