Thursday 16 July 2009

Tony Abbott touts his book

If anything was needed to convince that the Liberals' Tony Abbott talking up a return to fault-based divorce on the statute books was a cynical effort to puff up the recent publication of his book Battle Lines, this is it:

Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop said she was willing to talk about Mr Abbott's proposal if he wanted it to become the party line.
"What Tony's doing is putting forward, I gather, his personal views on a particular matter and we'll debate them if he wants them to become part of our policy," Ms Bishop told ABC Television on Sunday.
Mr Abbott had not brought the suggestion to the party room and there would be a "healthy and robust debate" if he did, she said.

Translation - this Federal Shadow Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs is not serious and wouldn't be taken seriously if he did push for a return to the bad old days.

If you want to hear more of Tony's outrageous book touting, he will be the guest speaker giving the National Press Club Address on 30 July 2009.

By then he should have garnered a few advance sales from those hopefully few Neolithic males still hiding out in our midst.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Queensland made a clean sweep of 2009 State of Origin ... well, that's what The Daily Telegraph told its readers

Queensland 28, NSW 16!
What game did Steve Jancetic watch?
No, Steve, NSW 28 defeated Queensland 16.

The image above was captured a few minutes after the game finished.

Steve, get yourself one of those T-shirts that carries the slogan

"Is that true or
did you read
it in
The Daily Telegraph?"

Image credit: The Daily Telegraph

All's well with the world as the rich keep getting richer

Sometimes it is hard to fathom how inequitable the global distribution of wealth is, particularly as the current economic crisis is affecting the relatively little advanced economies give to the hungry, ill and dying across the world from Africa and Asia through to the Americas.
Ordinary people who more often than not live on less than two dollars a day.

Or why the UN Millennium Project does not appear to be meeting its goals.

But never fear, the world is righting itself and greed is once again triumphing as a Goldman Sachs recent media release attests.

Yesterday the Goldman Sachs Group reported that total assets were worth $890 billion, total capital as of end June 2009 was $254.05 billion, with net revenues of $13.76 billion and net earnings of 3.4 billion for the second quarter of 2009.

Compensation and benefits (including salaries, severance expenses, bonuses, payroll tax etc.,) for the same period were $6.65 billion.

On 17 June it even repaid the $10 billion is borrowed from the U.S. Government and taxpayers in that over-the-top bankers feeding frenzy at the beginning of the global economic crisis.

Goldman Sachs Group media release, 14 July 2009

New York Times article, 12 July 2009

Photo: Google Images

Jules loves Mr. Squiggle & Mr. Squiggle loves Jules

Well done, Jules!

Images from The Daily Examiner

Big Ben's birthday reminds me that almost every event has an anniversary

On the weekend both radio and television were constantly reminding me that Big Ben (that very large clock in London) was 150 years old on 11 June 2009 (or 12 June if you were across the odd dateline) because it first struck time on that day.

Which had me thinking of what else happened in the ninth year of past centuries.

Here's my potted selection, with apologies to The Book of Key Facts (1978):

8009 Harun al-Rashid dies but the Book of a Thousand and One Nights gives him a good review
9009 The King of Wessex kicks Northumbrian Danish butt
1009 Persian poet Firdausi is almost finished his epic and is possibly running an early spell check to make sure history is suitably impressed with his efforts
1109 Lois of France and Henry of England diss each other and go to war
1209 Cambridge University is founded with an advanced undergraduate degree in punting
1309 The papacy moves from Rome to Avignon and a whole lot of religious angst is goin' on
1409 Teh English recapture Harlech Castle from those dastardly Welsh rebels
1509 Spain establishes the city of San Sebastian in Columbia as part of a bloody colonisation of South America
1609 Galileo Galili improves his telescope
1709 Afghan state wins independence from Persia and continues down history's page until she is owned by the Coalition of the Willing
1809 Napoleon divorces his Josephine but remains silent about his hemorrhoids
1909 Bakelite is born thereby making a whole collectors' genre for 21st century Australians
2009 Malcolm Bligh Turnbull 'discovers' an email and loses his 'judgment'

Want to shop locally for GM-free food?

So you want to shop for GM-free food? Well, good luck, because there is still no reliable product labelling in place across Australia.

The next best thing is to access the True Food Guide which at least broadly points concerned consumers in the right direction.
The guide now lists alcohol products.

Download updated 16-page True Food Guide here.

If you are blessed with a comfortable income, then Santos Wholefoods of Byron Bay and Mullumbimby offers an online GM-free, organic and natural produce shopping service.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Coastal erosion, land slips, seawater innundation, storm surges which may occur due to climate change - not covered by residential property insurance

Evidence given by Karl Sullivan of the Insurance Council of Australia to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Climate change and environmental impacts on coastal communities in June 2009 confirms that coastal residents are on their own when in comes to property damage from coastal erosion, land slippage, sea water inundation and storm surges and, in the future insurance premiums may be higher or insurance unavailable if there are no or insufficient climate change impact mitigation measures built into coastal residential properties.

This position has been well-known for some years now and yet the NSW Government and local councils continue to give rezoning, concept and development consents for urban growth in vulnerable coastal areas.

It is past time that all tiers of government stopped merely talking about climate change impacts and passed legislation which severely limits coastal development within at least a half kilometre of the coast.