Monday 28 May 2012

Scoop Teh Northern Territory News Missed!

Has ‘Planet America’ been invaded by aliens?

L: Minature alien spaceship as it begins
approach to Chas Licciardello’s right ear

R: Same alien craft as it exits by
Chas Licciardello’s left ear

*Gasp* *Horror* Will Chas survive?

Sunday 27 May 2012

The Thomson Saga: Just how unlucky can a person be?

      Craig Thomson
       circa 2003-2005

The Northern Leader 25 May 2012:

Records obtained by the Herald indicate a $770 fee was charged to Mr Thomson's HSU credit card on May 7, 2005. The transaction was billed to ''Internat Immobiliare''.

So what is known about this corporation?

Well ASIC lists four companies with similar names:





The first company on the list was under a court-ordered liquidation which commenced in 2001 and was eventually deregistered on 1 October 2003.
In October 2003 the second company was registered eight days later and deregistered on 15 March 2008. It has no documents lodged on the ASIC website after its registration document. However the ASIC Gazette lists INTERNATIONAL IMMOBILIARE PTY LTD ACN 106 620 900 as a deregistered company on 31 January 2006.
The third wasn’t registered until 18 October 2010.
While the fourth wasn’t registered until 23 January 2006.

There are also two International Immobiliare Limited - one registered in New Zealand and the other in Britain.

Now if the Internat Immobiliare mentioned in the media was actually a holding company associated with a Sydney escort agency; if this name also represents one of the companies listed by ASIC; and if allegedly the name did turn up as a debit on a Health Services Union credit card account in 2005 – then one would have to be very unlucky to have had the transaction occur in what was the last seven months this company was trading.

Doubly unlucky would best describe anyone who in patronising Internat Immobiliare’s escort agency did not realise that they were also using a business which had a reputation for disputed dalliance claims about its workers and ‘famous’ people and, in at least one case in 2004, a worker had allegedly received a large sum from a media outlet to tell the story.

Terminally unlucky is a phrase which springs to mind when one considers there were also allegations of the agency’s books being cooked by management sometime between 2003 and 2008.

At the same time one might characterize a journalist who found credit card documents  pertaining to a long-defunct company strewn across his investigative path - records which at least two police investigations and a Fair Work Australia investigation apparently failed to find - as nothing less than an incredibily fortunate member of the Fourth Estate.

Indeed Lady Luck has been staggering across the public square in such a way as to make one suspect that she is more than a little inebriated.

However, not quite as inebriated as Channel Nine's A Current Affair which appears to be relying on the memory of a former sex worker, who allegedly met a union official once seven years ago (before he lost weight, his hair went gray and that bald patch developed) and was willing to indentify him this year from a photograph - in exchange for an undisclosed payment.

** The former owner of this escort agency apparently now resides near Mission Beach in New Zealand where he is still finding his way into the news and the New Zealand woman interviewed by A Current Affair is believed to be living in Cabarita Beach area on the NSW North Coast.

NEWS FLASH: CSG miners have HUGE bladders?

The Daily Examiner 8th  May 2012:

IN YESTERDAY'S Daily Examiner it was reported Metgasco's booth at the Grafton Show was not manned on Friday and Saturday.
This is incorrect. Metgasco staff, including CEO Peter Henderson, manned the booth from 9am-5pm on both days.
The Daily Examiner apologises to Metgasco and its staff for any problems this error may have caused.  

Sounds very like The Daily Examiner committed another blooper, doesn’t it? Except that neither the newspaper nor journalist Claire Simmons said that this CSG mining corporation’s stall was unmanned all day on Friday and Saturday.

What The Daily Examiner actually wrote on 7th  May 2012 was:

Mining company Metgasco established an information stand at the Grafton Show, but their opponents were unable to locate any mining foot soldiers.
"We were disappointed we were unable to locate any Metgasco representatives at their stall at the Grafton Show," said Denise Deane of the Clarence Valley Against CSG Alliance.

