Saturday, 4 June 2011
Australian and British attitudes to climate change: latest 2011 report
It would appear that more Australians accept the science behind climate change predictions than believe contrarians, denialists, propagandists and prevaricators like Tony Abbott, Nick Minchin, Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones and The Australian campaign against science.
Public Risk Perceptions, Understandings, and Responses to Climate Change in Australia and Great Britain: Interim Report
[Joseph P. Reser, Nick Pidgeon, Alexa Spence, Graham Bradley, A. Ian Glendon & Michelle Ellul, Griffith University Climate Change Response Program and Understanding Risk Centre, Cardiff University, 2011]
Australia-specific research findings1
71% of Australian respondents reported that their level of concern about climate change had increased over the past two years.
78% of Australian respondents agreed that, “If nothing is done to reduce climate change in the future, it will be a „very serious‟ or „somewhat serious‟ problem for
When asked, “How serious a problem do you think climate change is right now”, 45% of Australian respondents reported that it was a serious problem.
Respondent objective knowledge levels about matters relating to the underlying science of climate change and projected impacts were modest, with respondents
getting, on average, four to five out of 10 true/false statements correct. These findings are interesting when compared with respondent self-reported knowledge level, with close to 75% of respondents feeling that they knew a reasonable amount about climate change, suggesting that many respondents either overestimated or underestimated their own knowledge levels in the area of climate change.
The Australian survey findings with respect to perceived interrelationships between climate change and natural disasters are of particular interest. It is clear that the evidence and projected consequences which respondents refer to in the context of their belief and concern about climate change are often related to extreme weather events and natural disasters.
37% of Australian respondents reported having had direct personal experience with differing natural disaster events. Overall, public risk perceptions and understandings of the threat of climate change in Australia appear to be strongly influenced and informed by knowledge of direct or indirect experience with both acute and chronic natural disasters in the Australian environment.
59% of Australian respondents thought that the region where they lived was vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with two thirds of these respondents indicating that their location was „very‟ or „reasonably‟ vulnerable.
An important and neglected domain in climate change surveys relates to the possible psychological impacts of the threat and perceived environmental consequences of
climate change. Australian survey respondents completed a seven-item measure of experienced psychological distress with respect to the threat of climate change. 20%
of respondents reported feeling, at times, appreciable distress at the prospect and implications of climate change and its consequences.
1 A number of these specific findings are not reported or discussed in detail in the interim report, but will befully addressed in the subsequent final report which will be completed and available in July 2011.
More specific joint findings include the following:
74% of Australian respondents and 78% of British respondents believed "that the world's climate is changing", with 8% reporting "not knowing" in both countries.
71% of Australian respondents either "strongly agreed" or "tended to agree" with the statement, “I am certain that climate change is really happening”.
90% of Australian respondents and 89% of British respondents believed that human activities were playing a causal role in climate change.
54% of Australian respondents and 41% of British respondents believed that they were already experiencing the effects of climate change. Australian respondents provided many examples of direct encounters with what they viewed as evidence of climate change in open-ended survey items.
66% of Australian respondents and 71% of British respondents reported that they were "very concerned" or "fairly concerned" about climate change, with an additional 22% and 19% respectively, indicating some level of concern.
Australian and British respondents were only slightly less concerned with respect to the personal impacts of climate change, with 62% of Australian and 60% of British respondents reporting that they were "very concerned" or "fairly concerned".
A psychological variable of demonstrated importance in the context of climate change is perceived self efficacy, i.e., the extent to which people feel they can engage in actions that could make a difference either in their local or global environment.
The survey findings suggest that the majority of both Australian and British respondents feel that despite clear difficulties and challenges, their actions can make a difference, and that the issue of climate change is serious, urgent, and personally relevant.
Taken as a whole, these Australia/Great Britain comparison findings indicate striking similarities, high levels of climate change concern, and strong belief on the part of over 70% of respondents in both countries that human activities are in part responsible for current global climate change.
