Monday 19 December 2016

Maybe it's time to view this video now that the gun lobby is continuing to push for import of more fast-action shotguns into Australia

Meanwhile in Australia.........., 3 December 2016:

AUSTRALIA’S import ban on the lever-action Adler A110 shotgun can be lifted next year with a national agreement on a new D licence, limiting it to a handful of professional shooters.

In a major victory for the gun-control lobby, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and state premiers are now set to ratify the new rules when COAG meets on Friday.

The deal will act as a de facto ban, with the gun only able to be imported and owned by limited to a tiny number of professional shooters who specialise in pest and feral animal control on a D licence.

That is likely to trigger calls for a taxpayer-funded national buyback of thousands of retrofitted Adler shotguns already in the country that will be rendered illegal if they have a magazine capacity of more than five.

The Martin Place siege was the trigger for a review of the National Firearms Agreement and the current Adler import ban will continue until there is unanimous agreement with all jurisdictions about how to classify lever-action shotguns with a magazine capacity of more than five.

The Sunday Herald Sun can reveal the gamechanger was NSW Premier Mike Baird’s decision to roll his own Police Minister Troy Grant in cabinet on the controversial shotgun on Thursday.

It was revealed last Sunday that NSW Police had urged cabinet to stare down the pro-gun lobby with a tough D classification.

Mr Grant had publicly campaigned for a weaker B classification for the Adler shotgun in the lead-up to the Orange by-election in NSW that was won by the Shooters Party as the Nationals attempted to court shooters.

The NSW cabinet decision is pivotal, because there is ­already broad national consensus that the Adler should be ­reclassified as a D licence firearm and NSW was the final barrier to a resolution.

The Prime Minister confirmed the National Firearms Agreement will be on the COAG agenda on Friday.

Although COAG did agree to restricting the importation of Adler A110 shotgun, this is definitely a retrograde step as there is not a total ban on this weapon.

Changes to the National Firearms Agreement also have to go to state parliaments in 2017 for ratification.

ABC News reported on 10 December 2016:

Under Category D, the Adler will only be available to professional shooters under certain conditions.

However, the premiers and chief ministers will have to pass the changes through their parliaments first.

This may prove difficult for the Queensland Labor minority Government, where Bob Katter's Australian Party is threatening to block the restrictions and the LNP Opposition has not decided how they will vote.

"I'm confident that state national parties will stand by shooters and hunters and evidence-based policy making," Senator McKenzie said.

North Coast Voices readers may recall that the man behind plans to import the Turkish-made gun is Robert Nioa, the son-in-law of Bob Katter. 

Will Northern Rivers residents be able to believe what they read in many local newspapers in 2017?

Rupert Murdoch and News Corp own The Wall Street Journal.

According to @TerrySerioThe Wall Street Journal on the left was circulated in New York, while the one on the right was circulated in Texas, USA.

Murdoch and Newscorp now own The Daily Examiner, The Northern Star, Coastal Views, Northern Rivers Echo, Ballina Shire Advocate, Byron Shire News, Tweed Daily News and Rural Weekly which circulate in the NSW Northern Rivers region.

How reliable will the news content of these newspapers be in 2017?

Sunday 18 December 2016

Current Australian Real Gross Domestic Product figure is no reason to panic

Australia has enjoyed 25 consecutive year of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth.

This is what the last ten years of that growth looked like:

So  when that arch enemy of sound economic principles, Federal Treasurer and Liberal MP for Cook, Scott Morrison, starts yelling that the sky is falling and Santa Claus is dead – remember the only weapon in his armoury across all three portfolios he has held (Immigration, Social Services & Treasury) is The Big Scare.

Like all his big scares this one is designed as warfare against the weak and vulnerable, so expect the MYEFO (mid-year budget update) released tomorrow to be structured to deliver doom and gloom.

According to Yahoo! News: The last time Australia was in recession, Sale of the Century was on the nation’s televisions and people endured Bryan Adams’ (Everything I Do) I Do it for You as the number one song for 11 long weeks.

So if a 77 year-old Tony Barber isn’t fronting a new television game show this month and a 57 year-old Bryan Adams hasn't returned to centre stage from the musical back blocks he currently tours, then I suggest you don't have worry about an economic recession just yet.

Otherwise, enjoy your festive season in the sure knowledge that federal parliament is in recess until 7 February 2017 and therefore pollies can do no further harm for the remainder of 2016.

Just the sheer size and reach of the Trump Organisation's business interests has implications for U.S. foreign policy

For the last eighteen months in particular there has been media comment on the extensive business interests of U.S. president-elect Donald John Trump.