What one earth was the editor thinking in publishing that craven apology for something the newspaper never wrote? Even the Australian Press Council wouldn't have required a retraction in this language, so how heavy was Metgasco playing it with APN management?
And was Metgasco telling The Egg Timer that its representatives have bladders of prodigious capacity and the internal fortitude of camels – that on two consecutive days, for eight hours at a time, none of them ever left that stall for either food, drink or a comfort stop?
Pull the other one lads!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Baselines tell the real story on NSW main greenhouse gas emissions

The story: Emissions from energy grew by 1.7%, with an increase in the use of coal-fired generation more than offsetting decreased use of gas and petroleum………

Last week:
  • Emissions from energy grew by 1.7%, or 34,000 tonnes, with an increase in the use of coal-fired generation more than offsetting decreased use of gas and petroleum.
  • Emissions from coal-fired generation, which accounted for 91% of electricity generation, grew by 4.6% or 48,000 tonnes.
  • Emissions from gas fell by 4.3%, or 9,000 tonnes.
  • Emissions from petroleum fell by 0.8% or 6,000 tonnes.
  • Electricity demand grew by 2.3%.
  • NSW met 10% of its electricity demand with imports from other states, compared with 9.0% the previous week.
Last year:
  • This week’s indicator is 12% lower than the same week in 2011.
  • Total emissions to this stage of 2012 were 6.7% lower than at a similar stage last year.
  • 1990: 22% above
  • 2000: 4.5% above

Growing dirt pile is getting closer to NSW O'Farrell Government Resources and Energy Minister, Chris Hartcher - Part Three


It would appear that the Ashby virus is spreading……………….

The Sydney Morning Herald 19 May 2012:

POLICE are investigating a claim Senator Bill Heffernan assaulted an employee of Chris Hartcher, the NSW Energy Minister, in an alleged homophobic attack at a fractious Liberal Party meeting on the central coast.

Ray Carter, 67, has accused Senator Heffernan of assaulting him and, according to sources, vilifying him over his sexuality at a gathering of party members in the federal electorate of Robertson.

Senator Heffernan was acting as an emissary of Tony Abbott at the Breakers Country Club at Wamberal on May 3. A Liberal source said the pair had been seen to physically clash on two occasions during the evening and also alleged that Senator Heffernan had aimed ''homophobic slurs'' at Mr Carter. In a statutory declaration, Mr Carter alleges Senator Heffernan hit him on his shoulder, causing him to fall into his seat, and later saying to him: ''I didn't know you were a poofter.''……..

Mr Carter, who has been suspended from Mr Hartcher's electorate office over a donation scandal, waited nearly a fortnight to report the allegation to Gosford police.

 Part One here.

Friday 25 May 2012

Yet another Craig in hot water on the Hill

Mr ALBANESE: And I am. The member for Hughes may have failed to declare directorships of several companies, failed to declare potential liabilities arising from the collapse of a company with which he was involved, failed to declare possible criminal charges arising from that collapse and failed to declare that he has been practising as a solicitor at the same time as serving as a member of the House. For the benefit of the House, I will briefly outline the facts that I say potentially constitute contempt against the House. I refer to paragraph 2(d) of the House resolution……..

Mr ALBANESE: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. The member for Hughes has failed to declare registered company directorships for several companies, including Homewares Depot Pty Ltd—the member was a director until 25 March 2011, but this was not declared. He was also the company secretary, but the member failed to declare this on his register of interests too. The member was a director of Valentino Franchising Pty Ltd until 25 March 2011 but failed to declare this. The member was a director of Valentino Home Fashion Pty Ltd until 8 March 2011, but once again the member failed to declare this.
For the benefit of the House, I table an extract from the relevant Australian Securities and Investments Commission database documenting the member's involvement with the companies in question. I also refer to the member's statement of registrable interests for the 43rd Parliament lodged on 25 October 2010 and I table that document. At item 4 of that statement, 'Registered directorships of companies', the member has entered 'nil'. In contempt of the resolution of this House, the member has failed to declare the company directorships to which I have just referred.
What is perhaps more concerning is the member's failure to notify the House of the shadow director role that he allegedly played in another company. In a report of February 2012, the liquidators of the member for Hughes's family company have raised questions about whether he was acting as a shadow director at the time of the collapse. These verAustralian taxpayer through the Australian Taxation Office.
The member might say the shadow directorship was too uncertain to require declaration under rules for company directors. This is a matter that the Privileges Committee will ultimately have to determine. However, even if the member were not required to declare his involvement with DV Kelly Pty Ltd under the rules for company directors, which I dispute, he was required to declare it under other—…….