These findings also suggest that media coverage of public perceptions of and responses to the threat of climate change is often very wide of the mark, and that reported declines over the past several years in public concern about climate change and its relative importance as an environmental issue and threat have been overstated.
Download full report here.
Friday, 3 June 2011
Which Australian politician said this?
“I think there does need to be give and take on both sides, and this idea that sex is kind of a woman's right to absolutely withhold, just as the idea that sex is a man's right to demand I think they are both they both need to be moderated, so to speak.” *
* ABC TV Q&A, Religion, Sex and Politics, Thursday 19 March 2009
Women of New South Wales - Unite! Equal Pay Rally & March on 8 June 2011 in Sydney, Newcastle and Lismore NSW
Equal Pay for Women
Community Worker Equal Pay Campaign
12 noon – The Tram Sheds, Newcastle Foreshore Park, Wharf Rd, Newcastle
11am – Cnr Carrington & Magellan St, LISMORE, Northern NSW
On 16 May 2011 Fair Work Australia (FWA) ruled that the ASU and its Equal Pay Case partners have proved that social and community services workers in the not for profit sector are underpaid and that at least part of the reason for that underpayment is gender. However, FWA is seeking further submissions in order to determine the rate of increases.
The NSW O'Farrell Government is resisting equal pay for women and argued that:
- the previously agreed pay equity principles should NOT be applied – fundamentally calling on FWA to restrict the capacity for community workers achieve equal pay and set in law principles which will obstruct any future equal pay cases.
- the work of non-government community workers is not as valuable as the work of government workers doing similar work.
- increases in community workers pay should NOT be awarded...
We all need to take action. We have struggled for decades… the fight is not won.
On June 8 all equal pay supporters must rally in support of the Equal Pay Campaign.
The Strange World of Alan Jones
Michelle Grattan writes of 2GB Radio shock jock Alan Jones on 1 June 2011:
Jones “has agreed to be the founding patron of Australia's newest and arguably most extreme climate-science denier organisation - the paradoxically titled Galileo Movement.
This group's leaders aren't merely sceptical about mainstream climate science - they outright deny that the world is warming (the thermometers are in the wrong place). They scoff at the idea that human activity can cause warming (carbon dioxide is just plant food); and they even reject that global warming could be harmful (relax, do nothing - it's natural).
Instead, they fervently believe that it's all part of a secret ideological conspiracy by corrupt scientists using fake data to collude with greenies, socialists, libertarians and the United Nations to falsely alarm the gullible and enrich themselves by stealing our money and sovereignty. Fair dinkum.
Now that new movement has a familiar ring to it. Ah, yes – it’s the Monckton mob downunder.
The Galileo Movement Pty Limited which was registered in February 2011 and has a Crows Nest NSW address:
“has available expert advice from Australian and international specialists across all diverse fields of global warming including meteorology and climate science, palaeoclimate, physical sciences (physics, chemistry), life sciences (biology), social science (economics), formal science (mathematics, statistics), communication, law.
These experts include eminent professors, PhD's, scientists and people with diverse life experience including” {wait for it}:
The Movement was founded by Queenslanders John Smeed (who professes to be a retired company director with a diploma from QIT School of Mechanical Engineering who supports the Liberals) and Case Smit (another retired company director who claims a Bachelor of Science from a unstated institute of higher learning). The same duo who organised former journalist and climate change denier Lord Monckton’s antipodean tour in 2010.
This group now has its very own dedicated page over at Source Watch.
During May this year Alan Jones interviewed Professor David Karoly (who supports global warming as a scientific reality) and those Galileo Movement advisers Professors Bob Carter and Richard Lindzen, along with Timothy Ball another adviser - as well as Malcolm Roberts the Movement’s project manager.
Now I’ve only heard the Ball podcast listed as “Alan Jones speaks to Professor Timothy Ball about climate change and the Galileo Movement”, but I don’t remember hearing Jones declare an ‘interest’ in the Movement – did you?
Perhaps that’s something else the Australian Communications and Media Authority might consider if they again investigate this outrageous propagandist (previous investigation).
Galileo download webpage with all Alan Jones podcasts