Since the November 2016 presidential election focus has intensified.

However, the U.S. Constitution drawn up in a simpler century teflon coats presidents - never having envisioned the likes of  Donald Trump.

The reach of Trump’s business interests are said to reach as far as Australia.

Given the man doesn’t seem to understand that the only ethical course would be to divest himself entirely of his business interests by placing them in a genuine blind trust not run by family members, close friends or business partners, so that both America and the world can have a measure of confidence in the his decision making as president, one can only look aghast at the potential for these business interests to fatally infect his presidency and U.S. foreign policy.

In July 2015 Donald Trump disclosed 515 U.S. and foreign corporations or partnerships in which he was either president, partner, chair, director, secretary, member and/or shareholder.

Forbes, 17 August 2015:

Under “Our Hotels” on the Trump Hotel Collection website, it lists six domestic hotels and six international hotels…..
The other hotels abroad are in Toronto, Doonbeg, Ireland, Vancouver, and Baku, Azerbaijan. (Toronto and Vancouver also have a Trump Tower.)
On the website for the Trump Real Estate Collection, nine international properties are listed, including two Trump Towers in India and one in Istanbul, another in Uruguay and another in the Philippines, as well as a Trump World in South Korea, among others.

Donald Trump has an interest in more than 30 U.S. properties, roughly half of which have debt on them according to The New York Times on 20 August 2016:

Debt on properties Mr. Trump owns or leases
40 Wall Street
Trump International Hotel*
Trump National Doral golf resort
Trump Tower
Trump International Hotel
167 East 61st Street
Trump Park Avenue
Trump National Golf Club
Colts Neck, N.J.
4-8 East 57th Street "Niketown"
Seven Springs estate
Mount Kisco, N.Y.
Trump National Golf Club Washington
Potomac Falls, Va.
Trump International Hotel and Tower
Trump International Hotel**
Las Vegas
1094 South Ocean Boulevard
Palm Beach, Fla.
124 Woodbridge Road
Palm Beach, Fla.
*This construction loan was for $170 million. The Trump Organization and Times sources confirm roughly $127 million has been drawn down on.
**This loan was worth $110 million in 2010. The Trump Organization says a Trump entity is responsible for $3.2 million of the debt outstanding. The Times could not confirm this.
Debt associated with Mr. Trump's limited partnerships/investments
1290 Avenue of the Americas
555 California Street
San Francisco
Starrett City / Spring Creek Towers
An internal Trump Organization corporate loan, which Mr. Trump says is worth more than $50 million.
Sources: RedVision Systems, Securities and Exchange Commission, New York Times, Bloomberg data, Trump Organization.
The New York Times compiled these debt estimates using bank documents, public filings and through interviews with the Trump Organization and people familiar with the debt who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to speak on the record about it.

The bulk of these liabilities appear to consist of mortgages maturing between 2016 and 2029.

The Washington Post, 16 September 2016:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection records, compiled by since 2007, give us a look at what has been imported by many of the businesses that are owned by Trump or use his name via licensing deals.

Trump has imported from the countries coloured red and many of the products bearing Donald Trump’s name appear to come from low-wage countries in East Asia.

Trump licensed his name to the Israeli vodka after a 2011 legal battle. Unlike the original Trump vodka made in Holland, the new version was popular as one of the few liquors that’s kosher for Passover.
Made by a crystal company in a small town in Slovenia, its first entry into the U.S. market.
Made in countries such as China and sold on in nearly 200 patterns and sizes.
Made in China.
Including cuff links, belts and eyeglasses made in China and other countries.
Trump’s cologne has been manufactured in and out of the United States.
Trump makes his clothing line abroad. The manufacturers are generally scattered throughout East Asia and Central America.
Chandeliers and lamps
Some of these products retail for more than $4,000. Made in China.
Trump Home sells furniture to consumers made in Germany and Turkey, but his own hotels often get furniture from massive distributors such as the multinational IHS Global Alliance.

Saturday 17 December 2016

The national shame of 2-4 August 2014 should never ever be repeated

"It is profoundly disturbing to witness the appalling treatment of this young woman at the Lock-Up on 4 August 2014. In her final hours she was unable to have the comfort of the presence of her loved ones, and was in the care of a number of police officers who disregarded her welfare and her right to humane and dignified treatment." [Excerpt from Western Australia State Coroner, coronial finding, 16 December 2016]

Just because it is beautiful........(20)