Mr ALBANESE: Paragraph 2(m) provides that members must declare any interests of any kind where a conflict with their public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to be arising. That is certainly the case here. The liquidators report that DV Kelly Pty Ltd may have been trading while insolvent, a grave allegation which could carry significant consequences, importantly for the ability of the member to continue his parliamentary career.
Under the Corporations Act 2001, directors, including shadow directors, of companies trading while insolvent can face civil penalties of up to $200,000 and may be held personally liable for debts incurred. Recall that at the time of the collapse DV Kelly Pty Ltd owed $4 million to creditors. As you would be aware, under section 44(iii) of the Australian Constitution, any person who is an undischarged bankrupt is disqualified as a member of the House of Representatives……..

Mr ALBANESE: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. That raises a serious issue with regard to the liabilities that could potentially be incurred there and, in addition, to the potential penalties to which they would be subject.
Finally, we come to the question of the member for Hughes practising as a solicitor while at the same time serving as a member of the House. There have been reports that after ceasing employment with this company the member represented it in several outstanding legal matters. A search of court databases confirms the member's involvement in this litigation. I table another document.
I refer the House again to the resolution concerning registration of interests, in particular paragraph 2(j), which provides that members must declare any substantial sources of income. If the member for Hughes was receiving any income as a result of his involvement in these legal proceedings—even if only costs were incurred in DV Kelly's favour—was this otherwise an interest that might conflict with the member's official duties within the meaning of paragraph 2(m) of the resolution?
I submit the matters I have outlined today indicate the member for Hughes may have failed to satisfy his obligations under the resolution concerning registration of interests and in doing so may have committed a serious contempt against the House of Representatives. This is an issue that should be referred to the House Standing Committee of Privileges and Members' Interests. In my submission I ask that you consider these matters with a view to allowing precedence. I table the document…..

Mr CRAIG KELLY: Earlier today the Leader of the House made a number of assertions relating to me and my register of members' interests. His comments to the House were incorrect, and I would like to clarify the inaccuracies in those assertions.
The Leader of the House asserted that I am a solicitor. I am not a solicitor, and I do not have a law degree. I have never held myself out to be a solicitor nor made any representation to that effect to any person. I have not derived any income or personal benefit from any matters relating to this allegation.
The Leader of the House also asserted that I failed to declare my directorship of several companies. I took steps to resign my directorships of all companies named in August 2010. I provided instructions to my accountant to this effect. My accountant today has confirmed that this is correct, but he did not act on my instructions until March 2011 due to ill-health and hospitalisation on his behalf. At the time I completed my register of members' interests I understood the instructions had been implemented, and I believed them to be correct. I regret that the ASIC record did not reflect the circumstances that I believed to be correct at the time.
The Leader of the House also asserted that I am a shadow director of a company, DV Kelly Pty Ltd. There is no substance whatsoever to this allegation. Further, I have not, nor have ever been, a shareholder or a director of this company……….

Mr ALBANESE: In my statement I raised the question of whether the member for Hughes had been practising as a solicitor while at the same time serving as a member of the House. To assist the House, this was based on two judgments of the New South Wales Administrative Decisions Tribunal, one on 6 April 2011 and the other on 2 August 2011. In the 6 April 2011 document, next to 'Solicitors', it lists Mr Phillip Kelly and Mr Craig Kelly as 'agents for applicant'. In the 2 August 2011 judgment of the tribunal, next to 'Solicitors', it lists C Kelly as the agent. I table both judgments. I am advised that at the Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales it is possible to represent interested parties as an agent without being a qualified solicitor. I note the member for Hughes's statement that he was not acting as a solicitor during these hearings. The other matters raised remain matters to be considered by the Privileges Committee. I thank the House.


Questions over Liberal MP's family business collapse by Andrew Crook in SmartCompany on Monday, 12 March 2012 09:21  

Excerpt from Craig Kelly’s first speech in Parliament on 15 November 2010 :

A little over one year ago I was not a member of any political party, and I never had been, but I was someone with a fundamental belief in our free enterprise system. I was just an average Australian, someone working ridiculously long hours in a small family business and trying to do the best for his family. But I became deeply troubled that Labor governments not only had lost their way but had completely lost the plot and at every turn were heading our nation in the wrong direction.
I owe my presence here today to the democratic traditions of the Liberal Party, a party that embraces all those who share its values and a party that gives opportunities to those who join later in life.
I come to Canberra keen to put almost 30 years of hands-on experience in manufacturing, wholesaling, international trade, retailing and franchising to good use.  

A line of credit to DVK International Furniture Pty Ltd listed as an investment appears to be indicated in Kelly’s 2010 Statement of Registrable Interests.
Excerpt from the Administrator’s report concerning DV Kelly Pty Ltd and mentioning DVK International and Craig Kelly.

Fractured Political Fairy Tales: Once upon a time in Clarence.............

Nationals MP for Clarence ‘Steve’ Gulaptis addressed Clarence Valley Council on 15 May 2012.
His subject was listed in council minutes as an update on general NSW Government issues.

Given this NSW parliamentarian’s dismal record with achieving any balance between reliable facts versus spin, one has to wonder just how many erroneous ideas shire councillors now hold due to his presentation.


Mr Chris Gulaptis MP addressed Council and gave an update on general NSW Government issues affecting local government and/or Clarence Valley Council, including:
Gazettal of Clarence Valley Council’s LEP
New legislation regarding the dual role of councillors who are also members of the NSW State Government
Plans for councils to be given the capacity to do spot rezoning
Community Building Partnerships projects
Completion of Iluka sewerage facility
$70M Local Infrastructure renewal scheme
Legislation for councils to jointly manage libraries
$7000 relocation grant
Destination 2036
Planned review of the Local Government Act

Mr Gulaptis answered questions from Councillors regarding:
progress of a second bridge at Grafton
the upgrade of the Pacific Highway and the possibility of having State budget funds reprioritised and diverted to the upgrade
which organisations received Community Partnership Grants
floodplain management with a view to meeting with Mr Chris Holstein MP
proposed changes to the Local Government Act

Thursday 24 May 2012

Daily Examiner's leading opinion piece contains errors of fact

Without commenting on the merit or otherwise of the damages claims a number of persons have launched against the State of NSW in relation to the so-called 2010 Valentines Day Yamba riot, it needs to be pointed out that the local newspaper, The Daily Examiner, has started things off rather poorly with an opinion piece in today's paper. Written by Tim Howard, the piece contains errors that should be corrected.

According to Howard, the criminal trials were conducted "last year".
Wrong - the trials commenced in 2010 and concluded in 2011.

Also, according to Howard, the trials involved "a judge and his associate, the police prosecutors, eight barristers and two solicitors".
Again, wrong - the trials were conducted in the local court before a magistrate who did not have assistance of an associate. The adult defendants were represented directly by seven barristers and three solicitors. A fourth solicitor appeared as an instructing solicitor for two of the barristers.

Elsewhere in today's paper, Howard has a piece "Damages claims over riot arrests" where he wrote:

"Coffs Clarence patrol commander Superintendent Mark Holahan said he was aware a number of people were taking action against the police force.

He said, as the matters were the subject of legal proceedings, it would be inappropriate for him to comment on them.

He said court was the best place for these matters to be dealt with."

Perhaps Howard should take the Superintendent's advice. Otherwise, Howard and the paper may have to answer to a case or two of their own.

Source: The Daily Examiner, 24/5/12

Growing dirt pile is getting closer to NSW O'Farrell Government Resources and Energy Minister, Chris Hartcher - Part Two

Is this the clumsiest political cover up on record? What does it say about the veracity of the Minister for Resources and Energy generally? Should the NSW North Coast bear this (and other questionable issues surrounding the Minister) in mind when they weigh his undertakings regarding mining in this state?

The NSW Parliament Hansard for the Legislative Assembly records these questions on 23 May 2012:

Ms LINDA BURNEY: My question is directed to the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast. Why does the website of the lobbying firm Waratah Advisory list the Minister's chief of staff, Andrew Humpherson, as its principal with a contact number leading directly to his mobile phone?

Mr PAUL LYNCH: My question is to the Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast. Can the Minister guarantee that the mobile number listed for his chief of staff, Andrew Humpherson, on the lobbying website is not taxpayer funded?

After refusing to answer either question, the NSW Minister for Resources and Energy, Special Minister of State, and Minister for the Central Coast, Chris Hartcher, later the same day sought leave to make this statement to Parliament:

Mr CHRIS HARTCHER: I seek to give a supplementary answer to a question I was asked earlier. My chief of staff, Andrew Humpherson, worked in his own consultancy business for seven months up to March of 2011. His website has been dormant and was not switched off due to an administrative oversight. He transferred his mobile phone number when he commenced as my chief of staff. His LinkedIn profile confirms that his government relations business discontinued in March 2011.

This is the LinkedIn entry to which the Minister referred:

This is what that same entry looked like when the Google search engine cached it for posterity on 5 May 2012 18:18:03 GMT:

Humpherson’s company Waratah Advisory was still displaying on the Internet on 11 May 2012 at 13:30:58 GMT according to Google Cache and stated on one page; As the Principal of Waratah Advisory, Andrew Humpherson has over 30 years experience in politics and public affairs roles.

Whois listed as being owned by PRATTENMOORE PTY LIMITED** with the contact person being Andrew Humpherson.
Unsurprisingly on 23 May 2012 at 05:03:55 UTC Humpherson appears to have requested deletion of this record below – less than an hour (EST) after his Minister gave that highly misleading supplementary answer to Parliament.

Snapshot taken on 24 May 2012

According to The Sydney Morning Herald on 24 May 2012:

A spokeswoman for Mr Hartcher said Mr Humpherson changed the profile after it was raised in question time because it was incorrect.

Thereby admitting that the alterations were made before Parliament adjourned for the day and a Hansard proof had been posted online which would have alerted NSW Voters to what was afoot.

Updated on 16 June 2011, approximately two months after commencing as Hartcher’s Chief of Staff, Humpherson still had this entry online at Zoominfo:

** Rather interestingly, Prattenmoore Pty Ltd with its registered office listed in Chatwood NSW is elsewhere described as an investment company. Waratah Advisory appears to be one of the business names under which this company operates.


The Tony-Abbott-Andrew Bolt-Alan Jones Army out in force? WARNING: Coarse and explicit language

Finally, courtesy of ABC TV Media Watch some of the abusive emails sent to two scientists in Australia are reproduced with identifying details redacted.

Click on images to enlarge

U.S. Presidential Election 2012: Down and dirty in Romneyville

Although Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is publicly disavowing the 'battle plan' of the GOP-aligned super PAC, one gets the general impression that this tactic to smear Obama during the Carolina Democratic Convention being held 3-7 September 2012 falls well within the campaign strategy of the Romney camp.

Expect to see a significant Internet and social media presence by this pac then - starting with teasers hinting of dark clouds to come before a dĂ©nouement concerning the metrosexual black Abe Lincoln Barack Obama's past association with the African-American preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Wright was used as a character attack issue in the previous election campaign which saw Obama become U.S. President.

Full transcript of the Hollywood-based Strategic Perception Inc plan here.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Down Under: Yes, we are causing our own climate change


ScienceDaily (May 17, 2012) — In the first study of its kind in Australasia, scientists have used 27 natural climate records to create the first large-scale temperature reconstruction for the region over the last 1000 years….

Lead researcher, Dr Joelle Gergis from the University of Melbourne said the results show that there are no other warm periods in the last 1000 years that match the warming experienced in Australasia since 1950.

"Our study revealed that recent warming in a 1000 year context is highly unusual and cannot be explained by natural factors alone, suggesting a strong influence of human-caused climate change in the Australasian region," she said…..


American Meteorological Society Journal of Climate 2012 ; e-View:

Evidence of unusual late 20th century warming from an Australasian temperature reconstruction spanning the last millennium

Joëlle Gergis,1 Raphael Neukom,1 Steven J. Phipps,2,3 Ailie J. E. Gallant,1 David J. Karoly,1 and PAGES Aus2K Project Members

1 School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia

2 Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

3 ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


This study presents the first multi-proxy warm season (September-February) temperature reconstruction for the combined land and oceanic region of Australasia (0°S-50°S, 110°E-180°E). We perform a 3000-member ensemble Principal Component Reconstruction (PCR) using 27 temperature proxies from the region. The proxy network explained 69% of the inter-annual variance in the HadCRUT3v SONDJF spatial mean temperature over the 1921-1990 calibration period. Applying eight stringent reconstruction 'reliability' metrics identified post A.D. 1430 as the highest quality section of the reconstruction, but also revealed a skilful reconstruction is possible over the full A.D. 1000-2001 period.

The average reconstructed temperature anomaly in Australasia during A.D. 1238-1267, the warmest 30-year pre-instrumental period, is 0.09°C (±0.19°C) below 1961-1990 levels. Following peak pre-industrial warmth, a cooling trend culminates in a temperature anomaly of 0.44°C (±0.18°C) below 1961-1990 levels between A.D. 1830-1859. A preliminary assessment of the roles of solar, volcanic, and anthropogenic forcings and natural ocean-atmosphere variability is performed using CSIRO Mk3L model simulations and independent palaeoclimate records. Solar and volcanic forcing does not have a marked influence on reconstructed Australasian temperature variations, which appear to be masked by internal variability.

In 94.5% of the 3000-member reconstruction ensemble, there are no other warm periods in the past 1,000 years that match or exceed post-1950 warming observed in Australasia. The unusual 20th century warming cannot be explained by natural variability alone, suggesting a strong influence of anthropogenic forcing in the Australasian region

Aus2K project member data and other contributions from Kathryn Allen, Patrick Baker, Gretel Boswijk, Brendan Buckley, Matthew Brookhouse, Edward Cook, Louise Cullen, Mark Curran, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Pavla Fenwick, Anthony Fowler, Ian Goodwin, Pauline Grierson, Erica Hendy, Braddock Linsley, Janice Lough, Andrew Lorrey, Helen McGregor, Andrew Moy, Jonathan Palmer, Christopher Plummer, Chris Turney, Tessa Vance, Tas Van Ommen and Limin Xiong.

Corresponding author: Dr Joëlle Gergis, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, AUSTRALIA. Email:

20.500 ways to feel the Earth move

Click on image to enlarge

New results from NASA's NEOWISE survey find that more potentially hazardous asteroids, or PHAs, are closely aligned with the plane of our solar system than previous models suggested. PHAs are the subset of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) with the closest orbits to Earth's orbit, coming within 5 million miles (about 8 million kilometers). They are also defined as being large enough to survive passage through Earth's atmosphere and cause damage on a regional, or greater, scale.

This diagram shows an edge-on view of our solar system. The dots represent a snapshot of the population of NEAs and PHAs that scientists think are likely to exist based on the NEOWISE survey. Positions of a simulated population of PHAs on a typical day are shown in bright orange, and the simulated NEAs are blue. Earth's orbit is green.

The diagram shows that the orbits of the PHAs tend to be more closely aligned with the plane of our solar system, or less tilted above and below the plane, than the NEAs. This characteristic of PHAs was known before the NEOWISE survey. Now, NEOWISE has found the PHAs to be about twice as likely to have these "lower-inclination" orbits than previously thought.

To make these estimates, the NEOWISE project observed a small portion of the total PHA and NEA populations. The survey not only looked at the objects' orbits but also their total numbers and physical properties such as size. The latest results provide the best count yet of the total PHA population, finding about 4,700 plus or minus 1,500, with diameters larger than 330 feet (about 100 meters). These numbers are in loose agreement with prior, rougher predictions. The NEOWISE team estimates that about 20 to 30 percent of the PHAs thought to exist have actually been discovered to date.

In an earlier study, NEOWISE estimated that there are about 20,500 near-Earth asteroids larger than 330 feet, fewer than previous estimates.

NEOWISE is the asteroid-hunting portion of NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, mission, which scanned the entire sky twice in infrared light before entering hibernation mode in 2011.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Was Bronwyn having another bad hair day yesterday?

Not content with getting her marching orders from the House of Representatives earlier in the day, Bronwyn Bishop (the Member for Mackellar and former Minister for 'Kerosene Baths') fiddled with the truth when she spoke in the chamber later in the day yesterday.

Bronwyn Bishop (Mackellar) (18:49): ... I have had conversations with people who had abided by the previous scheme and kept their receipts and claimed them. They actually got more money back than they will get out of the cash splash, which the government has dressed up as an education bonus but requires no evidence of being spent on education at all.

Bishop was referring to the SchoolKids Bonus and what she failed to do was tell the whole story.

In a previous post clarencegirl pointed out:

"the federal government website states; The Education Tax Refund provides up to 50% back on a range of children's education expenses.

Seems Ms Bishop was speaking with well-heeled constituents who are going to miss out on the bonus because ... are you ready for the truth? ... they don't qualify for it. And why don't they qualify for it? Their earnings are such that won't get it because they don't need it.

Really, what Bishop was doing was speaking to prop up middle class welfare spending that should be given the drop-kick more often.

When political spin turns to reputation shred

From the sharp eye of Jonathan Green and Ash's Machiavellian Bloggery on 18 May 2012:

Kelly O’Dwyer and Senator Abetz started their spin cycle early. Kelly tweeted this with the caption “A picture paints a thousand words”.
@KellyODwyer: A picture says a thousand words (pic below)


Terrible isn’t it? On the surface it looks like another small business struggling in the patchwork economy. Another black mark for the government?

Kelly went on to tweet more “detail” to this picture.
@KellyODwyer: Business downsizes from 2 shops to 1. reduces staff from 3 to 0. Owner unhappy with Gillard Gov policy IR, Super and Carbon Tax
Well thankfully a little check of a website by one @greenj revealed a little different picture. And it seems Kelly has been a little negligent with the truth.


Please click on any of the photos below to see all of the stock in Shop2
Recently my original showroom, three doors down (1425 Malvern Road), became available again and as I hold the lease I’ve stocked it until relet.
Over the last four years I’ve been wanting to open another shop but not in Malvern as the mix of industrial, retro, glass and unusual items doesn’t quite fit this area.
I have called it Shop2 and will until further notice.

Shop2 is closing down as most stock is sold and now subletting, so having a clearance sale!

Over the last four years I’ve been wanting to open another shop but not in Malvern as the mix of industrial, retro, glass and unusual items doesn’t quite fit this area“. That’s what he said. Nothing about the carbon tax, IR policy, or Super. More about location, location, location!
Yeah that’s right! The shop is not ‘closing’ down, but having a clearance sale because business has been so good, they have run out of stock!
Thank you Julia!
And yes Kelly. A picture really does say a thousand words. A thousand words for fake come to mind.